diff --git a/src/main/main.ts b/src/main/main.ts
index c9e950e3..367b1ad1 100644
--- a/src/main/main.ts
+++ b/src/main/main.ts
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ const createWindow = async () => {
height: screenHeight,
titleBarStyle: 'hidden',
titleBarOverlay: {
- color: '#ecf2f8',
+ color: 'transparent',
symbolColor: '#111011',
height: 40,
diff --git a/src/renderer/components b/src/renderer/components
index a07687b1..e6a18eb7 160000
--- a/src/renderer/components
+++ b/src/renderer/components
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit a07687b173f9a15950bb6efd255d4612093cb3a0
+Subproject commit e6a18eb768bcce143c5fdbc1d5ddf9eba35cb404
diff --git a/src/renderer/pages/CheckUpdatePage.jsx b/src/renderer/pages/CheckUpdatePage.jsx
index 98bc3aa9..b712d34b 100644
--- a/src/renderer/pages/CheckUpdatePage.jsx
+++ b/src/renderer/pages/CheckUpdatePage.jsx
@@ -12,26 +12,6 @@ import Main from 'components/organisms/Main/Main';
import { BtnSimple } from 'getbasecore/Atoms';
-import {
- iconChecker,
- iconCloud,
- iconCompress,
- iconGear,
- iconList,
- iconMigrate,
- iconPlugin,
- iconPrize,
- iconUninstall,
- iconQuick,
- iconCustom,
- iconDoc,
- iconJoystick,
- iconPackage,
- iconDisk,
- iconHelp,
- iconScreen,
-} from 'components/utils/images/icons';
// Ask for branch
const branchFile = require('data/branch.json');
@@ -39,8 +19,7 @@ const { branch } = branchFile;
function CheckUpdatePage() {
const ipcChannel = window.electron.ipcRenderer;
- const { state, setState, setStateCurrentConfigs, systemName } =
- useContext(GlobalContext);
+ const { state, setState, setStateCurrentConfigs } = useContext(GlobalContext);
const [statePage, setStatePage] = useState({
disabledNext: true,
disabledBack: true,
@@ -78,154 +57,6 @@ function CheckUpdatePage() {
} = state;
- const openCSM = () => {
- ipcChannel.sendMessage('bash', [
- 'csm|||bash ~/.config/EmuDeck/backend/functions/cloudServicesManager.sh',
- ]);
- ipcChannel.once('csm', (message) => {
- console.log({ message });
- });
- };
- const getLogs = () => {
- ipcChannel.sendMessage('emudeck', [`zipLogs|||zipLogs`]);
- ipcChannel.once('zipLogs', (message) => {
- console.log({ message });
- let modalData;
- let { stdout } = message;
- stdout = stdout.replace('\n', '');
- if (stdout.includes('true')) {
- modalData = {
- active: true,
- header: Success!,
- body:
We've created a Zip file with all your logs
- css: 'emumodal--xs',
- };
- } else {
- modalData = {
- active: true,
- header: Error!,
- body: (
- There was an issue getting your logs, please collect them manually
- from the emudeck folder in your user folder.
- ),
- css: 'emumodal--xs',
- };
- }
- setStatePage({ ...statePage, modal: modalData });
- });
- };
- const openWiki = () => {
- let url;
- system === 'win32'
- ? (url = 'https://emudeck.github.io/known-issues/windows/')
- : (url = 'https://emudeck.github.io/?search=true');
- window.open(url, '_blank');
- };
- const uninstall = () => {
- if (system === 'win32') {
- ipcChannel.sendMessage(
- 'emudeck',
- 'powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File "$env:APPDATA/EmuDeck/backend/uninstall.ps1"'
- );
- } else {
- ipcChannel.sendMessage(
- 'bash',
- 'bash "~/.config/EmuDeck/backend/uninstall.sh"'
- );
- }
- };
- const openSRM = () => {
- let modalData = {
- active: true,
- header: Launching Steam Rom Manager,
- body: (
- We will close Steam if its running and then Steam Rom Manager will
- open, this could take a few seconds, please wait.
- ),
- footer: ,
- css: 'emumodal--xs',
- };
- if (system === 'win32') {
- setStatePage({ ...statePage, modal: modalData });
- ipcChannel.sendMessage(
- 'emudeck',
- 'powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File "$toolsPath/launchers/srm/steamrommanager.ps1"'
- );
- } else if (system !== 'darwin') {
- setStatePage({ ...statePage, modal: modalData });
- ipcChannel.sendMessage(
- 'emudeck',
- '"$toolsPath/launchers/srm/steamrommanager.sh"'
- );
- } else {
- modalData = {
- active: true,
- header: Launching Steam Rom Manager,
- body: (
- <>
- We will close Steam if its running and then Steam Rom Manager will
- open, this could take a few seconds, please wait.
- Desktop controls will temporarily revert to touch/trackpad/L2/R2.
- >
- ),
- footer: ,
- css: 'emumodal--sm',
- };
- setStatePage({ ...statePage, modal: modalData });
- ipcChannel.sendMessage(
- 'emudeck',
- '"$toolsPath/launchers/srm/steamrommanager.sh"'
- );
- }
- const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
- setStatePage({
- ...statePage,
- modal: {
- active: false,
- },
- });
- clearTimeout(timerId);
- }, 30000);
- };
- const selectMode = (value) => {
- setState({ ...state, mode: value });
- navigate('/rom-storage');
- };
- const showLog = () => {
- if (system === 'win32') {
- ipcChannel.sendMessage('bash-nolog', [
- `start powershell -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command "& { Get-Content $env:USERPROFILE/emudeck/logs/git-pull.log -Tail 100 -Wait }"`,
- ]);
- } else if (system === 'darwin') {
- ipcChannel.sendMessage('bash-nolog', [
- `osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal" to do script "clear && tail -f $HOME/emudeck/logs/git-pull.log"'`,
- ]);
- } else {
- ipcChannel.sendMessage('bash-nolog', [
- `konsole -e tail -f "$HOME/emudeck/logs/git-pull.log"`,
- ]);
- }
- };
let updateTimeOut;
// Darwin terminal permissions
useEffect(() => {
@@ -648,315 +479,10 @@ function CheckUpdatePage() {
}, [statePage]);
- const functions = {
- openSRM,
- openCSM,
- getLogs,
- navigate,
- openWiki,
- uninstall,
- };
- const settingsCards = [
- {
- icon: [iconGear],
- iconFlat: 'gear',
- title: 'Quick Settings',
- description:
- 'Customize bezels, shaders, aspect ratio, auto save, and more',
- button: 'Configure',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--1',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.navigate('/settings'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconGear],
- iconFlat: 'gear',
- title: 'Manage Emulators',
- description: 'Manage and update your Emulators and configurations',
- button: 'Update',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--1',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.navigate('/emulators'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconPackage],
- iconFlat: 'package',
- title: 'EmuDeck Store',
- description: 'Download free non-commercial homebrew games',
- button: 'Get free games',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--1',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.navigate('/store-front'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconHelp],
- iconFlat: 'help',
- title: 'Help',
- description: 'Having problems running EmuDeck?',
- button: 'Read the wiki',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--1',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.openWiki(),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconPrize],
- iconFlat: 'prize',
- title: 'Early Access',
- description:
- 'Support EmuDeck on Patreon and get early access to our latest features',
- button: 'Donate',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--3',
- status: branch !== 'early',
- type: 'link',
- href: 'https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=29065992',
- function: () => {},
- },
- {
- icon: [iconJoystick],
- iconFlat: 'joystick',
- title: 'Steam ROM Manager',
- description: 'Add emulators, tools, or ROMs to your Steam Library',
- button: 'Launch',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.openSRM(),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconDisk],
- iconFlat: 'disk',
- title: 'USB Transfer Wizard',
- description: 'Transfer your games using a USB Drive',
- button: 'Add more games',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--1',
- status: !!(
- systemName === 'SteamOS' ||
- systemName === 'Linux' ||
- systemName === 'Chimera'
- ),
- function: () => functions.navigate('/copy-games'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconQuick],
- iconFlat: 'quick',
- title: 'Quick Reset',
- description:
- 'Update or reset your installation to the latest EmuDeck version in one easy click',
- button: 'Reinstall',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: true,
- function: () => selectMode('easy'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconCustom],
- iconFlat: 'custom',
- title: 'Custom Reset',
- description:
- 'Update or reset your installation to the latest EmuDeck version in custom mode',
- button: 'Reinstall',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: true,
- function: () => selectMode('expert'),
- },
- {
- status: 'separator',
- title: 'Other Settings',
- },
- {
- icon: [iconScreen],
- iconFlat: 'screen',
- title: 'Screen Resolution',
- description: 'Upscale your emulators resolution',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: system !== 'darwin',
- function: () => functions.navigate('/change-resolution'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconPrize],
- iconFlat: 'prize',
- title: 'RetroAchievements',
- description:
- 'Configure RetroAchievements for Duckstation, PCSX2, and RetroArch',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: system !== 'darwin',
- function: () => functions.navigate('/RA-achievements-config'),
- },
- {
- status: 'separator',
- title: 'EmuDeck Exclusive Tools',
- },
- {
- icon: [iconCompress],
- iconFlat: 'compress',
- title: 'EmuDeck Compressor',
- description: 'Compress your ROMs to optimize your storage',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: !(system === 'win32' || system === 'darwin'),
- function: () => functions.navigate('/chd-tool'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconChecker],
- iconFlat: 'checker',
- title: 'BIOS Checker',
- description: 'Use the EmuDeck BIOS Checker to validate your BIOS',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.navigate('/check-bios'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconCloud],
- iconFlat: 'cloud',
- title: 'Cloud Saves',
- description: 'Sync or backup your saves and save states to the cloud',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.navigate('/cloud-sync/welcome'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconMigrate],
- iconFlat: 'migrate',
- title: 'Migrate Installation',
- description:
- 'Migrate your EmuDeck installation to your SD Card or vice versa',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status:
- system === 'win32' || system === 'darwin'
- ? false
- : !!(
- systemName === 'SteamOS' ||
- systemName === 'Linux' ||
- systemName === 'Chimera'
- ),
- function: () => functions.navigate('/migration'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconPlugin],
- iconFlat: 'plugin',
- title: 'EmuDecky',
- description:
- 'Plugin to easily view emulator hotkeys and configure EmuDeck in Gaming Mode',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: system !== 'win32' || system !== 'darwin',
- function: () => functions.navigate('/decky-controls'),
- },
- {
- status: system !== 'win32' || system !== 'darwin' ? 'separator' : false,
- title: 'Third Party tools',
- },
- {
- icon: [iconCustom],
- iconFlat: 'custom',
- title: 'Online Multiplayer',
- description: 'Play your emulators over internet with your friends',
- button: 'Install',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: false,
- function: () => functions.navigate('/remote-play-whatever'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconPlugin],
- iconFlat: 'plugin',
- title: 'Gyroscope',
- description: 'Enable your Steam Deck gyroscope in emulation',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: system === 'SteamOS',
- function: () => functions.navigate('/gyrodsu'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconPlugin],
- iconFlat: 'plugin',
- title: 'Power Tools',
- description:
- 'A Decky Loader Plugin to manage performance settings in Game Mode',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: system === 'SteamOS',
- function: () => functions.navigate('/power-tools'),
- },
- {
- status: 'separator',
- title: 'Other stuff',
- },
- {
- icon: [iconPrize],
- iconFlat: 'prize',
- title: 'Get Early Access',
- description:
- 'Support EmuDeck on Patreon and get early access to our latest features',
- button: 'Donate',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--3',
- status: !branch.includes('early'),
- type: 'link',
- href: 'https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=29065992',
- function: () => {},
- },
- {
- icon: [iconDoc],
- iconFlat: 'doc',
- title: 'Get Log files',
- description: 'Send us your logs if you have issues',
- button: 'Create Zip',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.getLogs(),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconList],
- iconFlat: 'list',
- title: 'ChangeLog',
- description: 'Read about the latest changes to EmuDeck',
- button: 'Read',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: true,
- function: () => functions.navigate('/change-log'),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconCloud],
- iconFlat: 'cloud',
- title: 'Cloud Services',
- description: 'Manage your cloud services, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and more!',
- button: 'More info',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--5',
- status: !(system === 'win32' || system === 'darwin'),
- function: () => functions.openCSM(),
- },
- {
- icon: [iconUninstall],
- iconFlat: 'uninstall',
- title: 'Uninstall',
- description: 'Uninstall EmuDeck from your system',
- button: 'Uninstall',
- btnCSS: 'btn-simple--3',
- status: system !== 'darwin',
- function: () => functions.uninstall(),
- },
- ];
return (
{dom !== undefined && }