## Workflows
1. Update config.yaml
2. Update schema.yaml
3. Update params.yaml
4. Update the entity
5. Update the configuration manager in src config
6. Update the components
7. Update the pipeline
8. Update the main.py
9. Update the app.py
- Git clone the repository and Define template of the project
touch template.py
python3 template.py
define setup.py scripts (The setup.py is a module used to build and distribute Python packages. It typically contains information about the package)
Create environment and install dependencies
conda create -n liver-env python=3.10 -y
conda activate mlops-env
pip install -r requirements.txt
define logger (The Logging is a means of tracking events that happen when some software runs)
define utils (The utils.py makes it easy to execute common tasks in Python scripts)
Data Ingestion
- define config/config.yaml and constant.yaml --> add 01_data_ingestion.ipynb
- entity --> configuration manager --> componenets --> pipeline and finally run stage_01_data_ingestion.py
- load the dataset
- statistical checking
- checking number of unique values for each columns
- check data type
- check duplicate values
- check null values
- check balance of the dataset
- check outliers
- visualization
- checking correlation
- dvc
- define dvc.yaml
dvc init
dvc repro
dvc dag
- Data Validation
- define config.yaml and schema.yaml --> 02_data_validation.ipynb
- entity --> configuration manager --> componenets --> pipeline stage_02_data_validation.py --> run dvc
- Data Transformation
- define config.yaml --> 03_data_transformation.ipynb (drop null values, label encoding, handle imbalance datasets, train test split)
- entity --> configuration manager --> componenets --> pipeline stage_03_data_transformation.py --> run dvc
- Model Training
- define config.yaml and params.yaml --> 04_model_training.ipynb
- entity --> configuration manager --> componenets --> pipeline stage_04_model_training.py --> run dvc
- Model Evaluation
define config.yaml and schema.yaml--> 05_model_evaluation.ipynb
Using MLflow
Setup dagshub, connect the github repos
MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=https://dagshub.com/fraidoon_omarzai/end-to-end-liver-project.mlflow \
MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD=bc25b16bd5206328d8899cf34377f26ad71d1420 \
python script.py
- Run this to export as env variables
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=https://dagshub.com/fraidoon_omarzai/end-to-end-liver-project.mlflow
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_USERNAME=fraidoon_omarzai
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD=bc25b16bd5206328d8899cf34377f26ad71d1420
- entity --> configuration manager --> componenets --> pipeline stage_05_model_evaluation.py --> run dvc
- Flask App
- add the required html and css to the project
- define app.py
- run the app
- Docker And GithubAction(CI/CD)
- define the docker file
- bulid and run the docker image
docker build -t liver-app . # build docker image
docker ps
docker images
docker run -p 8080:8080 liver-app
Note: The app work well using docker in pc
login to docker hub and create a repository. (add DOCKERHUB_TOKEN and DOCKERHUB_USERNAME to github secrets)
using github-action to push the docker image to docker hub
name: Docker Build and Push
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
- name: Login to Docker Hub
run: echo ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} --password-stdin
- name: Build and push
run: |
docker build -t fraidoonjan/pneumonia:v1 .
docker push fraidoonjan/pneumonia:v1
- Deploy our docker image to AWS using Github-Actions
- Login to AWS console
- Create IAM user for deployment and download the accessKeys
#with specific access
1. ECR: Elastic Container registry to save your docker image in aws
2. EC2 access : It is virtual machine
#Description: About the deployment
1. Build docker image of the source code
2. Push your docker image to ECR
3. Launch Your EC2
4. Pull Your image from ECR in EC2
5. Lauch your docker image in EC2
#Policy for IAM:
1. AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
2. AmazonEC2FullAccess
- Create ECR repo to store/save docker image
- Save the URI: 060145207853.dkr.ecr.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/liver-project
- Create EC2 machine (Ubuntu)
- Open EC2 and Install docker in EC2 Machine:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
newgrp docker
- Configure EC2 as self-hosted runner:
setting-->actions-->runner-->new self hosted runner--> choose os--> copy each command and run it on EC2 Instance Connect
- Setup github secrets:
AWS_REGION = eu-north-1
AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI = 060145207853.dkr.ecr.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com
ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME = liver-project