Alveo support code has been merged in hls4ml repo. Alveo support commit.
Here is presented an example of FPGA neural network inference deployed on alveo u50 board with Vivado 2020.1 .
XRT_.deb file can be built from source or downloaded from the Xilinx website (eg. u50).
To build it form source follow the steps highlighted at this link.
First XRT (Xilinx Runtime) must be installed, to do so run the following commands (UG1370
User Guide by Xilinx), use the precompiled file accordingly to your OS (Ubuntu 20.04 in this particular case).
cd Drivers/XRT/
sudo -H apt install ./xrt_202120.2.12.427_20.04-amd64-xrt.deb
cd ../..
Then the platform files must be installed.
cd Drivers/Platform/Xilinx_u50-gen3x16-xdma-201920_3-3-all.deb
sudo apt install ./*.deb
cd ../../..
pip install pynq
It is used a modified version of hls4ml
(v0.6.0), to install it run the following command:
pip install git+[profiling]
That's the latest version of hls4ml with a small addition to produce the .xclbin file required for the Alveo accelerator board.
Following the notebook the IP can be generated (with axi stream interface) and the .xclbin file can be generated here (this should take ~1h).
Or you can fallow the steps below to produce and customize your own .xclbin file (e.g. kernel frequency, target memory bank, registers property, ...).
If you chose to pakcage the IP following the RTL kernel workflow use the files provided in Alveo_files/src
and substitute the NN_inference with your custom block.
Follow the instructions given in the Vitis Application Acceleration Developement Flow Tutorial to produce a file.xo
(Xilinx object).
This step requires also the deployment platform files that can be found here under the Develop Your Own Accelerated Applications
section (same procedure described above).
To link the file.xo Vitis must be invoked. Run the command
v++ -t hw --platform xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3 --link myproject_kernel.xo -o'myproject_kernel.xclbin' --user_ip_repo_paths <path_to_your_IP>
More information about the v++ commad can be found here.
Run the kernel with PYNQ interface.
The files are organized as follows
: which contains the notebooks used to create and save the Keras and Qkeras models.Alveo_files
: which contains the kernel file .xclbin needed to load the overlay (exported from Vivado and Vitis 2020.1) and the notebook ran on the host machine.Drivers
: Xilinx Runtime and Platform files.PYNQ
: notebook with the kernel tests
The tests are performed on a Alveo u50 board.
Model | BRAM[Blocks] | DSP | FF[k] | LUT[k] |
Platform | / | / | / | / |
Quntized+Pruned CNN | 365 | 10 | 68.8 | 129.0 |
Quntized+Pruned Dense | 418 | 10 | 51.3 | 188.4 |
Model | BRAM[Blocks] | DSP | FF[k] | LUT[k] |
Platform | 178 | 4 | 123.4 | 100.2 |
Quntized+Pruned CNN | 42 | 10 | 28.7 | 22.6 |
Quntized+Pruned Dense | 92 | 10 | 54.4 | 38.7 |
MODEL | Accuracy [%] | Rate[Images\s] | timg[μs] |
CNN | 97.11 | 52600 | 19 |
DNN | 91.31 | 125000 | 8 |
Here are presented the prediction times for different devices (10000 samples dataset).
Device | timgCNN[μs] | timgDNN[μs] |
CPU[3700X] | 95 | 24 |
GPU[RX 580] | 30 | 22 |
ZYNQ[PYNQ_Z2] | 87 | 85 |
ALVEO[u50] | 19 | 8 |