For example, Intel NUC as the master device and HUAWEI Atlas200DK as the edge device.
first, find devices IP respectively.
sudo apt install net-tools ifconfig
take the master device (Intel NUC) IP as
and the edge device (HUAWEI Atlas200DK) IP as192.168.2.2
. -
# run vins on the master device (Intel NUC) export ROS_HOSTNAME= export ROS_MASTER_URI= roscore
(optional) compressed color images.
This step is required as the limited bandwidth.
If your image topic with compressed image topic originally, this step is not necessary.
# run vins on the master device (Intel NUC) export ROS_HOSTNAME= export ROS_MASTER_URI= rosrun image_transport republish raw in:=/d400/color/image_raw compressed out:=/d400/color/image_raw
Dynamic-VINS on the edge device (HUAWEI Atlas200DK)
# run vins on the edge device (HUAWEI Atlas200DK) ssh HwHiAiUser@ export ROS_HOSTNAME= export ROS_MASTER_URI= roslaunch vins_estimator openloris_vio_atlas.launch
rviz visualiztion
# run vins on the master device (Intel NUC) export ROS_HOSTNAME= #从机IP export ROS_MASTER_URI= roslaunch vins_estimator vins_rviz.launch