Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/cfzd/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-V2 cd Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-V2
Create a conda virtual environment and activate it
conda create -n lane-det python=3.7 -y conda activate lane-det
Install dependencies
# If you dont have pytorch conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia pip install -r requirements.txt pip install --extra-index-url https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/redist --upgrade nvidia-dali-cuda110 # Install Nvidia DALI (Very fast data loading lib)) cd my_interp sh build.sh # If this fails, you might need to upgrade your GCC to v7.3.0
Data preparation
Download CULane, Tusimple, or CurveLanes as you want. The directory arrangement of Tusimple should look like(
can be downloaded from here ):$TUSIMPLE |──clips |──label_data_0313.json |──label_data_0531.json |──label_data_0601.json |──test_tasks_0627.json |──test_label.json |──readme.md
For Tusimple, the segmentation annotation is not provided, hence we need to generate segmentation from the json annotation.
python scripts/convert_tusimple.py --root /path/to/your/tusimple # this will generate segmentations and two list files: train_gt.txt and test.txt
The directory arrangement of CULane should look like:
$CULANE |──driver_100_30frame |──driver_161_90frame |──driver_182_30frame |──driver_193_90frame |──driver_23_30frame |──driver_37_30frame |──laneseg_label_w16 |──list
For CULane, please run:
python scripts/cache_culane_ponits.py --root /path/to/your/culane # this will generate a culane_anno_cache.json file containing all the lane annotations, which can be used for speed up training without reading lane segmentation maps
The directory arrangement of CurveLanes should look like:
$CurveLanes |──test |──train |──valid
For CurveLanes, please run:
python scripts/convert_curvelanes.py --root /path/to/your/curvelanes python scripts/make_curvelane_as_culane_test.py --root /path/to/your/curvelanes # this will also generate a curvelanes_anno_cache_train.json file. Moreover, many .lines.txt file will be generated on the val set to enable CULane style evaluation.
Install CULane evaluation tools (Only required for testing).
If you just want to train a model or make a demo, this tool is not necessary and you can skip this step. If you want to get the evaluation results on CULane, you should install this tool.
This tools requires OpenCV C++. Please follow here to install OpenCV C++. When you build OpenCV, remove the paths of anaconda from PATH or it will be failed.
# First you need to install OpenCV C++. # After installation, make a soft link of OpenCV include path. ln -s /usr/local/include/opencv4/opencv2 /usr/local/include/opencv2
We provide three kinds of complie pipelines to build the evaluation tool of CULane.
Option 1:
cd evaluation/culane make
Option 2:
cd evaluation/culane mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make mv culane_evaluator ../evaluate
For Windows user:
mkdir build-vs2017 cd build-vs2017 cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" cmake --build . --config Release # or, open the "xxx.sln" file by Visual Studio and click build button move culane_evaluator ../evaluate