- test the slight differences in Markup
- only 1 space indent increments failed. Noe 2 spaces are used
- ...
- only 1 space indent increments failed. Noe 2 spaces are used
define an initial ID screen
- consider the DIG logo
- ...
- consider the DIG logo
Document the most reliable DefData triggers; like a residential move
Incorporate the Banks development at GitHub ideas
Craft scenarios that demonstrate the supporting Business opportunities
Started formatting this repo's wiki https://github.com/HwWobbe/DefinitiveData-DeltaAlerts/wiki (wiki)
test the GitHub command line Commands
- ...
HTML "ol" test fails
- The Subject's TrustedCustody is an essential prerquisite.
- evaluating Lambda methods as an enabling component
- Data persistence ( characterized as Volatile, Temporary, Static ) states are important factors & lists of persistent values.
- BlockChain technologies and encryption are needed components for TrustedCustody.
- GDPR is making a difference
- Content overflows into this repo's wiki.
- evaluating the new curbsideReports (including a lot of set-up work). Consider when to link to the version with ElS.