The scripts within this Microsoft Excel spreadsheet find the floodprone width of a cross-section on a stream.
Inputs for this script are LiDAR (or other DEM) stationing and elevation in meters. The cross-section elevations (bankfull, water surface, and thalweg) are required to find the bankfull max depth.
Floodprone width is used to calculate geomorphic dimensions of streams. Floodprone width is the elevation at which the cross-section is two times the max bankfull depth of a cross-section. At this floodprone elevation, the width is calculated. This used to be performed manually and non-consistently on ArcMap. Now the data can be pulled and calculated accurately.
Download the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to try the macros out.
These scripts were developed with Microsoft Excel 2010 and tested with both Microsoft Excel 2010 & 2013.
Michael Harris is the author of this script.
[StackOverflow] (
[LinkedIN] (
The basIntersection.bas was pulled from the internet back in 2013. Unfortunately, I didn't think to save the source.
This code is available under the [MIT License.] (LICENSEt)