All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added - for new features
- Changed - for changes in existing functionality
- Deprecated - for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases
- Removed - for deprecated features removed in this release
- Fixed - for any bug fixes
- Security - to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities
- Unreleased - shows changes as they occur - allows users to anticipate new functionality.
- [Issue #300] Added wiki help for Linux Gradle Issue
- [PR #294] - Fixes JaCoCo Coverage Reports (by Evgeny Mandrikov)
- [Issue #286] - Work on feeding arrays into NAPI - can now read binary arrays (as Strings) directly from file or manually using ObservableSensor
- Fixed PassThroughEncoder and SparsePassThroughEncoder initialization of n and w
- Generified PassThroughEncoder and SparsePassThroughEncoder for efficient subclassing
- Added new SDRPassThroughEncoder which more efficiently sends data through to output and handles both dense and sparse inputs
- Added 2 new FieldMetaType Enums with their decodeType() methods for int[]s as Strings
- Added new tests in LayerTest, HTMSensorTest, ObservableSensorTest
- Removed nested local repo declarations from pom.xml and build.gradle files to finally fix maven project inclusion
-!! - Split off Demos/Examples repo which can be seen here
- Newly ported MonitorMixinFramework for algorithm monitoring and commandline printing of the internals of the TemporalMemory and can be used for other algorithms.
- [Issue #270] - Sync Up TemporalMemory with current version (evolved into total re-write)
- Moved the algorithms to the "algorithms" package from the "research package". The research package will be used for additions to research.
- The TemporalMemory now doesn't create container collections to wrap the paramter arguments to the compute(). This should result in faster executions and less memory consumption.
- Cells, Columns, Synapses now cache their hashcodes since they are immutable which should save time when using them as indexes to maps and during comparisons.
- Re-written unit and integration tests to use MonitorMixinFramework.
- Extracted all extraneous files and classes to make the demo jars smaller.
- Other small efficiency changes...
- BasicTemoralMemoryTest - from old integration test module
- TemporalMemoryPatternMachine - from old integration test module
- New Hot Gym Demo and landing page
- All demo jar sizes by taking out unneeded artifacts and files
- pom.xml Added In-Project maven repo as attempt to solve transitive dependency failure (not working)
- [Issue #260] - Add synchronous compute call to get an immediate response back in a "blocking way" in the same thread that calls the network. Solved in [PR #263]
- [PR #265] - Updated Javadocs for #260
- This change log
- 2 new demos "FoxEatsDemo" & "BreakingNews"
- Tests for the above demos
- Executable Jar files for the above demos
- New wiki pages for demo orientation and instructions
- New JavaDocs for demo packages and classes (2015-07-27, Brev Patterson)