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197 lines (139 loc) · 8.36 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (139 loc) · 8.36 KB


  • CollectionView and CompositeView can render without a collection


  • ItemView changes
    • Calls a beforeRender and beforeClose method on the view, if it exists
    • Triggers a item:before:render event, just prior to rendering
    • Triggers a item:before:close and item:closed events, around the view's close method
  • CollectionView changes
    • Calls a beforeRender and beforeClose method on the view, if it exists
    • Triggers a collection:before:render event before rendering
    • Triggers a collection:before:close and collection:closed event, surrounding closing of the view
  • The CollectionView and CompositeView now close child views before closing itself


  • BREAKING: The CollectionView no longer has a reRender method. Call render instead
  • BREAKING: The TemplateCache.get method now returns a plain string instead of a jQuery selector object
  • Fixed a bug with closing and then re-using a Layout with defined regions
  • Fixed a potential race condition for loading / caching templates where a template would be loaded multiple times instead of just once


  • Fixed the composite view so that it renders the collection correctly when the collection is "reset"
  • Fixed the composite view so that it re-renders correctly
  • Fixed various deferred usages to only return promises, instead of the full deferred object


  • BREAKING: Renamed LayoutManager to Layout

  • BREAKING: Renamed RegionManager to Region

  • BREAKING: Renamed TemplateManager to TemplateCache

  • Layout

    • BREAKING: Layout.render no longer returns the view itself, now returns a jQuery deferred object
    • The .vent attribute is now available in the initializer method
    • Ensures that regions select the $el within the Layout's $el instead of globally on the page
    • Initialize the regions before the layout, allowing access to the regions in the onRender method of the layout
    • Close the Layout's regions before closing the layout itself
  • CompositeView

    • BREAKING: CompositeView.render no longer returns the view itself, now returns a jQuery deffered object
    • Will only render the collection once. You can call renderCollection explicitly to re-render the entire collection
    • Will only render the model view once. You can call renderModel explicitly to re-render the model
    • Correctly close and dispose of the model view
    • Triggers various events during rendering of model view and collection view
    • Calls 'onRender' method of composite view, if it exists
  • ItemView

    • BREAKING: ItemView.render no longer returns the view itself, now returns a jQuery deferred object
    • Optimization to only call .toJSON on either model or collection, not both
    • Trigger "item:rendered" method after rendering (in addition to calling onRender method of the view)
  • CollectionView

    • BREAKING: CollectionView.render no longer returns the view itself, now returns a jQuery deferred object
    • Trigger "collection:rendered" method after rendering (in addition to calling onRender method)
  • Large updates to the readme/documentation

  • Heavy use of jQuery.Deferred() and jQuery.when/then to better support asynchronous templates and rendering


  • BREAKING: Renamed CompositeRegion to LayoutManager
  • Aliased CompsiteRegion to LayoutManager for backwards compatibility
  • Bug fix for correctly initializing LayoutManager with specified options in constructor


  • Controller methods fired from an AppRouter are now called with this set to the controller, instead of the router
  • Fixed a bug in the CompositeView where the list wouldn't render when passing in a populated collection


  • BREAKING: Extraced CompositeView out of the collection view
  • Added CompositeView for managing leaf-branch/composite model structures
  • Added CompositeRegion for managing nested views and nested region managers
  • Added attachView method to RegionManager to attach existing view without rendering / replacing
  • Specify how to attach HTML to DOM in region manager's show method


  • Don't re-render an ItemView when the view's model "change" event is triggered


  • Allow RegionManager to be instantiated with an el specified in the options
  • Change how RegionManagers are added to an Application instance, to reduce memory usage from extraneous types


  • AppRouter can have it's controller specified directly in the router definition or in the construction function call
  • Extracted Marionette.EventAggregator out in to it's own explicit object


  • CollectionView closes existing child views before re-rendering itself, when "reset" event of collection is triggered
  • CollectionView now has "initialEvents" method which configures it's initial events
  • ItemView now has "initialEvents" method which configures it's initial events


  • CollectionView renders itself when the view's collection "reset" event is fired
  • ItemView renders itself when the view's model "change" event is fired
  • ItemView renders itself when the view's collection "reset" event is fired


  • Fixed bug with RegionManagers trying to select element before DOM is ready, to lazy-select the element on first use of show


  • BREAKING: Removed the setOptions method from the Callbacks object
  • Refactored Callbacks object to use a jQuery Deferred instead of my own code
  • Fixed template manager's clear so it properly clears a single template, when only one is specified
  • Refactored the RegionManager code to support several new features
    • now support returning a jQuery deferred object from a view's render method
    • now have a close method that you can call to close the current view
    • now trigger a "view:show" and "view:close" event
    • correctly remove reference to previous views, allowing garbage collection of the view
    • now support the bindTo and unbindAll methods, for binding/unbinding region manager events


  • Minor fix to context of template manager callback, to fix issue w/ async template loading


  • BREAKING: Rewrote the template manager to be async-template loading friendly
  • BREAKING: Dropping support for Backbone v0.5.3 and below
  • Added Marionette.Callbacks to manage a collection of callbacks in an async-friendly way
  • Guarantee the execution of app initializer functions, even if they are added after the app has been started.
  • App triggers "start" event after initializers and initializer events
  • Updated to Backbone v0.9.1


  • Make region managers initialize immediately when calling app.addRegions


  • BREAKING: view.el for ItemView and CollectionView is no longer a jQuery selector object. Use view.$el instead
  • BREAKING: regionManger.el is no longer a jQuery selector object. Use regionManager.$el instead
  • Updated to use Backbone v0.9.0
  • Updated to use Underscore v1.3.1
  • Removed default itemView from the CollectionView definition
  • CollectionView now explicitly checks for an itemView defined on it, and throws an error if it's not found


  • Bind the context (this) of application initializer functions to the application object


  • Added AppRouter, to reduce boilerplate routers down to simple configuration
  • CollectionView can be treated as a composite view, rendering an model and a collection of models
  • Now works with either jQuery, Zepto, or enter.js
  • ItemView will throw an error is no template is specified


  • Return this (the view itself) from ItemView and CollectionView render method
  • Call onRender after the CollectionView has rendered itself


  • Fixed global variable leaks
  • Removed declared, but unused variables


  • Fixed binding events in the collection view to use bindTo (#6)
  • Updated specs for collection view
  • Documentation fixes (#7)


  • Added TemplateManager to cache templates
  • CollectionView binds to add/remove and updates rendering appropriately
  • ItemView uses TemplateManager for template retrieval
  • ItemView and CollectionView set this.el = $(this.el) in constructor


  • Added ItemView
  • Added CollectionView
  • Added BindTo
  • Simplified the way extend is pulled from Backbone


  • Initial release
  • Created documentation
  • Generated annotated source code