An important block in “compute” unit is multipliers. Their performance impacts the whole chip. This is why in this mini project, we will explore different implementations of multipliers and study their characteristics.
In this repo, we implemented using verilog the following 32-bits signed integer multipliers:
1- Verilog (‘*’) version of multiplier
2- Multiplier Tree (combinational)
3- Sequential Multiplier using shift & accumulate
4- Booth Algorithm
5- Radix-4 Booth Algorithm
6- IEEE 754 Floating Point Multiplier
All multipliers will have an input register before the multiplier and an output register after the multiplier.
Sequential Multiplier Explanation.
Radix-4 Multiplier Explanation.
Floating Point Multiplier Explanation.
○ Multiplication of positive and negative number
○ Multiplication of positive and positive number
○ Multiplication of negative and negative number
○ Multiplication of negative and positive number
○ Multiplication by zero
○ Multiplication by 1
○ Additional 2 random test cases.
Your testbench should print “TestCase#1: success” on success and should print the “TestCase#1: failed with input X and Y and Output Z and overflow status N” , X,Y,Z snd N should be replaced by your values.
Synthesis the adders with the following constraints
i. Set clock to 6ns.
ii. Set Input delay to 0.2ns.
iii. Set load to 10
iv. Set output load to 0.5ns.
v. Set Utilization to 60%
vi. Enable usage of all library cells.
Place and route the adders with the following constraints
i. Constraint clock skew to 0.2ns
ii. Only use vertical strips
Code files for each design: 'multipliers_files_pre_synthesis' folder
Code files for each testbench: 'test_benches' folder
Code files for each design: multipliers_files_pre_synthesis
Synthesis, Placing and Rputing Results: _[multiplier_name]multiplier_synthesis_and_routing
DRC_Report_for_floating_multiplier: DRC_Report_FLoat_Mult file
LVC_Report_for_floating_multiplier: LVS_Report_FLoat_Mult file
○ Do file to run and configure wave.
○ Constraints files
○ Scripts used for synthesis
○ Scripts used for Floorplanning, Placement & Routing
○ Oasys generated reports
○ Nitro generated reports
○ Post-synthesize code
○ Post-routing code
○ Sdf file
○ Final saved database from Nitro
detailed reports are in post_synthesis_and_routing folders
collective results report:
Verlilog * multiplier
From the synthesis results of the 5 multipliers, it has the best efficient combination of delay, power, utilization and area
1-Open Modelsim.
2-Create project
3-Add files in helping_modules folder to the project
4-Add files in multipliers_files_pre_synthesis folder to the project
5-Add files in test_benches folder
6-Simulate test bench files using modelsim
Results are in 'DRC_Report_FLoat_Mult' folder
Results are in 'LVS_Report_FLoat_Mult' folder