.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents:
Principle Investigator, Assistant Professor
Dr. Wang's research foucuses on integating multi-omics such scRNA-seq, spatial transcriptomics, and epigenetics to investigate dynamics of cellular states and the regulation mechanism in development and disease condition, using cutting-edge computaional techneqes including deep-learning, machine leaning and Baysian inference.
Postdoc Fellow
Shengyu graduated from a public, national research university with a Ph.D. in Computer Science, with a four-year research and development experience in machine learning, natural language processing, and bioinformatics.
Postdoc Fellow
Lingqun recieved his Ph.D. degree in Bioinformatics at Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017. He is focused on algrothm and software development. He is co-mentored by Dr. Guangyu Wang and Dr. Qing Yi.
Research Associate
Pengzhi has a solid background in Physics and worked as research scientist for three years in University of Houston. He will investigate the dynamic of cellular states and cell-cell communication.