GraphQL-Env provides a GraphQL environment with pluggable query optimizers (backends) for Python GraphQL servers.
For instaling GraphQL-Env, just run this command in your shell
pip install graphql-env
Here is one example for you to get started:
from graphql_env import GraphQLEnv
# schema = graphene.Schema(...)
graphql_env = GraphQLEnv(
my_query = graphql_env.document_from_string('{ hello }')
result = my_query.execute()
Quiver is a JIT compiler for GraphQL queries. It helps to improve serialization time by a factor of 5~10x.
Here is an example usage for Quiver:
from graphql_env import GraphQLEnv
from graphql_env.backend.quiver_cloud import GraphQLQuiverCloudBackend
# schema = graphene.Schema(...)
graphql_env = GraphQLEnv(
my_query = graphql_env.document_from_string('{ hello }')
result = my_query.execute()
Note: Quiver Cloud uses requests
under the hood. Systems like Google App Engine will
need a monkeypatch to requests in order to work properly.
After cloning this repo, ensure dependencies are installed by running:
pip install -e ".[test]"
After developing, the full test suite can be evaluated by running:
py.test graphql_env --cov=graphql_env --benchmark-skip # Use -v -s for verbose mode
You can also run the benchmarks with:
py.test graphql_env --benchmark-only
The documentation is generated using the excellent Sphinx and a custom theme.
The documentation dependencies are installed by running:
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then to produce a HTML version of the documentation:
make html