v1.1 (2019-05-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- add needlestack logo in log.info #182
- add INFO field containing allelic frequency #174
- Add an option to only plot somatic mutations #149
- Make the main 3 processes pipe-friendly to avoid intermediate outputs #147
- Re-write pileup2baseindel.pl in C++ #146
- Flag possible cross-sample contamination of normal DNA in tumor samples #138
- Put ./. genotype when there is no power to identify a variant #137
- Implement Tumor-Normal pair somatic variant calling #133
- Add alignment plot in the PDF #73
- Make a script that would run needlestack without nextflow #72
Fixed bugs:
- max_dp default value in readme is wrong #176
- --help should exit 0 #161
- Manage bed specification for both bed and region #157
- Using renamed symlinks as input BAM files doesn't work with --use_file_name option #152
Closed issues:
v1.0 (2016-08-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Manage the three possible genotypes in vcf #130
- The graph showing AF vs log10(qval) should show phred-scaled qvalues #121
Fixed bugs:
- Contours seem to be incorrect #128
- correct file name extraction for sample name #126
- Let min_qval be equal to 0 #119
- plot improved error rate confidence interval #117
Closed issues:
- QUAL should not be reported as Inf in VCF when q-value=0 #125
- Add pipeline execution DAG in README #123
v0.3 (2016-05-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- color points by qvalues in regression plot #85
- Add an option to directly input a region for calling in the command line #71
- Improve the bed split method #47
- Change the number of entry in the INFO and FORMAT VCF fields #108
- Add contour lines for a set of qvalues in the plot #100
- Add an option to choose output VCF file name (--out_vcf?) #81
- Change the way we publish new version #69
- Make the stable docker file more stable #68
- Add more tests in CircleCI #55
- Remove unnecessary intermediate outputs #51
- In the absence of a bed file the pipeline should run on the full reference genome #39
- Improve R script command line parsing #38
- Add version numbers in VCF output #20
Fixed bugs:
- VCF files have to be sorted #110
- Sometimes large number in VCF files are written in scientific notations #109
- error when coverage is null for every bam file #99
- Calling doesn't work when a region contains only T in the reference #96
- Check that BAM folder contains bam files #66
- Check if the gzi is present if the ref is gz #65
- Verify the user inputs are correct #42
v0.2 (2015-10-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add logo image #62
- add --no_indel option #56
- Correct english typos in readme, help and log #53
- The pipeline randomly crashes with java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: XXX_empty.pdf #49
- Add information about the pipeline in the log #41
- Add program usage when launched with --help #40
- Change the way chromosome length is calculated #34
- Option
should rather be calledall\_SNVs
#33 - Choose a better name for the pipeline and change file names accordingly #31
- Add contigs in VCF header #25
- Move to IARC-bioinfo organisation repo #22
- Add a zoomed regression plot #21
Fixed bugs:
- The pipeline randomly crashes with java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: XXX\_empty.pdf #49
- QVAL is wrongly called GQ for indels #36
- Dockerfile always adds scripts from master branch #27
- CircleCI deploy.sh doesn't trigger correctly Docker Hub #26
v0.1 (2015-09-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Choose strand bias filter to apply #15
Fixed bugs:
- Pipeline crashed when no variant is found #14
- Cutting bed files with zero length regions was not working properly #10
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator