diff --git a/bundle/lux.dist.mjs b/bundle/lux.dist.mjs index a4f9d76f..d1823ced 100644 --- a/bundle/lux.dist.mjs +++ b/bundle/lux.dist.mjs @@ -1,39 +1,40 @@ -var fC = Object.defineProperty; -var pC = (t, e, n) => e in t ? fC(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) : t[e] = n; -var bi = (t, e, n) => (pC(t, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, n), n); -import { get as Hy, transformExtent as dC, getTransform as mC, transform as Pb } from "ol/proj"; -import { register as yC } from "ol/proj/proj4"; -import gC from "ol/Map"; -import vC from "ol/View"; -import _C from "ol/layer/Image"; -import xC from "ol/layer/Tile"; -import { ImageWMS as bC, WMTS as wC } from "ol/source"; -import EC from "ol/tilegrid/WMTS"; -import { getTopLeft as SC } from "ol/extent.js"; -import TC from "ol/layer/Layer"; -import { toDegrees as MC } from "ol/math"; -import { toLonLat as IC } from "ol/proj.js"; -import * as kb from "ol/events"; -import OC from "ol/ObjectEventType"; -import CC from "ol/control/Attribution"; -import { CLASS_UNSELECTABLE as ME, CLASS_CONTROL as IE } from "ol/css"; -import OE from "ol/control/Control"; -import AC from "ol/control/FullScreen"; -import PC from "ol/control/Zoom"; -import kC from "ol/control/ZoomToExtent"; -import LC from "ol/format/WMTSCapabilities.js"; +var gC = Object.defineProperty; +var vC = (t, e, n) => e in t ? gC(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) : t[e] = n; +var bi = (t, e, n) => (vC(t, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, n), n); +import { get as Hy, transformExtent as _C, getTransform as xC, transform as Cb } from "ol/proj"; +import { register as bC } from "ol/proj/proj4"; +import wC from "ol/Map"; +import EC from "ol/View"; +import SC from "ol/layer/Image"; +import TE from "ol/source/ImageWMS"; +import TC from "ol/layer/Tile"; +import ME from "ol/source/WMTS"; +import MC from "ol/tilegrid/WMTS"; +import { getTopLeft as IC } from "ol/extent"; +import OC from "ol/layer/Layer"; +import { toDegrees as CC } from "ol/math"; +import { toLonLat as AC } from "ol/proj.js"; +import * as Ab from "ol/events"; +import PC from "ol/ObjectEventType"; +import kC from "ol/control/Attribution"; +import { CLASS_UNSELECTABLE as IE, CLASS_CONTROL as OE } from "ol/css"; +import CE from "ol/control/Control"; +import LC from "ol/control/FullScreen"; +import DC from "ol/control/Zoom"; +import NC from "ol/control/ZoomToExtent"; +import RC from "ol/format/WMTSCapabilities.js"; import { getRenderPixel as dy } from "ol/render"; -import { unByKey as DC } from "ol/Observable"; -import Lb from "ol/render/EventType"; -import NC from "ol/layer/Group.js"; -function RC(t, e) { +import { unByKey as zC } from "ol/Observable"; +import Pb from "ol/render/EventType"; +import FC from "ol/layer/Group.js"; +function BC(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { const a = e[n]; if (typeof a != "string" && !Array.isArray(a)) { for (const s in a) if (s !== "default" && !(s in t)) { - const h = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, s); - h && Object.defineProperty(t, s, h.get ? h : { + const f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, s); + f && Object.defineProperty(t, s, f.get ? f : { enumerable: !0, get: () => a[s] }); @@ -52,10 +53,10 @@ function Vu(t) { if (er(t)) { const e = {}; for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { - const a = t[n], s = Hn(a) ? VC(a) : Vu(a); + const a = t[n], s = Hn(a) ? GC(a) : Vu(a); if (s) - for (const h in s) - e[h] = s[h]; + for (const f in s) + e[f] = s[f]; } return e; } else { @@ -65,12 +66,12 @@ function Vu(t) { return t; } } -const zC = /;(?![^(]*\))/g, FC = /:([^]+)/, BC = /\/\*.*?\*\//gs; -function VC(t) { +const VC = /;(?![^(]*\))/g, UC = /:([^]+)/, jC = /\/\*.*?\*\//gs; +function GC(t) { const e = {}; - return t.replace(BC, "").split(zC).forEach((n) => { + return t.replace(jC, "").split(VC).forEach((n) => { if (n) { - const a = n.split(FC); + const a = n.split(UC); a.length > 1 && (e[a[0].trim()] = a[1].trim()); } }), e; @@ -89,24 +90,24 @@ function Pr(t) { t[n] && (e += n + " "); return e.trim(); } -const UC = "html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,hgroup,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot", jC = "svg,animate,animateMotion,animateTransform,circle,clipPath,color-profile,defs,desc,discard,ellipse,feBlend,feColorMatrix,feComponentTransfer,feComposite,feConvolveMatrix,feDiffuseLighting,feDisplacementMap,feDistantLight,feDropShadow,feFlood,feFuncA,feFuncB,feFuncG,feFuncR,feGaussianBlur,feImage,feMerge,feMergeNode,feMorphology,feOffset,fePointLight,feSpecularLighting,feSpotLight,feTile,feTurbulence,filter,foreignObject,g,hatch,hatchpath,image,line,linearGradient,marker,mask,mesh,meshgradient,meshpatch,meshrow,metadata,mpath,path,pattern,polygon,polyline,radialGradient,rect,set,solidcolor,stop,switch,symbol,text,textPath,title,tspan,unknown,use,view", GC = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu(UC), qC = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu(jC), $C = "itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly", WC = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu($C); -function CE(t) { +const $C = "html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,hgroup,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot", qC = "svg,animate,animateMotion,animateTransform,circle,clipPath,color-profile,defs,desc,discard,ellipse,feBlend,feColorMatrix,feComponentTransfer,feComposite,feConvolveMatrix,feDiffuseLighting,feDisplacementMap,feDistantLight,feDropShadow,feFlood,feFuncA,feFuncB,feFuncG,feFuncR,feGaussianBlur,feImage,feMerge,feMergeNode,feMorphology,feOffset,fePointLight,feSpecularLighting,feSpotLight,feTile,feTurbulence,filter,foreignObject,g,hatch,hatchpath,image,line,linearGradient,marker,mask,mesh,meshgradient,meshpatch,meshrow,metadata,mpath,path,pattern,polygon,polyline,radialGradient,rect,set,solidcolor,stop,switch,symbol,text,textPath,title,tspan,unknown,use,view", WC = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu($C), HC = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu(qC), ZC = "itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly", XC = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu(ZC); +function AE(t) { return !!t || t === ""; } -const Gt = (t) => Hn(t) ? t : t == null ? "" : er(t) || fn(t) && (t.toString === LE || !yr(t.toString)) ? JSON.stringify(t, AE, 2) : String(t), AE = (t, e) => e && e.__v_isRef ? AE(t, e.value) : Uc(e) ? { +const Gt = (t) => Hn(t) ? t : t == null ? "" : er(t) || fn(t) && (t.toString === DE || !yr(t.toString)) ? JSON.stringify(t, PE, 2) : String(t), PE = (t, e) => e && e.__v_isRef ? PE(t, e.value) : Uc(e) ? { [`Map(${e.size})`]: [...e.entries()].reduce((n, [a, s]) => (n[`${a} =>`] = s, n), {}) -} : kE(e) ? { +} : LE(e) ? { [`Set(${e.size})`]: [...e.values()] -} : fn(e) && !er(e) && !DE(e) ? String(e) : e, wn = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Object.freeze({}) : {}, xf = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Object.freeze([]) : [], ao = () => { -}, PE = () => !1, HC = /^on[^a-z]/, Fd = (t) => HC.test(t), mg = (t) => t.startsWith("onUpdate:"), Wn = Object.assign, _1 = (t, e) => { +} : fn(e) && !er(e) && !NE(e) ? String(e) : e, wn = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Object.freeze({}) : {}, xf = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Object.freeze([]) : [], ao = () => { +}, kE = () => !1, KC = /^on[^a-z]/, Fd = (t) => KC.test(t), mg = (t) => t.startsWith("onUpdate:"), Wn = Object.assign, v1 = (t, e) => { const n = t.indexOf(e); n > -1 && t.splice(n, 1); -}, ZC = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, jr = (t, e) => ZC.call(t, e), er = Array.isArray, Uc = (t) => av(t) === "[object Map]", kE = (t) => av(t) === "[object Set]", yr = (t) => typeof t == "function", Hn = (t) => typeof t == "string", x1 = (t) => typeof t == "symbol", fn = (t) => t !== null && typeof t == "object", b1 = (t) => fn(t) && yr(t.then) && yr(t.catch), LE = Object.prototype.toString, av = (t) => LE.call(t), w1 = (t) => av(t).slice(8, -1), DE = (t) => av(t) === "[object Object]", E1 = (t) => Hn(t) && t !== "NaN" && t[0] !== "-" && "" + parseInt(t, 10) === t, Zy = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu( +}, YC = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, jr = (t, e) => YC.call(t, e), er = Array.isArray, Uc = (t) => ov(t) === "[object Map]", LE = (t) => ov(t) === "[object Set]", yr = (t) => typeof t == "function", Hn = (t) => typeof t == "string", _1 = (t) => typeof t == "symbol", fn = (t) => t !== null && typeof t == "object", x1 = (t) => fn(t) && yr(t.then) && yr(t.catch), DE = Object.prototype.toString, ov = (t) => DE.call(t), b1 = (t) => ov(t).slice(8, -1), NE = (t) => ov(t) === "[object Object]", w1 = (t) => Hn(t) && t !== "NaN" && t[0] !== "-" && "" + parseInt(t, 10) === t, Zy = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu( ",key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted" -), XC = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu("bind,cloak,else-if,else,for,html,if,model,on,once,pre,show,slot,text,memo"), sv = (t) => { +), JC = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu("bind,cloak,else-if,else,for,html,if,model,on,once,pre,show,slot,text,memo"), av = (t) => { const e = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); return (n) => e[n] || (e[n] = t(n)); -}, KC = /-(\w)/g, ya = sv((t) => t.replace(KC, (e, n) => n ? n.toUpperCase() : "")), YC = /\B([A-Z])/g, ta = sv((t) => t.replace(YC, "-$1").toLowerCase()), Xc = sv((t) => t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1)), kc = sv((t) => t ? `on${Xc(t)}` : ""), Ed = (t, e) => !Object.is(t, e), Vp = (t, e) => { +}, QC = /-(\w)/g, ya = av((t) => t.replace(QC, (e, n) => n ? n.toUpperCase() : "")), eA = /\B([A-Z])/g, ta = av((t) => t.replace(eA, "-$1").toLowerCase()), Xc = av((t) => t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1)), kc = av((t) => t ? `on${Xc(t)}` : ""), Ed = (t, e) => !Object.is(t, e), Vp = (t, e) => { for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n](e); }, yg = (t, e, n) => { @@ -115,20 +116,20 @@ const Gt = (t) => Hn(t) ? t : t == null ? "" : er(t) || fn(t) && (t.toString === enumerable: !1, value: n }); -}, JC = (t) => { +}, tA = (t) => { const e = parseFloat(t); return isNaN(e) ? t : e; -}, _0 = (t) => { +}, v0 = (t) => { const e = Hn(t) ? Number(t) : NaN; return isNaN(e) ? t : e; }; -let Db; -const NE = () => Db || (Db = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : {}); +let kb; +const RE = () => kb || (kb = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : {}); function gg(t, ...e) { console.warn(`[Vue warn] ${t}`, ...e); } let pa; -class RE { +class zE { constructor(e = !1) { this.detached = e, this._active = !0, this.effects = [], this.cleanups = [], this.parent = pa, !e && pa && (this.index = (pa.scopes || (pa.scopes = [])).push(this) - 1); } @@ -170,64 +171,64 @@ class RE { } } } -function zE(t) { - return new RE(t); +function FE(t) { + return new zE(t); } -function QC(t, e = pa) { +function rA(t, e = pa) { e && e.active && e.effects.push(t); } -function FE() { +function BE() { return pa; } -function eA(t) { +function nA(t) { pa ? pa.cleanups.push(t) : process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && gg("onScopeDispose() is called when there is no active effect scope to be associated with."); } const Sd = (t) => { const e = new Set(t); return e.w = 0, e.n = 0, e; -}, BE = (t) => (t.w & Lu) > 0, VE = (t) => (t.n & Lu) > 0, tA = ({ deps: t }) => { +}, VE = (t) => (t.w & Lu) > 0, UE = (t) => (t.n & Lu) > 0, iA = ({ deps: t }) => { if (t.length) for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) t[e].w |= Lu; -}, rA = (t) => { +}, oA = (t) => { const { deps: e } = t; if (e.length) { let n = 0; for (let a = 0; a < e.length; a++) { const s = e[a]; - BE(s) && !VE(s) ? s.delete(t) : e[n++] = s, s.w &= ~Lu, s.n &= ~Lu; + VE(s) && !UE(s) ? s.delete(t) : e[n++] = s, s.w &= ~Lu, s.n &= ~Lu; } e.length = n; } }, vg = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); let Kp = 0, Lu = 1; -const x0 = 30; +const _0 = 30; let No; -const jc = Symbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "iterate" : ""), b0 = Symbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "Map key iterate" : ""); -class S1 { +const jc = Symbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "iterate" : ""), x0 = Symbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "Map key iterate" : ""); +class E1 { constructor(e, n = null, a) { - this.fn = e, this.scheduler = n, this.active = !0, this.deps = [], this.parent = void 0, QC(this, a); + this.fn = e, this.scheduler = n, this.active = !0, this.deps = [], this.parent = void 0, rA(this, a); } run() { if (!this.active) return this.fn(); - let e = No, n = Iu; + let e = No, n = Ou; for (; e; ) { if (e === this) return; e = e.parent; } try { - return this.parent = No, No = this, Iu = !0, Lu = 1 << ++Kp, Kp <= x0 ? tA(this) : Nb(this), this.fn(); + return this.parent = No, No = this, Ou = !0, Lu = 1 << ++Kp, Kp <= _0 ? iA(this) : Lb(this), this.fn(); } finally { - Kp <= x0 && rA(this), Lu = 1 << --Kp, No = this.parent, Iu = n, this.parent = void 0, this.deferStop && this.stop(); + Kp <= _0 && oA(this), Lu = 1 << --Kp, No = this.parent, Ou = n, this.parent = void 0, this.deferStop && this.stop(); } } stop() { - No === this ? this.deferStop = !0 : this.active && (Nb(this), this.onStop && this.onStop(), this.active = !1); + No === this ? this.deferStop = !0 : this.active && (Lb(this), this.onStop && this.onStop(), this.active = !1); } } -function Nb(t) { +function Lb(t) { const { deps: e } = t; if (e.length) { for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) @@ -235,30 +236,30 @@ function Nb(t) { e.length = 0; } } -let Iu = !0; -const UE = []; +let Ou = !0; +const jE = []; function eh() { - UE.push(Iu), Iu = !1; + jE.push(Ou), Ou = !1; } function th() { - const t = UE.pop(); - Iu = t === void 0 ? !0 : t; + const t = jE.pop(); + Ou = t === void 0 ? !0 : t; } function Bo(t, e, n) { - if (Iu && No) { + if (Ou && No) { let a = vg.get(t); a || vg.set(t, a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); let s = a.get(n); s || a.set(n, s = Sd()); - const h = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { effect: No, target: t, type: e, key: n } : void 0; - w0(s, h); + const f = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { effect: No, target: t, type: e, key: n } : void 0; + b0(s, f); } } -function w0(t, e) { +function b0(t, e) { let n = !1; - Kp <= x0 ? VE(t) || (t.n |= Lu, n = !BE(t)) : n = !t.has(No), n && (t.add(No), No.deps.push(t), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && No.onTrack && No.onTrack(Object.assign({ effect: No }, e))); + Kp <= _0 ? UE(t) || (t.n |= Lu, n = !VE(t)) : n = !t.has(No), n && (t.add(No), No.deps.push(t), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && No.onTrack && No.onTrack(Object.assign({ effect: No }, e))); } -function Vl(t, e, n, a, s, h) { +function Ul(t, e, n, a, s, f) { const o = vg.get(t); if (!o) return; @@ -273,16 +274,16 @@ function Vl(t, e, n, a, s, h) { } else switch (n !== void 0 && m.push(o.get(n)), e) { case "add": - er(t) ? E1(n) && m.push(o.get("length")) : (m.push(o.get(jc)), Uc(t) && m.push(o.get(b0))); + er(t) ? w1(n) && m.push(o.get("length")) : (m.push(o.get(jc)), Uc(t) && m.push(o.get(x0))); break; case "delete": - er(t) || (m.push(o.get(jc)), Uc(t) && m.push(o.get(b0))); + er(t) || (m.push(o.get(jc)), Uc(t) && m.push(o.get(x0))); break; case "set": Uc(t) && m.push(o.get(jc)); break; } - const g = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { target: t, type: e, key: n, newValue: a, oldValue: s, oldTarget: h } : void 0; + const g = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { target: t, type: e, key: n, newValue: a, oldValue: s, oldTarget: f } : void 0; if (m.length === 1) m[0] && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? ff(m[0], g) : ff(m[0])); else { @@ -295,27 +296,27 @@ function Vl(t, e, n, a, s, h) { function ff(t, e) { const n = er(t) ? t : [...t]; for (const a of n) - a.computed && Rb(a, e); + a.computed && Db(a, e); for (const a of n) - a.computed || Rb(a, e); + a.computed || Db(a, e); } -function Rb(t, e) { +function Db(t, e) { (t !== No || t.allowRecurse) && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && t.onTrigger && t.onTrigger(Wn({ effect: t }, e)), t.scheduler ? t.scheduler() : t.run()); } -function nA(t, e) { +function aA(t, e) { var n; return (n = vg.get(t)) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.get(e); } -const iA = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu("__proto__,__v_isRef,__isVue"), jE = new Set( - /* @__PURE__ */ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).filter((t) => t !== "arguments" && t !== "caller").map((t) => Symbol[t]).filter(x1) -), oA = /* @__PURE__ */ lv(), aA = /* @__PURE__ */ lv(!1, !0), sA = /* @__PURE__ */ lv(!0), lA = /* @__PURE__ */ lv(!0, !0), zb = /* @__PURE__ */ uA(); -function uA() { +const sA = /* @__PURE__ */ Bu("__proto__,__v_isRef,__isVue"), GE = new Set( + /* @__PURE__ */ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).filter((t) => t !== "arguments" && t !== "caller").map((t) => Symbol[t]).filter(_1) +), lA = /* @__PURE__ */ sv(), uA = /* @__PURE__ */ sv(!1, !0), cA = /* @__PURE__ */ sv(!0), hA = /* @__PURE__ */ sv(!0, !0), Nb = /* @__PURE__ */ fA(); +function fA() { const t = {}; return ["includes", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf"].forEach((e) => { t[e] = function(...n) { const a = hr(this); - for (let h = 0, o = this.length; h < o; h++) - Bo(a, "get", h + ""); + for (let f = 0, o = this.length; f < o; f++) + Bo(a, "get", f + ""); const s = a[e](...n); return s === -1 || s === !1 ? a[e](...n.map(hr)) : s; }; @@ -327,83 +328,83 @@ function uA() { }; }), t; } -function cA(t) { +function pA(t) { const e = hr(this); return Bo(e, "has", t), e.hasOwnProperty(t); } -function lv(t = !1, e = !1) { - return function(a, s, h) { +function sv(t = !1, e = !1) { + return function(a, s, f) { if (s === "__v_isReactive") return !t; if (s === "__v_isReadonly") return t; if (s === "__v_isShallow") return e; - if (s === "__v_raw" && h === (t ? e ? KE : XE : e ? ZE : HE).get(a)) + if (s === "__v_raw" && f === (t ? e ? YE : KE : e ? XE : ZE).get(a)) return a; const o = er(a); if (!t) { - if (o && jr(zb, s)) - return Reflect.get(zb, s, h); + if (o && jr(Nb, s)) + return Reflect.get(Nb, s, f); if (s === "hasOwnProperty") - return cA; + return pA; } - const m = Reflect.get(a, s, h); - return (x1(s) ? jE.has(s) : iA(s)) || (t || Bo(a, "get", s), e) ? m : hn(m) ? o && E1(s) ? m : m.value : fn(m) ? t ? YE(m) : hv(m) : m; + const m = Reflect.get(a, s, f); + return (_1(s) ? GE.has(s) : sA(s)) || (t || Bo(a, "get", s), e) ? m : hn(m) ? o && w1(s) ? m : m.value : fn(m) ? t ? JE(m) : cv(m) : m; }; } -const hA = /* @__PURE__ */ GE(), fA = /* @__PURE__ */ GE(!0); -function GE(t = !1) { - return function(n, a, s, h) { +const dA = /* @__PURE__ */ $E(), mA = /* @__PURE__ */ $E(!0); +function $E(t = !1) { + return function(n, a, s, f) { let o = n[a]; if (Du(o) && hn(o) && !hn(s)) return !1; if (!t && (!_g(s) && !Du(s) && (o = hr(o), s = hr(s)), !er(n) && hn(o) && !hn(s))) return o.value = s, !0; - const m = er(n) && E1(a) ? Number(a) < n.length : jr(n, a), g = Reflect.set(n, a, s, h); - return n === hr(h) && (m ? Ed(s, o) && Vl(n, "set", a, s, o) : Vl(n, "add", a, s)), g; + const m = er(n) && w1(a) ? Number(a) < n.length : jr(n, a), g = Reflect.set(n, a, s, f); + return n === hr(f) && (m ? Ed(s, o) && Ul(n, "set", a, s, o) : Ul(n, "add", a, s)), g; }; } -function pA(t, e) { +function yA(t, e) { const n = jr(t, e), a = t[e], s = Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e); - return s && n && Vl(t, "delete", e, void 0, a), s; + return s && n && Ul(t, "delete", e, void 0, a), s; } -function dA(t, e) { +function gA(t, e) { const n = Reflect.has(t, e); - return (!x1(e) || !jE.has(e)) && Bo(t, "has", e), n; + return (!_1(e) || !GE.has(e)) && Bo(t, "has", e), n; } -function mA(t) { +function vA(t) { return Bo(t, "iterate", er(t) ? "length" : jc), Reflect.ownKeys(t); } const qE = { - get: oA, - set: hA, - deleteProperty: pA, - has: dA, - ownKeys: mA -}, $E = { - get: sA, + get: lA, + set: dA, + deleteProperty: yA, + has: gA, + ownKeys: vA +}, WE = { + get: cA, set(t, e) { return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && gg(`Set operation on key "${String(e)}" failed: target is readonly.`, t), !0; }, deleteProperty(t, e) { return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && gg(`Delete operation on key "${String(e)}" failed: target is readonly.`, t), !0; } -}, yA = /* @__PURE__ */ Wn({}, qE, { - get: aA, - set: fA -}), gA = /* @__PURE__ */ Wn({}, $E, { - get: lA -}), T1 = (t) => t, uv = (t) => Reflect.getPrototypeOf(t); +}, _A = /* @__PURE__ */ Wn({}, qE, { + get: uA, + set: mA +}), xA = /* @__PURE__ */ Wn({}, WE, { + get: hA +}), S1 = (t) => t, lv = (t) => Reflect.getPrototypeOf(t); function my(t, e, n = !1, a = !1) { t = t.__v_raw; - const s = hr(t), h = hr(e); - n || (e !== h && Bo(s, "get", e), Bo(s, "get", h)); - const { has: o } = uv(s), m = a ? T1 : n ? M1 : Td; + const s = hr(t), f = hr(e); + n || (e !== f && Bo(s, "get", e), Bo(s, "get", f)); + const { has: o } = lv(s), m = a ? S1 : n ? T1 : Td; if (o.call(s, e)) return m(t.get(e)); - if (o.call(s, h)) - return m(t.get(h)); + if (o.call(s, f)) + return m(t.get(f)); t !== s && t.get(e); } function yy(t, e = !1) { @@ -413,40 +414,40 @@ function yy(t, e = !1) { function gy(t, e = !1) { return t = t.__v_raw, !e && Bo(hr(t), "iterate", jc), Reflect.get(t, "size", t); } -function Fb(t) { +function Rb(t) { t = hr(t); const e = hr(this); - return uv(e).has.call(e, t) || (e.add(t), Vl(e, "add", t, t)), this; + return lv(e).has.call(e, t) || (e.add(t), Ul(e, "add", t, t)), this; } -function Bb(t, e) { +function zb(t, e) { e = hr(e); - const n = hr(this), { has: a, get: s } = uv(n); - let h = a.call(n, t); - h ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && WE(n, a, t) : (t = hr(t), h = a.call(n, t)); + const n = hr(this), { has: a, get: s } = lv(n); + let f = a.call(n, t); + f ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && HE(n, a, t) : (t = hr(t), f = a.call(n, t)); const o = s.call(n, t); - return n.set(t, e), h ? Ed(e, o) && Vl(n, "set", t, e, o) : Vl(n, "add", t, e), this; + return n.set(t, e), f ? Ed(e, o) && Ul(n, "set", t, e, o) : Ul(n, "add", t, e), this; } -function Vb(t) { - const e = hr(this), { has: n, get: a } = uv(e); +function Fb(t) { + const e = hr(this), { has: n, get: a } = lv(e); let s = n.call(e, t); - s ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && WE(e, n, t) : (t = hr(t), s = n.call(e, t)); - const h = a ? a.call(e, t) : void 0, o = e.delete(t); - return s && Vl(e, "delete", t, void 0, h), o; + s ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && HE(e, n, t) : (t = hr(t), s = n.call(e, t)); + const f = a ? a.call(e, t) : void 0, o = e.delete(t); + return s && Ul(e, "delete", t, void 0, f), o; } -function Ub() { +function Bb() { const t = hr(this), e = t.size !== 0, n = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Uc(t) ? new Map(t) : new Set(t) : void 0, a = t.clear(); - return e && Vl(t, "clear", void 0, void 0, n), a; + return e && Ul(t, "clear", void 0, void 0, n), a; } function vy(t, e) { return function(a, s) { - const h = this, o = h.__v_raw, m = hr(o), g = e ? T1 : t ? M1 : Td; - return !t && Bo(m, "iterate", jc), o.forEach((b, T) => a.call(s, g(b), g(T), h)); + const f = this, o = f.__v_raw, m = hr(o), g = e ? S1 : t ? T1 : Td; + return !t && Bo(m, "iterate", jc), o.forEach((b, T) => a.call(s, g(b), g(T), f)); }; } function _y(t, e, n) { return function(...a) { - const s = this.__v_raw, h = hr(s), o = Uc(h), m = t === "entries" || t === Symbol.iterator && o, g = t === "keys" && o, b = s[t](...a), T = n ? T1 : e ? M1 : Td; - return !e && Bo(h, "iterate", g ? b0 : jc), { + const s = this.__v_raw, f = hr(s), o = Uc(f), m = t === "entries" || t === Symbol.iterator && o, g = t === "keys" && o, b = s[t](...a), T = n ? S1 : e ? T1 : Td; + return !e && Bo(f, "iterate", g ? x0 : jc), { next() { const { value: M, done: I } = b.next(); return I ? { value: M, done: I } : { @@ -460,7 +461,7 @@ function _y(t, e, n) { }; }; } -function hu(t) { +function fu(t) { return function(...e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { const n = e[0] ? `on key "${e[0]}" ` : ""; @@ -469,66 +470,66 @@ function hu(t) { return t === "delete" ? !1 : this; }; } -function vA() { +function bA() { const t = { - get(h) { - return my(this, h); + get(f) { + return my(this, f); }, get size() { return gy(this); }, has: yy, - add: Fb, - set: Bb, - delete: Vb, - clear: Ub, + add: Rb, + set: zb, + delete: Fb, + clear: Bb, forEach: vy(!1, !1) }, e = { - get(h) { - return my(this, h, !1, !0); + get(f) { + return my(this, f, !1, !0); }, get size() { return gy(this); }, has: yy, - add: Fb, - set: Bb, - delete: Vb, - clear: Ub, + add: Rb, + set: zb, + delete: Fb, + clear: Bb, forEach: vy(!1, !0) }, n = { - get(h) { - return my(this, h, !0); + get(f) { + return my(this, f, !0); }, get size() { return gy(this, !0); }, - has(h) { - return yy.call(this, h, !0); + has(f) { + return yy.call(this, f, !0); }, - add: hu("add"), - set: hu("set"), - delete: hu("delete"), - clear: hu("clear"), + add: fu("add"), + set: fu("set"), + delete: fu("delete"), + clear: fu("clear"), forEach: vy(!0, !1) }, a = { - get(h) { - return my(this, h, !0, !0); + get(f) { + return my(this, f, !0, !0); }, get size() { return gy(this, !0); }, - has(h) { - return yy.call(this, h, !0); + has(f) { + return yy.call(this, f, !0); }, - add: hu("add"), - set: hu("set"), - delete: hu("delete"), - clear: hu("clear"), + add: fu("add"), + set: fu("set"), + delete: fu("delete"), + clear: fu("clear"), forEach: vy(!0, !0) }; - return ["keys", "values", "entries", Symbol.iterator].forEach((h) => { - t[h] = _y(h, !1, !1), n[h] = _y(h, !0, !1), e[h] = _y(h, !1, !0), a[h] = _y(h, !0, !0); + return ["keys", "values", "entries", Symbol.iterator].forEach((f) => { + t[f] = _y(f, !1, !1), n[f] = _y(f, !0, !1), e[f] = _y(f, !1, !0), a[f] = _y(f, !0, !0); }), [ t, n, @@ -536,29 +537,29 @@ function vA() { a ]; } -const [_A, xA, bA, wA] = /* @__PURE__ */ vA(); -function cv(t, e) { - const n = e ? t ? wA : bA : t ? xA : _A; - return (a, s, h) => s === "__v_isReactive" ? !t : s === "__v_isReadonly" ? t : s === "__v_raw" ? a : Reflect.get(jr(n, s) && s in a ? n : a, s, h); -} -const EA = { - get: /* @__PURE__ */ cv(!1, !1) -}, SA = { - get: /* @__PURE__ */ cv(!1, !0) -}, TA = { - get: /* @__PURE__ */ cv(!0, !1) -}, MA = { - get: /* @__PURE__ */ cv(!0, !0) +const [wA, EA, SA, TA] = /* @__PURE__ */ bA(); +function uv(t, e) { + const n = e ? t ? TA : SA : t ? EA : wA; + return (a, s, f) => s === "__v_isReactive" ? !t : s === "__v_isReadonly" ? t : s === "__v_raw" ? a : Reflect.get(jr(n, s) && s in a ? n : a, s, f); +} +const MA = { + get: /* @__PURE__ */ uv(!1, !1) +}, IA = { + get: /* @__PURE__ */ uv(!1, !0) +}, OA = { + get: /* @__PURE__ */ uv(!0, !1) +}, CA = { + get: /* @__PURE__ */ uv(!0, !0) }; -function WE(t, e, n) { +function HE(t, e, n) { const a = hr(n); if (a !== n && e.call(t, a)) { - const s = w1(t); + const s = b1(t); console.warn(`Reactive ${s} contains both the raw and reactive versions of the same object${s === "Map" ? " as keys" : ""}, which can lead to inconsistencies. Avoid differentiating between the raw and reactive versions of an object and only use the reactive version if possible.`); } } -const HE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), ZE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), XE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), KE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); -function IA(t) { +const ZE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), XE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), KE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), YE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); +function AA(t) { switch (t) { case "Object": case "Array": @@ -572,30 +573,30 @@ function IA(t) { return 0; } } -function OA(t) { - return t.__v_skip || !Object.isExtensible(t) ? 0 : IA(w1(t)); +function PA(t) { + return t.__v_skip || !Object.isExtensible(t) ? 0 : AA(b1(t)); } -function hv(t) { - return Du(t) ? t : fv(t, !1, qE, EA, HE); +function cv(t) { + return Du(t) ? t : hv(t, !1, qE, MA, ZE); } -function CA(t) { - return fv(t, !1, yA, SA, ZE); +function kA(t) { + return hv(t, !1, _A, IA, XE); } -function YE(t) { - return fv(t, !0, $E, TA, XE); +function JE(t) { + return hv(t, !0, WE, OA, KE); } function pf(t) { - return fv(t, !0, gA, MA, KE); + return hv(t, !0, xA, CA, YE); } -function fv(t, e, n, a, s) { +function hv(t, e, n, a, s) { if (!fn(t)) return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.warn(`value cannot be made reactive: ${String(t)}`), t; if (t.__v_raw && !(e && t.__v_isReactive)) return t; - const h = s.get(t); - if (h) - return h; - const o = OA(t); + const f = s.get(t); + if (f) + return f; + const o = PA(t); if (o === 0) return t; const m = new Proxy(t, o === 2 ? a : n); @@ -620,15 +621,15 @@ function hr(t) { function ts(t) { return yg(t, "__v_skip", !0), t; } -const Td = (t) => fn(t) ? hv(t) : t, M1 = (t) => fn(t) ? YE(t) : t; -function JE(t) { - Iu && No && (t = hr(t), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? w0(t.dep || (t.dep = Sd()), { +const Td = (t) => fn(t) ? cv(t) : t, T1 = (t) => fn(t) ? JE(t) : t; +function QE(t) { + Ou && No && (t = hr(t), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? b0(t.dep || (t.dep = Sd()), { target: t, type: "get", key: "value" - }) : w0(t.dep || (t.dep = Sd()))); + }) : b0(t.dep || (t.dep = Sd()))); } -function QE(t, e) { +function eS(t, e) { t = hr(t); const n = t.dep; n && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? ff(n, { @@ -641,48 +642,48 @@ function QE(t, e) { function hn(t) { return !!(t && t.__v_isRef === !0); } -function Mr(t) { - return eS(t, !1); +function _r(t) { + return tS(t, !1); } -function Fn(t) { - return eS(t, !0); +function Bn(t) { + return tS(t, !0); } -function eS(t, e) { - return hn(t) ? t : new AA(t, e); +function tS(t, e) { + return hn(t) ? t : new LA(t, e); } -class AA { +class LA { constructor(e, n) { this.__v_isShallow = n, this.dep = void 0, this.__v_isRef = !0, this._rawValue = n ? e : hr(e), this._value = n ? e : Td(e); } get value() { - return JE(this), this._value; + return QE(this), this._value; } set value(e) { const n = this.__v_isShallow || _g(e) || Du(e); - e = n ? e : hr(e), Ed(e, this._rawValue) && (this._rawValue = e, this._value = n ? e : Td(e), QE(this, e)); + e = n ? e : hr(e), Ed(e, this._rawValue) && (this._rawValue = e, this._value = n ? e : Td(e), eS(this, e)); } } function ae(t) { return hn(t) ? t.value : t; } -const PA = { +const DA = { get: (t, e, n) => ae(Reflect.get(t, e, n)), set: (t, e, n, a) => { const s = t[e]; return hn(s) && !hn(n) ? (s.value = n, !0) : Reflect.set(t, e, n, a); } }; -function tS(t) { - return ss(t) ? t : new Proxy(t, PA); +function rS(t) { + return ss(t) ? t : new Proxy(t, DA); } -function jb(t) { +function Vb(t) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !xg(t) && console.warn("toRefs() expects a reactive object but received a plain one."); const e = er(t) ? new Array(t.length) : {}; for (const n in t) e[n] = ld(t, n); return e; } -class kA { +class NA { constructor(e, n, a) { this._object = e, this._key = n, this._defaultValue = a, this.__v_isRef = !0; } @@ -694,36 +695,36 @@ class kA { this._object[this._key] = e; } get dep() { - return nA(hr(this._object), this._key); + return aA(hr(this._object), this._key); } } function ld(t, e, n) { const a = t[e]; - return hn(a) ? a : new kA(t, e, n); + return hn(a) ? a : new NA(t, e, n); } -var rS; -class LA { +var nS; +class RA { constructor(e, n, a, s) { - this._setter = n, this.dep = void 0, this.__v_isRef = !0, this[rS] = !1, this._dirty = !0, this.effect = new S1(e, () => { - this._dirty || (this._dirty = !0, QE(this)); + this._setter = n, this.dep = void 0, this.__v_isRef = !0, this[nS] = !1, this._dirty = !0, this.effect = new E1(e, () => { + this._dirty || (this._dirty = !0, eS(this)); }), this.effect.computed = this, this.effect.active = this._cacheable = !s, this.__v_isReadonly = a; } get value() { const e = hr(this); - return JE(e), (e._dirty || !e._cacheable) && (e._dirty = !1, e._value = e.effect.run()), e._value; + return QE(e), (e._dirty || !e._cacheable) && (e._dirty = !1, e._value = e.effect.run()), e._value; } set value(e) { this._setter(e); } } -rS = "__v_isReadonly"; -function DA(t, e, n = !1) { +nS = "__v_isReadonly"; +function zA(t, e, n = !1) { let a, s; - const h = yr(t); - h ? (a = t, s = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? () => { + const f = yr(t); + f ? (a = t, s = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? () => { console.warn("Write operation failed: computed value is readonly"); } : ao) : (a = t.get, s = t.set); - const o = new LA(a, s, h || !s, n); + const o = new RA(a, s, f || !s, n); return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && e && !n && (o.effect.onTrack = e.onTrack, o.effect.onTrigger = e.onTrigger), o; } const Gc = []; @@ -737,23 +738,23 @@ function lt(t, ...e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") return; eh(); - const n = Gc.length ? Gc[Gc.length - 1].component : null, a = n && n.appContext.config.warnHandler, s = NA(); + const n = Gc.length ? Gc[Gc.length - 1].component : null, a = n && n.appContext.config.warnHandler, s = FA(); if (a) - Rl(a, n, 11, [ + zl(a, n, 11, [ t + e.join(""), n && n.proxy, - s.map(({ vnode: h }) => `at <${xv(n, h.type)}>`).join(` + s.map(({ vnode: f }) => `at <${_v(n, f.type)}>`).join(` `), s ]); else { - const h = [`[Vue warn]: ${t}`, ...e]; - s.length && h.push(` -`, ...RA(s)), console.warn(...h); + const f = [`[Vue warn]: ${t}`, ...e]; + s.length && f.push(` +`, ...BA(s)), console.warn(...f); } th(); } -function NA() { +function FA() { let t = Gc[Gc.length - 1]; if (!t) return []; @@ -769,30 +770,30 @@ function NA() { } return e; } -function RA(t) { +function BA(t) { const e = []; return t.forEach((n, a) => { e.push(...a === 0 ? [] : [` -`], ...zA(n)); +`], ...VA(n)); }), e; } -function zA({ vnode: t, recurseCount: e }) { - const n = e > 0 ? `... (${e} recursive calls)` : "", a = t.component ? t.component.parent == null : !1, s = ` at <${xv(t.component, t.type, a)}`, h = ">" + n; - return t.props ? [s, ...FA(t.props), h] : [s + h]; +function VA({ vnode: t, recurseCount: e }) { + const n = e > 0 ? `... (${e} recursive calls)` : "", a = t.component ? t.component.parent == null : !1, s = ` at <${_v(t.component, t.type, a)}`, f = ">" + n; + return t.props ? [s, ...UA(t.props), f] : [s + f]; } -function FA(t) { +function UA(t) { const e = [], n = Object.keys(t); return n.slice(0, 3).forEach((a) => { - e.push(...nS(a, t[a])); + e.push(...iS(a, t[a])); }), n.length > 3 && e.push(" ..."), e; } -function nS(t, e, n) { - return Hn(e) ? (e = JSON.stringify(e), n ? e : [`${t}=${e}`]) : typeof e == "number" || typeof e == "boolean" || e == null ? n ? e : [`${t}=${e}`] : hn(e) ? (e = nS(t, hr(e.value), !0), n ? e : [`${t}=Ref<`, e, ">"]) : yr(e) ? [`${t}=fn${e.name ? `<${e.name}>` : ""}`] : (e = hr(e), n ? e : [`${t}=`, e]); +function iS(t, e, n) { + return Hn(e) ? (e = JSON.stringify(e), n ? e : [`${t}=${e}`]) : typeof e == "number" || typeof e == "boolean" || e == null ? n ? e : [`${t}=${e}`] : hn(e) ? (e = iS(t, hr(e.value), !0), n ? e : [`${t}=Ref<`, e, ">"]) : yr(e) ? [`${t}=fn${e.name ? `<${e.name}>` : ""}`] : (e = hr(e), n ? e : [`${t}=`, e]); } -function BA(t, e) { +function jA(t, e) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && t !== void 0 && (typeof t != "number" ? lt(`${e} is not a valid number - got ${JSON.stringify(t)}.`) : isNaN(t) && lt(`${e} is NaN - the duration expression might be incorrect.`)); } -const I1 = { +const M1 = { sp: "serverPrefetch hook", bc: "beforeCreate hook", c: "created hook", @@ -823,114 +824,114 @@ const I1 = { [13]: "async component loader", [14]: "scheduler flush. This is likely a Vue internals bug. Please open an issue at https://new-issue.vuejs.org/?repo=vuejs/core" }; -function Rl(t, e, n, a) { +function zl(t, e, n, a) { let s; try { s = a ? t(...a) : t(); - } catch (h) { - pv(h, e, n); + } catch (f) { + fv(f, e, n); } return s; } function La(t, e, n, a) { if (yr(t)) { - const h = Rl(t, e, n, a); - return h && b1(h) && h.catch((o) => { - pv(o, e, n); - }), h; + const f = zl(t, e, n, a); + return f && x1(f) && f.catch((o) => { + fv(o, e, n); + }), f; } const s = []; - for (let h = 0; h < t.length; h++) - s.push(La(t[h], e, n, a)); + for (let f = 0; f < t.length; f++) + s.push(La(t[f], e, n, a)); return s; } -function pv(t, e, n, a = !0) { +function fv(t, e, n, a = !0) { const s = e ? e.vnode : null; if (e) { - let h = e.parent; - const o = e.proxy, m = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? I1[n] : n; - for (; h; ) { - const b = h.ec; + let f = e.parent; + const o = e.proxy, m = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? M1[n] : n; + for (; f; ) { + const b = f.ec; if (b) { for (let T = 0; T < b.length; T++) if (b[T](t, o, m) === !1) return; } - h = h.parent; + f = f.parent; } const g = e.appContext.config.errorHandler; if (g) { - Rl(g, null, 10, [t, o, m]); + zl(g, null, 10, [t, o, m]); return; } } - VA(t, n, s, a); + GA(t, n, s, a); } -function VA(t, e, n, a = !0) { +function GA(t, e, n, a = !0) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const s = I1[e]; + const s = M1[e]; if (n && Xy(n), lt(`Unhandled error${s ? ` during execution of ${s}` : ""}`), n && Ky(), a) throw t; console.error(t); } else console.error(t); } -let Md = !1, E0 = !1; +let Md = !1, w0 = !1; const xo = []; -let Bs = 0; +let Vs = 0; const bf = []; -let zs = null, vu = 0; -const iS = /* @__PURE__ */ Promise.resolve(); -let O1 = null; -const UA = 100; +let Fs = null, _u = 0; +const oS = /* @__PURE__ */ Promise.resolve(); +let I1 = null; +const $A = 100; function bg(t) { - const e = O1 || iS; + const e = I1 || oS; return t ? e.then(this ? t.bind(this) : t) : e; } -function jA(t) { - let e = Bs + 1, n = xo.length; +function qA(t) { + let e = Vs + 1, n = xo.length; for (; e < n; ) { const a = e + n >>> 1; Id(xo[a]) < t ? e = a + 1 : n = a; } return e; } -function dv(t) { - (!xo.length || !xo.includes(t, Md && t.allowRecurse ? Bs + 1 : Bs)) && (t.id == null ? xo.push(t) : xo.splice(jA(t.id), 0, t), oS()); +function pv(t) { + (!xo.length || !xo.includes(t, Md && t.allowRecurse ? Vs + 1 : Vs)) && (t.id == null ? xo.push(t) : xo.splice(qA(t.id), 0, t), aS()); } -function oS() { - !Md && !E0 && (E0 = !0, O1 = iS.then(lS)); +function aS() { + !Md && !w0 && (w0 = !0, I1 = oS.then(uS)); } -function GA(t) { +function WA(t) { const e = xo.indexOf(t); - e > Bs && xo.splice(e, 1); + e > Vs && xo.splice(e, 1); } -function aS(t) { - er(t) ? bf.push(...t) : (!zs || !zs.includes(t, t.allowRecurse ? vu + 1 : vu)) && bf.push(t), oS(); +function sS(t) { + er(t) ? bf.push(...t) : (!Fs || !Fs.includes(t, t.allowRecurse ? _u + 1 : _u)) && bf.push(t), aS(); } -function Gb(t, e = Md ? Bs + 1 : 0) { +function Ub(t, e = Md ? Vs + 1 : 0) { for (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (t = t || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); e < xo.length; e++) { const n = xo[e]; if (n && n.pre) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && C1(t, n)) + if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && O1(t, n)) continue; xo.splice(e, 1), e--, n(); } } } -function sS(t) { +function lS(t) { if (bf.length) { const e = [...new Set(bf)]; - if (bf.length = 0, zs) { - zs.push(...e); + if (bf.length = 0, Fs) { + Fs.push(...e); return; } - for (zs = e, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (t = t || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), zs.sort((n, a) => Id(n) - Id(a)), vu = 0; vu < zs.length; vu++) - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && C1(t, zs[vu]) || zs[vu](); - zs = null, vu = 0; + for (Fs = e, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (t = t || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), Fs.sort((n, a) => Id(n) - Id(a)), _u = 0; _u < Fs.length; _u++) + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && O1(t, Fs[_u]) || Fs[_u](); + Fs = null, _u = 0; } } -const Id = (t) => t.id == null ? 1 / 0 : t.id, qA = (t, e) => { +const Id = (t) => t.id == null ? 1 / 0 : t.id, HA = (t, e) => { const n = Id(t) - Id(e); if (n === 0) { if (t.pre && !e.pre) @@ -940,51 +941,51 @@ const Id = (t) => t.id == null ? 1 / 0 : t.id, qA = (t, e) => { } return n; }; -function lS(t) { - E0 = !1, Md = !0, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (t = t || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), xo.sort(qA); - const e = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? (n) => C1(t, n) : ao; +function uS(t) { + w0 = !1, Md = !0, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (t = t || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), xo.sort(HA); + const e = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? (n) => O1(t, n) : ao; try { - for (Bs = 0; Bs < xo.length; Bs++) { - const n = xo[Bs]; + for (Vs = 0; Vs < xo.length; Vs++) { + const n = xo[Vs]; if (n && n.active !== !1) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && e(n)) continue; - Rl(n, null, 14); + zl(n, null, 14); } } } finally { - Bs = 0, xo.length = 0, sS(t), Md = !1, O1 = null, (xo.length || bf.length) && lS(t); + Vs = 0, xo.length = 0, lS(t), Md = !1, I1 = null, (xo.length || bf.length) && uS(t); } } -function C1(t, e) { +function O1(t, e) { if (!t.has(e)) t.set(e, 1); else { const n = t.get(e); - if (n > UA) { - const a = e.ownerInstance, s = a && R1(a.type); + if (n > $A) { + const a = e.ownerInstance, s = a && N1(a.type); return lt(`Maximum recursive updates exceeded${s ? ` in component <${s}>` : ""}. This means you have a reactive effect that is mutating its own dependencies and thus recursively triggering itself. Possible sources include component template, render function, updated hook or watcher source function.`), !0; } else t.set(e, n + 1); } } -let Ou = !1; +let Cu = !1; const uf = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (NE().__VUE_HMR_RUNTIME__ = { - createRecord: I_(uS), - rerender: I_(HA), - reload: I_(ZA) +process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (RE().__VUE_HMR_RUNTIME__ = { + createRecord: M_(cS), + rerender: M_(KA), + reload: M_(YA) }); const Kc = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); -function $A(t) { +function ZA(t) { const e = t.type.__hmrId; let n = Kc.get(e); - n || (uS(e, t.type), n = Kc.get(e)), n.instances.add(t); + n || (cS(e, t.type), n = Kc.get(e)), n.instances.add(t); } -function WA(t) { +function XA(t) { Kc.get(t.type.__hmrId).instances.delete(t); } -function uS(t, e) { +function cS(t, e) { return Kc.has(t) ? !1 : (Kc.set(t, { initialDef: ud(e), instances: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() @@ -993,33 +994,33 @@ function uS(t, e) { function ud(t) { return qS(t) ? t.__vccOpts : t; } -function HA(t, e) { +function KA(t, e) { const n = Kc.get(t); !n || (n.initialDef.render = e, [...n.instances].forEach((a) => { - e && (a.render = e, ud(a.type).render = e), a.renderCache = [], Ou = !0, a.update(), Ou = !1; + e && (a.render = e, ud(a.type).render = e), a.renderCache = [], Cu = !0, a.update(), Cu = !1; })); } -function ZA(t, e) { +function YA(t, e) { const n = Kc.get(t); if (!n) return; - e = ud(e), qb(n.initialDef, e); + e = ud(e), jb(n.initialDef, e); const a = [...n.instances]; for (const s of a) { - const h = ud(s.type); - uf.has(h) || (h !== n.initialDef && qb(h, e), uf.add(h)), s.appContext.optionsCache.delete(s.type), s.ceReload ? (uf.add(h), s.ceReload(e.styles), uf.delete(h)) : s.parent ? dv(s.parent.update) : s.appContext.reload ? s.appContext.reload() : typeof window < "u" ? window.location.reload() : console.warn("[HMR] Root or manually mounted instance modified. Full reload required."); + const f = ud(s.type); + uf.has(f) || (f !== n.initialDef && jb(f, e), uf.add(f)), s.appContext.optionsCache.delete(s.type), s.ceReload ? (uf.add(f), s.ceReload(e.styles), uf.delete(f)) : s.parent ? pv(s.parent.update) : s.appContext.reload ? s.appContext.reload() : typeof window < "u" ? window.location.reload() : console.warn("[HMR] Root or manually mounted instance modified. Full reload required."); } - aS(() => { + sS(() => { for (const s of a) uf.delete(ud(s.type)); }); } -function qb(t, e) { +function jb(t, e) { Wn(t, e); for (const n in t) n !== "__file" && !(n in e) && delete t[n]; } -function I_(t) { +function M_(t) { return (e, n) => { try { return t(e, n); @@ -1028,19 +1029,19 @@ function I_(t) { } }; } -let Vs, Yp = [], S0 = !1; +let Us, Yp = [], E0 = !1; function Bd(t, ...e) { - Vs ? Vs.emit(t, ...e) : S0 || Yp.push({ event: t, args: e }); + Us ? Us.emit(t, ...e) : E0 || Yp.push({ event: t, args: e }); } -function cS(t, e) { +function hS(t, e) { var n, a; - Vs = t, Vs ? (Vs.enabled = !0, Yp.forEach(({ event: s, args: h }) => Vs.emit(s, ...h)), Yp = []) : typeof window < "u" && window.HTMLElement && !(!((a = (n = window.navigator) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.userAgent) === null || a === void 0) && a.includes("jsdom")) ? ((e.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ = e.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ || []).push((h) => { - cS(h, e); + Us = t, Us ? (Us.enabled = !0, Yp.forEach(({ event: s, args: f }) => Us.emit(s, ...f)), Yp = []) : typeof window < "u" && window.HTMLElement && !(!((a = (n = window.navigator) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.userAgent) === null || a === void 0) && a.includes("jsdom")) ? ((e.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ = e.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ || []).push((f) => { + hS(f, e); }), setTimeout(() => { - Vs || (e.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ = null, S0 = !0, Yp = []); - }, 3e3)) : (S0 = !0, Yp = []); + Us || (e.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ = null, E0 = !0, Yp = []); + }, 3e3)) : (E0 = !0, Yp = []); } -function XA(t, e) { +function JA(t, e) { Bd("app:init", t, e, { Fragment: cn, Text: jd, @@ -1048,27 +1049,27 @@ function XA(t, e) { Static: Yy }); } -function KA(t) { +function QA(t) { Bd("app:unmount", t); } -const YA = /* @__PURE__ */ A1("component:added"), hS = /* @__PURE__ */ A1("component:updated"), JA = /* @__PURE__ */ A1("component:removed"), QA = (t) => { - Vs && typeof Vs.cleanupBuffer == "function" && !Vs.cleanupBuffer(t) && JA(t); +const eP = /* @__PURE__ */ C1("component:added"), fS = /* @__PURE__ */ C1("component:updated"), tP = /* @__PURE__ */ C1("component:removed"), rP = (t) => { + Us && typeof Us.cleanupBuffer == "function" && !Us.cleanupBuffer(t) && tP(t); }; -function A1(t) { +function C1(t) { return (e) => { Bd(t, e.appContext.app, e.uid, e.parent ? e.parent.uid : void 0, e); }; } -const eP = /* @__PURE__ */ fS("perf:start"), tP = /* @__PURE__ */ fS("perf:end"); -function fS(t) { +const nP = /* @__PURE__ */ pS("perf:start"), iP = /* @__PURE__ */ pS("perf:end"); +function pS(t) { return (e, n, a) => { Bd(t, e.appContext.app, e.uid, e, n, a); }; } -function rP(t, e, n) { +function oP(t, e, n) { Bd("component:emit", t.appContext.app, t, e, n); } -function nP(t, e, ...n) { +function aP(t, e, ...n) { if (t.isUnmounted) return; const a = t.vnode.props || wn; @@ -1083,17 +1084,17 @@ function nP(t, e, ...n) { } } let s = n; - const h = e.startsWith("update:"), o = h && e.slice(7); + const f = e.startsWith("update:"), o = f && e.slice(7); if (o && o in a) { const T = `${o === "modelValue" ? "model" : o}Modifiers`, { number: M, trim: I } = a[T] || wn; - I && (s = n.map((P) => Hn(P) ? P.trim() : P)), M && (s = n.map(JC)); + I && (s = n.map((P) => Hn(P) ? P.trim() : P)), M && (s = n.map(tA)); } - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && rP(t, e, s), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { + if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && oP(t, e, s), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { const T = e.toLowerCase(); - T !== e && a[kc(T)] && lt(`Event "${T}" is emitted in component ${xv(t, t.type)} but the handler is registered for "${e}". Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and you cannot use v-on to listen to camelCase events when using in-DOM templates. You should probably use "${ta(e)}" instead of "${e}".`); + T !== e && a[kc(T)] && lt(`Event "${T}" is emitted in component ${_v(t, t.type)} but the handler is registered for "${e}". Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and you cannot use v-on to listen to camelCase events when using in-DOM templates. You should probably use "${ta(e)}" instead of "${e}".`); } let m, g = a[m = kc(e)] || a[m = kc(ya(e))]; - !g && h && (g = a[m = kc(ta(e))]), g && La(g, t, 6, s); + !g && f && (g = a[m = kc(ta(e))]), g && La(g, t, 6, s); const b = a[m + "Once"]; if (b) { if (!t.emitted) @@ -1103,99 +1104,99 @@ function nP(t, e, ...n) { t.emitted[m] = !0, La(b, t, 6, s); } } -function pS(t, e, n = !1) { +function dS(t, e, n = !1) { const a = e.emitsCache, s = a.get(t); if (s !== void 0) return s; - const h = t.emits; + const f = t.emits; let o = {}, m = !1; if (!yr(t)) { const g = (b) => { - const T = pS(b, e, !0); + const T = dS(b, e, !0); T && (m = !0, Wn(o, T)); }; !n && e.mixins.length && e.mixins.forEach(g), t.extends && g(t.extends), t.mixins && t.mixins.forEach(g); } - return !h && !m ? (fn(t) && a.set(t, null), null) : (er(h) ? h.forEach((g) => o[g] = null) : Wn(o, h), fn(t) && a.set(t, o), o); + return !f && !m ? (fn(t) && a.set(t, null), null) : (er(f) ? f.forEach((g) => o[g] = null) : Wn(o, f), fn(t) && a.set(t, o), o); } -function mv(t, e) { +function dv(t, e) { return !t || !Fd(e) ? !1 : (e = e.slice(2).replace(/Once$/, ""), jr(t, e[0].toLowerCase() + e.slice(1)) || jr(t, ta(e)) || jr(t, e)); } -let zi = null, dS = null; +let zi = null, mS = null; function wg(t) { const e = zi; - return zi = t, dS = t && t.type.__scopeId || null, e; + return zi = t, mS = t && t.type.__scopeId || null, e; } function Vd(t, e = zi, n) { if (!e || t._n) return t; const a = (...s) => { - a._d && nw(-1); - const h = wg(e); + a._d && tw(-1); + const f = wg(e); let o; try { o = t(...s); } finally { - wg(h), a._d && nw(1); + wg(f), a._d && tw(1); } - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && hS(e), o; + return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && fS(e), o; }; return a._n = !0, a._c = !0, a._d = !0, a; } -let T0 = !1; +let S0 = !1; function Eg() { - T0 = !0; + S0 = !0; } -function O_(t) { - const { type: e, vnode: n, proxy: a, withProxy: s, props: h, propsOptions: [o], slots: m, attrs: g, emit: b, render: T, renderCache: M, data: I, setupState: P, ctx: z, inheritAttrs: V } = t; - let W, X; - const K = wg(t); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (T0 = !1); +function I_(t) { + const { type: e, vnode: n, proxy: a, withProxy: s, props: f, propsOptions: [o], slots: m, attrs: g, emit: b, render: T, renderCache: M, data: I, setupState: P, ctx: z, inheritAttrs: V } = t; + let W, Y; + const X = wg(t); + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (S0 = !1); try { if (n.shapeFlag & 4) { - const xe = s || a; - W = rs(T.call(xe, xe, M, h, P, I, z)), X = g; + const ve = s || a; + W = rs(T.call(ve, ve, M, f, P, I, z)), Y = g; } else { - const xe = e; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && g === h && Eg(), W = rs(xe.length > 1 ? xe(h, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { + const ve = e; + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && g === f && Eg(), W = rs(ve.length > 1 ? ve(f, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { get attrs() { return Eg(), g; }, slots: m, emit: b - } : { attrs: g, slots: m, emit: b }) : xe(h, null)), X = e.props ? g : oP(g); - } - } catch (xe) { - fd.length = 0, pv(xe, t, 1), W = Ft(Xi); - } - let se = W, pe; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && W.patchFlag > 0 && W.patchFlag & 2048 && ([se, pe] = iP(W)), X && V !== !1) { - const xe = Object.keys(X), { shapeFlag: Fe } = se; - if (xe.length) { - if (Fe & 7) - o && xe.some(mg) && (X = aP(X, o)), se = Ks(se, X); - else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !T0 && se.type !== Xi) { - const ze = Object.keys(g), Pe = [], Se = []; - for (let Ie = 0, Je = ze.length; Ie < Je; Ie++) { - const qe = ze[Ie]; - Fd(qe) ? mg(qe) || Pe.push(qe[2].toLowerCase() + qe.slice(3)) : Se.push(qe); + } : { attrs: g, slots: m, emit: b }) : ve(f, null)), Y = e.props ? g : lP(g); + } + } catch (ve) { + fd.length = 0, fv(ve, t, 1), W = Ft(Xi); + } + let ue = W, he; + if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && W.patchFlag > 0 && W.patchFlag & 2048 && ([ue, he] = sP(W)), Y && V !== !1) { + const ve = Object.keys(Y), { shapeFlag: Re } = ue; + if (ve.length) { + if (Re & 7) + o && ve.some(mg) && (Y = uP(Y, o)), ue = Ys(ue, Y); + else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !S0 && ue.type !== Xi) { + const Fe = Object.keys(g), Pe = [], Se = []; + for (let Ie = 0, Je = Fe.length; Ie < Je; Ie++) { + const $e = Fe[Ie]; + Fd($e) ? mg($e) || Pe.push($e[2].toLowerCase() + $e.slice(3)) : Se.push($e); } Se.length && lt(`Extraneous non-props attributes (${Se.join(", ")}) were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders fragment or text root nodes.`), Pe.length && lt(`Extraneous non-emits event listeners (${Pe.join(", ")}) were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders fragment or text root nodes. If the listener is intended to be a component custom event listener only, declare it using the "emits" option.`); } } } - return n.dirs && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !$b(se) && lt("Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended."), se = Ks(se), se.dirs = se.dirs ? se.dirs.concat(n.dirs) : n.dirs), n.transition && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !$b(se) && lt("Component inside renders non-element root node that cannot be animated."), se.transition = n.transition), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && pe ? pe(se) : W = se, wg(K), W; + return n.dirs && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !Gb(ue) && lt("Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended."), ue = Ys(ue), ue.dirs = ue.dirs ? ue.dirs.concat(n.dirs) : n.dirs), n.transition && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !Gb(ue) && lt("Component inside renders non-element root node that cannot be animated."), ue.transition = n.transition), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && he ? he(ue) : W = ue, wg(X), W; } -const iP = (t) => { - const e = t.children, n = t.dynamicChildren, a = mS(e); +const sP = (t) => { + const e = t.children, n = t.dynamicChildren, a = yS(e); if (!a) return [t, void 0]; - const s = e.indexOf(a), h = n ? n.indexOf(a) : -1, o = (m) => { - e[s] = m, n && (h > -1 ? n[h] = m : m.patchFlag > 0 && (t.dynamicChildren = [...n, m])); + const s = e.indexOf(a), f = n ? n.indexOf(a) : -1, o = (m) => { + e[s] = m, n && (f > -1 ? n[f] = m : m.patchFlag > 0 && (t.dynamicChildren = [...n, m])); }; return [rs(a), o]; }; -function mS(t) { +function yS(t) { let e; for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { const a = t[n]; @@ -1210,58 +1211,58 @@ function mS(t) { } return e; } -const oP = (t) => { +const lP = (t) => { let e; for (const n in t) (n === "class" || n === "style" || Fd(n)) && ((e || (e = {}))[n] = t[n]); return e; -}, aP = (t, e) => { +}, uP = (t, e) => { const n = {}; for (const a in t) (!mg(a) || !(a.slice(9) in e)) && (n[a] = t[a]); return n; -}, $b = (t) => t.shapeFlag & 7 || t.type === Xi; -function sP(t, e, n) { - const { props: a, children: s, component: h } = t, { props: o, children: m, patchFlag: g } = e, b = h.emitsOptions; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (s || m) && Ou || e.dirs || e.transition) +}, Gb = (t) => t.shapeFlag & 7 || t.type === Xi; +function cP(t, e, n) { + const { props: a, children: s, component: f } = t, { props: o, children: m, patchFlag: g } = e, b = f.emitsOptions; + if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (s || m) && Cu || e.dirs || e.transition) return !0; if (n && g >= 0) { if (g & 1024) return !0; if (g & 16) - return a ? Wb(a, o, b) : !!o; + return a ? $b(a, o, b) : !!o; if (g & 8) { const T = e.dynamicProps; for (let M = 0; M < T.length; M++) { const I = T[M]; - if (o[I] !== a[I] && !mv(b, I)) + if (o[I] !== a[I] && !dv(b, I)) return !0; } } } else - return (s || m) && (!m || !m.$stable) ? !0 : a === o ? !1 : a ? o ? Wb(a, o, b) : !0 : !!o; + return (s || m) && (!m || !m.$stable) ? !0 : a === o ? !1 : a ? o ? $b(a, o, b) : !0 : !!o; return !1; } -function Wb(t, e, n) { +function $b(t, e, n) { const a = Object.keys(e); if (a.length !== Object.keys(t).length) return !0; for (let s = 0; s < a.length; s++) { - const h = a[s]; - if (e[h] !== t[h] && !mv(n, h)) + const f = a[s]; + if (e[f] !== t[f] && !dv(n, f)) return !0; } return !1; } -function lP({ vnode: t, parent: e }, n) { +function hP({ vnode: t, parent: e }, n) { for (; e && e.subTree === t; ) (t = e.vnode).el = n, e = e.parent; } -const uP = (t) => t.__isSuspense; -function cP(t, e) { - e && e.pendingBranch ? er(t) ? e.effects.push(...t) : e.effects.push(t) : aS(t); +const fP = (t) => t.__isSuspense; +function pP(t, e) { + e && e.pendingBranch ? er(t) ? e.effects.push(...t) : e.effects.push(t) : sS(t); } -function yS(t, e) { +function gS(t, e) { if (!pi) process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && lt("provide() can only be used inside setup()."); else { @@ -1283,36 +1284,36 @@ function wf(t, e, n = !1) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && lt("inject() can only be used inside setup() or functional components."); } function Na(t, e) { - return P1(t, null, e); + return A1(t, null, e); } const xy = {}; -function Bn(t, e, n) { - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !yr(e) && lt("`watch(fn, options?)` signature has been moved to a separate API. Use `watchEffect(fn, options?)` instead. `watch` now only supports `watch(source, cb, options?) signature."), P1(t, e, n); +function En(t, e, n) { + return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !yr(e) && lt("`watch(fn, options?)` signature has been moved to a separate API. Use `watchEffect(fn, options?)` instead. `watch` now only supports `watch(source, cb, options?) signature."), A1(t, e, n); } -function P1(t, e, { immediate: n, deep: a, flush: s, onTrack: h, onTrigger: o } = wn) { +function A1(t, e, { immediate: n, deep: a, flush: s, onTrack: f, onTrigger: o } = wn) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !e && (n !== void 0 && lt('watch() "immediate" option is only respected when using the watch(source, callback, options?) signature.'), a !== void 0 && lt('watch() "deep" option is only respected when using the watch(source, callback, options?) signature.')); - const m = (pe) => { - lt("Invalid watch source: ", pe, "A watch source can only be a getter/effect function, a ref, a reactive object, or an array of these types."); - }, g = FE() === (pi == null ? void 0 : pi.scope) ? pi : null; + const m = (he) => { + lt("Invalid watch source: ", he, "A watch source can only be a getter/effect function, a ref, a reactive object, or an array of these types."); + }, g = BE() === (pi == null ? void 0 : pi.scope) ? pi : null; let b, T = !1, M = !1; - if (hn(t) ? (b = () => t.value, T = _g(t)) : ss(t) ? (b = () => t, a = !0) : er(t) ? (M = !0, T = t.some((pe) => ss(pe) || _g(pe)), b = () => t.map((pe) => { - if (hn(pe)) - return pe.value; - if (ss(pe)) - return Vc(pe); - if (yr(pe)) - return Rl(pe, g, 2); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && m(pe); - })) : yr(t) ? e ? b = () => Rl(t, g, 2) : b = () => { + if (hn(t) ? (b = () => t.value, T = _g(t)) : ss(t) ? (b = () => t, a = !0) : er(t) ? (M = !0, T = t.some((he) => ss(he) || _g(he)), b = () => t.map((he) => { + if (hn(he)) + return he.value; + if (ss(he)) + return Vc(he); + if (yr(he)) + return zl(he, g, 2); + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && m(he); + })) : yr(t) ? e ? b = () => zl(t, g, 2) : b = () => { if (!(g && g.isUnmounted)) return I && I(), La(t, g, 3, [P]); } : (b = ao, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && m(t)), e && a) { - const pe = b; - b = () => Vc(pe()); + const he = b; + b = () => Vc(he()); } - let I, P = (pe) => { - I = K.onStop = () => { - Rl(pe, g, 4); + let I, P = (he) => { + I = X.onStop = () => { + zl(he, g, 4); }; }, z; if (Cd) @@ -1321,43 +1322,43 @@ function P1(t, e, { immediate: n, deep: a, flush: s, onTrack: h, onTrigger: o } M ? [] : void 0, P ]) : b(), s === "sync") { - const pe = vk(); - z = pe.__watcherHandles || (pe.__watcherHandles = []); + const he = bk(); + z = he.__watcherHandles || (he.__watcherHandles = []); } else return ao; let V = M ? new Array(t.length).fill(xy) : xy; const W = () => { - if (!!K.active) + if (!!X.active) if (e) { - const pe = K.run(); - (a || T || (M ? pe.some((xe, Fe) => Ed(xe, V[Fe])) : Ed(pe, V))) && (I && I(), La(e, g, 3, [ - pe, + const he = X.run(); + (a || T || (M ? he.some((ve, Re) => Ed(ve, V[Re])) : Ed(he, V))) && (I && I(), La(e, g, 3, [ + he, V === xy ? void 0 : M && V[0] === xy ? [] : V, P - ]), V = pe); + ]), V = he); } else - K.run(); + X.run(); }; W.allowRecurse = !!e; - let X; - s === "sync" ? X = W : s === "post" ? X = () => ea(W, g && g.suspense) : (W.pre = !0, g && (W.id = g.uid), X = () => dv(W)); - const K = new S1(b, X); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (K.onTrack = h, K.onTrigger = o), e ? n ? W() : V = K.run() : s === "post" ? ea(K.run.bind(K), g && g.suspense) : K.run(); - const se = () => { - K.stop(), g && g.scope && _1(g.scope.effects, K); + let Y; + s === "sync" ? Y = W : s === "post" ? Y = () => ea(W, g && g.suspense) : (W.pre = !0, g && (W.id = g.uid), Y = () => pv(W)); + const X = new E1(b, Y); + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (X.onTrack = f, X.onTrigger = o), e ? n ? W() : V = X.run() : s === "post" ? ea(X.run.bind(X), g && g.suspense) : X.run(); + const ue = () => { + X.stop(), g && g.scope && v1(g.scope.effects, X); }; - return z && z.push(se), se; + return z && z.push(ue), ue; } -function hP(t, e, n) { - const a = this.proxy, s = Hn(t) ? t.includes(".") ? gS(a, t) : () => a[t] : t.bind(a, a); - let h; - yr(e) ? h = e : (h = e.handler, n = e); +function dP(t, e, n) { + const a = this.proxy, s = Hn(t) ? t.includes(".") ? vS(a, t) : () => a[t] : t.bind(a, a); + let f; + yr(e) ? f = e : (f = e.handler, n = e); const o = pi; kf(this); - const m = P1(s, h.bind(a), n); - return o ? kf(o) : $c(), m; + const m = A1(s, f.bind(a), n); + return o ? kf(o) : qc(), m; } -function gS(t, e) { +function vS(t, e) { const n = e.split("."); return () => { let a = t; @@ -1374,16 +1375,16 @@ function Vc(t, e) { else if (er(t)) for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) Vc(t[n], e); - else if (kE(t) || Uc(t)) + else if (LE(t) || Uc(t)) t.forEach((n) => { Vc(n, e); }); - else if (DE(t)) + else if (NE(t)) for (const n in t) Vc(t[n], e); return t; } -function fP() { +function mP() { const t = { isMounted: !1, isLeaving: !1, @@ -1392,11 +1393,11 @@ function fP() { }; return va(() => { t.isMounted = !0; - }), wS(() => { + }), ES(() => { t.isUnmounting = !0; }), t; } -const Ma = [Function, Array], pP = { +const Ma = [Function, Array], yP = { name: "BaseTransition", props: { mode: String, @@ -1416,16 +1417,16 @@ const Ma = [Function, Array], pP = { onAppearCancelled: Ma }, setup(t, { slots: e }) { - const n = vv(), a = fP(); + const n = gv(), a = mP(); let s; return () => { - const h = e.default && xS(e.default(), !0); - if (!h || !h.length) + const f = e.default && bS(e.default(), !0); + if (!f || !f.length) return; - let o = h[0]; - if (h.length > 1) { + let o = f[0]; + if (f.length > 1) { let V = !1; - for (const W of h) + for (const W of f) if (W.type !== Xi) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && V) { lt(" can only be used on a single element or component. Use for lists."); @@ -1437,13 +1438,13 @@ const Ma = [Function, Array], pP = { } const m = hr(t), { mode: g } = m; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && g && g !== "in-out" && g !== "out-in" && g !== "default" && lt(`invalid mode: ${g}`), a.isLeaving) - return C_(o); - const b = Hb(o); + return O_(o); + const b = qb(o); if (!b) - return C_(o); - const T = M0(b, m, a, n); - I0(b, T); - const M = n.subTree, I = M && Hb(M); + return O_(o); + const T = T0(b, m, a, n); + M0(b, T); + const M = n.subTree, I = M && qb(M); let P = !1; const { getTransitionKey: z } = b.type; if (z) { @@ -1451,35 +1452,35 @@ const Ma = [Function, Array], pP = { s === void 0 ? s = V : V !== s && (s = V, P = !0); } if (I && I.type !== Xi && (!zc(b, I) || P)) { - const V = M0(I, m, a, n); - if (I0(I, V), g === "out-in") + const V = T0(I, m, a, n); + if (M0(I, V), g === "out-in") return a.isLeaving = !0, V.afterLeave = () => { a.isLeaving = !1, n.update.active !== !1 && n.update(); - }, C_(o); - g === "in-out" && b.type !== Xi && (V.delayLeave = (W, X, K) => { - const se = _S(a, I); - se[String(I.key)] = I, W._leaveCb = () => { - X(), W._leaveCb = void 0, delete T.delayedLeave; - }, T.delayedLeave = K; + }, O_(o); + g === "in-out" && b.type !== Xi && (V.delayLeave = (W, Y, X) => { + const ue = xS(a, I); + ue[String(I.key)] = I, W._leaveCb = () => { + Y(), W._leaveCb = void 0, delete T.delayedLeave; + }, T.delayedLeave = X; }); } return o; }; } -}, vS = pP; -function _S(t, e) { +}, _S = yP; +function xS(t, e) { const { leavingVNodes: n } = t; let a = n.get(e.type); return a || (a = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), n.set(e.type, a)), a; } -function M0(t, e, n, a) { - const { appear: s, mode: h, persisted: o = !1, onBeforeEnter: m, onEnter: g, onAfterEnter: b, onEnterCancelled: T, onBeforeLeave: M, onLeave: I, onAfterLeave: P, onLeaveCancelled: z, onBeforeAppear: V, onAppear: W, onAfterAppear: X, onAppearCancelled: K } = e, se = String(t.key), pe = _S(n, t), xe = (Pe, Se) => { +function T0(t, e, n, a) { + const { appear: s, mode: f, persisted: o = !1, onBeforeEnter: m, onEnter: g, onAfterEnter: b, onEnterCancelled: T, onBeforeLeave: M, onLeave: I, onAfterLeave: P, onLeaveCancelled: z, onBeforeAppear: V, onAppear: W, onAfterAppear: Y, onAppearCancelled: X } = e, ue = String(t.key), he = xS(n, t), ve = (Pe, Se) => { Pe && La(Pe, a, 9, Se); - }, Fe = (Pe, Se) => { + }, Re = (Pe, Se) => { const Ie = Se[1]; - xe(Pe, Se), er(Pe) ? Pe.every((Je) => Je.length <= 1) && Ie() : Pe.length <= 1 && Ie(); - }, ze = { - mode: h, + ve(Pe, Se), er(Pe) ? Pe.every((Je) => Je.length <= 1) && Ie() : Pe.length <= 1 && Ie(); + }, Fe = { + mode: f, persisted: o, beforeEnter(Pe) { let Se = m; @@ -1489,72 +1490,72 @@ function M0(t, e, n, a) { else return; Pe._leaveCb && Pe._leaveCb(!0); - const Ie = pe[se]; - Ie && zc(t, Ie) && Ie.el._leaveCb && Ie.el._leaveCb(), xe(Se, [Pe]); + const Ie = he[ue]; + Ie && zc(t, Ie) && Ie.el._leaveCb && Ie.el._leaveCb(), ve(Se, [Pe]); }, enter(Pe) { let Se = g, Ie = b, Je = T; if (!n.isMounted) if (s) - Se = W || g, Ie = X || b, Je = K || T; + Se = W || g, Ie = Y || b, Je = X || T; else return; - let qe = !1; + let $e = !1; const at = Pe._enterCb = (be) => { - qe || (qe = !0, be ? xe(Je, [Pe]) : xe(Ie, [Pe]), ze.delayedLeave && ze.delayedLeave(), Pe._enterCb = void 0); + $e || ($e = !0, be ? ve(Je, [Pe]) : ve(Ie, [Pe]), Fe.delayedLeave && Fe.delayedLeave(), Pe._enterCb = void 0); }; - Se ? Fe(Se, [Pe, at]) : at(); + Se ? Re(Se, [Pe, at]) : at(); }, leave(Pe, Se) { const Ie = String(t.key); if (Pe._enterCb && Pe._enterCb(!0), n.isUnmounting) return Se(); - xe(M, [Pe]); + ve(M, [Pe]); let Je = !1; - const qe = Pe._leaveCb = (at) => { - Je || (Je = !0, Se(), at ? xe(z, [Pe]) : xe(P, [Pe]), Pe._leaveCb = void 0, pe[Ie] === t && delete pe[Ie]); + const $e = Pe._leaveCb = (at) => { + Je || (Je = !0, Se(), at ? ve(z, [Pe]) : ve(P, [Pe]), Pe._leaveCb = void 0, he[Ie] === t && delete he[Ie]); }; - pe[Ie] = t, I ? Fe(I, [Pe, qe]) : qe(); + he[Ie] = t, I ? Re(I, [Pe, $e]) : $e(); }, clone(Pe) { - return M0(Pe, e, n, a); + return T0(Pe, e, n, a); } }; - return ze; + return Fe; } -function C_(t) { +function O_(t) { if (Ud(t)) - return t = Ks(t), t.children = null, t; + return t = Ys(t), t.children = null, t; } -function Hb(t) { +function qb(t) { return Ud(t) ? t.children ? t.children[0] : void 0 : t; } -function I0(t, e) { - t.shapeFlag & 6 && t.component ? I0(t.component.subTree, e) : t.shapeFlag & 128 ? (t.ssContent.transition = e.clone(t.ssContent), t.ssFallback.transition = e.clone(t.ssFallback)) : t.transition = e; +function M0(t, e) { + t.shapeFlag & 6 && t.component ? M0(t.component.subTree, e) : t.shapeFlag & 128 ? (t.ssContent.transition = e.clone(t.ssContent), t.ssFallback.transition = e.clone(t.ssFallback)) : t.transition = e; } -function xS(t, e = !1, n) { +function bS(t, e = !1, n) { let a = [], s = 0; - for (let h = 0; h < t.length; h++) { - let o = t[h]; - const m = n == null ? o.key : String(n) + String(o.key != null ? o.key : h); - o.type === cn ? (o.patchFlag & 128 && s++, a = a.concat(xS(o.children, e, m))) : (e || o.type !== Xi) && a.push(m != null ? Ks(o, { key: m }) : o); + for (let f = 0; f < t.length; f++) { + let o = t[f]; + const m = n == null ? o.key : String(n) + String(o.key != null ? o.key : f); + o.type === cn ? (o.patchFlag & 128 && s++, a = a.concat(bS(o.children, e, m))) : (e || o.type !== Xi) && a.push(m != null ? Ys(o, { key: m }) : o); } if (s > 1) - for (let h = 0; h < a.length; h++) - a[h].patchFlag = -2; + for (let f = 0; f < a.length; f++) + a[f].patchFlag = -2; return a; } -function or(t) { +function ar(t) { return yr(t) ? { setup: t, name: t.name } : t; } const cd = (t) => !!t.type.__asyncLoader, Ud = (t) => t.type.__isKeepAlive; -function dP(t, e) { - bS(t, "a", e); +function gP(t, e) { + wS(t, "a", e); } -function mP(t, e) { - bS(t, "da", e); +function vP(t, e) { + wS(t, "da", e); } -function bS(t, e, n = pi) { +function wS(t, e, n = pi) { const a = t.__wdc || (t.__wdc = () => { let s = n; for (; s; ) { @@ -1564,47 +1565,47 @@ function bS(t, e, n = pi) { } return t(); }); - if (yv(e, a, n), n) { + if (mv(e, a, n), n) { let s = n.parent; for (; s && s.parent; ) - Ud(s.parent.vnode) && yP(a, e, n, s), s = s.parent; + Ud(s.parent.vnode) && _P(a, e, n, s), s = s.parent; } } -function yP(t, e, n, a) { - const s = yv(e, t, a, !0); +function _P(t, e, n, a) { + const s = mv(e, t, a, !0); Uu(() => { - _1(a[e], s); + v1(a[e], s); }, n); } -function yv(t, e, n = pi, a = !1) { +function mv(t, e, n = pi, a = !1) { if (n) { - const s = n[t] || (n[t] = []), h = e.__weh || (e.__weh = (...o) => { + const s = n[t] || (n[t] = []), f = e.__weh || (e.__weh = (...o) => { if (n.isUnmounted) return; eh(), kf(n); const m = La(e, n, t, o); - return $c(), th(), m; + return qc(), th(), m; }); - return a ? s.unshift(h) : s.push(h), h; + return a ? s.unshift(f) : s.push(f), f; } else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const s = kc(I1[t].replace(/ hook$/, "")); + const s = kc(M1[t].replace(/ hook$/, "")); lt(`${s} is called when there is no active component instance to be associated with. Lifecycle injection APIs can only be used during execution of setup(). If you are using async setup(), make sure to register lifecycle hooks before the first await statement.`); } } -const ql = (t) => (e, n = pi) => (!Cd || t === "sp") && yv(t, (...a) => e(...a), n), gP = ql("bm"), va = ql("m"), vP = ql("bu"), _P = ql("u"), wS = ql("bum"), Uu = ql("um"), xP = ql("sp"), bP = ql("rtg"), wP = ql("rtc"); -function EP(t, e = pi) { - yv("ec", t, e); +const ql = (t) => (e, n = pi) => (!Cd || t === "sp") && mv(t, (...a) => e(...a), n), xP = ql("bm"), va = ql("m"), bP = ql("bu"), wP = ql("u"), ES = ql("bum"), Uu = ql("um"), EP = ql("sp"), SP = ql("rtg"), TP = ql("rtc"); +function MP(t, e = pi) { + mv("ec", t, e); } -function ES(t) { - XC(t) && lt("Do not use built-in directive ids as custom directive id: " + t); +function SS(t) { + JC(t) && lt("Do not use built-in directive ids as custom directive id: " + t); } -function O0(t, e) { +function I0(t, e) { const n = zi; if (n === null) return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && lt("withDirectives can only be used inside render functions."), t; - const a = _v(n) || n.proxy, s = t.dirs || (t.dirs = []); - for (let h = 0; h < e.length; h++) { - let [o, m, g, b = wn] = e[h]; + const a = vv(n) || n.proxy, s = t.dirs || (t.dirs = []); + for (let f = 0; f < e.length; f++) { + let [o, m, g, b = wn] = e[f]; o && (yr(o) && (o = { mounted: o, updated: o @@ -1620,10 +1621,10 @@ function O0(t, e) { return t; } function wc(t, e, n, a) { - const s = t.dirs, h = e && e.dirs; + const s = t.dirs, f = e && e.dirs; for (let o = 0; o < s.length; o++) { const m = s[o]; - h && (m.oldValue = h[o].value); + f && (m.oldValue = f[o].value); let g = m.dir[a]; g && (eh(), La(g, n, 8, [ t.el, @@ -1633,28 +1634,28 @@ function wc(t, e, n, a) { ]), th()); } } -const C0 = "components", SP = "directives"; -function TP(t, e) { - return TS(C0, t, !0, e) || t; +const O0 = "components", IP = "directives"; +function OP(t, e) { + return MS(O0, t, !0, e) || t; } -const MP = Symbol(); -function SS(t) { - return TS(SP, t); +const CP = Symbol(); +function TS(t) { + return MS(IP, t); } -function TS(t, e, n = !0, a = !1) { +function MS(t, e, n = !0, a = !1) { const s = zi || pi; if (s) { - const h = s.type; - if (t === C0) { - const m = R1(h, !1); + const f = s.type; + if (t === O0) { + const m = N1(f, !1); if (m && (m === e || m === ya(e) || m === Xc(ya(e)))) - return h; + return f; } - const o = Zb(s[t] || h[t], e) || Zb(s.appContext[t], e); + const o = Wb(s[t] || f[t], e) || Wb(s.appContext[t], e); if (!o && a) - return h; + return f; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && n && !o) { - const m = t === C0 ? ` + const m = t === O0 ? ` If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement.` : ""; lt(`Failed to resolve ${t.slice(0, -1)}: ${e}${m}`); } @@ -1662,49 +1663,49 @@ If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resol } else process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && lt(`resolve${Xc(t.slice(0, -1))} can only be used in render() or setup().`); } -function Zb(t, e) { +function Wb(t, e) { return t && (t[e] || t[ya(e)] || t[Xc(ya(e))]); } function Ra(t, e, n, a) { let s; - const h = n && n[a]; + const f = n && n[a]; if (er(t) || Hn(t)) { s = new Array(t.length); for (let o = 0, m = t.length; o < m; o++) - s[o] = e(t[o], o, void 0, h && h[o]); + s[o] = e(t[o], o, void 0, f && f[o]); } else if (typeof t == "number") { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !Number.isInteger(t) && lt(`The v-for range expect an integer value but got ${t}.`), s = new Array(t); for (let o = 0; o < t; o++) - s[o] = e(o + 1, o, void 0, h && h[o]); + s[o] = e(o + 1, o, void 0, f && f[o]); } else if (fn(t)) if (t[Symbol.iterator]) - s = Array.from(t, (o, m) => e(o, m, void 0, h && h[m])); + s = Array.from(t, (o, m) => e(o, m, void 0, f && f[m])); else { const o = Object.keys(t); s = new Array(o.length); for (let m = 0, g = o.length; m < g; m++) { const b = o[m]; - s[m] = e(t[b], b, m, h && h[m]); + s[m] = e(t[b], b, m, f && f[m]); } } else s = []; return n && (n[a] = s), s; } -function IP(t, e, n = {}, a, s) { +function AP(t, e, n = {}, a, s) { if (zi.isCE || zi.parent && cd(zi.parent) && zi.parent.isCE) return e !== "default" && (n.name = e), Ft("slot", n, a && a()); - let h = t[e]; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && h && h.length > 1 && (lt("SSR-optimized slot function detected in a non-SSR-optimized render function. You need to mark this component with $dynamic-slots in the parent template."), h = () => []), h && h._c && (h._d = !1), Ve(); - const o = h && MS(h(n)), m = on(cn, { + let f = t[e]; + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && f && f.length > 1 && (lt("SSR-optimized slot function detected in a non-SSR-optimized render function. You need to mark this component with $dynamic-slots in the parent template."), f = () => []), f && f._c && (f._d = !1), Ve(); + const o = f && IS(f(n)), m = on(cn, { key: n.key || o && o.key || `_${e}` }, o || (a ? a() : []), o && t._ === 1 ? 64 : -2); - return !s && m.scopeId && (m.slotScopeIds = [m.scopeId + "-s"]), h && h._c && (h._d = !0), m; + return !s && m.scopeId && (m.slotScopeIds = [m.scopeId + "-s"]), f && f._c && (f._d = !0), m; } -function MS(t) { - return t.some((e) => Pf(e) ? !(e.type === Xi || e.type === cn && !MS(e.children)) : !0) ? t : null; +function IS(t) { + return t.some((e) => Pf(e) ? !(e.type === Xi || e.type === cn && !IS(e.children)) : !0) ? t : null; } -const A0 = (t) => t ? jS(t) ? _v(t) || t.proxy : A0(t.parent) : null, qc = /* @__PURE__ */ Wn(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), { +const C0 = (t) => t ? GS(t) ? vv(t) || t.proxy : C0(t.parent) : null, $c = /* @__PURE__ */ Wn(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), { $: (t) => t, $el: (t) => t.vnode.el, $data: (t) => t.data, @@ -1712,16 +1713,16 @@ const A0 = (t) => t ? jS(t) ? _v(t) || t.proxy : A0(t.parent) : null, qc = /* @_ $attrs: (t) => process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? pf(t.attrs) : t.attrs, $slots: (t) => process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? pf(t.slots) : t.slots, $refs: (t) => process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? pf(t.refs) : t.refs, - $parent: (t) => A0(t.parent), - $root: (t) => A0(t.root), + $parent: (t) => C0(t.parent), + $root: (t) => C0(t.root), $emit: (t) => t.emit, - $options: (t) => L1(t), - $forceUpdate: (t) => t.f || (t.f = () => dv(t.update)), + $options: (t) => k1(t), + $forceUpdate: (t) => t.f || (t.f = () => pv(t.update)), $nextTick: (t) => t.n || (t.n = bg.bind(t.proxy)), - $watch: (t) => hP.bind(t) -}), k1 = (t) => t === "_" || t === "$", A_ = (t, e) => t !== wn && !t.__isScriptSetup && jr(t, e), IS = { + $watch: (t) => dP.bind(t) +}), P1 = (t) => t === "_" || t === "$", C_ = (t, e) => t !== wn && !t.__isScriptSetup && jr(t, e), OS = { get({ _: t }, e) { - const { ctx: n, setupState: a, data: s, props: h, accessCache: o, type: m, appContext: g } = t; + const { ctx: n, setupState: a, data: s, props: f, accessCache: o, type: m, appContext: g } = t; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && e === "__isVue") return !0; let b; @@ -1736,21 +1737,21 @@ const A0 = (t) => t ? jS(t) ? _v(t) || t.proxy : A0(t.parent) : null, qc = /* @_ case 4: return n[e]; case 3: - return h[e]; + return f[e]; } else { - if (A_(a, e)) + if (C_(a, e)) return o[e] = 1, a[e]; if (s !== wn && jr(s, e)) return o[e] = 2, s[e]; if ((b = t.propsOptions[0]) && jr(b, e)) - return o[e] = 3, h[e]; + return o[e] = 3, f[e]; if (n !== wn && jr(n, e)) return o[e] = 4, n[e]; - P0 && (o[e] = 0); + A0 && (o[e] = 0); } } - const T = qc[e]; + const T = $c[e]; let M, I; if (T) return e === "$attrs" && (Bo(t, "get", e), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && Eg()), T(t); @@ -1760,41 +1761,41 @@ const A0 = (t) => t ? jS(t) ? _v(t) || t.proxy : A0(t.parent) : null, qc = /* @_ return o[e] = 4, n[e]; if (I = g.config.globalProperties, jr(I, e)) return I[e]; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && zi && (!Hn(e) || e.indexOf("__v") !== 0) && (s !== wn && k1(e[0]) && jr(s, e) ? lt(`Property ${JSON.stringify(e)} must be accessed via $data because it starts with a reserved character ("$" or "_") and is not proxied on the render context.`) : t === zi && lt(`Property ${JSON.stringify(e)} was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.`)); + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && zi && (!Hn(e) || e.indexOf("__v") !== 0) && (s !== wn && P1(e[0]) && jr(s, e) ? lt(`Property ${JSON.stringify(e)} must be accessed via $data because it starts with a reserved character ("$" or "_") and is not proxied on the render context.`) : t === zi && lt(`Property ${JSON.stringify(e)} was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.`)); }, set({ _: t }, e, n) { - const { data: a, setupState: s, ctx: h } = t; - return A_(s, e) ? (s[e] = n, !0) : process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && s.__isScriptSetup && jr(s, e) ? (lt(`Cannot mutate