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Ithamar R. Adema edited this page Apr 18, 2023 · 6 revisions

Big Red Racing formats

This wiki documents the file formats as used by the game Big Red Racing.

There are a lot of custom formats in BRR, but most of them are fairly straightforward.

Top level formats

These are the formats of the actual files in a shipping copy of BRR. One of these is an archive format, which contains multiple files in other formats, described in the next section.

  • WAP: General archive containing files related to a particular part of the game (e.g. INGAME, ALWAYS, TOURN, etc).
  • LEV: Archive file containing files pertaining to a single level (map, map objects, race configuration, etc)
  • ENV: Archive file containing environment specific files shared across maps set in the same type of environment (CITY, DIRT, MOON, etc)
  • VHC: Archive file containing vehicle files (model, vehicle specs, etc)
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