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file",main:"lib/main.js",types:"lib/main.d.ts",exports:{".":{require:"./lib/main.js",types:"./lib/main.d.ts",default:"./lib/main.js"},"./config":"./config.js","./config.js":"./config.js","./lib/env-options":"./lib/env-options.js","./lib/env-options.js":"./lib/env-options.js","./lib/cli-options":"./lib/cli-options.js","./lib/cli-options.js":"./lib/cli-options.js","./package.json":"./package.json"},scripts:{"dts-check":"tsc --project tests/types/tsconfig.json",lint:"standard","lint-readme":"standard-markdown",pretest:"npm run lint && npm run dts-check",test:"tap tests/*.js --100 -Rspec",prerelease:"npm test",release:"standard-version"},repository:{type:"git",url:"git://github.com/motdotla/dotenv.git"},keywords:["dotenv","env",".env","environment","variables","config","settings"],readmeFilename:"README.md",license:"BSD-2-Clause",devDependencies:{"@types/node":"^17.0.9",decache:"^4.6.1",dtslint:"^3.7.0",sinon:"^12.0.1",standard:"^16.0.4","standard-markdown":"^7.1.0","standard-version":"^9.3.2",tap:"^15.1.6",tar:"^6.1.11",typescript:"^4.5.4"},engines:{node:">=12"}}});var Ce=O((fi,M)=>{var bt=require("fs"),Oe=require("path"),Ot=require("os"),Ct=be(),At=Ct.version,xt=/(?:^|^)\s*(?:export\s+)?([\w.-]+)(?:\s*=\s*?|:\s+?)(\s*'(?:\\'|[^'])*'|\s*"(?:\\"|[^"])*"|\s*`(?:\\`|[^`])*`|[^#\r\n]+)?\s*(?:#.*)?(?:$|$)/mg;function wt(r){let e={},t=r.toString();t=t.replace(/\r\n?/mg,` -`);let i;for(;(i=xt.exec(t))!=null;){let n=i[1],s=i[2]||"";s=s.trim();let o=s[0];s=s.replace(/^(['"`])([\s\S]*)\1$/mg,"$2"),o==='"'&&(s=s.replace(/\\n/g,` -`),s=s.replace(/\\r/g,"\r")),e[n]=s}return e}function Y(r){console.log(`[dotenv@${At}][DEBUG] ${r}`)}function yt(r){return r[0]==="~"?Oe.join(Ot.homedir(),r.slice(1)):r}function vt(r){let e=Oe.resolve(process.cwd(),".env"),t="utf8",i=!!(r&&r.debug),n=!!(r&&r.override);r&&(r.path!=null&&(e=yt(r.path)),r.encoding!=null&&(t=r.encoding));try{let s=I.parse(bt.readFileSync(e,{encoding:t}));return Object.keys(s).forEach(function(o){Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(process.env,o)?(n===!0&&(process.env[o]=s[o]),i&&Y(n===!0?`"${o}" is already defined in \`process.env\` and WAS overwritten`:`"${o}" is already defined in \`process.env\` and was NOT overwritten`)):process.env[o]=s[o]}),{parsed:s}}catch(s){return i&&Y(`Failed to load ${e} ${s.message}`),{error:s}}}var I={config:vt,parse:wt};M.exports.config=I.config;M.exports.parse=I.parse;M.exports=I});var V=O(J=>{var j=class extends Error{constructor(e,t,i){super(i),Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor),this.name=this.constructor.name,this.code=t,this.exitCode=e,this.nestedError=void 0}},K=class extends j{constructor(e){super(1,"commander.invalidArgument",e),Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor),this.name=this.constructor.name}};J.CommanderError=j;J.InvalidArgumentError=K});var P=O(Q=>{var{InvalidArgumentError:Et}=V(),z=class{constructor(e,t){switch(this.description=t||"",this.variadic=!1,this.parseArg=void 0,this.defaultValue=void 0,this.defaultValueDescription=void 0,this.argChoices=void 0,e[0]){case"<":this.required=!0,this._name=e.slice(1,-1);break;case"[":this.required=!1,this._name=e.slice(1,-1);break;default:this.required=!0,this._name=e;break}this._name.length>3&&this._name.slice(-3)==="..."&&(this.variadic=!0,this._name=this._name.slice(0,-3))}name(){return this._name}_concatValue(e,t){return t===this.defaultValue||!Array.isArray(t)?[e]:t.concat(e)}default(e,t){return this.defaultValue=e,this.defaultValueDescription=t,this}argParser(e){return this.parseArg=e,this}choices(e){return this.argChoices=e.slice(),this.parseArg=(t,i)=>{if(!this.argChoices.includes(t))throw new Et(`Allowed choices are ${this.argChoices.join(", ")}.`);return this.variadic?this._concatValue(t,i):t},this}argRequired(){return this.required=!0,this}argOptional(){return this.required=!1,this}};function St(r){let e=r.name()+(r.variadic===!0?"...":"");return r.required?"<"+e+">":"["+e+"]"}Q.Argument=z;Q.humanReadableArgName=St});var Z=O(Ae=>{var{humanReadableArgName:$t}=P(),X=class{constructor(){this.helpWidth=void 0,this.sortSubcommands=!1,this.sortOptions=!1,this.showGlobalOptions=!1}visibleCommands(e){let t=e.commands.filter(i=>!i._hidden);if(e._hasImplicitHelpCommand()){let[,i,n]=e._helpCommandnameAndArgs.match(/([^ ]+) *(.*)/),s=e.createCommand(i).helpOption(!1);s.description(e._helpCommandDescription),n&&s.arguments(n),t.push(s)}return this.sortSubcommands&&t.sort((i,n)=>i.name().localeCompare(n.name())),t}compareOptions(e,t){let i=n=>n.short?n.short.replace(/^-/,""):n.long.replace(/^--/,"");return i(e).localeCompare(i(t))}visibleOptions(e){let t=e.options.filter(s=>!s.hidden),i=e._hasHelpOption&&e._helpShortFlag&&!e._findOption(e._helpShortFlag),n=e._hasHelpOption&&!e._findOption(e._helpLongFlag);if(i||n){let s;i?n?s=e.createOption(e._helpFlags,e._helpDescription):s=e.createOption(e._helpShortFlag,e._helpDescription):s=e.createOption(e._helpLongFlag,e._helpDescription),t.push(s)}return this.sortOptions&&t.sort(this.compareOptions),t}visibleGlobalOptions(e){if(!this.showGlobalOptions)return[];let t=[];for(let i=e.parent;i;i=i.parent){let n=i.options.filter(s=>!s.hidden);t.push(...n)}return this.sortOptions&&t.sort(this.compareOptions),t}visibleArguments(e){return e._argsDescription&&e._args.forEach(t=>{t.description=t.description||e._argsDescription[t.name()]||""}),e._args.find(t=>t.description)?e._args:[]}subcommandTerm(e){let t=e._args.map(i=>$t(i)).join(" ");return e._name+(e._aliases[0]?"|"+e._aliases[0]:"")+(e.options.length?" [options]":"")+(t?" "+t:"")}optionTerm(e){return e.flags}argumentTerm(e){return e.name()}longestSubcommandTermLength(e,t){return t.visibleCommands(e).reduce((i,n)=>Math.max(i,t.subcommandTerm(n).length),0)}longestOptionTermLength(e,t){return t.visibleOptions(e).reduce((i,n)=>Math.max(i,t.optionTerm(n).length),0)}longestGlobalOptionTermLength(e,t){return t.visibleGlobalOptions(e).reduce((i,n)=>Math.max(i,t.optionTerm(n).length),0)}longestArgumentTermLength(e,t){return t.visibleArguments(e).reduce((i,n)=>Math.max(i,t.argumentTerm(n).length),0)}commandUsage(e){let t=e._name;e._aliases[0]&&(t=t+"|"+e._aliases[0]);let i="";for(let n=e.parent;n;n=n.parent)i=n.name()+" "+i;return i+t+" "+e.usage()}commandDescription(e){return e.description()}subcommandDescription(e){return e.summary()||e.description()}optionDescription(e){let t=[];return e.argChoices&&t.push(`choices: ${e.argChoices.map(i=>JSON.stringify(i)).join(", ")}`),e.defaultValue!==void 0&&(e.required||e.optional||e.isBoolean()&&typeof e.defaultValue=="boolean")&&t.push(`default: ${e.defaultValueDescription||JSON.stringify(e.defaultValue)}`),e.presetArg!==void 0&&e.optional&&t.push(`preset: ${JSON.stringify(e.presetArg)}`),e.envVar!==void 0&&t.push(`env: ${e.envVar}`),t.length>0?`${e.description} (${t.join(", ")})`:e.description}argumentDescription(e){let t=[];if(e.argChoices&&t.push(`choices: ${e.argChoices.map(i=>JSON.stringify(i)).join(", ")}`),e.defaultValue!==void 0&&t.push(`default: ${e.defaultValueDescription||JSON.stringify(e.defaultValue)}`),t.length>0){let i=`(${t.join(", ")})`;return e.description?`${e.description} ${i}`:i}return e.description}formatHelp(e,t){let i=t.padWidth(e,t),n=t.helpWidth||80,s=2,o=2;function l(d,y){if(y){let G=`${d.padEnd(i+o)}${y}`;return t.wrap(G,n-s,i+o)}return d}function a(d){return d.join(` -`).replace(/^/gm," ".repeat(s))}let u=[`Usage: ${t.commandUsage(e)}`,""],h=t.commandDescription(e);h.length>0&&(u=u.concat([t.wrap(h,n,0),""]));let c=t.visibleArguments(e).map(d=>l(t.argumentTerm(d),t.argumentDescription(d)));c.length>0&&(u=u.concat(["Arguments:",a(c),""]));let _=t.visibleOptions(e).map(d=>l(t.optionTerm(d),t.optionDescription(d)));if(_.length>0&&(u=u.concat(["Options:",a(_),""])),this.showGlobalOptions){let d=t.visibleGlobalOptions(e).map(y=>l(t.optionTerm(y),t.optionDescription(y)));d.length>0&&(u=u.concat(["Global Options:",a(d),""]))}let E=t.visibleCommands(e).map(d=>l(t.subcommandTerm(d),t.subcommandDescription(d)));return E.length>0&&(u=u.concat(["Commands:",a(E),""])),u.join(` -`)}padWidth(e,t){return Math.max(t.longestOptionTermLength(e,t),t.longestGlobalOptionTermLength(e,t),t.longestSubcommandTermLength(e,t),t.longestArgumentTermLength(e,t))}wrap(e,t,i,n=40){let s=" \\f\\t\\v\xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF",o=new RegExp(`[\\n][${s}]+`);if(e.match(o))return e;let l=t-i;if(ly===` -`?"":(G>0?h:"")+y.trimEnd()).join(` -`)}};Ae.Help=X});var ie=O(L=>{var{InvalidArgumentError:Tt}=V(),ee=class{constructor(e,t){this.flags=e,this.description=t||"",this.required=e.includes("<"),this.optional=e.includes("["),this.variadic=/\w\.\.\.[>\]]$/.test(e),this.mandatory=!1;let i=xe(e);this.short=i.shortFlag,this.long=i.longFlag,this.negate=!1,this.long&&(this.negate=this.long.startsWith("--no-")),this.defaultValue=void 0,this.defaultValueDescription=void 0,this.presetArg=void 0,this.envVar=void 0,this.parseArg=void 0,this.hidden=!1,this.argChoices=void 0,this.conflictsWith=[],this.implied=void 0}default(e,t){return this.defaultValue=e,this.defaultValueDescription=t,this}preset(e){return this.presetArg=e,this}conflicts(e){return this.conflictsWith=this.conflictsWith.concat(e),this}implies(e){let t=e;return typeof e=="string"&&(t={[e]:!0}),this.implied=Object.assign(this.implied||{},t),this}env(e){return this.envVar=e,this}argParser(e){return this.parseArg=e,this}makeOptionMandatory(e=!0){return this.mandatory=!!e,this}hideHelp(e=!0){return this.hidden=!!e,this}_concatValue(e,t){return t===this.defaultValue||!Array.isArray(t)?[e]:t.concat(e)}choices(e){return this.argChoices=e.slice(),this.parseArg=(t,i)=>{if(!this.argChoices.includes(t))throw new Tt(`Allowed choices are ${this.argChoices.join(", ")}.`);return this.variadic?this._concatValue(t,i):t},this}name(){return this.long?this.long.replace(/^--/,""):this.short.replace(/^-/,"")}attributeName(){return Vt(this.name().replace(/^no-/,""))}is(e){return this.short===e||this.long===e}isBoolean(){return!this.required&&!this.optional&&!this.negate}},te=class{constructor(e){this.positiveOptions=new Map,this.negativeOptions=new Map,this.dualOptions=new Set,e.forEach(t=>{t.negate?this.negativeOptions.set(t.attributeName(),t):this.positiveOptions.set(t.attributeName(),t)}),this.negativeOptions.forEach((t,i)=>{this.positiveOptions.has(i)&&this.dualOptions.add(i)})}valueFromOption(e,t){let i=t.attributeName();if(!this.dualOptions.has(i))return!0;let n=this.negativeOptions.get(i).presetArg,s=n!==void 0?n:!1;return t.negate===(s===e)}};function Vt(r){return r.split("-").reduce((e,t)=>e+t[0].toUpperCase()+t.slice(1))}function xe(r){let e,t,i=r.split(/[ |,]+/);return i.length>1&&!/^[[<]/.test(i[1])&&(e=i.shift()),t=i.shift(),!e&&/^-[^-]$/.test(t)&&(e=t,t=void 0),{shortFlag:e,longFlag:t}}L.Option=ee;L.splitOptionFlags=xe;L.DualOptions=te});var ye=O(we=>{function Ft(r,e){if(Math.abs(r.length-e.length)>3)return Math.max(r.length,e.length);let t=[];for(let i=0;i<=r.length;i++)t[i]=[i];for(let i=0;i<=e.length;i++)t[0][i]=i;for(let i=1;i<=e.length;i++)for(let n=1;n<=r.length;n++){let s=1;r[n-1]===e[i-1]?s=0:s=1,t[n][i]=Math.min(t[n-1][i]+1,t[n][i-1]+1,t[n-1][i-1]+s),n>1&&i>1&&r[n-1]===e[i-2]&&r[n-2]===e[i-1]&&(t[n][i]=Math.min(t[n][i],t[n-2][i-2]+1))}return t[r.length][e.length]}function Nt(r,e){if(!e||e.length===0)return"";e=Array.from(new Set(e));let t=r.startsWith("--");t&&(r=r.slice(2),e=e.map(o=>o.slice(2)));let i=[],n=3,s=.4;return e.forEach(o=>{if(o.length<=1)return;let l=Ft(r,o),a=Math.max(r.length,o.length);(a-l)/a>s&&(lo.localeCompare(l)),t&&(i=i.map(o=>`--${o}`)),i.length>1?` -(Did you mean one of ${i.join(", ")}?)`:i.length===1?` -(Did you mean ${i[0]}?)`:""}we.suggestSimilar=Nt});var Ve=O(Te=>{var kt=require("events").EventEmitter,ne=require("child_process"),w=require("path"),re=require("fs"),p=require("process"),{Argument:Ht,humanReadableArgName:Rt}=P(),{CommanderError:se}=V(),{Help:Dt}=Z(),{Option:ve,splitOptionFlags:It,DualOptions:Mt}=ie(),{suggestSimilar:Ee}=ye(),N=class extends kt{constructor(e){super(),this.commands=[],this.options=[],this.parent=null,this._allowUnknownOption=!1,this._allowExcessArguments=!0,this._args=[],this.args=[],this.rawArgs=[],this.processedArgs=[],this._scriptPath=null,this._name=e||"",this._optionValues={},this._optionValueSources={},this._storeOptionsAsProperties=!1,this._actionHandler=null,this._executableHandler=!1,this._executableFile=null,this._executableDir=null,this._defaultCommandName=null,this._exitCallback=null,this._aliases=[],this._combineFlagAndOptionalValue=!0,this._description="",this._summary="",this._argsDescription=void 0,this._enablePositionalOptions=!1,this._passThroughOptions=!1,this._lifeCycleHooks={},this._showHelpAfterError=!1,this._showSuggestionAfterError=!0,this._outputConfiguration={writeOut:t=>p.stdout.write(t),writeErr:t=>p.stderr.write(t),getOutHelpWidth:()=>p.stdout.isTTY?p.stdout.columns:void 0,getErrHelpWidth:()=>p.stderr.isTTY?p.stderr.columns:void 0,outputError:(t,i)=>i(t)},this._hidden=!1,this._hasHelpOption=!0,this._helpFlags="-h, --help",this._helpDescription="display help for command",this._helpShortFlag="-h",this._helpLongFlag="--help",this._addImplicitHelpCommand=void 0,this._helpCommandName="help",this._helpCommandnameAndArgs="help [command]",this._helpCommandDescription="display help for command",this._helpConfiguration={}}copyInheritedSettings(e){return this._outputConfiguration=e._outputConfiguration,this._hasHelpOption=e._hasHelpOption,this._helpFlags=e._helpFlags,this._helpDescription=e._helpDescription,this._helpShortFlag=e._helpShortFlag,this._helpLongFlag=e._helpLongFlag,this._helpCommandName=e._helpCommandName,this._helpCommandnameAndArgs=e._helpCommandnameAndArgs,this._helpCommandDescription=e._helpCommandDescription,this._helpConfiguration=e._helpConfiguration,this._exitCallback=e._exitCallback,this._storeOptionsAsProperties=e._storeOptionsAsProperties,this._combineFlagAndOptionalValue=e._combineFlagAndOptionalValue,this._allowExcessArguments=e._allowExcessArguments,this._enablePositionalOptions=e._enablePositionalOptions,this._showHelpAfterError=e._showHelpAfterError,this._showSuggestionAfterError=e._showSuggestionAfterError,this}command(e,t,i){let n=t,s=i;typeof n=="object"&&n!==null&&(s=n,n=null),s=s||{};let[,o,l]=e.match(/([^ ]+) *(.*)/),a=this.createCommand(o);return n&&(a.description(n),a._executableHandler=!0),s.isDefault&&(this._defaultCommandName=a._name),a._hidden=!!(s.noHelp||s.hidden),a._executableFile=s.executableFile||null,l&&a.arguments(l),this.commands.push(a),a.parent=this,a.copyInheritedSettings(this),n?this:a}createCommand(e){return new N(e)}createHelp(){return Object.assign(new Dt,this.configureHelp())}configureHelp(e){return e===void 0?this._helpConfiguration:(this._helpConfiguration=e,this)}configureOutput(e){return e===void 0?this._outputConfiguration:(Object.assign(this._outputConfiguration,e),this)}showHelpAfterError(e=!0){return typeof e!="string"&&(e=!!e),this._showHelpAfterError=e,this}showSuggestionAfterError(e=!0){return this._showSuggestionAfterError=!!e,this}addCommand(e,t){if(!e._name)throw new Error(`Command passed to .addCommand() must have a name -- specify the name in Command constructor or using .name()`);return t=t||{},t.isDefault&&(this._defaultCommandName=e._name),(t.noHelp||t.hidden)&&(e._hidden=!0),this.commands.push(e),e.parent=this,this}createArgument(e,t){return new Ht(e,t)}argument(e,t,i,n){let s=this.createArgument(e,t);return typeof i=="function"?s.default(n).argParser(i):s.default(i),this.addArgument(s),this}arguments(e){return e.split(/ +/).forEach(t=>{this.argument(t)}),this}addArgument(e){let t=this._args.slice(-1)[0];if(t&&t.variadic)throw new Error(`only the last argument can be variadic '${t.name()}'`);if(e.required&&e.defaultValue!==void 0&&e.parseArg===void 0)throw new Error(`a default value for a required argument is never used: '${e.name()}'`);return this._args.push(e),this}addHelpCommand(e,t){return e===!1?this._addImplicitHelpCommand=!1:(this._addImplicitHelpCommand=!0,typeof e=="string"&&(this._helpCommandName=e.split(" ")[0],this._helpCommandnameAndArgs=e),this._helpCommandDescription=t||this._helpCommandDescription),this}_hasImplicitHelpCommand(){return this._addImplicitHelpCommand===void 0?this.commands.length&&!this._actionHandler&&!this._findCommand("help"):this._addImplicitHelpCommand}hook(e,t){let i=["preSubcommand","preAction","postAction"];if(!i.includes(e))throw new Error(`Unexpected value for event passed to hook : '${e}'. -Expecting one of '${i.join("', '")}'`);return this._lifeCycleHooks[e]?this._lifeCycleHooks[e].push(t):this._lifeCycleHooks[e]=[t],this}exitOverride(e){return e?this._exitCallback=e:this._exitCallback=t=>{if(t.code!=="commander.executeSubCommandAsync")throw t},this}_exit(e,t,i){this._exitCallback&&this._exitCallback(new se(e,t,i)),p.exit(e)}action(e){let t=i=>{let n=this._args.length,s=i.slice(0,n);return this._storeOptionsAsProperties?s[n]=this:s[n]=this.opts(),s.push(this),e.apply(this,s)};return this._actionHandler=t,this}createOption(e,t){return new ve(e,t)}addOption(e){let t=e.name(),i=e.attributeName();if(e.negate){let s=e.long.replace(/^--no-/,"--");this._findOption(s)||this.setOptionValueWithSource(i,e.defaultValue===void 0?!0:e.defaultValue,"default")}else e.defaultValue!==void 0&&this.setOptionValueWithSource(i,e.defaultValue,"default");this.options.push(e);let n=(s,o,l)=>{s==null&&e.presetArg!==void 0&&(s=e.presetArg);let a=this.getOptionValue(i);if(s!==null&&e.parseArg)try{s=e.parseArg(s,a)}catch(u){if(u.code==="commander.invalidArgument"){let h=`${o} ${u.message}`;this.error(h,{exitCode:u.exitCode,code:u.code})}throw u}else s!==null&&e.variadic&&(s=e._concatValue(s,a));s==null&&(e.negate?s=!1:e.isBoolean()||e.optional?s=!0:s=""),this.setOptionValueWithSource(i,s,l)};return this.on("option:"+t,s=>{let o=`error: option '${e.flags}' argument '${s}' is invalid.`;n(s,o,"cli")}),e.envVar&&this.on("optionEnv:"+t,s=>{let o=`error: option '${e.flags}' value '${s}' from env '${e.envVar}' is invalid.`;n(s,o,"env")}),this}_optionEx(e,t,i,n,s){if(typeof t=="object"&&t instanceof ve)throw new Error("To add an Option object use addOption() instead of option() or requiredOption()");let o=this.createOption(t,i);if(o.makeOptionMandatory(!!e.mandatory),typeof n=="function")o.default(s).argParser(n);else if(n instanceof RegExp){let l=n;n=(a,u)=>{let h=l.exec(a);return h?h[0]:u},o.default(s).argParser(n)}else o.default(n);return this.addOption(o)}option(e,t,i,n){return this._optionEx({},e,t,i,n)}requiredOption(e,t,i,n){return this._optionEx({mandatory:!0},e,t,i,n)}combineFlagAndOptionalValue(e=!0){return this._combineFlagAndOptionalValue=!!e,this}allowUnknownOption(e=!0){return this._allowUnknownOption=!!e,this}allowExcessArguments(e=!0){return this._allowExcessArguments=!!e,this}enablePositionalOptions(e=!0){return this._enablePositionalOptions=!!e,this}passThroughOptions(e=!0){if(this._passThroughOptions=!!e,this.parent&&e&&!this.parent._enablePositionalOptions)throw new Error("passThroughOptions can not be used without turning on enablePositionalOptions for parent command(s)");return this}storeOptionsAsProperties(e=!0){if(this._storeOptionsAsProperties=!!e,this.options.length)throw new Error("call .storeOptionsAsProperties() before adding options");return this}getOptionValue(e){return this._storeOptionsAsProperties?this[e]:this._optionValues[e]}setOptionValue(e,t){return this.setOptionValueWithSource(e,t,void 0)}setOptionValueWithSource(e,t,i){return this._storeOptionsAsProperties?this[e]=t:this._optionValues[e]=t,this._optionValueSources[e]=i,this}getOptionValueSource(e){return this._optionValueSources[e]}getOptionValueSourceWithGlobals(e){let t;return F(this).forEach(i=>{i.getOptionValueSource(e)!==void 0&&(t=i.getOptionValueSource(e))}),t}_prepareUserArgs(e,t){if(e!==void 0&&!Array.isArray(e))throw new Error("first parameter to parse must be array or undefined");t=t||{},e===void 0&&(e=p.argv,p.versions&&p.versions.electron&&(t.from="electron")),this.rawArgs=e.slice();let i;switch(t.from){case void 0:case"node":this._scriptPath=e[1],i=e.slice(2);break;case"electron":p.defaultApp?(this._scriptPath=e[1],i=e.slice(2)):i=e.slice(1);break;case"user":i=e.slice(0);break;default:throw new Error(`unexpected parse option { from: '${t.from}' }`)}return!this._name&&this._scriptPath&&this.nameFromFilename(this._scriptPath),this._name=this._name||"program",i}parse(e,t){let i=this._prepareUserArgs(e,t);return this._parseCommand([],i),this}async parseAsync(e,t){let i=this._prepareUserArgs(e,t);return await this._parseCommand([],i),this}_executeSubCommand(e,t){t=t.slice();let i=!1,n=[".js",".ts",".tsx",".mjs",".cjs"];function s(h,c){let _=w.resolve(h,c);if(re.existsSync(_))return _;if(n.includes(w.extname(c)))return;let E=n.find(d=>re.existsSync(`${_}${d}`));if(E)return`${_}${E}`}this._checkForMissingMandatoryOptions(),this._checkForConflictingOptions();let o=e._executableFile||`${this._name}-${e._name}`,l=this._executableDir||"";if(this._scriptPath){let h;try{h=re.realpathSync(this._scriptPath)}catch{h=this._scriptPath}l=w.resolve(w.dirname(h),l)}if(l){let h=s(l,o);if(!h&&!e._executableFile&&this._scriptPath){let c=w.basename(this._scriptPath,w.extname(this._scriptPath));c!==this._name&&(h=s(l,`${c}-${e._name}`))}o=h||o}i=n.includes(w.extname(o));let a;p.platform!=="win32"?i?(t.unshift(o),t=$e(p.execArgv).concat(t),a=ne.spawn(p.argv[0],t,{stdio:"inherit"})):a=ne.spawn(o,t,{stdio:"inherit"}):(t.unshift(o),t=$e(p.execArgv).concat(t),a=ne.spawn(p.execPath,t,{stdio:"inherit"})),a.killed||["SIGUSR1","SIGUSR2","SIGTERM","SIGINT","SIGHUP"].forEach(c=>{p.on(c,()=>{a.killed===!1&&a.exitCode===null&&a.kill(c)})});let u=this._exitCallback;u?a.on("close",()=>{u(new se(p.exitCode||0,"commander.executeSubCommandAsync","(close)"))}):a.on("close",p.exit.bind(p)),a.on("error",h=>{if(h.code==="ENOENT"){let c=l?`searched for local subcommand relative to directory '${l}'`:"no directory for search for local subcommand, use .executableDir() to supply a custom directory",_=`'${o}' does not exist +'use strict' +var ht = Object.create +var D = Object.defineProperty +var ct = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor +var pt = Object.getOwnPropertyNames +var mt = Object.getPrototypeOf, + ft = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty +var O = (r, e) => () => (e || r((e = { exports: {} }).exports, e), e.exports), + dt = (r, e) => { + for (var t in e) D(r, t, { get: e[t], enumerable: !0 }) + }, + _e = (r, e, t, i) => { + if ((e && typeof e == 'object') || typeof e == 'function') + for (let n of pt(e)) + !ft.call(r, n) && + n !== t && + D(r, n, { + get: () => e[n], + enumerable: !(i = ct(e, n)) || i.enumerable, + }) + return r + } +var S = (r, e, t) => ( + (t = r != null ? ht(mt(r)) : {}), + _e( + e || !r || !r.__esModule + ? D(t, 'default', { value: r, enumerable: !0 }) + : t, + r + ) + ), + gt = (r) => _e(D({}, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), r) +var be = O((mi, _t) => { + _t.exports = { + name: 'dotenv', + version: '16.0.3', + description: 'Loads environment variables from .env file', + main: 'lib/main.js', + types: 'lib/main.d.ts', + exports: { + '.': { + require: './lib/main.js', + types: './lib/main.d.ts', + default: './lib/main.js', + }, + './config': './config.js', + './config.js': './config.js', + './lib/env-options': './lib/env-options.js', + './lib/env-options.js': './lib/env-options.js', + './lib/cli-options': './lib/cli-options.js', + './lib/cli-options.js': './lib/cli-options.js', + './package.json': './package.json', + }, + scripts: { + 'dts-check': 'tsc --project tests/types/tsconfig.json', + lint: 'standard', + 'lint-readme': 'standard-markdown', + pretest: 'npm run lint && npm run dts-check', + test: 'tap tests/*.js --100 -Rspec', + prerelease: 'npm test', + release: 'standard-version', + }, + repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://github.com/motdotla/dotenv.git' }, + keywords: [ + 'dotenv', + 'env', + '.env', + 'environment', + 'variables', + 'config', + 'settings', + ], + readmeFilename: 'README.md', + license: 'BSD-2-Clause', + devDependencies: { + '@types/node': '^17.0.9', + decache: '^4.6.1', + dtslint: '^3.7.0', + sinon: '^12.0.1', + standard: '^16.0.4', + 'standard-markdown': '^7.1.0', + 'standard-version': '^9.3.2', + tap: '^15.1.6', + tar: '^6.1.11', + typescript: '^4.5.4', + }, + engines: { node: '>=12' }, + } +}) +var Ce = O((fi, M) => { + var bt = require('fs'), + Oe = require('path'), + Ot = require('os'), + Ct = be(), + At = Ct.version, + xt = + /(?:^|^)\s*(?:export\s+)?([\w.-]+)(?:\s*=\s*?|:\s+?)(\s*'(?:\\'|[^'])*'|\s*"(?:\\"|[^"])*"|\s*`(?:\\`|[^`])*`|[^#\r\n]+)?\s*(?:#.*)?(?:$|$)/gm + function wt(r) { + let e = {}, + t = r.toString() + t = t.replace( + /\r\n?/gm, + ` +` + ) + let i + for (; (i = xt.exec(t)) != null; ) { + let n = i[1], + s = i[2] || '' + s = s.trim() + let o = s[0] + ;(s = s.replace(/^(['"`])([\s\S]*)\1$/gm, '$2')), + o === '"' && + ((s = s.replace( + /\\n/g, + ` +` + )), + (s = s.replace(/\\r/g, '\r'))), + (e[n] = s) + } + return e + } + function Y(r) { + console.log(`[dotenv@${At}][DEBUG] ${r}`) + } + function yt(r) { + return r[0] === '~' ? Oe.join(Ot.homedir(), r.slice(1)) : r + } + function vt(r) { + let e = Oe.resolve(process.cwd(), '.env'), + t = 'utf8', + i = !!(r && r.debug), + n = !!(r && r.override) + r && + (r.path != null && (e = yt(r.path)), + r.encoding != null && (t = r.encoding)) + try { + let s = I.parse(bt.readFileSync(e, { encoding: t })) + return ( + Object.keys(s).forEach(function (o) { + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(process.env, o) + ? (n === !0 && (process.env[o] = s[o]), + i && + Y( + n === !0 + ? `"${o}" is already defined in \`process.env\` and WAS overwritten` + : `"${o}" is already defined in \`process.env\` and was NOT overwritten` + )) + : (process.env[o] = s[o]) + }), + { parsed: s } + ) + } catch (s) { + return i && Y(`Failed to load ${e} ${s.message}`), { error: s } + } + } + var I = { config: vt, parse: wt } + M.exports.config = I.config + M.exports.parse = I.parse + M.exports = I +}) +var V = O((J) => { + var j = class extends Error { + constructor(e, t, i) { + super(i), + Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor), + (this.name = this.constructor.name), + (this.code = t), + (this.exitCode = e), + (this.nestedError = void 0) + } + }, + K = class extends j { + constructor(e) { + super(1, 'commander.invalidArgument', e), + Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor), + (this.name = this.constructor.name) + } + } + J.CommanderError = j + J.InvalidArgumentError = K +}) +var P = O((Q) => { + var { InvalidArgumentError: Et } = V(), + z = class { + constructor(e, t) { + switch ( + ((this.description = t || ''), + (this.variadic = !1), + (this.parseArg = void 0), + (this.defaultValue = void 0), + (this.defaultValueDescription = void 0), + (this.argChoices = void 0), + e[0]) + ) { + case '<': + ;(this.required = !0), (this._name = e.slice(1, -1)) + break + case '[': + ;(this.required = !1), (this._name = e.slice(1, -1)) + break + default: + ;(this.required = !0), (this._name = e) + break + } + this._name.length > 3 && + this._name.slice(-3) === '...' && + ((this.variadic = !0), (this._name = this._name.slice(0, -3))) + } + name() { + return this._name + } + _concatValue(e, t) { + return t === this.defaultValue || !Array.isArray(t) ? [e] : t.concat(e) + } + default(e, t) { + return (this.defaultValue = e), (this.defaultValueDescription = t), this + } + argParser(e) { + return (this.parseArg = e), this + } + choices(e) { + return ( + (this.argChoices = e.slice()), + (this.parseArg = (t, i) => { + if (!this.argChoices.includes(t)) + throw new Et(`Allowed choices are ${this.argChoices.join(', ')}.`) + return this.variadic ? this._concatValue(t, i) : t + }), + this + ) + } + argRequired() { + return (this.required = !0), this + } + argOptional() { + return (this.required = !1), this + } + } + function St(r) { + let e = r.name() + (r.variadic === !0 ? '...' : '') + return r.required ? '<' + e + '>' : '[' + e + ']' + } + Q.Argument = z + Q.humanReadableArgName = St +}) +var Z = O((Ae) => { + var { humanReadableArgName: $t } = P(), + X = class { + constructor() { + ;(this.helpWidth = void 0), + (this.sortSubcommands = !1), + (this.sortOptions = !1), + (this.showGlobalOptions = !1) + } + visibleCommands(e) { + let t = e.commands.filter((i) => !i._hidden) + if (e._hasImplicitHelpCommand()) { + let [, i, n] = e._helpCommandnameAndArgs.match(/([^ ]+) *(.*)/), + s = e.createCommand(i).helpOption(!1) + s.description(e._helpCommandDescription), + n && s.arguments(n), + t.push(s) + } + return ( + this.sortSubcommands && + t.sort((i, n) => i.name().localeCompare(n.name())), + t + ) + } + compareOptions(e, t) { + let i = (n) => + n.short ? n.short.replace(/^-/, '') : n.long.replace(/^--/, '') + return i(e).localeCompare(i(t)) + } + visibleOptions(e) { + let t = e.options.filter((s) => !s.hidden), + i = + e._hasHelpOption && + e._helpShortFlag && + !e._findOption(e._helpShortFlag), + n = e._hasHelpOption && !e._findOption(e._helpLongFlag) + if (i || n) { + let s + i + ? n + ? (s = e.createOption(e._helpFlags, e._helpDescription)) + : (s = e.createOption(e._helpShortFlag, e._helpDescription)) + : (s = e.createOption(e._helpLongFlag, e._helpDescription)), + t.push(s) + } + return this.sortOptions && t.sort(this.compareOptions), t + } + visibleGlobalOptions(e) { + if (!this.showGlobalOptions) return [] + let t = [] + for (let i = e.parent; i; i = i.parent) { + let n = i.options.filter((s) => !s.hidden) + t.push(...n) + } + return this.sortOptions && t.sort(this.compareOptions), t + } + visibleArguments(e) { + return ( + e._argsDescription && + e._args.forEach((t) => { + t.description = + t.description || e._argsDescription[t.name()] || '' + }), + e._args.find((t) => t.description) ? e._args : [] + ) + } + subcommandTerm(e) { + let t = e._args.map((i) => $t(i)).join(' ') + return ( + e._name + + (e._aliases[0] ? '|' + e._aliases[0] : '') + + (e.options.length ? ' [options]' : '') + + (t ? ' ' + t : '') + ) + } + optionTerm(e) { + return e.flags + } + argumentTerm(e) { + return e.name() + } + longestSubcommandTermLength(e, t) { + return t + .visibleCommands(e) + .reduce((i, n) => Math.max(i, t.subcommandTerm(n).length), 0) + } + longestOptionTermLength(e, t) { + return t + .visibleOptions(e) + .reduce((i, n) => Math.max(i, t.optionTerm(n).length), 0) + } + longestGlobalOptionTermLength(e, t) { + return t + .visibleGlobalOptions(e) + .reduce((i, n) => Math.max(i, t.optionTerm(n).length), 0) + } + longestArgumentTermLength(e, t) { + return t + .visibleArguments(e) + .reduce((i, n) => Math.max(i, t.argumentTerm(n).length), 0) + } + commandUsage(e) { + let t = e._name + e._aliases[0] && (t = t + '|' + e._aliases[0]) + let i = '' + for (let n = e.parent; n; n = n.parent) i = n.name() + ' ' + i + return i + t + ' ' + e.usage() + } + commandDescription(e) { + return e.description() + } + subcommandDescription(e) { + return e.summary() || e.description() + } + optionDescription(e) { + let t = [] + return ( + e.argChoices && + t.push( + `choices: ${e.argChoices + .map((i) => JSON.stringify(i)) + .join(', ')}` + ), + e.defaultValue !== void 0 && + (e.required || + e.optional || + (e.isBoolean() && typeof e.defaultValue == 'boolean')) && + t.push( + `default: ${ + e.defaultValueDescription || JSON.stringify(e.defaultValue) + }` + ), + e.presetArg !== void 0 && + e.optional && + t.push(`preset: ${JSON.stringify(e.presetArg)}`), + e.envVar !== void 0 && t.push(`env: ${e.envVar}`), + t.length > 0 ? `${e.description} (${t.join(', ')})` : e.description + ) + } + argumentDescription(e) { + let t = [] + if ( + (e.argChoices && + t.push( + `choices: ${e.argChoices + .map((i) => JSON.stringify(i)) + .join(', ')}` + ), + e.defaultValue !== void 0 && + t.push( + `default: ${ + e.defaultValueDescription || JSON.stringify(e.defaultValue) + }` + ), + t.length > 0) + ) { + let i = `(${t.join(', ')})` + return e.description ? `${e.description} ${i}` : i + } + return e.description + } + formatHelp(e, t) { + let i = t.padWidth(e, t), + n = t.helpWidth || 80, + s = 2, + o = 2 + function l(d, y) { + if (y) { + let G = `${d.padEnd(i + o)}${y}` + return t.wrap(G, n - s, i + o) + } + return d + } + function a(d) { + return d + .join( + ` +` + ) + .replace(/^/gm, ' '.repeat(s)) + } + let u = [`Usage: ${t.commandUsage(e)}`, ''], + h = t.commandDescription(e) + h.length > 0 && (u = u.concat([t.wrap(h, n, 0), ''])) + let c = t + .visibleArguments(e) + .map((d) => l(t.argumentTerm(d), t.argumentDescription(d))) + c.length > 0 && (u = u.concat(['Arguments:', a(c), ''])) + let _ = t + .visibleOptions(e) + .map((d) => l(t.optionTerm(d), t.optionDescription(d))) + if ( + (_.length > 0 && (u = u.concat(['Options:', a(_), ''])), + this.showGlobalOptions) + ) { + let d = t + .visibleGlobalOptions(e) + .map((y) => l(t.optionTerm(y), t.optionDescription(y))) + d.length > 0 && (u = u.concat(['Global Options:', a(d), ''])) + } + let E = t + .visibleCommands(e) + .map((d) => l(t.subcommandTerm(d), t.subcommandDescription(d))) + return ( + E.length > 0 && (u = u.concat(['Commands:', a(E), ''])), + u.join(` +`) + ) + } + padWidth(e, t) { + return Math.max( + t.longestOptionTermLength(e, t), + t.longestGlobalOptionTermLength(e, t), + t.longestSubcommandTermLength(e, t), + t.longestArgumentTermLength(e, t) + ) + } + wrap(e, t, i, n = 40) { + let s = ' \\f\\t\\v\xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF', + o = new RegExp(`[\\n][${s}]+`) + if (e.match(o)) return e + let l = t - i + if (l < n) return e + let a = e.slice(0, i), + u = e.slice(i).replace( + `\r +`, + ` +` + ), + h = ' '.repeat(i), + _ = '\\s\u200B', + E = new RegExp( + ` +|.{1,${l - 1}}([${_}]|$)|[^${_}]+?([${_}]|$)`, + 'g' + ), + d = u.match(E) || [] + return ( + a + + d.map((y, G) => + y === + ` +` + ? '' + : (G > 0 ? h : '') + y.trimEnd() + ).join(` +`) + ) + } + } + Ae.Help = X +}) +var ie = O((L) => { + var { InvalidArgumentError: Tt } = V(), + ee = class { + constructor(e, t) { + ;(this.flags = e), + (this.description = t || ''), + (this.required = e.includes('<')), + (this.optional = e.includes('[')), + (this.variadic = /\w\.\.\.[>\]]$/.test(e)), + (this.mandatory = !1) + let i = xe(e) + ;(this.short = i.shortFlag), + (this.long = i.longFlag), + (this.negate = !1), + this.long && (this.negate = this.long.startsWith('--no-')), + (this.defaultValue = void 0), + (this.defaultValueDescription = void 0), + (this.presetArg = void 0), + (this.envVar = void 0), + (this.parseArg = void 0), + (this.hidden = !1), + (this.argChoices = void 0), + (this.conflictsWith = []), + (this.implied = void 0) + } + default(e, t) { + return (this.defaultValue = e), (this.defaultValueDescription = t), this + } + preset(e) { + return (this.presetArg = e), this + } + conflicts(e) { + return (this.conflictsWith = this.conflictsWith.concat(e)), this + } + implies(e) { + let t = e + return ( + typeof e == 'string' && (t = { [e]: !0 }), + (this.implied = Object.assign(this.implied || {}, t)), + this + ) + } + env(e) { + return (this.envVar = e), this + } + argParser(e) { + return (this.parseArg = e), this + } + makeOptionMandatory(e = !0) { + return (this.mandatory = !!e), this + } + hideHelp(e = !0) { + return (this.hidden = !!e), this + } + _concatValue(e, t) { + return t === this.defaultValue || !Array.isArray(t) ? [e] : t.concat(e) + } + choices(e) { + return ( + (this.argChoices = e.slice()), + (this.parseArg = (t, i) => { + if (!this.argChoices.includes(t)) + throw new Tt(`Allowed choices are ${this.argChoices.join(', ')}.`) + return this.variadic ? this._concatValue(t, i) : t + }), + this + ) + } + name() { + return this.long + ? this.long.replace(/^--/, '') + : this.short.replace(/^-/, '') + } + attributeName() { + return Vt(this.name().replace(/^no-/, '')) + } + is(e) { + return this.short === e || this.long === e + } + isBoolean() { + return !this.required && !this.optional && !this.negate + } + }, + te = class { + constructor(e) { + ;(this.positiveOptions = new Map()), + (this.negativeOptions = new Map()), + (this.dualOptions = new Set()), + e.forEach((t) => { + t.negate + ? this.negativeOptions.set(t.attributeName(), t) + : this.positiveOptions.set(t.attributeName(), t) + }), + this.negativeOptions.forEach((t, i) => { + this.positiveOptions.has(i) && this.dualOptions.add(i) + }) + } + valueFromOption(e, t) { + let i = t.attributeName() + if (!this.dualOptions.has(i)) return !0 + let n = this.negativeOptions.get(i).presetArg, + s = n !== void 0 ? n : !1 + return t.negate === (s === e) + } + } + function Vt(r) { + return r.split('-').reduce((e, t) => e + t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1)) + } + function xe(r) { + let e, + t, + i = r.split(/[ |,]+/) + return ( + i.length > 1 && !/^[[<]/.test(i[1]) && (e = i.shift()), + (t = i.shift()), + !e && /^-[^-]$/.test(t) && ((e = t), (t = void 0)), + { shortFlag: e, longFlag: t } + ) + } + L.Option = ee + L.splitOptionFlags = xe + L.DualOptions = te +}) +var ye = O((we) => { + function Ft(r, e) { + if (Math.abs(r.length - e.length) > 3) return Math.max(r.length, e.length) + let t = [] + for (let i = 0; i <= r.length; i++) t[i] = [i] + for (let i = 0; i <= e.length; i++) t[0][i] = i + for (let i = 1; i <= e.length; i++) + for (let n = 1; n <= r.length; n++) { + let s = 1 + r[n - 1] === e[i - 1] ? (s = 0) : (s = 1), + (t[n][i] = Math.min( + t[n - 1][i] + 1, + t[n][i - 1] + 1, + t[n - 1][i - 1] + s + )), + n > 1 && + i > 1 && + r[n - 1] === e[i - 2] && + r[n - 2] === e[i - 1] && + (t[n][i] = Math.min(t[n][i], t[n - 2][i - 2] + 1)) + } + return t[r.length][e.length] + } + function Nt(r, e) { + if (!e || e.length === 0) return '' + e = Array.from(new Set(e)) + let t = r.startsWith('--') + t && ((r = r.slice(2)), (e = e.map((o) => o.slice(2)))) + let i = [], + n = 3, + s = 0.4 + return ( + e.forEach((o) => { + if (o.length <= 1) return + let l = Ft(r, o), + a = Math.max(r.length, o.length) + ;(a - l) / a > s && + (l < n ? ((n = l), (i = [o])) : l === n && i.push(o)) + }), + i.sort((o, l) => o.localeCompare(l)), + t && (i = i.map((o) => `--${o}`)), + i.length > 1 + ? ` +(Did you mean one of ${i.join(', ')}?)` + : i.length === 1 + ? ` +(Did you mean ${i[0]}?)` + : '' + ) + } + we.suggestSimilar = Nt +}) +var Ve = O((Te) => { + var kt = require('events').EventEmitter, + ne = require('child_process'), + w = require('path'), + re = require('fs'), + p = require('process'), + { Argument: Ht, humanReadableArgName: Rt } = P(), + { CommanderError: se } = V(), + { Help: Dt } = Z(), + { Option: ve, splitOptionFlags: It, DualOptions: Mt } = ie(), + { suggestSimilar: Ee } = ye(), + N = class extends kt { + constructor(e) { + super(), + (this.commands = []), + (this.options = []), + (this.parent = null), + (this._allowUnknownOption = !1), + (this._allowExcessArguments = !0), + (this._args = []), + (this.args = []), + (this.rawArgs = []), + (this.processedArgs = []), + (this._scriptPath = null), + (this._name = e || ''), + (this._optionValues = {}), + (this._optionValueSources = {}), + (this._storeOptionsAsProperties = !1), + (this._actionHandler = null), + (this._executableHandler = !1), + (this._executableFile = null), + (this._executableDir = null), + (this._defaultCommandName = null), + (this._exitCallback = null), + (this._aliases = []), + (this._combineFlagAndOptionalValue = !0), + (this._description = ''), + (this._summary = ''), + (this._argsDescription = void 0), + (this._enablePositionalOptions = !1), + (this._passThroughOptions = !1), + (this._lifeCycleHooks = {}), + (this._showHelpAfterError = !1), + (this._showSuggestionAfterError = !0), + (this._outputConfiguration = { + writeOut: (t) => p.stdout.write(t), + writeErr: (t) => p.stderr.write(t), + getOutHelpWidth: () => (p.stdout.isTTY ? p.stdout.columns : void 0), + getErrHelpWidth: () => (p.stderr.isTTY ? p.stderr.columns : void 0), + outputError: (t, i) => i(t), + }), + (this._hidden = !1), + (this._hasHelpOption = !0), + (this._helpFlags = '-h, --help'), + (this._helpDescription = 'display help for command'), + (this._helpShortFlag = '-h'), + (this._helpLongFlag = '--help'), + (this._addImplicitHelpCommand = void 0), + (this._helpCommandName = 'help'), + (this._helpCommandnameAndArgs = 'help [command]'), + (this._helpCommandDescription = 'display help for command'), + (this._helpConfiguration = {}) + } + copyInheritedSettings(e) { + return ( + (this._outputConfiguration = e._outputConfiguration), + (this._hasHelpOption = e._hasHelpOption), + (this._helpFlags = e._helpFlags), + (this._helpDescription = e._helpDescription), + (this._helpShortFlag = e._helpShortFlag), + (this._helpLongFlag = e._helpLongFlag), + (this._helpCommandName = e._helpCommandName), + (this._helpCommandnameAndArgs = e._helpCommandnameAndArgs), + (this._helpCommandDescription = e._helpCommandDescription), + (this._helpConfiguration = e._helpConfiguration), + (this._exitCallback = e._exitCallback), + (this._storeOptionsAsProperties = e._storeOptionsAsProperties), + (this._combineFlagAndOptionalValue = e._combineFlagAndOptionalValue), + (this._allowExcessArguments = e._allowExcessArguments), + (this._enablePositionalOptions = e._enablePositionalOptions), + (this._showHelpAfterError = e._showHelpAfterError), + (this._showSuggestionAfterError = e._showSuggestionAfterError), + this + ) + } + command(e, t, i) { + let n = t, + s = i + typeof n == 'object' && n !== null && ((s = n), (n = null)), + (s = s || {}) + let [, o, l] = e.match(/([^ ]+) *(.*)/), + a = this.createCommand(o) + return ( + n && (a.description(n), (a._executableHandler = !0)), + s.isDefault && (this._defaultCommandName = a._name), + (a._hidden = !!(s.noHelp || s.hidden)), + (a._executableFile = s.executableFile || null), + l && a.arguments(l), + this.commands.push(a), + (a.parent = this), + a.copyInheritedSettings(this), + n ? this : a + ) + } + createCommand(e) { + return new N(e) + } + createHelp() { + return Object.assign(new Dt(), this.configureHelp()) + } + configureHelp(e) { + return e === void 0 + ? this._helpConfiguration + : ((this._helpConfiguration = e), this) + } + configureOutput(e) { + return e === void 0 + ? this._outputConfiguration + : (Object.assign(this._outputConfiguration, e), this) + } + showHelpAfterError(e = !0) { + return ( + typeof e != 'string' && (e = !!e), + (this._showHelpAfterError = e), + this + ) + } + showSuggestionAfterError(e = !0) { + return (this._showSuggestionAfterError = !!e), this + } + addCommand(e, t) { + if (!e._name) + throw new Error(`Command passed to .addCommand() must have a name +- specify the name in Command constructor or using .name()`) + return ( + (t = t || {}), + t.isDefault && (this._defaultCommandName = e._name), + (t.noHelp || t.hidden) && (e._hidden = !0), + this.commands.push(e), + (e.parent = this), + this + ) + } + createArgument(e, t) { + return new Ht(e, t) + } + argument(e, t, i, n) { + let s = this.createArgument(e, t) + return ( + typeof i == 'function' ? s.default(n).argParser(i) : s.default(i), + this.addArgument(s), + this + ) + } + arguments(e) { + return ( + e.split(/ +/).forEach((t) => { + this.argument(t) + }), + this + ) + } + addArgument(e) { + let t = this._args.slice(-1)[0] + if (t && t.variadic) + throw new Error( + `only the last argument can be variadic '${t.name()}'` + ) + if (e.required && e.defaultValue !== void 0 && e.parseArg === void 0) + throw new Error( + `a default value for a required argument is never used: '${e.name()}'` + ) + return this._args.push(e), this + } + addHelpCommand(e, t) { + return ( + e === !1 + ? (this._addImplicitHelpCommand = !1) + : ((this._addImplicitHelpCommand = !0), + typeof e == 'string' && + ((this._helpCommandName = e.split(' ')[0]), + (this._helpCommandnameAndArgs = e)), + (this._helpCommandDescription = + t || this._helpCommandDescription)), + this + ) + } + _hasImplicitHelpCommand() { + return this._addImplicitHelpCommand === void 0 + ? this.commands.length && + !this._actionHandler && + !this._findCommand('help') + : this._addImplicitHelpCommand + } + hook(e, t) { + let i = ['preSubcommand', 'preAction', 'postAction'] + if (!i.includes(e)) + throw new Error(`Unexpected value for event passed to hook : '${e}'. +Expecting one of '${i.join("', '")}'`) + return ( + this._lifeCycleHooks[e] + ? this._lifeCycleHooks[e].push(t) + : (this._lifeCycleHooks[e] = [t]), + this + ) + } + exitOverride(e) { + return ( + e + ? (this._exitCallback = e) + : (this._exitCallback = (t) => { + if (t.code !== 'commander.executeSubCommandAsync') throw t + }), + this + ) + } + _exit(e, t, i) { + this._exitCallback && this._exitCallback(new se(e, t, i)), p.exit(e) + } + action(e) { + let t = (i) => { + let n = this._args.length, + s = i.slice(0, n) + return ( + this._storeOptionsAsProperties + ? (s[n] = this) + : (s[n] = this.opts()), + s.push(this), + e.apply(this, s) + ) + } + return (this._actionHandler = t), this + } + createOption(e, t) { + return new ve(e, t) + } + addOption(e) { + let t = e.name(), + i = e.attributeName() + if (e.negate) { + let s = e.long.replace(/^--no-/, '--') + this._findOption(s) || + this.setOptionValueWithSource( + i, + e.defaultValue === void 0 ? !0 : e.defaultValue, + 'default' + ) + } else + e.defaultValue !== void 0 && + this.setOptionValueWithSource(i, e.defaultValue, 'default') + this.options.push(e) + let n = (s, o, l) => { + s == null && e.presetArg !== void 0 && (s = e.presetArg) + let a = this.getOptionValue(i) + if (s !== null && e.parseArg) + try { + s = e.parseArg(s, a) + } catch (u) { + if (u.code === 'commander.invalidArgument') { + let h = `${o} ${u.message}` + this.error(h, { exitCode: u.exitCode, code: u.code }) + } + throw u + } + else s !== null && e.variadic && (s = e._concatValue(s, a)) + s == null && + (e.negate + ? (s = !1) + : e.isBoolean() || e.optional + ? (s = !0) + : (s = '')), + this.setOptionValueWithSource(i, s, l) + } + return ( + this.on('option:' + t, (s) => { + let o = `error: option '${e.flags}' argument '${s}' is invalid.` + n(s, o, 'cli') + }), + e.envVar && + this.on('optionEnv:' + t, (s) => { + let o = `error: option '${e.flags}' value '${s}' from env '${e.envVar}' is invalid.` + n(s, o, 'env') + }), + this + ) + } + _optionEx(e, t, i, n, s) { + if (typeof t == 'object' && t instanceof ve) + throw new Error( + 'To add an Option object use addOption() instead of option() or requiredOption()' + ) + let o = this.createOption(t, i) + if ((o.makeOptionMandatory(!!e.mandatory), typeof n == 'function')) + o.default(s).argParser(n) + else if (n instanceof RegExp) { + let l = n + ;(n = (a, u) => { + let h = l.exec(a) + return h ? h[0] : u + }), + o.default(s).argParser(n) + } else o.default(n) + return this.addOption(o) + } + option(e, t, i, n) { + return this._optionEx({}, e, t, i, n) + } + requiredOption(e, t, i, n) { + return this._optionEx({ mandatory: !0 }, e, t, i, n) + } + combineFlagAndOptionalValue(e = !0) { + return (this._combineFlagAndOptionalValue = !!e), this + } + allowUnknownOption(e = !0) { + return (this._allowUnknownOption = !!e), this + } + allowExcessArguments(e = !0) { + return (this._allowExcessArguments = !!e), this + } + enablePositionalOptions(e = !0) { + return (this._enablePositionalOptions = !!e), this + } + passThroughOptions(e = !0) { + if ( + ((this._passThroughOptions = !!e), + this.parent && e && !this.parent._enablePositionalOptions) + ) + throw new Error( + 'passThroughOptions can not be used without turning on enablePositionalOptions for parent command(s)' + ) + return this + } + storeOptionsAsProperties(e = !0) { + if (((this._storeOptionsAsProperties = !!e), this.options.length)) + throw new Error( + 'call .storeOptionsAsProperties() before adding options' + ) + return this + } + getOptionValue(e) { + return this._storeOptionsAsProperties ? this[e] : this._optionValues[e] + } + setOptionValue(e, t) { + return this.setOptionValueWithSource(e, t, void 0) + } + setOptionValueWithSource(e, t, i) { + return ( + this._storeOptionsAsProperties + ? (this[e] = t) + : (this._optionValues[e] = t), + (this._optionValueSources[e] = i), + this + ) + } + getOptionValueSource(e) { + return this._optionValueSources[e] + } + getOptionValueSourceWithGlobals(e) { + let t + return ( + F(this).forEach((i) => { + i.getOptionValueSource(e) !== void 0 && + (t = i.getOptionValueSource(e)) + }), + t + ) + } + _prepareUserArgs(e, t) { + if (e !== void 0 && !Array.isArray(e)) + throw new Error('first parameter to parse must be array or undefined') + ;(t = t || {}), + e === void 0 && + ((e = p.argv), + p.versions && p.versions.electron && (t.from = 'electron')), + (this.rawArgs = e.slice()) + let i + switch (t.from) { + case void 0: + case 'node': + ;(this._scriptPath = e[1]), (i = e.slice(2)) + break + case 'electron': + p.defaultApp + ? ((this._scriptPath = e[1]), (i = e.slice(2))) + : (i = e.slice(1)) + break + case 'user': + i = e.slice(0) + break + default: + throw new Error(`unexpected parse option { from: '${t.from}' }`) + } + return ( + !this._name && + this._scriptPath && + this.nameFromFilename(this._scriptPath), + (this._name = this._name || 'program'), + i + ) + } + parse(e, t) { + let i = this._prepareUserArgs(e, t) + return this._parseCommand([], i), this + } + async parseAsync(e, t) { + let i = this._prepareUserArgs(e, t) + return await this._parseCommand([], i), this + } + _executeSubCommand(e, t) { + t = t.slice() + let i = !1, + n = ['.js', '.ts', '.tsx', '.mjs', '.cjs'] + function s(h, c) { + let _ = w.resolve(h, c) + if (re.existsSync(_)) return _ + if (n.includes(w.extname(c))) return + let E = n.find((d) => re.existsSync(`${_}${d}`)) + if (E) return `${_}${E}` + } + this._checkForMissingMandatoryOptions(), + this._checkForConflictingOptions() + let o = e._executableFile || `${this._name}-${e._name}`, + l = this._executableDir || '' + if (this._scriptPath) { + let h + try { + h = re.realpathSync(this._scriptPath) + } catch { + h = this._scriptPath + } + l = w.resolve(w.dirname(h), l) + } + if (l) { + let h = s(l, o) + if (!h && !e._executableFile && this._scriptPath) { + let c = w.basename(this._scriptPath, w.extname(this._scriptPath)) + c !== this._name && (h = s(l, `${c}-${e._name}`)) + } + o = h || o + } + i = n.includes(w.extname(o)) + let a + p.platform !== 'win32' + ? i + ? (t.unshift(o), + (t = $e(p.execArgv).concat(t)), + (a = ne.spawn(p.argv[0], t, { stdio: 'inherit' }))) + : (a = ne.spawn(o, t, { stdio: 'inherit' })) + : (t.unshift(o), + (t = $e(p.execArgv).concat(t)), + (a = ne.spawn(p.execPath, t, { stdio: 'inherit' }))), + a.killed || + ['SIGUSR1', 'SIGUSR2', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGINT', 'SIGHUP'].forEach( + (c) => { + p.on(c, () => { + a.killed === !1 && a.exitCode === null && a.kill(c) + }) + } + ) + let u = this._exitCallback + u + ? a.on('close', () => { + u( + new se( + p.exitCode || 0, + 'commander.executeSubCommandAsync', + '(close)' + ) + ) + }) + : a.on('close', p.exit.bind(p)), + a.on('error', (h) => { + if (h.code === 'ENOENT') { + let c = l + ? `searched for local subcommand relative to directory '${l}'` + : 'no directory for search for local subcommand, use .executableDir() to supply a custom directory', + _ = `'${o}' does not exist - if '${e._name}' is not meant to be an executable command, remove description parameter from '.command()' and use '.description()' instead - if the default executable name is not suitable, use the executableFile option to supply a custom name or path - - ${c}`;throw new Error(_)}else if(h.code==="EACCES")throw new Error(`'${o}' not executable`);if(!u)p.exit(1);else{let c=new se(1,"commander.executeSubCommandAsync","(error)");c.nestedError=h,u(c)}}),this.runningCommand=a}_dispatchSubcommand(e,t,i){let n=this._findCommand(e);n||this.help({error:!0});let s;return s=this._chainOrCallSubCommandHook(s,n,"preSubcommand"),s=this._chainOrCall(s,()=>{if(n._executableHandler)this._executeSubCommand(n,t.concat(i));else return n._parseCommand(t,i)}),s}_checkNumberOfArguments(){this._args.forEach((e,t)=>{e.required&&this.args[t]==null&&this.missingArgument(e.name())}),!(this._args.length>0&&this._args[this._args.length-1].variadic)&&this.args.length>this._args.length&&this._excessArguments(this.args)}_processArguments(){let e=(i,n,s)=>{let o=n;if(n!==null&&i.parseArg)try{o=i.parseArg(n,s)}catch(l){if(l.code==="commander.invalidArgument"){let a=`error: command-argument value '${n}' is invalid for argument '${i.name()}'. ${l.message}`;this.error(a,{exitCode:l.exitCode,code:l.code})}throw l}return o};this._checkNumberOfArguments();let t=[];this._args.forEach((i,n)=>{let s=i.defaultValue;i.variadic?ne(i,l,o),i.defaultValue))):s===void 0&&(s=[]):nt()):t()}_chainOrCallHooks(e,t){let i=e,n=[];return F(this).reverse().filter(s=>s._lifeCycleHooks[t]!==void 0).forEach(s=>{s._lifeCycleHooks[t].forEach(o=>{n.push({hookedCommand:s,callback:o})})}),t==="postAction"&&n.reverse(),n.forEach(s=>{i=this._chainOrCall(i,()=>s.callback(s.hookedCommand,this))}),i}_chainOrCallSubCommandHook(e,t,i){let n=e;return this._lifeCycleHooks[i]!==void 0&&this._lifeCycleHooks[i].forEach(s=>{n=this._chainOrCall(n,()=>s(this,t))}),n}_parseCommand(e,t){let i=this.parseOptions(t);if(this._parseOptionsEnv(),this._parseOptionsImplied(),e=e.concat(i.operands),t=i.unknown,this.args=e.concat(t),e&&this._findCommand(e[0]))return this._dispatchSubcommand(e[0],e.slice(1),t);if(this._hasImplicitHelpCommand()&&e[0]===this._helpCommandName)return e.length===1&&this.help(),this._dispatchSubcommand(e[1],[],[this._helpLongFlag]);if(this._defaultCommandName)return Se(this,t),this._dispatchSubcommand(this._defaultCommandName,e,t);this.commands.length&&this.args.length===0&&!this._actionHandler&&!this._defaultCommandName&&this.help({error:!0}),Se(this,i.unknown),this._checkForMissingMandatoryOptions(),this._checkForConflictingOptions();let n=()=>{i.unknown.length>0&&this.unknownOption(i.unknown[0])},s=`command:${this.name()}`;if(this._actionHandler){n(),this._processArguments();let o;return o=this._chainOrCallHooks(o,"preAction"),o=this._chainOrCall(o,()=>this._actionHandler(this.processedArgs)),this.parent&&(o=this._chainOrCall(o,()=>{this.parent.emit(s,e,t)})),o=this._chainOrCallHooks(o,"postAction"),o}if(this.parent&&this.parent.listenerCount(s))n(),this._processArguments(),this.parent.emit(s,e,t);else if(e.length){if(this._findCommand("*"))return this._dispatchSubcommand("*",e,t);this.listenerCount("command:*")?this.emit("command:*",e,t):this.commands.length?this.unknownCommand():(n(),this._processArguments())}else this.commands.length?(n(),this.help({error:!0})):(n(),this._processArguments())}_findCommand(e){if(e)return this.commands.find(t=>t._name===e||t._aliases.includes(e))}_findOption(e){return this.options.find(t=>t.is(e))}_checkForMissingMandatoryOptions(){for(let e=this;e;e=e.parent)e.options.forEach(t=>{t.mandatory&&e.getOptionValue(t.attributeName())===void 0&&e.missingMandatoryOptionValue(t)})}_checkForConflictingLocalOptions(){let e=this.options.filter(i=>{let n=i.attributeName();return this.getOptionValue(n)===void 0?!1:this.getOptionValueSource(n)!=="default"});e.filter(i=>i.conflictsWith.length>0).forEach(i=>{let n=e.find(s=>i.conflictsWith.includes(s.attributeName()));n&&this._conflictingOption(i,n)})}_checkForConflictingOptions(){for(let e=this;e;e=e.parent)e._checkForConflictingLocalOptions()}parseOptions(e){let t=[],i=[],n=t,s=e.slice();function o(a){return a.length>1&&a[0]==="-"}let l=null;for(;s.length;){let a=s.shift();if(a==="--"){n===i&&n.push(a),n.push(...s);break}if(l&&!o(a)){this.emit(`option:${l.name()}`,a);continue}if(l=null,o(a)){let u=this._findOption(a);if(u){if(u.required){let h=s.shift();h===void 0&&this.optionMissingArgument(u),this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`,h)}else if(u.optional){let h=null;s.length>0&&!o(s[0])&&(h=s.shift()),this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`,h)}else this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`);l=u.variadic?u:null;continue}}if(a.length>2&&a[0]==="-"&&a[1]!=="-"){let u=this._findOption(`-${a[1]}`);if(u){u.required||u.optional&&this._combineFlagAndOptionalValue?this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`,a.slice(2)):(this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`),s.unshift(`-${a.slice(2)}`));continue}}if(/^--[^=]+=/.test(a)){let u=a.indexOf("="),h=this._findOption(a.slice(0,u));if(h&&(h.required||h.optional)){this.emit(`option:${h.name()}`,a.slice(u+1));continue}}if(o(a)&&(n=i),(this._enablePositionalOptions||this._passThroughOptions)&&t.length===0&&i.length===0){if(this._findCommand(a)){t.push(a),s.length>0&&i.push(...s);break}else if(a===this._helpCommandName&&this._hasImplicitHelpCommand()){t.push(a),s.length>0&&t.push(...s);break}else if(this._defaultCommandName){i.push(a),s.length>0&&i.push(...s);break}}if(this._passThroughOptions){n.push(a),s.length>0&&n.push(...s);break}n.push(a)}return{operands:t,unknown:i}}opts(){if(this._storeOptionsAsProperties){let e={},t=this.options.length;for(let i=0;iObject.assign(e,t.opts()),{})}error(e,t){this._outputConfiguration.outputError(`${e} -`,this._outputConfiguration.writeErr),typeof this._showHelpAfterError=="string"?this._outputConfiguration.writeErr(`${this._showHelpAfterError} -`):this._showHelpAfterError&&(this._outputConfiguration.writeErr(` -`),this.outputHelp({error:!0}));let i=t||{},n=i.exitCode||1,s=i.code||"commander.error";this._exit(n,s,e)}_parseOptionsEnv(){this.options.forEach(e=>{if(e.envVar&&e.envVar in p.env){let t=e.attributeName();(this.getOptionValue(t)===void 0||["default","config","env"].includes(this.getOptionValueSource(t)))&&(e.required||e.optional?this.emit(`optionEnv:${e.name()}`,p.env[e.envVar]):this.emit(`optionEnv:${e.name()}`))}})}_parseOptionsImplied(){let e=new Mt(this.options),t=i=>this.getOptionValue(i)!==void 0&&!["default","implied"].includes(this.getOptionValueSource(i));this.options.filter(i=>i.implied!==void 0&&t(i.attributeName())&&e.valueFromOption(this.getOptionValue(i.attributeName()),i)).forEach(i=>{Object.keys(i.implied).filter(n=>!t(n)).forEach(n=>{this.setOptionValueWithSource(n,i.implied[n],"implied")})})}missingArgument(e){let t=`error: missing required argument '${e}'`;this.error(t,{code:"commander.missingArgument"})}optionMissingArgument(e){let t=`error: option '${e.flags}' argument missing`;this.error(t,{code:"commander.optionMissingArgument"})}missingMandatoryOptionValue(e){let t=`error: required option '${e.flags}' not specified`;this.error(t,{code:"commander.missingMandatoryOptionValue"})}_conflictingOption(e,t){let i=o=>{let l=o.attributeName(),a=this.getOptionValue(l),u=this.options.find(c=>c.negate&&l===c.attributeName()),h=this.options.find(c=>!c.negate&&l===c.attributeName());return u&&(u.presetArg===void 0&&a===!1||u.presetArg!==void 0&&a===u.presetArg)?u:h||o},n=o=>{let l=i(o),a=l.attributeName();return this.getOptionValueSource(a)==="env"?`environment variable '${l.envVar}'`:`option '${l.flags}'`},s=`error: ${n(e)} cannot be used with ${n(t)}`;this.error(s,{code:"commander.conflictingOption"})}unknownOption(e){if(this._allowUnknownOption)return;let t="";if(e.startsWith("--")&&this._showSuggestionAfterError){let n=[],s=this;do{let o=s.createHelp().visibleOptions(s).filter(l=>l.long).map(l=>l.long);n=n.concat(o),s=s.parent}while(s&&!s._enablePositionalOptions);t=Ee(e,n)}let i=`error: unknown option '${e}'${t}`;this.error(i,{code:"commander.unknownOption"})}_excessArguments(e){if(this._allowExcessArguments)return;let t=this._args.length,i=t===1?"":"s",s=`error: too many arguments${this.parent?` for '${this.name()}'`:""}. Expected ${t} argument${i} but got ${e.length}.`;this.error(s,{code:"commander.excessArguments"})}unknownCommand(){let e=this.args[0],t="";if(this._showSuggestionAfterError){let n=[];this.createHelp().visibleCommands(this).forEach(s=>{n.push(s.name()),s.alias()&&n.push(s.alias())}),t=Ee(e,n)}let i=`error: unknown command '${e}'${t}`;this.error(i,{code:"commander.unknownCommand"})}version(e,t,i){if(e===void 0)return this._version;this._version=e,t=t||"-V, --version",i=i||"output the version number";let n=this.createOption(t,i);return this._versionOptionName=n.attributeName(),this.options.push(n),this.on("option:"+n.name(),()=>{this._outputConfiguration.writeOut(`${e} -`),this._exit(0,"commander.version",e)}),this}description(e,t){return e===void 0&&t===void 0?this._description:(this._description=e,t&&(this._argsDescription=t),this)}summary(e){return e===void 0?this._summary:(this._summary=e,this)}alias(e){if(e===void 0)return this._aliases[0];let t=this;if(this.commands.length!==0&&this.commands[this.commands.length-1]._executableHandler&&(t=this.commands[this.commands.length-1]),e===t._name)throw new Error("Command alias can't be the same as its name");return t._aliases.push(e),this}aliases(e){return e===void 0?this._aliases:(e.forEach(t=>this.alias(t)),this)}usage(e){if(e===void 0){if(this._usage)return this._usage;let t=this._args.map(i=>Rt(i));return[].concat(this.options.length||this._hasHelpOption?"[options]":[],this.commands.length?"[command]":[],this._args.length?t:[]).join(" ")}return this._usage=e,this}name(e){return e===void 0?this._name:(this._name=e,this)}nameFromFilename(e){return this._name=w.basename(e,w.extname(e)),this}executableDir(e){return e===void 0?this._executableDir:(this._executableDir=e,this)}helpInformation(e){let t=this.createHelp();return t.helpWidth===void 0&&(t.helpWidth=e&&e.error?this._outputConfiguration.getErrHelpWidth():this._outputConfiguration.getOutHelpWidth()),t.formatHelp(this,t)}_getHelpContext(e){e=e||{};let t={error:!!e.error},i;return t.error?i=n=>this._outputConfiguration.writeErr(n):i=n=>this._outputConfiguration.writeOut(n),t.write=e.write||i,t.command=this,t}outputHelp(e){let t;typeof e=="function"&&(t=e,e=void 0);let i=this._getHelpContext(e);F(this).reverse().forEach(s=>s.emit("beforeAllHelp",i)),this.emit("beforeHelp",i);let n=this.helpInformation(i);if(t&&(n=t(n),typeof n!="string"&&!Buffer.isBuffer(n)))throw new Error("outputHelp callback must return a string or a Buffer");i.write(n),this.emit(this._helpLongFlag),this.emit("afterHelp",i),F(this).forEach(s=>s.emit("afterAllHelp",i))}helpOption(e,t){if(typeof e=="boolean")return this._hasHelpOption=e,this;this._helpFlags=e||this._helpFlags,this._helpDescription=t||this._helpDescription;let i=It(this._helpFlags);return this._helpShortFlag=i.shortFlag,this._helpLongFlag=i.longFlag,this}help(e){this.outputHelp(e);let t=p.exitCode||0;t===0&&e&&typeof e!="function"&&e.error&&(t=1),this._exit(t,"commander.help","(outputHelp)")}addHelpText(e,t){let i=["beforeAll","before","after","afterAll"];if(!i.includes(e))throw new Error(`Unexpected value for position to addHelpText. -Expecting one of '${i.join("', '")}'`);let n=`${e}Help`;return this.on(n,s=>{let o;typeof t=="function"?o=t({error:s.error,command:s.command}):o=t,o&&s.write(`${o} -`)}),this}};function Se(r,e){r._hasHelpOption&&e.find(i=>i===r._helpLongFlag||i===r._helpShortFlag)&&(r.outputHelp(),r._exit(0,"commander.helpDisplayed","(outputHelp)"))}function $e(r){return r.map(e=>{if(!e.startsWith("--inspect"))return e;let t,i="",n="9229",s;return(s=e.match(/^(--inspect(-brk)?)$/))!==null?t=s[1]:(s=e.match(/^(--inspect(-brk|-port)?)=([^:]+)$/))!==null?(t=s[1],/^\d+$/.test(s[3])?n=s[3]:i=s[3]):(s=e.match(/^(--inspect(-brk|-port)?)=([^:]+):(\d+)$/))!==null&&(t=s[1],i=s[3],n=s[4]),t&&n!=="0"?`${t}=${i}:${parseInt(n)+1}`:e})}function F(r){let e=[];for(let t=r;t;t=t.parent)e.push(t);return e}Te.Command=N});var He=O((C,ke)=>{var{Argument:jt}=P(),{Command:Fe}=Ve(),{CommanderError:Pt,InvalidArgumentError:Ne}=V(),{Help:Lt}=Z(),{Option:qt}=ie();C=ke.exports=new Fe;C.program=C;C.Argument=jt;C.Command=Fe;C.CommanderError=Pt;C.Help=Lt;C.InvalidArgumentError=Ne;C.InvalidOptionArgumentError=Ne;C.Option=qt});var Je=O((Ui,ni)=>{ni.exports=["|/-\\","\u2802-\u2013\u2014\u2013-","\u25D0\u25D3\u25D1\u25D2","\u25F4\u25F7\u25F6\u25F5","\u25F0\u25F3\u25F2\u25F1","\u2596\u2598\u259D\u2597","\u25A0\u25A1\u25AA\u25AB","\u258C\u2580\u2590\u2584","\u2589\u258A\u258B\u258C\u258D\u258E\u258F\u258E\u258D\u258C\u258B\u258A\u2589","\u2581\u2583\u2584\u2585\u2586\u2587\u2588\u2587\u2586\u2585\u2584\u2583","\u2190\u2196\u2191\u2197\u2192\u2198\u2193\u2199","\u2524\u2518\u2534\u2514\u251C\u250C\u252C\u2510","\u25E2\u25E3\u25E4\u25E5",".oO\xB0Oo.",".oO@*",["\u{1F30D}","\u{1F30E}","\u{1F30F}"],"\u25E1\u25E1 \u2299\u2299 \u25E0\u25E0","\u2631\u2632\u2634","\u280B\u2819\u2839\u2838\u283C\u2834\u2826\u2827\u2807\u280F","\u280B\u2819\u281A\u281E\u2816\u2826\u2834\u2832\u2833\u2813","\u2804\u2806\u2807\u280B\u2819\u2838\u2830\u2820\u2830\u2838\u2819\u280B\u2807\u2806","\u280B\u2819\u281A\u2812\u2802\u2802\u2812\u2832\u2834\u2826\u2816\u2812\u2810\u2810\u2812\u2813\u280B","\u2801\u2809\u2819\u281A\u2812\u2802\u2802\u2812\u2832\u2834\u2824\u2804\u2804\u2824\u2834\u2832\u2812\u2802\u2802\u2812\u281A\u2819\u2809\u2801","\u2808\u2809\u280B\u2813\u2812\u2810\u2810\u2812\u2816\u2826\u2824\u2820\u2820\u2824\u2826\u2816\u2812\u2810\u2810\u2812\u2813\u280B\u2809\u2808","\u2801\u2801\u2809\u2819\u281A\u2812\u2802\u2802\u2812\u2832\u2834\u2824\u2804\u2804\u2824\u2820\u2820\u2824\u2826\u2816\u2812\u2810\u2810\u2812\u2813\u280B\u2809\u2808\u2808","\u2884\u2882\u2881\u2841\u2848\u2850\u2860","\u28B9\u28BA\u28BC\u28F8\u28C7\u2867\u2857\u284F","\u28FE\u28FD\u28FB\u28BF\u287F\u28DF\u28EF\u28F7","\u2801\u2802\u2804\u2840\u2880\u2820\u2810\u2808",["\u{1F311}","\u{1F312}","\u{1F313}","\u{1F314}","\u{1F315}","\u{1F31D}","\u{1F316}","\u{1F317}","\u{1F318}","\u{1F31A}"],["\u{1F55B}","\u{1F550}","\u{1F551}","\u{1F552}","\u{1F553}","\u{1F554}","\u{1F555}","\u{1F556}","\u{1F557}","\u{1F558}","\u{1F559}","\u{1F55A}"]]});var et=O(Ze=>{var ze=require("readline"),Qe=0,Xe=60;function ri(r){this.clearLine(this.stream),this.stream.write(r)}var g=function(r){if(!(this instanceof g))return new g(r);typeof r=="string"?r={text:r}:r||(r={}),this.text=r.text||"",this.setSpinnerString(Qe),this.setSpinnerDelay(Xe),this.onTick=r.onTick||ri,this.stream=r.stream||process.stdout};g.spinners=Je();g.setDefaultSpinnerString=function(r){return Qe=r,this};g.setDefaultSpinnerDelay=function(r){return Xe=r,this};g.prototype.start=function(){if(this.stream===process.stdout&&this.stream.isTTY!==!0)return this;var r=0,e=this,t=function(){var i=e.text.indexOf("%s")>-1?e.text.replace("%s",e.chars[r]):e.chars[r]+" "+e.text;e.onTick(i),r=++r%e.chars.length};return t(),this.id=setInterval(t,this.delay),this};g.prototype.isSpinning=function(){return this.id!==void 0};g.prototype.setSpinnerDelay=function(r){return this.delay=r,this};g.prototype.setSpinnerString=function(r){let e=oi(r,this.spinners);return this.chars=Array.isArray(e)?e:e.split(""),this};g.prototype.setSpinnerTitle=function(r){return this.text=r,this};g.prototype.stop=function(r){return this.isSpinning===!1?this:(clearInterval(this.id),this.id=void 0,r&&this.clearLine(this.stream),this)};g.prototype.clearLine=function(r){return ze.clearLine(r,0),ze.cursorTo(r,0),this};function si(r){return typeof r=="number"&&r%1===0}function oi(r,e){if(!si(r))return r+"";var t=g.spinners.length;return r=r>=t?0:r,r=r<0?t+r:r,g.spinners[r]}Ze.Spinner=g});var ci={};dt(ci,{ACCOUNT_PATH:()=>ui,LEDGER_PATH:()=>ue,LOG_PATH:()=>fe,SOLV_ROOT:()=>ge,USER:()=>ai,VOTE_ACCOUNT_PATH:()=>li,WD:()=>ut,program:()=>x});module.exports=gt(ci);var de=S(Ce());var Re=S(He(),1),{program:Ai,createCommand:xi,createArgument:wi,createOption:yi,CommanderError:vi,InvalidArgumentError:Ei,InvalidOptionArgumentError:Si,Command:De,Argument:$i,Option:Ti,Help:Vi}=Re.default;var Ie="0.1.9";var oe=require("child_process");var ae=async r=>{let e=[`sh -c "$(curl -sSfL 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Me=(r=0)=>e=>`\x1B[${e+r}m`,je=(r=0)=>e=>`\x1B[${38+r};5;${e}m`,Pe=(r=0)=>(e,t,i)=>`\x1B[${38+r};2;${e};${t};${i}m`,m={modifier:{reset:[0,0],bold:[1,22],dim:[2,22],italic:[3,23],underline:[4,24],overline:[53,55],inverse:[7,27],hidden:[8,28],strikethrough:[9,29]},color:{black:[30,39],red:[31,39],green:[32,39],yellow:[33,39],blue:[34,39],magenta:[35,39],cyan:[36,39],white:[37,39],blackBright:[90,39],gray:[90,39],grey:[90,39],redBright:[91,39],greenBright:[92,39],yellowBright:[93,39],blueBright:[94,39],magentaBright:[95,39],cyanBright:[96,39],whiteBright:[97,39]},bgColor:{bgBlack:[40,49],bgRed:[41,49],bgGreen:[42,49],bgYellow:[43,49],bgBlue:[44,49],bgMagenta:[45,49],bgCyan:[46,49],bgWhite:[47,49],bgBlackBright:[100,49],bgGray:[100,49],bgGrey:[100,49],bgRedBright:[101,49],bgGreenBright:[102,49],bgYellowBright:[103,49],bgBlueBright:[104,49],bgMagentaBright:[105,49],bgCyanBright:[106,49],bgWhiteBright:[107,49]}},Ri=Object.keys(m.modifier),Bt=Object.keys(m.color),Wt=Object.keys(m.bgColor),Di=[...Bt,...Wt];function Ut(){let r=new Map;for(let[e,t]of Object.entries(m)){for(let[i,n]of Object.entries(t))m[i]={open:`\x1B[${n[0]}m`,close:`\x1B[${n[1]}m`},t[i]=m[i],r.set(n[0],n[1]);Object.defineProperty(m,e,{value:t,enumerable:!1})}return Object.defineProperty(m,"codes",{value:r,enumerable:!1}),m.color.close="\x1B[39m",m.bgColor.close="\x1B[49m",m.color.ansi=Me(),m.color.ansi256=je(),m.color.ansi16m=Pe(),m.bgColor.ansi=Me(10),m.bgColor.ansi256=je(10),m.bgColor.ansi16m=Pe(10),Object.defineProperties(m,{rgbToAnsi256:{value(e,t,i){return e===t&&t===i?e<8?16:e>248?231:Math.round((e-8)/247*24)+232:16+36*Math.round(e/255*5)+6*Math.round(t/255*5)+Math.round(i/255*5)},enumerable:!1},hexToRgb:{value(e){let t=/[a-f\d]{6}|[a-f\d]{3}/i.exec(e.toString(16));if(!t)return[0,0,0];let[i]=t;i.length===3&&(i=[...i].map(s=>s+s).join(""));let n=Number.parseInt(i,16);return[n>>16&255,n>>8&255,n&255]},enumerable:!1},hexToAnsi256:{value:e=>m.rgbToAnsi256(...m.hexToRgb(e)),enumerable:!1},ansi256ToAnsi:{value(e){if(e<8)return 30+e;if(e<16)return 90+(e-8);let t,i,n;if(e>=232)t=((e-232)*10+8)/255,i=t,n=t;else{e-=16;let l=e%36;t=Math.floor(e/36)/5,i=Math.floor(l/6)/5,n=l%6/5}let s=Math.max(t,i,n)*2;if(s===0)return 30;let o=30+(Math.round(n)<<2|Math.round(i)<<1|Math.round(t));return s===2&&(o+=60),o},enumerable:!1},rgbToAnsi:{value:(e,t,i)=>m.ansi256ToAnsi(m.rgbToAnsi256(e,t,i)),enumerable:!1},hexToAnsi:{value:e=>m.ansi256ToAnsi(m.hexToAnsi256(e)),enumerable:!1}}),m}var Gt=Ut(),A=Gt;var B=S(require("node:process"),1),qe=S(require("node:os"),1),he=S(require("node:tty"),1);function b(r,e=globalThis.Deno?globalThis.Deno.args:B.default.argv){let t=r.startsWith("-")?"":r.length===1?"-":"--",i=e.indexOf(t+r),n=e.indexOf("--");return i!==-1&&(n===-1||i=2,has16m:r>=3}}function Jt(r,{streamIsTTY:e,sniffFlags:t=!0}={}){let i=Yt();i!==void 0&&(q=i);let n=t?q:i;if(n===0)return 0;if(t){if(b("color=16m")||b("color=full")||b("color=truecolor"))return 3;if(b("color=256"))return 2}if("TF_BUILD"in f&&"AGENT_NAME"in f)return 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zt={stdout:Le({isTTY:he.default.isatty(1)}),stderr:Le({isTTY:he.default.isatty(2)})},Be=zt;function We(r,e,t){let i=r.indexOf(e);if(i===-1)return r;let n=e.length,s=0,o="";do o+=r.slice(s,i)+e+t,s=i+n,i=r.indexOf(e,s);while(i!==-1);return o+=r.slice(s),o}function Ue(r,e,t,i){let n=0,s="";do{let o=r[i-1]==="\r";s+=r.slice(n,o?i-1:i)+e+(o?`\r -`:` -`)+t,n=i+1,i=r.indexOf(` -`,n)}while(i!==-1);return s+=r.slice(n),s}var{stdout:Ge,stderr:Ye}=Be,ce=Symbol("GENERATOR"),$=Symbol("STYLER"),k=Symbol("IS_EMPTY"),Ke=["ansi","ansi","ansi256","ansi16m"],T=Object.create(null),Qt=(r,e={})=>{if(e.level&&!(Number.isInteger(e.level)&&e.level>=0&&e.level<=3))throw new Error("The `level` option should be an integer from 0 to 3");let t=Ge?Ge.level:0;r.level=e.level===void 0?t:e.level};var Xt=r=>{let e=(...t)=>t.join(" ");return Qt(e,r),Object.setPrototypeOf(e,H.prototype),e};function H(r){return Xt(r)}Object.setPrototypeOf(H.prototype,Function.prototype);for(let[r,e]of Object.entries(A))T[r]={get(){let t=W(this,me(e.open,e.close,this[$]),this[k]);return Object.defineProperty(this,r,{value:t}),t}};T.visible={get(){let r=W(this,this[$],!0);return Object.defineProperty(this,"visible",{value:r}),r}};var pe=(r,e,t,...i)=>r==="rgb"?e==="ansi16m"?A[t].ansi16m(...i):e==="ansi256"?A[t].ansi256(A.rgbToAnsi256(...i)):A[t].ansi(A.rgbToAnsi(...i)):r==="hex"?pe("rgb",e,t,...A.hexToRgb(...i)):A[t][r](...i),Zt=["rgb","hex","ansi256"];for(let r of Zt){T[r]={get(){let{level:t}=this;return function(...i){let n=me(pe(r,Ke[t],"color",...i),A.color.close,this[$]);return W(this,n,this[k])}}};let e="bg"+r[0].toUpperCase()+r.slice(1);T[e]={get(){let{level:t}=this;return function(...i){let n=me(pe(r,Ke[t],"bgColor",...i),A.bgColor.close,this[$]);return W(this,n,this[k])}}}}var ei=Object.defineProperties(()=>{},{...T,level:{enumerable:!0,get(){return this[ce].level},set(r){this[ce].level=r}}}),me=(r,e,t)=>{let i,n;return t===void 0?(i=r,n=e):(i=t.openAll+r,n=e+t.closeAll),{open:r,close:e,openAll:i,closeAll:n,parent:t}},W=(r,e,t)=>{let i=(...n)=>ti(i,n.length===1?""+n[0]:n.join(" "));return Object.setPrototypeOf(i,ei),i[ce]=r,i[$]=e,i[k]=t,i},ti=(r,e)=>{if(r.level<=0||!e)return r[k]?"":e;let t=r[$];if(t===void 0)return e;let{openAll:i,closeAll:n}=t;if(e.includes("\x1B"))for(;t!==void 0;)e=We(e,t.close,t.open),t=t.parent;let s=e.indexOf(` -`);return s!==-1&&(e=Ue(e,n,i,s)),i+e+n};Object.defineProperties(H.prototype,T);var ii=H(),Bi=H({level:Ye?Ye.level:0});var v=ii;var tt=S(et()),R;(t=>(t.normal=i=>{console.log(v.white(i))},t.syncSpinner=i=>{let n=new tt.Spinner(v.white(i)+` %s -`);try{return n.setSpinnerString(18),n.start(),n}catch(s){throw n.stop(!0),new Error(`syncSpinner Error: ${s}`)}}))(R||={});var it=async()=>{let r=x.command("update").description("Update Solana Validator Node");r.command("solana").alias("s").description("Update Solana Version").argument("","Solana Version e.g. 1.16.7").action(async e=>{let t=R.syncSpinner(`\u2714\uFE0F Updating Solana to ${v.green(e)}`);await ae(e),t.stop(!0)}),r.command("monitor").alias("m").description("Monitor Update").argument("","Max Delinquent Stake e.g. 10").action(async e=>{let t=R.syncSpinner(`\u2714\uFE0F Monitoring Update with Max Delinquent Stake ${v.green(e)}`);await le(e),t.stop(!0)}),r.command("all").alias("a").description("Update Solana Version and Monitor Update").argument("","Solana Version e.g. 1.16.7").argument("","Max Delinquent Stake e.g. 10").action(async(e,t)=>{let i=R.syncSpinner(`\u2714\uFE0F Updating Solana to ${v.green(e)} and Monitoring Update with Max Delinquent Stake ${v.green(t)}`);await ae(e),await le(t),i.stop(!0)})};var nt=require("child_process"),rt=r=>{try{let e=`tail -f ${fe}/solana-validator.log`;r.error?e+=" | grep '(WARN|ERR)'":r.info?e+=" | grep INFO":r.warning&&(e+=" | grep WARN"),console.log(e),(0,nt.spawn)(e,{shell:!0,stdio:"inherit"}).on("error",i=>{throw new Error(`tail Error: ${i}`)})}catch(e){throw new Error(`tail Error: ${e}`)}};var st=async()=>{x.command("log").description("log commands").command("tail").alias("t").description("tail logs").option("-i, --info","Follow INFO output",!1).option("-w, --warning","Follow WARN output",!1).option("-e, --error","Follow ERR output",!1).option("-a, --all","Follow WARN and ERR output",!1).action(e=>{rt(e)})};var ot=require("child_process"),U=require("fs"),at=r=>{let e=`release/solv_${r}`;(0,U.existsSync)(e)||(0,U.mkdirSync)(e);let t=`mv solv_${r}* ${e}`;(0,ot.spawn)(t,{shell:!0,stdio:"inherit"})};var lt=async()=>{x.command("release").description("release commands").command("mvDeb").alias("m").description("move deb files to release folder").argument("","Solana Version e.g. 1.16.7").action(e=>{at(e)})};de.default.config();var ai=process.env.SOLV_USER||"solv",ge="/mt/solana",ut=`${ge}/solana-validator`,fe=`${ut}/log`,li=`${ge}/vote-account.json`,ui="/mt/solana-accounts",ue="/mt/ledger/validator-ledger",x=new De;x.name("solv").description("CLI for Solana Validators").version(Ie);de.default.config();async function hi(){try{x.command("solv").description("CLI for Solana Validators").action(()=>{console.log("solv")}),await it(),await st(),await lt(),await x.parseAsync(process.argv)}catch(r){console.log(r)}}hi();0&&(module.exports={ACCOUNT_PATH,LEDGER_PATH,LOG_PATH,SOLV_ROOT,USER,VOTE_ACCOUNT_PATH,WD,program}); + - ${c}` + throw new Error(_) + } else if (h.code === 'EACCES') + throw new Error(`'${o}' not executable`) + if (!u) p.exit(1) + else { + let c = new se(1, 'commander.executeSubCommandAsync', '(error)') + ;(c.nestedError = h), u(c) + } + }), + (this.runningCommand = a) + } + _dispatchSubcommand(e, t, i) { + let n = this._findCommand(e) + n || this.help({ error: !0 }) + let s + return ( + (s = this._chainOrCallSubCommandHook(s, n, 'preSubcommand')), + (s = this._chainOrCall(s, () => { + if (n._executableHandler) this._executeSubCommand(n, t.concat(i)) + else return n._parseCommand(t, i) + })), + s + ) + } + _checkNumberOfArguments() { + this._args.forEach((e, t) => { + e.required && this.args[t] == null && this.missingArgument(e.name()) + }), + !( + this._args.length > 0 && this._args[this._args.length - 1].variadic + ) && + this.args.length > this._args.length && + this._excessArguments(this.args) + } + _processArguments() { + let e = (i, n, s) => { + let o = n + if (n !== null && i.parseArg) + try { + o = i.parseArg(n, s) + } catch (l) { + if (l.code === 'commander.invalidArgument') { + let a = `error: command-argument value '${n}' is invalid for argument '${i.name()}'. ${ + l.message + }` + this.error(a, { exitCode: l.exitCode, code: l.code }) + } + throw l + } + return o + } + this._checkNumberOfArguments() + let t = [] + this._args.forEach((i, n) => { + let s = i.defaultValue + i.variadic + ? n < this.args.length + ? ((s = this.args.slice(n)), + i.parseArg && + (s = s.reduce((o, l) => e(i, l, o), i.defaultValue))) + : s === void 0 && (s = []) + : n < this.args.length && + ((s = this.args[n]), i.parseArg && (s = e(i, s, i.defaultValue))), + (t[n] = s) + }), + (this.processedArgs = t) + } + _chainOrCall(e, t) { + return e && e.then && typeof e.then == 'function' + ? e.then(() => t()) + : t() + } + _chainOrCallHooks(e, t) { + let i = e, + n = [] + return ( + F(this) + .reverse() + .filter((s) => s._lifeCycleHooks[t] !== void 0) + .forEach((s) => { + s._lifeCycleHooks[t].forEach((o) => { + n.push({ hookedCommand: s, callback: o }) + }) + }), + t === 'postAction' && n.reverse(), + n.forEach((s) => { + i = this._chainOrCall(i, () => s.callback(s.hookedCommand, this)) + }), + i + ) + } + _chainOrCallSubCommandHook(e, t, i) { + let n = e + return ( + this._lifeCycleHooks[i] !== void 0 && + this._lifeCycleHooks[i].forEach((s) => { + n = this._chainOrCall(n, () => s(this, t)) + }), + n + ) + } + _parseCommand(e, t) { + let i = this.parseOptions(t) + if ( + (this._parseOptionsEnv(), + this._parseOptionsImplied(), + (e = e.concat(i.operands)), + (t = i.unknown), + (this.args = e.concat(t)), + e && this._findCommand(e[0])) + ) + return this._dispatchSubcommand(e[0], e.slice(1), t) + if (this._hasImplicitHelpCommand() && e[0] === this._helpCommandName) + return ( + e.length === 1 && this.help(), + this._dispatchSubcommand(e[1], [], [this._helpLongFlag]) + ) + if (this._defaultCommandName) + return ( + Se(this, t), + this._dispatchSubcommand(this._defaultCommandName, e, t) + ) + this.commands.length && + this.args.length === 0 && + !this._actionHandler && + !this._defaultCommandName && + this.help({ error: !0 }), + Se(this, i.unknown), + this._checkForMissingMandatoryOptions(), + this._checkForConflictingOptions() + let n = () => { + i.unknown.length > 0 && this.unknownOption(i.unknown[0]) + }, + s = `command:${this.name()}` + if (this._actionHandler) { + n(), this._processArguments() + let o + return ( + (o = this._chainOrCallHooks(o, 'preAction')), + (o = this._chainOrCall(o, () => + this._actionHandler(this.processedArgs) + )), + this.parent && + (o = this._chainOrCall(o, () => { + this.parent.emit(s, e, t) + })), + (o = this._chainOrCallHooks(o, 'postAction')), + o + ) + } + if (this.parent && this.parent.listenerCount(s)) + n(), this._processArguments(), this.parent.emit(s, e, t) + else if (e.length) { + if (this._findCommand('*')) return this._dispatchSubcommand('*', e, t) + this.listenerCount('command:*') + ? this.emit('command:*', e, t) + : this.commands.length + ? this.unknownCommand() + : (n(), this._processArguments()) + } else + this.commands.length + ? (n(), this.help({ error: !0 })) + : (n(), this._processArguments()) + } + _findCommand(e) { + if (e) + return this.commands.find( + (t) => t._name === e || t._aliases.includes(e) + ) + } + _findOption(e) { + return this.options.find((t) => t.is(e)) + } + _checkForMissingMandatoryOptions() { + for (let e = this; e; e = e.parent) + e.options.forEach((t) => { + t.mandatory && + e.getOptionValue(t.attributeName()) === void 0 && + e.missingMandatoryOptionValue(t) + }) + } + _checkForConflictingLocalOptions() { + let e = this.options.filter((i) => { + let n = i.attributeName() + return this.getOptionValue(n) === void 0 + ? !1 + : this.getOptionValueSource(n) !== 'default' + }) + e.filter((i) => i.conflictsWith.length > 0).forEach((i) => { + let n = e.find((s) => i.conflictsWith.includes(s.attributeName())) + n && this._conflictingOption(i, n) + }) + } + _checkForConflictingOptions() { + for (let e = this; e; e = e.parent) e._checkForConflictingLocalOptions() + } + parseOptions(e) { + let t = [], + i = [], + n = t, + s = e.slice() + function o(a) { + return a.length > 1 && a[0] === '-' + } + let l = null + for (; s.length; ) { + let a = s.shift() + if (a === '--') { + n === i && n.push(a), n.push(...s) + break + } + if (l && !o(a)) { + this.emit(`option:${l.name()}`, a) + continue + } + if (((l = null), o(a))) { + let u = this._findOption(a) + if (u) { + if (u.required) { + let h = s.shift() + h === void 0 && this.optionMissingArgument(u), + this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`, h) + } else if (u.optional) { + let h = null + s.length > 0 && !o(s[0]) && (h = s.shift()), + this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`, h) + } else this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`) + l = u.variadic ? u : null + continue + } + } + if (a.length > 2 && a[0] === '-' && a[1] !== '-') { + let u = this._findOption(`-${a[1]}`) + if (u) { + u.required || (u.optional && this._combineFlagAndOptionalValue) + ? this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`, a.slice(2)) + : (this.emit(`option:${u.name()}`), s.unshift(`-${a.slice(2)}`)) + continue + } + } + if (/^--[^=]+=/.test(a)) { + let u = a.indexOf('='), + h = this._findOption(a.slice(0, u)) + if (h && (h.required || h.optional)) { + this.emit(`option:${h.name()}`, a.slice(u + 1)) + continue + } + } + if ( + (o(a) && (n = i), + (this._enablePositionalOptions || this._passThroughOptions) && + t.length === 0 && + i.length === 0) + ) { + if (this._findCommand(a)) { + t.push(a), s.length > 0 && i.push(...s) + break + } else if ( + a === this._helpCommandName && + this._hasImplicitHelpCommand() + ) { + t.push(a), s.length > 0 && t.push(...s) + break + } else if (this._defaultCommandName) { + i.push(a), s.length > 0 && i.push(...s) + break + } + } + if (this._passThroughOptions) { + n.push(a), s.length > 0 && n.push(...s) + break + } + n.push(a) + } + return { operands: t, unknown: i } + } + opts() { + if (this._storeOptionsAsProperties) { + let e = {}, + t = this.options.length + for (let i = 0; i < t; i++) { + let n = this.options[i].attributeName() + e[n] = n === this._versionOptionName ? this._version : this[n] + } + return e + } + return this._optionValues + } + optsWithGlobals() { + return F(this).reduce((e, t) => Object.assign(e, t.opts()), {}) + } + error(e, t) { + this._outputConfiguration.outputError( + `${e} +`, + this._outputConfiguration.writeErr + ), + typeof this._showHelpAfterError == 'string' + ? this._outputConfiguration.writeErr(`${this._showHelpAfterError} +`) + : this._showHelpAfterError && + (this._outputConfiguration.writeErr(` +`), + this.outputHelp({ error: !0 })) + let i = t || {}, + n = i.exitCode || 1, + s = i.code || 'commander.error' + this._exit(n, s, e) + } + _parseOptionsEnv() { + this.options.forEach((e) => { + if (e.envVar && e.envVar in p.env) { + let t = e.attributeName() + ;(this.getOptionValue(t) === void 0 || + ['default', 'config', 'env'].includes( + this.getOptionValueSource(t) + )) && + (e.required || e.optional + ? this.emit(`optionEnv:${e.name()}`, p.env[e.envVar]) + : this.emit(`optionEnv:${e.name()}`)) + } + }) + } + _parseOptionsImplied() { + let e = new Mt(this.options), + t = (i) => + this.getOptionValue(i) !== void 0 && + !['default', 'implied'].includes(this.getOptionValueSource(i)) + this.options + .filter( + (i) => + i.implied !== void 0 && + t(i.attributeName()) && + e.valueFromOption(this.getOptionValue(i.attributeName()), i) + ) + .forEach((i) => { + Object.keys(i.implied) + .filter((n) => !t(n)) + .forEach((n) => { + this.setOptionValueWithSource(n, i.implied[n], 'implied') + }) + }) + } + missingArgument(e) { + let t = `error: missing required argument '${e}'` + this.error(t, { code: 'commander.missingArgument' }) + } + optionMissingArgument(e) { + let t = `error: option '${e.flags}' argument missing` + this.error(t, { code: 'commander.optionMissingArgument' }) + } + missingMandatoryOptionValue(e) { + let t = `error: required option '${e.flags}' not specified` + this.error(t, { code: 'commander.missingMandatoryOptionValue' }) + } + _conflictingOption(e, t) { + let i = (o) => { + let l = o.attributeName(), + a = this.getOptionValue(l), + u = this.options.find((c) => c.negate && l === c.attributeName()), + h = this.options.find((c) => !c.negate && l === c.attributeName()) + return u && + ((u.presetArg === void 0 && a === !1) || + (u.presetArg !== void 0 && a === u.presetArg)) + ? u + : h || o + }, + n = (o) => { + let l = i(o), + a = l.attributeName() + return this.getOptionValueSource(a) === 'env' + ? `environment variable '${l.envVar}'` + : `option '${l.flags}'` + }, + s = `error: ${n(e)} cannot be used with ${n(t)}` + this.error(s, { code: 'commander.conflictingOption' }) + } + unknownOption(e) { + if (this._allowUnknownOption) return + let t = '' + if (e.startsWith('--') && this._showSuggestionAfterError) { + let n = [], + s = this + do { + let o = s + .createHelp() + .visibleOptions(s) + .filter((l) => l.long) + .map((l) => l.long) + ;(n = n.concat(o)), (s = s.parent) + } while (s && !s._enablePositionalOptions) + t = Ee(e, n) + } + let i = `error: unknown option '${e}'${t}` + this.error(i, { code: 'commander.unknownOption' }) + } + _excessArguments(e) { + if (this._allowExcessArguments) return + let t = this._args.length, + i = t === 1 ? '' : 's', + s = `error: too many arguments${ + this.parent ? ` for '${this.name()}'` : '' + }. Expected ${t} argument${i} but got ${e.length}.` + this.error(s, { code: 'commander.excessArguments' }) + } + unknownCommand() { + let e = this.args[0], + t = '' + if (this._showSuggestionAfterError) { + let n = [] + this.createHelp() + .visibleCommands(this) + .forEach((s) => { + n.push(s.name()), s.alias() && n.push(s.alias()) + }), + (t = Ee(e, n)) + } + let i = `error: unknown command '${e}'${t}` + this.error(i, { code: 'commander.unknownCommand' }) + } + version(e, t, i) { + if (e === void 0) return this._version + ;(this._version = e), + (t = t || '-V, --version'), + (i = i || 'output the version number') + let n = this.createOption(t, i) + return ( + (this._versionOptionName = n.attributeName()), + this.options.push(n), + this.on('option:' + n.name(), () => { + this._outputConfiguration.writeOut(`${e} +`), + this._exit(0, 'commander.version', e) + }), + this + ) + } + description(e, t) { + return e === void 0 && t === void 0 + ? this._description + : ((this._description = e), t && (this._argsDescription = t), this) + } + summary(e) { + return e === void 0 ? this._summary : ((this._summary = e), this) + } + alias(e) { + if (e === void 0) return this._aliases[0] + let t = this + if ( + (this.commands.length !== 0 && + this.commands[this.commands.length - 1]._executableHandler && + (t = this.commands[this.commands.length - 1]), + e === t._name) + ) + throw new Error("Command alias can't be the same as its name") + return t._aliases.push(e), this + } + aliases(e) { + return e === void 0 + ? this._aliases + : (e.forEach((t) => this.alias(t)), this) + } + usage(e) { + if (e === void 0) { + if (this._usage) return this._usage + let t = this._args.map((i) => Rt(i)) + return [] + .concat( + this.options.length || this._hasHelpOption ? '[options]' : [], + this.commands.length ? '[command]' : [], + this._args.length ? t : [] + ) + .join(' ') + } + return (this._usage = e), this + } + name(e) { + return e === void 0 ? this._name : ((this._name = e), this) + } + nameFromFilename(e) { + return (this._name = w.basename(e, w.extname(e))), this + } + executableDir(e) { + return e === void 0 + ? this._executableDir + : ((this._executableDir = e), this) + } + helpInformation(e) { + let t = this.createHelp() + return ( + t.helpWidth === void 0 && + (t.helpWidth = + e && e.error + ? this._outputConfiguration.getErrHelpWidth() + : this._outputConfiguration.getOutHelpWidth()), + t.formatHelp(this, t) + ) + } + _getHelpContext(e) { + e = e || {} + let t = { error: !!e.error }, + i + return ( + t.error + ? (i = (n) => this._outputConfiguration.writeErr(n)) + : (i = (n) => this._outputConfiguration.writeOut(n)), + (t.write = e.write || i), + (t.command = this), + t + ) + } + outputHelp(e) { + let t + typeof e == 'function' && ((t = e), (e = void 0)) + let i = this._getHelpContext(e) + F(this) + .reverse() + .forEach((s) => s.emit('beforeAllHelp', i)), + this.emit('beforeHelp', i) + let n = this.helpInformation(i) + if (t && ((n = t(n)), typeof n != 'string' && !Buffer.isBuffer(n))) + throw new Error( + 'outputHelp callback must return a string or a Buffer' + ) + i.write(n), + this.emit(this._helpLongFlag), + this.emit('afterHelp', i), + F(this).forEach((s) => s.emit('afterAllHelp', i)) + } + helpOption(e, t) { + if (typeof e == 'boolean') return (this._hasHelpOption = e), this + ;(this._helpFlags = e || this._helpFlags), + (this._helpDescription = t || this._helpDescription) + let i = It(this._helpFlags) + return ( + (this._helpShortFlag = i.shortFlag), + (this._helpLongFlag = i.longFlag), + this + ) + } + help(e) { + this.outputHelp(e) + let t = p.exitCode || 0 + t === 0 && e && typeof e != 'function' && e.error && (t = 1), + this._exit(t, 'commander.help', '(outputHelp)') + } + addHelpText(e, t) { + let i = ['beforeAll', 'before', 'after', 'afterAll'] + if (!i.includes(e)) + throw new Error(`Unexpected value for position to addHelpText. +Expecting one of '${i.join("', '")}'`) + let n = `${e}Help` + return ( + this.on(n, (s) => { + let o + typeof t == 'function' + ? (o = t({ error: s.error, command: s.command })) + : (o = t), + o && + s.write(`${o} +`) + }), + this + ) + } + } + function Se(r, e) { + r._hasHelpOption && + e.find((i) => i === r._helpLongFlag || i === r._helpShortFlag) && + (r.outputHelp(), r._exit(0, 'commander.helpDisplayed', '(outputHelp)')) + } + function $e(r) { + return r.map((e) => { + if (!e.startsWith('--inspect')) return e + let t, + i = '', + n = '9229', + s + return ( + (s = e.match(/^(--inspect(-brk)?)$/)) !== null + ? (t = s[1]) + : (s = e.match(/^(--inspect(-brk|-port)?)=([^:]+)$/)) !== null + ? ((t = s[1]), /^\d+$/.test(s[3]) ? (n = s[3]) : (i = s[3])) + : (s = e.match(/^(--inspect(-brk|-port)?)=([^:]+):(\d+)$/)) !== + null && ((t = s[1]), (i = s[3]), (n = s[4])), + t && n !== '0' ? `${t}=${i}:${parseInt(n) + 1}` : e + ) + }) + } + function F(r) { + let e = [] + for (let t = r; t; t = t.parent) e.push(t) + return e + } + Te.Command = N +}) +var He = O((C, ke) => { + var { Argument: jt } = P(), + { Command: Fe } = Ve(), + { CommanderError: Pt, InvalidArgumentError: Ne } = V(), + { Help: Lt } = Z(), + { Option: qt } = ie() + C = ke.exports = new Fe() + C.program = C + C.Argument = jt + C.Command = Fe + C.CommanderError = Pt + C.Help = Lt + C.InvalidArgumentError = Ne + C.InvalidOptionArgumentError = Ne + C.Option = qt +}) +var Je = O((Ui, ni) => { + ni.exports = [ + '|/-\\', + '\u2802-\u2013\u2014\u2013-', + '\u25D0\u25D3\u25D1\u25D2', + '\u25F4\u25F7\u25F6\u25F5', + '\u25F0\u25F3\u25F2\u25F1', + '\u2596\u2598\u259D\u2597', + '\u25A0\u25A1\u25AA\u25AB', + '\u258C\u2580\u2590\u2584', + '\u2589\u258A\u258B\u258C\u258D\u258E\u258F\u258E\u258D\u258C\u258B\u258A\u2589', + '\u2581\u2583\u2584\u2585\u2586\u2587\u2588\u2587\u2586\u2585\u2584\u2583', + '\u2190\u2196\u2191\u2197\u2192\u2198\u2193\u2199', + '\u2524\u2518\u2534\u2514\u251C\u250C\u252C\u2510', + '\u25E2\u25E3\u25E4\u25E5', + '.oO\xB0Oo.', + '.oO@*', + ['\u{1F30D}', '\u{1F30E}', '\u{1F30F}'], + '\u25E1\u25E1 \u2299\u2299 \u25E0\u25E0', + '\u2631\u2632\u2634', + '\u280B\u2819\u2839\u2838\u283C\u2834\u2826\u2827\u2807\u280F', + '\u280B\u2819\u281A\u281E\u2816\u2826\u2834\u2832\u2833\u2813', + '\u2804\u2806\u2807\u280B\u2819\u2838\u2830\u2820\u2830\u2838\u2819\u280B\u2807\u2806', + '\u280B\u2819\u281A\u2812\u2802\u2802\u2812\u2832\u2834\u2826\u2816\u2812\u2810\u2810\u2812\u2813\u280B', + '\u2801\u2809\u2819\u281A\u2812\u2802\u2802\u2812\u2832\u2834\u2824\u2804\u2804\u2824\u2834\u2832\u2812\u2802\u2802\u2812\u281A\u2819\u2809\u2801', + '\u2808\u2809\u280B\u2813\u2812\u2810\u2810\u2812\u2816\u2826\u2824\u2820\u2820\u2824\u2826\u2816\u2812\u2810\u2810\u2812\u2813\u280B\u2809\u2808', + '\u2801\u2801\u2809\u2819\u281A\u2812\u2802\u2802\u2812\u2832\u2834\u2824\u2804\u2804\u2824\u2820\u2820\u2824\u2826\u2816\u2812\u2810\u2810\u2812\u2813\u280B\u2809\u2808\u2808', + '\u2884\u2882\u2881\u2841\u2848\u2850\u2860', + '\u28B9\u28BA\u28BC\u28F8\u28C7\u2867\u2857\u284F', + '\u28FE\u28FD\u28FB\u28BF\u287F\u28DF\u28EF\u28F7', + '\u2801\u2802\u2804\u2840\u2880\u2820\u2810\u2808', + [ + '\u{1F311}', + '\u{1F312}', + '\u{1F313}', + '\u{1F314}', + '\u{1F315}', + '\u{1F31D}', + '\u{1F316}', + '\u{1F317}', + '\u{1F318}', + '\u{1F31A}', + ], + [ + '\u{1F55B}', + '\u{1F550}', + '\u{1F551}', + '\u{1F552}', + '\u{1F553}', + '\u{1F554}', + '\u{1F555}', + '\u{1F556}', + '\u{1F557}', + '\u{1F558}', + '\u{1F559}', + '\u{1F55A}', + ], + ] +}) +var et = O((Ze) => { + var ze = require('readline'), + Qe = 0, + Xe = 60 + function ri(r) { + this.clearLine(this.stream), this.stream.write(r) + } + var g = function (r) { + if (!(this instanceof g)) return new g(r) + typeof r == 'string' ? (r = { text: r }) : r || (r = {}), + (this.text = r.text || ''), + this.setSpinnerString(Qe), + this.setSpinnerDelay(Xe), + (this.onTick = r.onTick || ri), + (this.stream = r.stream || process.stdout) + } + g.spinners = Je() + g.setDefaultSpinnerString = function (r) { + return (Qe = r), this + } + g.setDefaultSpinnerDelay = function (r) { + return (Xe = r), this + } + g.prototype.start = function () { + if (this.stream === process.stdout && this.stream.isTTY !== !0) return this + var r = 0, + e = this, + t = function () { + var i = + e.text.indexOf('%s') > -1 + ? e.text.replace('%s', e.chars[r]) + : e.chars[r] + ' ' + e.text + e.onTick(i), (r = ++r % e.chars.length) + } + return t(), (this.id = setInterval(t, this.delay)), this + } + g.prototype.isSpinning = function () { + return this.id !== void 0 + } + g.prototype.setSpinnerDelay = function (r) { + return (this.delay = r), this + } + g.prototype.setSpinnerString = function (r) { + let e = oi(r, this.spinners) + return (this.chars = Array.isArray(e) ? e : e.split('')), this + } + g.prototype.setSpinnerTitle = function (r) { + return (this.text = r), this + } + g.prototype.stop = function (r) { + return this.isSpinning === !1 + ? this + : (clearInterval(this.id), + (this.id = void 0), + r && this.clearLine(this.stream), + this) + } + g.prototype.clearLine = function (r) { + return ze.clearLine(r, 0), ze.cursorTo(r, 0), this + } + function si(r) { + return typeof r == 'number' && r % 1 === 0 + } + function oi(r, e) { + if (!si(r)) return r + '' + var t = g.spinners.length + return (r = r >= t ? 0 : r), (r = r < 0 ? t + r : r), g.spinners[r] + } + Ze.Spinner = g +}) +var ci = {} +dt(ci, { + ACCOUNT_PATH: () => ui, + LEDGER_PATH: () => ue, + LOG_PATH: () => fe, + SOLV_ROOT: () => ge, + USER: () => ai, + VOTE_ACCOUNT_PATH: () => li, + WD: () => ut, + program: () => x, +}) +module.exports = gt(ci) +var de = S(Ce()) +var Re = S(He(), 1), + { + program: Ai, + createCommand: xi, + createArgument: wi, + createOption: yi, + CommanderError: vi, + InvalidArgumentError: Ei, + InvalidOptionArgumentError: Si, + Command: De, + Argument: $i, + Option: Ti, + Help: Vi, + } = Re.default +var Ie = '0.1.9' +var oe = require('child_process') +var ae = async (r) => { + let e = [`sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v${r}/install)"`] + ;(0, oe.spawnSync)(e.join(' && '), { shell: !0, stdio: 'inherit' }) + }, + le = async (r) => { + let e = [ + `solana-validator --ledger ${ue} exit --max-delinquent-stake ${r} --monitor`, + ] + ;(0, oe.spawnSync)(e.join(' && '), { shell: !0, stdio: 'inherit' }) + } +var Me = + (r = 0) => + (e) => + `\x1B[${e + r}m`, + je = + (r = 0) => + (e) => + `\x1B[${38 + r};5;${e}m`, + Pe = + (r = 0) => + (e, t, i) => + `\x1B[${38 + r};2;${e};${t};${i}m`, + m = { + modifier: { + reset: [0, 0], + bold: [1, 22], + dim: [2, 22], + italic: [3, 23], + underline: [4, 24], + overline: [53, 55], + inverse: [7, 27], + hidden: [8, 28], + strikethrough: [9, 29], + }, + color: { + black: [30, 39], + red: [31, 39], + green: [32, 39], + yellow: [33, 39], + blue: [34, 39], + magenta: [35, 39], + cyan: [36, 39], + white: [37, 39], + blackBright: [90, 39], + gray: [90, 39], + grey: [90, 39], + redBright: [91, 39], + greenBright: [92, 39], + yellowBright: [93, 39], + blueBright: [94, 39], + magentaBright: [95, 39], + cyanBright: [96, 39], + whiteBright: [97, 39], + }, + bgColor: { + bgBlack: [40, 49], + bgRed: [41, 49], + bgGreen: [42, 49], + bgYellow: [43, 49], + bgBlue: [44, 49], + bgMagenta: [45, 49], + bgCyan: [46, 49], + bgWhite: [47, 49], + bgBlackBright: [100, 49], + bgGray: [100, 49], + bgGrey: [100, 49], + bgRedBright: [101, 49], + bgGreenBright: [102, 49], + bgYellowBright: [103, 49], + bgBlueBright: [104, 49], + bgMagentaBright: [105, 49], + bgCyanBright: [106, 49], + bgWhiteBright: [107, 49], + }, + }, + Ri = Object.keys(m.modifier), + Bt = Object.keys(m.color), + Wt = Object.keys(m.bgColor), + Di = [...Bt, ...Wt] +function Ut() { + let r = new Map() + for (let [e, t] of Object.entries(m)) { + for (let [i, n] of Object.entries(t)) + (m[i] = { open: `\x1B[${n[0]}m`, close: `\x1B[${n[1]}m` }), + (t[i] = m[i]), + r.set(n[0], n[1]) + Object.defineProperty(m, e, { value: t, enumerable: !1 }) + } + return ( + Object.defineProperty(m, 'codes', { value: r, enumerable: !1 }), + (m.color.close = '\x1B[39m'), + (m.bgColor.close = '\x1B[49m'), + (m.color.ansi = Me()), + (m.color.ansi256 = je()), + (m.color.ansi16m = Pe()), + (m.bgColor.ansi = Me(10)), + (m.bgColor.ansi256 = je(10)), + (m.bgColor.ansi16m = Pe(10)), + Object.defineProperties(m, { + rgbToAnsi256: { + value(e, t, i) { + return e === t && t === i + ? e < 8 + ? 16 + : e > 248 + ? 231 + : Math.round(((e - 8) / 247) * 24) + 232 + : 16 + + 36 * Math.round((e / 255) * 5) + + 6 * Math.round((t / 255) * 5) + + Math.round((i / 255) * 5) + }, + enumerable: !1, + }, + hexToRgb: { + value(e) { + let t = /[a-f\d]{6}|[a-f\d]{3}/i.exec(e.toString(16)) + if (!t) return [0, 0, 0] + let [i] = t + i.length === 3 && (i = [...i].map((s) => s + s).join('')) + let n = Number.parseInt(i, 16) + return [(n >> 16) & 255, (n >> 8) & 255, n & 255] + }, + enumerable: !1, + }, + hexToAnsi256: { + value: (e) => m.rgbToAnsi256(...m.hexToRgb(e)), + enumerable: !1, + }, + ansi256ToAnsi: { + value(e) { + if (e < 8) return 30 + e + if (e < 16) return 90 + (e - 8) + let t, i, n + if (e >= 232) (t = ((e - 232) * 10 + 8) / 255), (i = t), (n = t) + else { + e -= 16 + let l = e % 36 + ;(t = Math.floor(e / 36) / 5), + (i = Math.floor(l / 6) / 5), + (n = (l % 6) / 5) + } + let s = Math.max(t, i, n) * 2 + if (s === 0) return 30 + let o = + 30 + ((Math.round(n) << 2) | (Math.round(i) << 1) | Math.round(t)) + return s === 2 && (o += 60), o + }, + enumerable: !1, + }, + rgbToAnsi: { + value: (e, t, i) => m.ansi256ToAnsi(m.rgbToAnsi256(e, t, i)), + enumerable: !1, + }, + hexToAnsi: { + value: (e) => m.ansi256ToAnsi(m.hexToAnsi256(e)), + enumerable: !1, + }, + }), + m + ) +} +var Gt = Ut(), + A = Gt +var B = S(require('node:process'), 1), + qe = S(require('node:os'), 1), + he = S(require('node:tty'), 1) +function b(r, e = globalThis.Deno ? globalThis.Deno.args : B.default.argv) { + let t = r.startsWith('-') ? '' : r.length === 1 ? '-' : '--', + i = e.indexOf(t + r), + n = e.indexOf('--') + return i !== -1 && (n === -1 || i < n) +} +var { env: f } = B.default, + q +b('no-color') || b('no-colors') || b('color=false') || b('color=never') + ? (q = 0) + : (b('color') || b('colors') || b('color=true') || b('color=always')) && + (q = 1) +function Yt() { + if ('FORCE_COLOR' in f) + return f.FORCE_COLOR === 'true' + ? 1 + : f.FORCE_COLOR === 'false' + ? 0 + : f.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 + ? 1 + : Math.min(Number.parseInt(f.FORCE_COLOR, 10), 3) +} +function Kt(r) { + return r === 0 + ? !1 + : { level: r, hasBasic: !0, has256: r >= 2, has16m: r >= 3 } +} +function Jt(r, { streamIsTTY: e, sniffFlags: t = !0 } = {}) { + let i = Yt() + i !== void 0 && (q = i) + let n = t ? q : i + if (n === 0) return 0 + if (t) { + if (b('color=16m') || b('color=full') || b('color=truecolor')) return 3 + if (b('color=256')) return 2 + } + if ('TF_BUILD' in f && 'AGENT_NAME' in f) return 1 + if (r && !e && n === void 0) return 0 + let s = n || 0 + if (f.TERM === 'dumb') return s + if (B.default.platform === 'win32') { + let o = qe.default.release().split('.') + return Number(o[0]) >= 10 && Number(o[2]) >= 10586 + ? Number(o[2]) >= 14931 + ? 3 + : 2 + : 1 + } + if ('CI' in f) + return 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' in f || 'GITEA_ACTIONS' in f + ? 3 + : [ + 'TRAVIS', + 'CIRCLECI', + 'APPVEYOR', + 'GITLAB_CI', + 'BUILDKITE', + 'DRONE', + ].some((o) => o in f) || f.CI_NAME === 'codeship' + ? 1 + : s + if ('TEAMCITY_VERSION' in f) + return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(f.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? 1 : 0 + if (f.COLORTERM === 'truecolor' || f.TERM === 'xterm-kitty') return 3 + if ('TERM_PROGRAM' in f) { + let o = Number.parseInt((f.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || '').split('.')[0], 10) + switch (f.TERM_PROGRAM) { + case 'iTerm.app': + return o >= 3 ? 3 : 2 + case 'Apple_Terminal': + return 2 + } + } + return /-256(color)?$/i.test(f.TERM) + ? 2 + : /^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test( + f.TERM + ) || 'COLORTERM' in f + ? 1 + : s +} +function Le(r, e = {}) { + let t = Jt(r, { streamIsTTY: r && r.isTTY, ...e }) + return Kt(t) +} +var zt = { + stdout: Le({ isTTY: he.default.isatty(1) }), + stderr: Le({ isTTY: he.default.isatty(2) }), + }, + Be = zt +function We(r, e, t) { + let i = r.indexOf(e) + if (i === -1) return r + let n = e.length, + s = 0, + o = '' + do (o += r.slice(s, i) + e + t), (s = i + n), (i = r.indexOf(e, s)) + while (i !== -1) + return (o += r.slice(s)), o +} +function Ue(r, e, t, i) { + let n = 0, + s = '' + do { + let o = r[i - 1] === '\r' + ;(s += + r.slice(n, o ? i - 1 : i) + + e + + (o + ? `\r +` + : ` +`) + + t), + (n = i + 1), + (i = r.indexOf( + ` +`, + n + )) + } while (i !== -1) + return (s += r.slice(n)), s +} +var { stdout: Ge, stderr: Ye } = Be, + ce = Symbol('GENERATOR'), + $ = Symbol('STYLER'), + k = Symbol('IS_EMPTY'), + Ke = ['ansi', 'ansi', 'ansi256', 'ansi16m'], + T = Object.create(null), + Qt = (r, e = {}) => { + if (e.level && !(Number.isInteger(e.level) && e.level >= 0 && e.level <= 3)) + throw new Error('The `level` option should be an integer from 0 to 3') + let t = Ge ? Ge.level : 0 + r.level = e.level === void 0 ? t : e.level + } +var Xt = (r) => { + let e = (...t) => t.join(' ') + return Qt(e, r), Object.setPrototypeOf(e, H.prototype), e +} +function H(r) { + return Xt(r) +} +Object.setPrototypeOf(H.prototype, Function.prototype) +for (let [r, e] of Object.entries(A)) + T[r] = { + get() { + let t = W(this, me(e.open, e.close, this[$]), this[k]) + return Object.defineProperty(this, r, { value: t }), t + }, + } +T.visible = { + get() { + let r = W(this, this[$], !0) + return Object.defineProperty(this, 'visible', { value: r }), r + }, +} +var pe = (r, e, t, ...i) => + r === 'rgb' + ? e === 'ansi16m' + ? A[t].ansi16m(...i) + : e === 'ansi256' + ? A[t].ansi256(A.rgbToAnsi256(...i)) + : A[t].ansi(A.rgbToAnsi(...i)) + : r === 'hex' + ? pe('rgb', e, t, ...A.hexToRgb(...i)) + : A[t][r](...i), + Zt = ['rgb', 'hex', 'ansi256'] +for (let r of Zt) { + T[r] = { + get() { + let { level: t } = this + return function (...i) { + let n = me(pe(r, Ke[t], 'color', ...i), A.color.close, this[$]) + return W(this, n, this[k]) + } + }, + } + let e = 'bg' + r[0].toUpperCase() + r.slice(1) + T[e] = { + get() { + let { level: t } = this + return function (...i) { + let n = me(pe(r, Ke[t], 'bgColor', ...i), A.bgColor.close, this[$]) + return W(this, n, this[k]) + } + }, + } +} +var ei = Object.defineProperties(() => {}, { + ...T, + level: { + enumerable: !0, + get() { + return this[ce].level + }, + set(r) { + this[ce].level = r + }, + }, + }), + me = (r, e, t) => { + let i, n + return ( + t === void 0 + ? ((i = r), (n = e)) + : ((i = t.openAll + r), (n = e + t.closeAll)), + { open: r, close: e, openAll: i, closeAll: n, parent: t } + ) + }, + W = (r, e, t) => { + let i = (...n) => ti(i, n.length === 1 ? '' + n[0] : n.join(' ')) + return Object.setPrototypeOf(i, ei), (i[ce] = r), (i[$] = e), (i[k] = t), i + }, + ti = (r, e) => { + if (r.level <= 0 || !e) return r[k] ? '' : e + let t = r[$] + if (t === void 0) return e + let { openAll: i, closeAll: n } = t + if (e.includes('\x1B')) + for (; t !== void 0; ) (e = We(e, t.close, t.open)), (t = t.parent) + let s = e.indexOf(` +`) + return s !== -1 && (e = Ue(e, n, i, s)), i + e + n + } +Object.defineProperties(H.prototype, T) +var ii = H(), + Bi = H({ level: Ye ? Ye.level : 0 }) +var v = ii +var tt = S(et()), + R +;((t) => ( + (t.normal = (i) => { + console.log(v.white(i)) + }), + (t.syncSpinner = (i) => { + let n = new tt.Spinner( + v.white(i) + + ` %s +` + ) + try { + return n.setSpinnerString(18), n.start(), n + } catch (s) { + throw (n.stop(!0), new Error(`syncSpinner Error: ${s}`)) + } + }) +))((R ||= {})) +var it = async () => { + let r = x.command('update').description('Update Solana Validator Node') + r + .command('solana') + .alias('s') + .description('Update Solana Version') + .argument('', 'Solana Version e.g. 1.16.7') + .action(async (e) => { + let t = R.syncSpinner(`\u2714\uFE0F Updating Solana to ${v.green(e)}`) + await ae(e), t.stop(!0) + }), + r + .command('monitor') + .alias('m') + .description('Monitor Update') + .argument('', 'Max Delinquent Stake e.g. 10') + .action(async (e) => { + let t = R.syncSpinner( + `\u2714\uFE0F Monitoring Update with Max Delinquent Stake ${v.green( + e + )}` + ) + await le(e), t.stop(!0) + }), + r + .command('all') + .alias('a') + .description('Update Solana Version and Monitor Update') + .argument('', 'Solana Version e.g. 1.16.7') + .argument('', 'Max Delinquent Stake e.g. 10') + .action(async (e, t) => { + let i = R.syncSpinner( + `\u2714\uFE0F Updating Solana to ${v.green( + e + )} and Monitoring Update with Max Delinquent Stake ${v.green(t)}` + ) + await ae(e), await le(t), i.stop(!0) + }) +} +var nt = require('child_process'), + rt = (r) => { + try { + let e = `tail -f ${fe}/solana-validator.log` + r.error + ? (e += " | grep '(WARN|ERR)'") + : r.info + ? (e += ' | grep INFO') + : r.warning && (e += ' | grep WARN'), + console.log(e), + (0, nt.spawn)(e, { shell: !0, stdio: 'inherit' }).on('error', (i) => { + throw new Error(`tail Error: ${i}`) + }) + } catch (e) { + throw new Error(`tail Error: ${e}`) + } + } +var st = async () => { + x.command('log') + .description('log commands') + .command('tail') + .alias('t') + .description('tail logs') + .option('-i, --info', 'Follow INFO output', !1) + .option('-w, --warning', 'Follow WARN output', !1) + .option('-e, --error', 'Follow ERR output', !1) + .option('-a, --all', 'Follow WARN and ERR output', !1) + .action((e) => { + rt(e) + }) +} +var ot = require('child_process'), + U = require('fs'), + at = (r) => { + let e = `release/solv_${r}` + ;(0, U.existsSync)(e) || (0, U.mkdirSync)(e) + let t = `mv solv_${r}* ${e}` + ;(0, ot.spawn)(t, { shell: !0, stdio: 'inherit' }) + } +var lt = async () => { + x.command('release') + .description('release commands') + .command('mvDeb') + .alias('m') + .description('move deb files to release folder') + .argument('', 'Solana Version e.g. 1.16.7') + .action((e) => { + at(e) + }) +} +de.default.config() +var ai = process.env.SOLV_USER || 'solv', + ge = '/mt/solana', + ut = `${ge}/solana-validator`, + fe = `${ut}/log`, + li = `${ge}/vote-account.json`, + ui = '/mt/solana-accounts', + ue = '/mt/ledger/validator-ledger', + x = new De() +x.name('solv').description('CLI for Solana Validators').version(Ie) +de.default.config() +async function hi() { + try { + x + .command('solv') + .description('CLI for Solana Validators') + .action(() => { + console.log('solv') + }), + await it(), + await st(), + await lt(), + await x.parseAsync(process.argv) + } catch (r) { + console.log(r) + } +} +hi() +0 && + (module.exports = { + ACCOUNT_PATH, + LEDGER_PATH, + LOG_PATH, + SOLV_ROOT, + USER, + VOTE_ACCOUNT_PATH, + WD, + program, + })