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Hardware Software List
As of 07/09/2020
Name: (None)
- AMI Name: EAST-RH 7-9 Gold Image V.1.02 (HVM) 01-27-21
Name: eAPD production
- AMI: EAST-RH 7-9 Gold Image V.1.02 (HVM) 01-27-21
- Instance type: c4.large
Name: eAPD staging
- AMI: EAST-RH 7-9 Gold Image V.1.02 (HVM) 01-27-21
- Instance type: c4.large
Name: eAPD PR XXXX (Temporary Instances)
- AMI: EAST-RH 7-9 Gold Image V.1.02 (HVM) 01-27-21
- Instance type: t3.medium
Function Name: SSM_Failed_Association_Check
- Runtime: Python 3.7
Function Name: Assign_IAM_To_SSM_Instances
- Runtime: Python 3.7
Function Name: Assign_IAM_Role
- Runtime: Python 3.7
Function Name: CF-Custom-Resource-SSM-Association
- Runtime: Python 3.7
Function Name: eapdCloudFrontSecurityHeaders_production
- Runtime: Node.js 10.x
Function Name: Remove_Disallowed_Security_Group_Rule
- Runtime: Python 3.7
Function Name: eapdCloudFrontSecurityHeaders_staging
- Runtime: Node.js 10.x
Function Name: Check_SSM_Association_Status
- Runtime: Python 3.7
Name: eapd-staging
- Type: application
- Scheme: internet-facing
Name: eapd-staging-actual
- Type: application
- Scheme: internet-facing
DB identifier: prod-eapd-cms-gov
- Role: Instance
- Engine: PostgreSQL 10.13
- Class: db.m3.medium
DB identifier: staging-eapd-cms-gov
- Role: Instance
- Engine: PostgreSQL 10.13
- Class: db.m3.medium
Bucket name: 582599238767-ssm-patch-logs
- Access: Bucket and objects not public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: None
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: aws-hhs-cms-cmcs-hi-c
- Access: Bucket and objects not public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: The block public access settings turned on for this bucket prevent granting public access.
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: cf-templates-hi-c-v3
- Access: Objects can be public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: None
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: eapd.cms.gov
- Access: Bucket and objects not public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: The block public access settings turned on for this bucket prevent granting public access.
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: elb-access-logs-bucket-582599238767
- Access: Objects can be public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: None
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: files.eapd.cms.gov
- Access: Bucket and objects not public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: None
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: files.staging.eapd.cms.gov
- Access: Bucket and objects not public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: None
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: global-account-templates-582599238767
- Access: Objects can be public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: None
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: staging-eapd.cms.gov
- Access: Bucket and objects not public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: The block public access settings turned on for this bucket prevent granting public access.
- CORS Config: None
Bucket name: storybook.hitech.eapd.cms.gov
- Access: Public
- ACL: Our Account
- Bucket Policy: Public
- CORS Config: None
Name: (None)
- Volume ID: vol-075241b0e94e388da
- Size: 30 GiB
- Volume Type: gp2
- Snapshot: snap-00a89b5acf4e2222a
- Created: July 6, 2020 at 1:37:16 PM UTC-4
- State: in-use
- Attachment Information: i-051d447ed9c3434b8 (eAPD staging):/dev/sda1 (attached)
Name: (None)
- Volume ID: vol-07d6ae4e777aac6fc
- Size: 8 GiB
- Volume Type: gp2
- Snapshot: snap-062700013f593e38c
- Created: July 2, 2020 at 4:42:02 PM UTC-4
- State: in-use
- Attachment Information: i-0562c08bc36e35f9f (eAPD PR 2334):/dev/xvda (attached)
Name: (None)
- Volume ID: vol-0b9b9d82fdebcad3d
- Size: 8 GiB
- Volume Type: gp2
- Snapshot: snap-062700013f593e38c
- Created: June 30, 2020 at 4:33:36 PM UTC-4
- State: in-use
- Attachment Information: i-014caad862c0a0fa7 (eAPD PR 2315):/dev/xvda (attached)
Name: (None)
- Volume ID: vol-0edffc30a95c5dc02
- Size: 30 GiB
- Volume Type: gp2
- Snapshot: snap-00a89b5acf4e2222a
- Created: June 30, 2020 at 12:25:37 PM UTC-4
- State: in-use
- Attachment Information: i-0412f8c4be4c4dec9 (eAPD production):/dev/sda1 (attached)
Name: (None)
- Volume ID: vol-0cf2c83761b195353
- Size: 8 GiB
- Volume Type: gp2
- Snapshot: snap-062700013f593e38c
- Created: June 9, 2020 at 4:16:19 PM UTC-4
- State: in-use
- Attachment Information: i-0b62b5ec35a872f00 (eAPD PR 2285):/dev/xvda (attached)
Name: (None)
- Volume ID: vol-071d01ea4ff934f81
- Size: 8 GiB
- Volume Type: gp2
- Snapshot: snap-0ff5b79fdf9b021e8
- Created: March 13, 2019 at 4:23:20 PM UTC-4
- State: in-use
- Attachment Information: i-06fc432b409d19dab (eAPD Jumpbox):/dev/xvda (attached)
Name: (None)
- VPC ID: vpc-2de83957
- IPv4 CIDR:
- Default VPC: Yes
Name: HI-C-dev-vpc
- VPC ID: vpc-00a77739f6d1c4175
- IPv4 CIDR:
- Default VPC: No
CircleCI (SaaS)
CodeCov (SaaS)
Docker - Generates Artifacts & Local Dev, not used in Staging or Prod
GitHub (SaaS)
PostgreSQL - 10.6
- axios - ^0.19.2
- axios-mock-adapter - ^1.18.1
- babel/cli - ^7.8.4
- babel/core - ^7.9.0
- babel/node - ^7.8.7
- babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties - ^7.8.3
- babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import - ^7.8.3
- babel/plugin-transform-runtime - ^7.9.0
- babel/polyfill - ^7.8.7
- babel/preset-env - ^7.9.0
- babel/preset-react - ^7.9.4
- babel-eslint - ^10.1.0
- babel-jest - ^24.9.0
- babel-loader - ^8.1.0
- babel-plugin-transform-require-context - ^0.1.1
- cmsgov/design-system-core - ^3.7.0
- cmsgov/design-system-layout - ^3.7.0
- connected-react-router - ^6.8.0
- css-loader - ^3.4.2
- cssnano - ^4.1.10
- d3-format - ^1.4.3
- d3-geo - ^1.11.9
- detect-browser - ^4.8.0
- enzyme - ^3.11.0
- enzyme-adapter-react-16 - ^1.15.2
- enzyme-to-json - ^3.4.4
- eslint - ^6.8.0
- eslint-config-airbnb - ^18.1.0
- eslint-config-prettier - ^6.10.1
- eslint-plugin-import - ^2.20.1
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y - ^6.2.3
- eslint-plugin-react - ^7.19.0
- file-loader - ^4.3.0
- fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core - ^1.2.28
- fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons - ^5.13.0
- fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons - ^5.13.0
- fortawesome/react-fontawesome - ^0.1.9
- history - ^4.10.1
- html-webpack-plugin - ^3.2.0
- i18n-js - ^3.5.1
- jest - ^25.2.0
- json-loader - ^0.5.7
- jsonpatch - ^3.0.1
- js-yaml - ^3.13.1
- markdown-it - ^10.0.0
- mini-css-extract-plugin - ^0.9.0
- moment - ^2.22.2
- node-sass - ^4.14.1
- postcss - ^7.0.27
- postcss-cli - ^7.1.1
- postcss-cssnext - ^3.1.0
- postcss-custom-properties - ^9.1.1
- postcss-import - ^12.0.1
- postcss-loader - ^3.0.0
- postcss-url - ^8.0.0
- prettier - ^1.19.1
- prop-types - ^15.6.2
- react - ^16.13.1
- react-dom - ^16.13.1
- react-hot-loader - ^4.12.20
- react-redux - ^7.2.0
- react-router - ^5.1.2
- react-router-dom - ^5.1.2
- react-test-renderer - ^16.13.1
- react-waypoint - ^9.0.2
- redux - ^4.0.5
- redux-logger - ^3.0.6
- redux-mock-store - ^1.5.4
- redux-thunk - ^2.3.0
- reselect - ^4.0.0
- resolve-url-loader - ^3.1.1
- sass-loader - ^8.0.2
- sinon - ^8.1.1
- stickybits - ^3.7.4
- style-loader - ^1.1.3
- tinymce/tinymce-react
- tinymce - ^5.2.2
- topojson - ^3.0.2
- updeep - ^1.2.0
- webpack - ^4.42.1
- webpack-cli - ^3.3.11
- webpack-dev-server - ^3.11.0
- yaml-jest - ^1.0.5
- yaml-loader - ^0.5.0
- zxcvbn - ^4.4.2
- ajv - ^6.12.0
- aws-sdk - ^2.646.0
- axios - ^0.19.2
- body-parser - ^1.19.0
- colors - ^1.4.0
- compression - ^1.7.3
- cookies - ^0.8.0
- cors - ^2.8.5
- dotenv - ^8.2.0
- eslint - ^6.8.0
- express - ^4.17.1
- form-data - ^3.0.0
- jest - ^25.2.1
- jsonpatch - ^3.0.1
- jsonpointer - ^4.0.1
- jsonwebtoken - ^8.5.0
- knex - ^0.20.13
- moment - ^2.24.0
- multer - ^1.4.2
- node - ^10.14
- nodemon - ^2.0.2
- passport - ^0.4.1
- passport-local - ^1.0.0
- pg - ^7.18.2
- prettier - ^1.19.1
- sinon - ^8.1.1
- stream-mock - ^2.0.5
- tap - ^14.10.6
- uuid - ^3.4.0
- winston - ^2.4.4
- zxcvbn - ^4.4.2
- Team Working Agreement
- Team composition
- Workflows and processes
- Testing and bug filing
- Accessing eAPD
- Active Documentation:
- Sandbox Environment
- Glossary of acronyms
- APDs 101
- Design iterations archive
- MMIS Budget calculations
- HITECH Budget calculations
- Beyond the APD: From Paper to Pixels
- UX principles
- User research process
- Visual styling
- Content guide
- User research findings
- eAPD pilot findings
- User needs
- Developer info
- Development environment
- Coding Standards
- Development deployment
- Infrastructure Architecture
- Code Architecture
- Tech 101
- Authentication
- APD Auto Saving Process
- Resetting an Environment
- Hardware Software List
- Deploying Staging Production Instances Using Scripts
- Terraform 101 for eAPD
- Provisioning Infrastructure with Terraform
- WebSocket basics
- Operations-and-Support-Index
- Single Branch Deployment Strategy
- Ops and Support Overview
- Service Level AOI
- Incident Response Plan
- On-Call Policy
- Infrastructure Contingency Plan
- Updating CloudFront Security Headers
- Requesting and Installing TLS Certificates