This Discord Bot Made By Tomato6969
1. Install node.js v12+ or higher
2. Download this repo and unzip it | or git clone it
3. Install all of the packages with npm install
| the important packages are npm install discord.js erela.js enmap ascii-table erela.js-deezer erela.js-spotify ms colors @ksoft/api
4 Fill in the parameters, RIGHT in botconfig/config.json
5. Download Lavalink and download Java 15 (Java 13 recommended)
5.1 Run the Lavalink file with: java -jar Lavalink.jar
**MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS THE application.yml
6. start the bot with start.bat
## Windows start Command .bat file
ECHO ==========================
ECHO Starting Lavalink
ECHO ==========================
start cmd /k java -jar ./Lavalink.jar
ECHO ==========================
@ECHO Taking a 5 Second Break for Lavalink
ECHO ==========================
timeout /T 5 /nobreak
ECHO ==========================
@ECHO Starting BOT
ECHO ==========================
start cmd /k node .
exit /s'
Windows start.bat
Which starts Lavalink and the Bot together via one click ;)
Have it in the Same folder as index.js
and Lavalink.jar
@tomato For the Reacting system to messages, great Idea, I adopted that @Tomato6966/Rythm-MUSIC
Thanks For Tomato6966 Check Out Tomato6966 Gtihub Repo