Game Prototype Examples in Unity and C# from Part III of Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development (2nd edition) by Jeremy Gibson Bond.
The examples are being built during the winter of 2017-2018 as I evaluate the text for a high school game design and programming class. The games were created using Unity 2017.3.0f3 and version 2017.3 of the JetBrains Rider IDE. As the examples are completed they are turned into links to the individual prototype folders.
- Chapter 28 Prototype 1: Apple Picker
- Chapter 29 Prototype 2: Mission Demolition
- Chapter 30 Prototype 3: Space SHMUP
- Chapter 31 Prototype 3.5: Space SHMUP Plus
- Chapter 32 Prototype 4: Prospector Solitaire
- Chapter 33 Prototype 5: Bartok
- Chapter 34 Prototype 6: Word Game
- Chapter 35 Prototype 7: Dungeon Delver