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Kirby859 edited this page Jul 10, 2013 · 6 revisions

Gun files are .txt files placed in the /guns/ folder of a content pack. Here is an example of a gun file:

Name M1 Carbine

ShortName kem1carbine

Ammo kem1carbineammo

Icon kem1carbine

Colour 255 255 255

ItemID 26513

ReloadTime 70

Recoil 4

Damage 8

Accuracy 3

ShootDelay 2

ShootSound kem1carbineshoot

ReloadSound kem1carbinereload

Mode SemiAuto

Scope kem1carbine

ZoomLevel 1.5

DistortSound false

Deployable False

DeployedModel None

BulletSpeed 5

//pouch = 58

Here are the fields used in gun files.

//': A comment. This is not parsed by Java, so you can use this to put notes in your files.

Name: The displayed name of a gun.

ShortName: The name of a gun used in content pack code.

Ammo: The ShortName of the bullet file used for the gun.

Icon: The icon of the gun, placed in /textures/items/.

Colour: [someone explain this?]

ItemID: The item ID of the gun.

ReloadTime: The time (in ticks, which are 0.05 seconds) that it takes to reload the gun.

Recoil: How much the gun's muzzle rises when fired.

Damage: The amount of damage the gun does in half hearts when a projectile strikes a mob/player.

Accuracy: The precision of the gun when fired. Smaller = More precise

ShootDelay: How long the gun must wait before firing again. RPM = 1200 / ShootDelay

ShootSound: The sound (.ogg) that plays when the gun is fired.

ReloadSound: The sound that plays when the gun empties a bullet file.

Mode: The firing mode of a gun. Currently, there are two modes: SemiAuto and FullAuto.

Scope: The image (.png) that is displayed when a player presses the left mouse button. None means that zooming in is disallowed.

ZoomLevel: The amount of zoom that is applied when the player presses the left mouse button.

DistortSound: If set to true, the shoot sound receives a random fluctuation in pitch (within a specific hardcoded range) every shot. If set to false, the shoot sound is played the same time every time. This does not affect the ReloadSound.

Deployable: Determines if the gun is deployable.

DeployedModel: The model the gun uses when deployed (only affects guns that use Deployed True).

BulletSpeed: The velocity of the projectile when fired out of the gun.

LoadIntoGun: The amount of cartridges loaded into the gun when using bullet files that have RoundsPerItem set to 1.

MeleeDamage: The amount of damage in half hearts dealt when hitting a mob/player with the melee function of the gun. This is useful for knives and guns with bayonets.

NumBullets: The number of projectiles fired by the gun per shot. This is useful for shotguns.

I would like some help with the Deployable Gun fields.

Note to editors: I would like this page to be a documentation of ALL of the fields usable in gun files.

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