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-title: Using Dashboard Parameters
+title: Use Dashboard Parameters
author: Natalia Kazakova
legacyId: 16521
-# Using Dashboard Parameters
+# Use Dashboard Parameters
You can use **dashboard parameters** when it is necessary to pass data of a certain type to a dashboard (e.g., to pass a specific value to the data source filter string or a calculated field).
The topics in this section describe how to use dashboard parameters.
-* [Creating Parameters](using-dashboard-parameters/creating-parameters.md)
-* [Passing Parameter Values](using-dashboard-parameters/passing-parameter-values.md)
-* [Requesting Parameter Values](using-dashboard-parameters/requesting-parameter-values.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+* [Create Dashboard Parameters](using-dashboard-parameters/creating-parameters.md)
+* [Create Cascading Parameters](using-dashboard-parameters/create-cascading-parameters.md)
+* [Reference Dashboard Parameters](using-dashboard-parameters/passing-parameter-values.md)
+* [Specify Parameter Values](using-dashboard-parameters/requesting-parameter-values.md)
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+title: Cascading Parameters
+author: Polina Tuyreva
+# Cascading Parameters
+Create cascading parameters to filter a list of predefined parameter values based on another parameter's values. The following image illustrates cascading parameters where the **pProducts** parameter values are filtered by the selected category:
+![Dashboard for WinForms - Cascading Parameters](../../../../images/cascading-parameters-winforms.gif)
+In case of two parameters, the first parameter is used to filter the data source for the second parameter with [dynamic list](creating-parameters.md#dynamic-list) settings.
+## Create Cascading Parameters
+The dashboard in this example is connected to a Northwind database (an SQL Database) and contains three [queries](../../work-with-data/manage-sql-queries.md): *Categories*, *Products*, and *OrderReports*. The Grid item visualizes data from the *OrderReports* query.
+In this tutorial, you will create two dashboard parameters:
+* The **pCategory** parameter filters the *Products* query. The *Products* query is a data source for the **pProducts** parameter.
+* The **pProducts** parameter filters the *OrderReports* query.
+The steps below create cascading parameters in the WinForms Dashboard Designer:
+1. Create a dashboard parameter called **pCategory** with dynamic list settings. Use the *Categories* query as a data member and the *CategoryID* as a value member.
+ The parameter settings may look as follows:
+ ![Dashboard for WinForms - Create Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/category-parameter-cascading.png)
+2. Use the created **pCategory** parameter to [filter](../../work-with-data/filter-queries.md) the *Products* query.
+ To do this, invoke the [Query Builder](../../work-with-data/using-the-query-builder.md) and click the **Filter...** button to specify the filter criteria in the **Filter Editor**. Choose the **Bind To** option to automatically bind a [query parameter](../../work-with-data/pass-query-parameters.md) to the created dashboard parameter:
+ ![Dashboard for WinForms - Filter Query](../../../../images/category-parameter-filter-cascading.png)
+ The resulting query looks as follows:
+ ```
+ [Products.CategoryID]=?pCategory
+ ```
+3. Create a dashboard parameter called **pProducts** with dynamic list settings. Use the *Products* query as a data member and the *ProductID* as a value member.
+ The parameter settings may look as follows:
+ ![Dashboard for WinForms - Create Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/products-parameter-cascading.png)
+4. Use the **pProducts** dashboard parameter to filter the *OrderReports* query.
+ To do this, invoke the [Query Builder](../../work-with-data/using-the-query-builder.md) and click the **Filter...** button to specify the filter criteria in the **Filter Editor**. Choose the **Bind To** option to automatically bind a [query parameter](../../work-with-data/pass-query-parameters.md) to the created dashboard parameter:
+ ![Dashboard for WinForms - Filter Queries](../../../../images/products-parameter-filter-cascading.png)
+ The resulting query looks as follows:
+ ```
+ [OrderReports.ProductID] In ?pProducts
+ ```
+5. Create a Grid item to visualize data from the filtered *OrderReports* query.
+>When using a [multi-value](creating-parameters.md#allow-multiselect) parameter to filter a query, create the condition with the `Is any of` or `Is none of` operator.
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-title: Creating Parameters
+title: Create a Dashboard Parameter
author: Natalia Kazakova
legacyId: 16522
-# Creating Parameters
-This topic explains how to create a new dashboard parameter and specify its settings.
-* [Creating Parameters in the Dashboard Designer](#creating-parameters-in-the-dashboard-designer)
-* [Look-Up Editor Settings](#look-up-editor-settings)
-## Creating Parameters in the Dashboard Designer
-To create dashboard parameters in the Dashboard Designer, do the following:
-1. Click the **Parameters** button on the Ribbon's **Data Source** tab.
+# Create a Dashboard Parameter in the WinForms Designer
+This topic shows how to add a new dashboard parameter and specify its settings in the Dashboard Designer.
+## Create a Parameter in the UI
+To create dashboard parameters in the Dashboard Designer, follow the steps below.
+1. Click the **Parameters** button from the **Dashboard** page group on the Ribbon's **Home** page.
- ![Parameters_AddParameterButton_Ribbon](../../../../images/img21711.png)
-2. In the invoked dialog, click the **Add** button to add a new parameter.
+ ![Ribbon - Parameters Button](../../../../images/parameters_addparameterbutton_ribbon21711.png)
+2. In the invoked dialog, click the **Add** button to create a dashboard parameter.
- ![Parameters_ParametersDialog](../../../../images/img21716.png)
-3. Specify the following settings.
- * **Visible** - Specifies whether or not the parameter editor is visible in the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
- * **Allow Null** - Specifies whether or a not null value can be passed as a parameter value.
- * **Allow Multiselect** - Specifies whether or not multi-selection is enabled for the current parameter. The following limitations are applied to parameters with multi-selection enabled.
- * Use the **is any of** or **is none of** operators to pass a multi-select parameter to a [filter](../../data-shaping/filtering.md) criteria or to the [Expression](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting/expression.md) format condition.
- * Use the **In** or **Not In** operators to pass a multi-select parameter to a [calculated field](../../work-with-data/creating-calculated-fields.md) expression.
- * Stored procedures used in the [SQL](../../work-with-data/stored-procedures.md) data source do not support multi-select parameters.
- * **Name** - Specifies the parameter name. When creating and modifying parameter names, follow the rules below.
- * A name can contain letters, numbers and underscores.
- * A name cannot contain spaces.
- * A name cannot be an empty string.
- * The dashboard cannot contain parameters with the same name.
- * Names are case-sensitive. For example, you can create the names _Parameter_ and _PARAMETER_ .
- * **Description** - Specifies the parameter's description. The parameter's description is the value displayed in the **Parameter Name** column of the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
- * **Look-Up Settings** - Specifies the parameter's [look-up editor settings](#look-up-editor-settings).
- * **Select All Values** - Specifies whether or not all parameter values should be selected in the initial state of the Dashboard Viewer.
- Note that this option is in effect when **Allow Multiselect** is set to **true**.
- * **Type** - Specifies the parameter type.
- * **Value** - Specifies the default parameter’s value. Note that when **Allow Multiselect** is set to **true**, the **Value** option allows you to select multiple parameter values.
+ ![Dashboard Parameters Dialog - Add Parameters](../../../../images/parameters_parametersdialog21716.png)
+3. Specify the parameter's settings and click **OK** to save the created parameter.
+## Parameter Settings
+### Name
+Specifies the parameter name.
+When you create and modify parameter names, follow the rules below:
+* A name can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
+* A name cannot contain spaces.
+* A name cannot be an empty string.
+* The dashboard cannot contain parameters with the same name.
+* Names are case-sensitive. For example, you can create the names _Parameter_ and _PARAMETER_ .
+### Description
+Specifies the parameter description displayed in the **Parameter** column of the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
+![Dashboard Parameters Dialog - Parameter Description](../../../../images/dashboard-parameter-description-win.png)
- Then, click **OK** to add the created parameters to the dashboard.
+### Visible
+Specifies whether the parameter is visible in the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
-## Look-Up Editor Settings
-There are three types of look-up editor settings that can be specified for a parameter. Select the required type from the **LookUpSettings** drop-down list.
+### Allow Null
-* **No Look-Up** - set the **Value** to use a static value as a parameter.
+Specifies whether a null value can be passed as a parameter value.
- ![Parameters_LookUpSettings_NoLookUp](../../../../images/img21722.png)
-* **Static List** - click the ellipsis button to add static values for the current dashboard parameter.
+### Allow Multiselect
+Specifies whether multi-selection is enabled for the current parameter.
+The following limitations apply to parameters with multi-selection enabled:
+* Use the **Is any of** or **Is none of** operators to pass a multi-select parameter to a filter criteria or to the Expression format condition.
+* Use the **In** or **Not In** operators to pass a multi-select parameter to a calculated field expression.
+### Select All Values
+Specifies whether all parameter values should be selected in the initial state of the dashboard.
- ![Parameters_LookUpSettings_Static](../../../../images/img21723.png)
+Note that this option is in effect when **Allow Multiselect** is enabled.
+### Type
+Specifies the parameter type.
+The following types are available:
+* String
+* Date
+* Number (16-bit integer)
+* Number (32-bit integer)
+* Number (64-bit integer)
+* Number (floating point)
+* Number (double-precision floating point)
+* Number (decimal)
+* Boolean
+* GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)
+### Value
+Specifies the default parameter value.
+Note that when the **Allow Multiselect** option is enabled, the **Value** option allows you to select multiple parameter values.
+### Look-Up Settings
+Specifies the parameter's look-up settings.
- In this case, the **Value** specifies the default parameter's value.
-* **Dynamic List** - allows you to use a list of values from the existing data source as a parameter. You need to select the required **Data Source** from the list of available data sources and data members for the dashboard parameter's display name and value, respectively.
+Select the option from the **Look-Up Settings** drop-down list.
+![Parameters Dialog - Look-Up Settings](../../../../images/parameters_parametersdialog_lookupsettings21718.png)
+The following **Look-Up Settings** are available in the WinForms Dashboard:
+#### No Look-Up
+An end user can specify the parameter value in the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
+You can set the default value for the parameter in the parameter setting:
+![Dashboard Parameter Look-Up Settings - No Look-Up](../../../../images/parameters_lookupsettings_nolookup21722.png)
+#### Static List
+An end user selects a parameter value from a static list.
+To add predefined parameter values, click the ellipsis button in the parameter settings:
- ![Parameters_LookUpSettings_Dynamic](../../../../images/img21842.png)
- 1. First, select the required **Data Source** from the list of available data sources. For the [SQL](../../provide-data/connecting-to-sql-databases.md) data source, select the required **Data Member** that specifies the query from the selected **Data Source**.
- 2. Then, specify data members for the dashboard parameter's value and display name using **Value Member** and **Display Member**, respectively.
- 3. If necessary, specify the data member used to sort parameter values using the **Sort By** option. **Sort Order** specifies the required sort order.
+![Dashboard Parameters Look-Up Settings - Static List](../../../../images/parameters_lookupsettings_static21723.png)
+#### Dynamic List
+An end user selects a parameter value defined in a data source.
- > [!NOTE]
- > To learn how to create a data source for a dashboard parameter, see [Provide Data](../../provide-data.md).
- >
- > Note that you cannot specify an [OLAP](../../provide-data/connecting-to-olap-cubes.md) data source as the data source for the dashboard parameter in the Dashboard Designer.
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+![Dashboard Parameters Look-Up Settings - Dynamic List](../../../../images/parameters_lookupsettings_dynamic21842.png)
+>You can also create cascading parameters in the Dashboard Designer. For more information, refer to the following topic: [Cascading Parameters](create-cascading-parameters.md).
+To provide access to data source values, specify the following options:
+|UI Settings|Description|
+|**Data Source**| Specifies the data source for the dashboard parameter.|
+|**Data Member**| Specifies the name of the data member with the parameter values for SQL and Entity Framework data sources.|
+|**Value Member**|Specifies the name of the data field for the parameter values.|
+|**Display Member** (optional)| Specifies the name of the data field displayed in the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog as a value description.|
+|**Sort By** (optional)|Specifies the data member used to sort parameter values.|
+|**Sort Order** (optional)|Specifies the sort order.|
+> [!NOTE]
+> You cannot use an OLAP data source as the data source for a dashboard parameter.
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@@ -1,48 +1,92 @@
-title: Passing Parameter Values
+title: Reference Dashboard Parameters
author: Natalia Kazakova
legacyId: 16523
-# Passing Parameter Values
-In this topic, you will learn how to pass parameter values to a dashboard.
-* [SQL Queries](#sql-queries)
-* [Filtering](#filtering)
-* [Conditional Formatting](#conditional-formatting)
-* [Calculated Fields](#calculated-fields)
-* [Window Calculations](#window-calculations)
-## SQL Queries
-The Dashboard Designer provides the capability to use a dashboard parameter as an SQL query/stored procedure parameter. To pass a dashboard parameter to an [SQL query](../../work-with-data/pass-query-parameters.md)/[stored procedure](../../work-with-data/stored-procedures.md) in the [Data Source](../../provide-data/connecting-to-sql-databases.md) wizard or [Query Editor](../../work-with-data/using-the-query-editor.md), do the following.
-* Create a [query parameter](../../work-with-data/pass-query-parameters.md) or select the required [stored procedure](../../work-with-data/stored-procedures.md) parameter.
-* Enable the **Expression** checkbox for this parameter and select the required dashboard parameter in the **Value** column.
- ![QueryEditor_PassDashboardParameter](../../../../images/img121219.png)
+# Reference Dashboard Parameters in WinForms
+This topic describes how to reference a [dashboard parameter](creating-parameters.md) in [condition format expressions](#conditional-formatting), [calculated fields](#calculated-fields), and [window calculations](#window-calculations). You can also bind a dashboard parameter to a query parameter to filter the SQL data source dynamically.
+## SQL Queries and Stored Procedures
+You can filter the SQL data sources dynamically if you bind a [query parameter](../../work-with-data/pass-query-parameters.md) to a dashboard parameter.
+You can access the query parameter settings in the second page of the [Query Editor](../../work-with-data/using-the-query-editor.md) or in the [Query Builder](../../work-with-data/using-the-query-builder.md) by clicking the **Edit Parameters** button.
+Select the *Expression* checkbox and in the **Value** column, select the dashboard parameter, or specify an expression with a dashboard parameter in **Expression Editor**.
- If necessary, you can select **Expression editor...** and specify an [expression](../../data-analysis/expression-constants-operators-and-functions.md) to bind a query parameter to a dashboard parameter using custom logic.
+![Query Editor - Configure Query Parameters](../../../../images/queryeditor_passdashboardparameter121219.png)
+Refer to the following article for more information about query parameters: [Use Query Parameters](../../work-with-data/pass-query-parameters.md).
+>You can also create cascading parameters in the WinForms Dashboard Designer. For more information, refer to the following topic: [Cascading Parameters](create-cascading-parameters.md).
+## Data Source Filtering
+You can use dashboard parameters to filter Excel, Object, and Extract data sources.
+To apply filtering to a data source, click the **Filter** button in the **Data Source** Ribbon tab.
+![Data Source Filter Button](../../../../images/datasourcefiltering_filterbutton_ribbon22300.png)
+In the invoked [Filter Editor](../../../../../interface-elements-for-desktop/articles/filter-editor/filter-data-via-the-filter-editor.md), specify the filter criteria. To compare a field value with a parameter value, click the ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton](../../../../images/parameters_filtereditor_comparebutton21820.png) button and then the ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton2](../../../../images/parameters_filtereditor_comparebutton221824.png) button. Then, click the second operand's placeholder to invoke the list of available parameters and select the required parameter:
+![Data Source Filtering - Filter Criteria with a Parameter](../../../../images/filter-ds-parameterpselection-win.png)
+The ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton3](../../../../images/parameters_filtereditor_comparebutton321825.png) icon will be displayed next to the selected parameter.
+Click **OK** to save the created filter criteria. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the data source is filtered according to the parameter value.
+## Conditional Formatting
+You can apply [conditional formatting](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting.md) to a dashboard item according to the current parameter value. It allows you to format dashboard item elements dynamically.
+To reference a dashboard parameter in a [format rule](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting.md#create-and-edit-a-format-rule), click the menu button of the required data item and select **Add Format Rule | Expression**:
+![Format Rule - Expression Type](../../../../images/win-conditional-formatting-expression.png)
+In the invoked **Expression** dialog, specify the format rule and other settings. To compare a field value to a parameter value, click the ![Filter Editor - Button](../../../../images/parameters_filtereditor_comparebutton21820.png) button of the second operand, and then click the ![Filter Editor - Button](../../../../images/parameters_filtereditor_comparebutton221824.png) button. After that, click the operand's placeholder and select the dashboard parameter.
+![Expression Dialog -Compare to a Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/expressiondialog_passparameter121501.png)
+The ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton3](../../../../images/parameters_filtereditor_comparebutton321825.png) icon will be displayed next to the selected parameter.
+Click **OK** to save the created format rule. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the dashboard item is formatted according to the parameter value.
+>For more information on conditional formatting, refer to the following article: [Conditional Formatting](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting.md).
+## Calculated Fields
+You can use parameters when you construct [expressions](../../data-analysis/expression-constants-operators-and-functions.md) for [calculated fields](../../work-with-data/creating-calculated-fields.md). This allows you to dynamically evaluate values of the calculated field depending on the current parameter value.
+To reference a dashboard parameter in the calculated field expression, add or edit a calculated field. In the invoked **Expression Editor**, select the dashboard parameter from the **Parameters** section.
+Click **OK** to save the expression. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the calculated field values are changed according to the specified expression.
+>For more information on calculated fields in WinForms Dashboard, refer to the following article: [Calculated Fields](../../work-with-data/creating-calculated-fields.md).
-## Filtering
-You can filter the specified [query](../../work-with-data/filter-queries.md) of the [SQL Data Source](../../provide-data/connecting-to-sql-databases.md) or [apply filtering](../../data-shaping/filtering.md) to a specific dashboard item according to the current parameter value(s) using the [Filter Editor](../../../../../interface-elements-for-desktop/articles/filter-editor.md).
+## Window Calculations
-In the Filter Editor, you can compare a field value with the following objects.
-* _A static value_ (represented by the ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton](../../../../images/img21820.png) icon). Click this button to switch to the next item mode ("another field value"), to compare the field value with another field value.
-* _Another field value_ (represented by the ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton2](../../../../images/img21824.png) icon). Click this button to switch to the next item mode (“parameter value”), to compare the field value with a parameter value.
-* _A parameter value_ (represented by the ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton3](../../../../images/img21825.png) icon). Click this button to switch back to the initial mode ("static value"), to compare the field value with a static value.
+You can use dashboard parameters in [window calculations](../../data-analysis/window-calculations/window-calculations-overview.md). This allows you to apply specific computations to measure values depending on the current parameter value.
-Thus, to compare a field value with a parameter value, click the ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton](../../../../images/img21820.png) button, then click the ![Parameters_FilterEditor_CompareButton2](../../../../images/img21824.png) button.
+To reference the dashboard parameter value in a window calculation, create a window calculation of the **Custom** type:
+![Data Item Menu - Custom Calculation](../../../../images/win-custom-window-calculation.png)
-## Conditional Formatting
-You can apply conditional formatting to a specific dashboard item according to the current parameter value when creating the [Expression](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting/expression.md) format condition. In the **Expression** dialog, you can compare a field value with parameter values in the same manner as in the **Filter Editor** dialog.
+Then, select the calculation type and click the **Edit in Expression Editor** button:
-## Calculated Fields
-You can use parameters when constructing expressions for [calculated fields](../../work-with-data/creating-calculated-fields.md). This allows you to dynamically evaluate values of the calculated field depending on the current parameter value.
+![Customize Calculation Window](../../../../images/customize-calculation-edit-button.png)
-To include the required parameter in the calculated field expression, click **Parameters** in the Expression Editor dialog and double-click the required parameter.
+In the invoked **Expression Editor** window, construct an expression. To reference a dashboard parameter, select the **Parameters** category and double-click the required parameter from the list of the available dashboard parameters.
+![Window Calculation with Dashboard Parameters](../../../../images/passingparameters_windowcalculation124377.png)
-## Window Calculations
-You can use parameters when customizing expressions for [window calculations](../window-calculations.md). This allows you to apply a calculation dynamically, depending on the current parameter value.
+Click **OK** to apply the specified settings. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the calculation values are changed according to the specified expression.
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+>For more information on window calculations in WinForms Dashboard, refer to the following article: [Window Calculations](../../data-analysis/window-calculations.md).
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@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
-title: Requesting Parameter Values
+title: Specify Dashboard Parameter Values
author: Natalia Kazakova
legacyId: 16524
-# Requesting Parameter Values
-The dashboard provides a built-in **Dashboard Parameters** dialog, which provides the capability to change dashboard parameter values. This dialog is created automatically, depending on the parameter type and visibility settings.
+# Specify Dashboard Parameter Values
+The Dashboard Designer includes a built-in **Dashboard Parameters** dialog, which allows users to change dashboard parameter values. This dialog is created automatically depending on the [parameter settings](creating-parameters.md#parameter-settings). Set the [Visible](creating-parameters.md#visible) property to `true` to display the parameter in the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog.
-To invoke the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog in the Dashboard Designer, click the **Parameters** (![Parameters_ParametersButtonWin_Title](../../../../images/img21814.png)) button in the [dashboard title](../../dashboard-layout/dashboard-title.md). Depending on the visibility state of the [created](creating-parameters.md) dashboard parameters, this invokes the following dialog.
+To invoke the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog, click the **Parameters** button in the dashboard title. Change the parameter values in the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog and click the **Submit** button to apply the changes.
+The following image shows how to invoke the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog and change the parameter value:
-Select the required parameter values in the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog and click the **Submit** button to apply the changes.
+![Dashboard Parameters Dialog in WinForms](../../../../images/dashboard-parameters-dialog-win.gif)
-To reset the changes to the default values, click the **Reset** button.
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+To reset changes to the default values, click the **Reset** button.
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@@ -470,14 +470,16 @@ items:
href: articles/dashboard-designer/data-analysis/window-calculations/calculation-functions-reference.md
- name: Window Calculation Limitations
href: articles/dashboard-designer/data-analysis/window-calculations/window-calculation-limitations.md
- - name: Using Dashboard Parameters
+ - name: Use Dashboard Parameters
href: articles/dashboard-designer/data-analysis/using-dashboard-parameters.md
- - name: Creating Parameters
+ - name: Create Dashboard Parameters
href: articles/dashboard-designer/data-analysis/using-dashboard-parameters/creating-parameters.md
- - name: Passing Parameter Values
+ - name: Create Cascading Parameters
+ href: articles/dashboard-designer/data-analysis/using-dashboard-parameters/create-cascading-parameters.md
+ - name: Reference Dashboard Parameters
href: articles/dashboard-designer/data-analysis/using-dashboard-parameters/passing-parameter-values.md
- - name: Requesting Parameter Values
+ - name: Specify Parameter Values
href: articles/dashboard-designer/data-analysis/using-dashboard-parameters/requesting-parameter-values.md
- name: Convert Dashboard Items
href: articles/dashboard-designer/convert-dashboard-items.md
diff --git a/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters.md b/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters.md
index b7ca977bf1..3b663d6959 100644
--- a/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters.md
+++ b/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters.md
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ author: Natalia Kazakova
legacyId: 117711
# Dashboard Parameters
You can use **dashboard parameters** when it is necessary to pass data of a certain type to a dashboard (e.g., to pass a specific value to the data source filter string or a calculated field).
These topics describe how to use dashboard parameters.
-* [Creating Parameters](dashboard-parameters/creating-parameters.md)
-* [Passing Parameter Values](dashboard-parameters/passing-parameter-values.md)
-* [Requesting Parameter Values](dashboard-parameters/requesting-parameter-values.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+* [Create Dashboard Parameters](dashboard-parameters/creating-parameters.md)
+* [Create Cascading Parameters](dashboard-parameters/create-cascading-parameters.md)
+* [Reference Dashboard Parameters](dashboard-parameters/passing-parameter-values.md)
+* [Specify Parameter Values](dashboard-parameters/requesting-parameter-values.md)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/create-cascading-parameters.md b/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/create-cascading-parameters.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/create-cascading-parameters.md
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+title: Cascading Parameters
+author: Polina Tyureva
+# Cascading Parameters
+Create cascading parameters to filter a list of predefined parameter values based on values of another parameter. The following image illustrates cascading parameters where **Products** parameter values are filtered by the selected **Category**:
+![Dashboard for Web - Cascading Parameters](../../../../images/cascading-parameters-web.gif)
+In case of two parameters, the first parameter is used to filter the data source for the second parameter with [dynamic list](creating-parameters.md#look-up-settings) settings.
+## Create Cascading Parameters
+The dashboard in this example is connected to a Northwind database (an SQL Database) and contains three [queries](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources/manage-sql-queries.md): *Categories*, *Products*, and *OrderReports*. The Grid item visualizes data from the *OrderReports* query.
+In this tutorial, you will create two dashboard parameters:
+* The **categoryDashParam** parameter filters the *Products* query. The *Products* query is a data source for the **productsDashParam** parameter.
+* The **productsDashParam** parameter filters the *OrderReports* query.
+The steps below create cascading parameters in the Web Dashboard:
+1. [Create a dashboard parameter](creating-parameters.md) called **categoryDashParam** with dynamic list settings. Use the *Categories* query as a data member and the *CategoryID* field as a value member.
+ The parameter settings may look as follows:
+ ![|Dashboard for Web - Create Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/web-category-parameter-cascading.png)
+2. [Filter](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources/filter-queries.md) the *Products* query.
+ To do this, click the **Edit** button next to the query on the **Data Sources** page of the [dashboard menu](../../ui-elements/dashboard-menu.md).
+ ![Dashboard for Web - Filter Query](../../../../images/filter-sql-query.png)
+ Click **Run Query Builder** in the opened window.
+ In the invoked [Query Builder](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/query-builder.md), click the ellipsis button next to the **Filter** field in the **Query Properties** section:
+ ![Dashboard for Web - Filter Query](../../../../images/web-filter-properties.png)
+ In the [Filter Editor](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/filter-editor.md), specify the filter criteria. From the drop-down list select *Parameter* and create a new [query parameter](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources//pass-query-parameters.md) called **categoryQueryParam**:
+ ![Dashboard for Web - Filter Query](../../../../images/web-category-parameter-filter-cascading.png)
+ The resulting filter looks as follows:
+ ```
+ [Products.CategoryID] = ?categoryQueryParam
+ ```
+3. [Bind](creating-parameters.md#look-up-settings) the **categoryQueryParam** query parameter to the **categoryDashParam** dashboard parameter.
+ To do this, in the **Parameters** section of the [Query Builder](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/query-builder.md) change the parameter’s type to *Expression*. Click the **Value** property’s ellipsis button to specify the dashboard parameter.
+ The query parameter settings look as follows:
+ ![Dashboard for Web - Query Parameter Settings](../../../../images/web-category-query-parameter-setting.png)
+4. Create a dashboard parameter called **productsDashParam** with dynamic list settings. Use the *Products* query as a data member and the *ProductID* field as a value member.
+ The parameter settings may look as follows:
+ ![|Dashboard for Web - Create Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/web-products-parameter-cascading.png)
+5. [Filter](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources/filter-queries.md) the *OrderReports* query.
+ To do this, click the **Edit** button next to the query on the **Data Sources** page of the [dashboard menu](../../ui-elements/dashboard-menu.md), then click **Run Query Builder**. In the invoked [Query Builder](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/query-builder.md), click the ellipsis button next to the **Filter** field in the **Query Properties** section.
+ In the [Filter Editor](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/query-builder.md), specify the filter criteria. From the drop-down list select *Parameter* and create a new [query parameter](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources/pass-query-parameters.md) called **productsQueryParam**:
+ ![Dashboard for Web - Filter Query](../../../../images/web-products-parameter-filter-cascading.png)
+ The resulting filter looks as follows:
+ ```
+ [OrderReports.ProductID] In(?productsQueryParam)
+ ```
+6. [Bind](creating-parameters.md#look-up-settings) the **productsQueryParam** query parameter to the **productsDashParam** dashboard parameter.
+ To do this, in the **Parameters** section in the [Query Builder](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/query-builder.md) change the parameter’s type to *Expression*. Click the **Value** property’s ellipsis button to specify the dashboard parameter.
+ The query parameter settings look as follows:
+ ![Dashboard for Web - Query Parameter Settings](../../../../images/web-products-query-parameter-setting.png)
+7. Create a Grid item to visualize data from the filtered *OrderReports* query.
+>When using a [multi-value](creating-parameters.md#allow-multiselect) parameter to filter a query, create the condition with the `Is any of` or `Is none of` operator.
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+++ b/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/creating-parameters.md
@@ -3,31 +3,116 @@ title: Creating Parameters
author: Natalia Kazakova
legacyId: 117551
-# Creating Parameters
-To create a dashboard parameter in the Web Dashboard, perform the following steps.
-1. Invoke the [Dashboard Menu](../../ui-elements/dashboard-menu.md) and select **Parameters**.
-2. In the **Parameter List**, click the **Add New Parameter** button. The following settings will be displayed for the created parameter.
- ![WebDashboard_Parameters_NewParameter](../../../../images/img126106.png)
-3. Specify the following parameter's settings.
- * **Name** - Specifies the parameter name.
- * **Description** - Specifies the parameter's description.
+# Create Dashboard Parameters in the Web Dashboard
+This topic shows how to add a dashboard parameter and specify its settings in the UI.
+## Create a Parameter
+To create a dashboard parameter, follow the steps below.
+1. Invoke the [dashboard menu](../../ui-elements/dashboard-menu.md) and select **Parameters**.
+2. In the **Parameter List**, click the **Add** button. The parameter's settings form appears as follows:
+ ![Web Dashboard - Add a New Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/img126106.png)
+3. Specify the parameter's settings.
+## Parameter Settings
+### Name
+Specifies the parameter name.
+When you create and modify parameter names, follow the rules below:
+* A name can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
+* A name cannot contain spaces.
+* A name cannot be an empty string.
+* The dashboard cannot contain parameters with the same name.
+* Names are case-sensitive. For example, you can create the names _Parameter_ and _PARAMETER_.
+### Description
+Specifies the parameter description displayed in the **Parameter** column of the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog:
+![Dashboard Parameter with Description](../../../../images/dashboard-parameter-description.png)
+### Visible
+Specifies whether the parameter is visible in the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
+### Allow Null
+Specifies whether a null value can be passed as a parameter value.
+### Allow Multiselect
+Specifies whether multi-selection is enabled for the current parameter.
+* Use the **Is any of** or **Is none of** operators to pass a multi-select parameter to a filter criteria or to the Expression format condition.
+* Use the **In** or **Not In** operators to pass a multi-select parameter to a calculated field expression.
+### Select All Values
+Specifies whether all parameter values should be selected in the initial state of the dashboard.
+Note that this option is in effect when the **Allow Multiselect** setting is enabled.
+### Type
+Specifies the parameter type. Select the parameter type from the drop-down list in the **Type** field.
+The following types are available:
+* String
+* Date
+* Number (16-bit integer)
+* Number (32-bit integer)
+* Number (64-bit integer)
+* Number (floating point)
+* Number (double-precision floating point)
+* Number (decimal)
+* Boolean
+* GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)
+### Default Value
+Specifies the default parameter value.
+### Look-Up Settings
+Specifies the parameter's look-up editor settings.
+The following **Look-up Settings** are available in the Web Dashboard:
+#### No Look-Up
+An end user specifies the parameter value in the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog.
+#### Static List
+An end user selects a parameter value from a static list. To add predefined parameter values, use the plus button.
- The parameter's description is the value displayed in the **Parameter Name** column of the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
- * **Visible** - Specifies whether or not the parameter is visible in the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
- * **Allow Null** - Specifies whether or a not null value can be passed as a parameter value.
- * **Allow Multiselect** - Specifies whether or not multi-selection is enabled for the current parameter.
- * **Select All Values** - Specifies whether or not all parameter values should be selected in the initial state. Note that this option is in effect when **Allow Multiselect** is set to **true**.
- * **Type** - Specifies the parameter type.
- * **Default Value** - Specifies the default parameter’s value.
- * **Look-Up Settings** - Specifies the parameter's look-up editor settings. To learn more, see the next step.
-4. Depending on the selected **Look-up Settings** option, you need to specify the following settings.
- * **No Look-Up** -
- Allows you to specify the required parameter value manually in the [Dashboard Parameters](requesting-parameter-values.md) dialog.
- * **Static List** -
- Allows you to select a parameter value defined in a static list. To add predefined parameter values, use the **+** button.
- * **Dynamic List** -
- Allows you to select a parameter value defined in a data source. To provide access to data source values, specify the following options.
- 1. First, select the required **Data Source** from the list of available data sources. For the SQL data source, select the required **Data Member** that specifies the query/data member from the selected **Data Source**.
- 2. Then, specify data members for the dashboard parameter's value and display name using **Value Member** and **Display Member**, respectively.
- 3. If necessary, specify the data member used to sort parameter values using the **Sort By** option. The **Sort Order** specifies the required sort order.
\ No newline at end of file
+#### Dynamic List
+An end user selects a parameter value defined in a data source.
+>You can also create cascading parameters in the Web Dashboard. For more information, refer to the following topic: [Cascading Parameters](create-cascading-parameters.md).
+You can specify a data source as a source for dashboard parameter values. To provide access to data source values, specify the following options:
+|UI Settings|Description|
+|**Data Source**| Specifies the data source for the dashboard parameter.|
+|**Data Member**| Specifies the name of the data member with the parameter values for SQL and Entity Framework data sources.|
+|**Value Member**|Specifies the name of the data field for the parameter values.|
+|**Display Member** (optional)| Specifies the name of the data field displayed in the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog as a value description.|
+|**Sort By** (optional)|Specifies the data member used to sort parameter values.|
+|**Sort Order** (optional)|Specifies the sort order.|
+>You cannot use an OLAP data source as the data source for a dashboard parameter.
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+++ b/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/passing-parameter-values.md
@@ -1,56 +1,128 @@
-title: Passing Parameter Values
+title: Reference Dashboard Parameters
author: Natalia Kazakova
legacyId: 117552
-# Passing Parameter Values
-In this topic, it describes how to pass the created dashboard parameter to the dashboard. For instance, you can include a dashboard parameter to a _WHERE_ clause of the SQL query or you can filter a dashboard dynamically according to the required parameter value(s).
+# Reference Dashboard Parameters
-The created dashboard parameter can be used in the following scenarios:
-* [SQL Queries](#query)
-* [Filtering](#filtering)
-* [Conditional Formatting](#formatrules)
-* [Calculated Fields](#calculatedfields)
-* [Window Calculations](#windowscalculations)
+This topic describes how to reference a dashboard parameter in [filter strings](#dashboard-item-filters), [calculated fields](#calculated-fields), and [window calculations](#window-calculations). You can also bind a dashboard parameter to a query parameter to filter the SQL data source dynamically.
-## SQL Queries
-The Web Dashboard provides the capability to bind a dashboard parameter and the existing [SQL query](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources/pass-query-parameters.md)/[stored procedure](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources/stored-procedures.md) parameter. This can be useful when you need to [filter the SQL query](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources/filter-queries.md) dynamically by including the parameter value in the _WHERE_ clause.
+>You can also create cascading parameters in the Web Dashboard. For more information, refer to the following topic: [Cascading Parameters](create-cascading-parameters.md).
+## SQL Queries and Stored Procedures
+You can filter the SQL data sources dynamically if you bind a [query parameter](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources//pass-query-parameters.md) to a dashboard parameter.
-Do the following to bind a dashboard parameter to an SQL query or stored procedure parameter in the [Dashboard Data Source Wizard](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/dashboard-data-source-wizard.md):
-* Select the existing query or stored procedure parameter, or use the **Add** button to create a new query parameter.
-* Set the **Expression** as a parameter value and click the ellipsis button to invoke the Expression Editor for this parameter.
-* In the Expression Editor, add the required dashboard parameter from the Parameters column.
+Invoke the **Data Source Wizard** window or use the **Properties** section of the [Query Builder](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/query-builder.md) to access the query parameter settings. Change the query parameter type to *Expression* and specify the expression with a dashboard parameter in the **Value** field:
-## Filtering
-You can filter the specified [query](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources/filter-queries.md) of the SQL Data Source, the entire [Excel Data Source](../../provide-data/filter-data-sources.md)/[Object Data Source](../../provide-data/filter-data-sources.md) or [apply filtering](../../data-shaping/filtering.md) to a specific dashboard item according to the current parameter value(s) using the Filter Editor.
+![Query Parameter - Expression Type](../../../../images/wdd-query-parameters-complex-expression.png)
-In the Filter Editor, you can compare a field value with different objects such as static values, values of another field or parameter values. To switch between values, click a down arrow glyph in the operand value placeholder to expand the list of available objects. Select the **Parameter** object to compare a field value with a parameter value.
+The resulting query parameter settings may appear as follows:
+![Query Parameter - Expression Type with Parameter](../../../../images/wdd-query-parameters-parameter-expression.png)
-Then, click the operand value to invoke the list of available parameters and select the existing parameter or create a new one.
+Refer to the following article for more information about query parameters: [Use Query Parameters](../../provide-data/working-with-sql-data-sources//pass-query-parameters.md).
+>For information on how to filter Excel, Object, XPO, and JSON data sources, refer to the following article: [Filter Data Sources](../../provide-data/filter-data-sources.md).
-## Conditional Formatting
-You can apply conditional formatting to a specific dashboard item according to the current parameter value when creating the **Expression** [format condition](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting.md). Use this capability to format dashboard item elements dynamically, depending on the current parameter value.
+## Data Source Filtering
+The Web Dashboard allows you to filter Excel, Object, XPO, and JSON data sources dynamically if you use a dashboard parameter in the filter criteria.
-To switch between values, click the down arrow glyph in the operand value placeholder to expand the list of available objects and select the **Parameter** object to create a format rule with a parameter.
+To add filters to a data source, open the dashboard menu, invoke the **Data Sources** page, select a data source and click **Filter**.
-## Calculated Fields
-You can use parameters when constructing [expressions](../../provide-data/calculated-fields.md) for [calculated fields](../../provide-data/calculated-fields.md). This allows you to evaluate values of the calculated field dynamically depending on the current parameter value.
+![Data Sources - Filter Data Source](../../../../images/filter-data-source-with-parameter.png)
+In the invoked [Filter Editor](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/filter-editor.md), build a filter expression. Click the down arrow glyph in the operand value placeholder to expand the list of available objects. Select the **Parameter** option to compare a field value with a parameter value.
-To include a parameter in the expression, double-click the required parameter in the Fields pane.
+![Filter Editor - Dashboard Parameters](../../../../images/filter-editor-dashboard-parameter.png)
-## Window Calculations
-You can use parameters when customizing expressions for [window calculations](../calculations.md). This allows you to apply a calculation dynamically, depending on the current parameter value.
+To select a dashboard parameter from the list of available parameters, click the parameter operand:
+![Filter Editor - Select a Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/filter-editor-dashboard-parameter-selection.png)
-To create the calculation with a parameter, select the **Custom** calculation and click **Edit**. In the invoked Expression Editor double-click the required parameter.
+Click **OK** to save the created filter criteria. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the data source is filtered according to the parameter value.
+## Dashboard Item Filters
+Web Dashboard allows you to use the following data filters in dashboard items:
+[Dashboard Item Filter](../../data-shaping/filtering.md#dashboard-item-filter)
+: Filters individual dashboard items independently.
+[Measure Filter](../../data-shaping/filtering.md#measure-filter)
+: Filters only the specified measure in the dashboard item.
+[Visible Data Filter](../../data-shaping/filtering.md#visible-data-filter)
+: Hides a part of the calculated data from the view. This filter type does not filter underlying data used in calculations or intermediate level aggregations.
+To apply filtering based on a dynamic value, you need to use a dashboard parameter in a filter criteria. The following example describes how to filter a dashboard item according to a dashboard parameter value.
+To add a dashboard item filter, open the dashboard item’s **Filters** menu, go to the **Item Filter** section and click the **Edit** button:
+![Dashboard Item Menu - Filters Section](../../../../images/wdd-invoke-filter-editor124630.png)
+In the invoked [Filter Editor](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/filter-editor.md), build a filter expression. Click the down arrow glyph in the operand value placeholder to expand the list of available objects. Select the **Parameter** option to compare a field value with a parameter value.
+![Filter Editor - Dashboard Parameters](../../../../images/filter-editor-dashboard-parameter.png)
+To select a dashboard parameter from the list of available parameters, click the parameter operand:
+![Filter Editor - Select a Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/filter-editor-dashboard-parameter-selection.png)
+Click **OK** to save the created filter criteria. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the dashboard item is filtered according to the parameter value.
+>For more information on filtering in Web Dashboard, refer to the following article: [Filtering](../../data-shaping/filtering.md).
+## Conditional Formatting
+You can apply [conditional formatting](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting.md) to a dashboard item according to the current parameter value. It allows you to format dashboard item elements dynamically.
+To reference a dashboard parameter in a [format rule](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting.md#create-a-format-rule), set the condition type to **Expression**:
+![Format Rule - Expression Type](../../../../images/expression-type-conditional-formatting.png)
+In the invoked dialog, click the **Edit** button to create a condition:
+![Format Rule - Create a Condition](../../../../images/conditional-formatting-create-expression-rule.png)
+In the invoked [Filter Editor](../../ui-elements/dialogs-and-wizards/filter-editor.md), build a filter expression. Click the down arrow glyph in the operand value placeholder to expand the list of available objects. Select the **Parameter** option to compare a field value with a parameter value.
+![Filter Editor - Dashboard Parameters](../../../../images/filter-editor-dashboard-parameter.png)
+To select a dashboard parameter from the list of available parameters, click the parameter operand:
+![Filter Editor - Select a Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/filter-editor-dashboard-parameter-selection.png)
+Click **OK** to save the created format rule. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the dashboard item is formatted according to the parameter value.
+>For more information on conditional formatting in Web Dashboard, refer to the following article: [Conditional Formatting](../../appearance-customization/conditional-formatting.md).
+## Calculated Fields
+You can use parameters when you construct expressions for [calculated fields](../../provide-data/calculated-fields.md). This allows you to evaluate values of the calculated field dynamically depending on the current parameter value.
+To reference the dashboard parameter value in an expression, add or edit a calculated field. In the invoked **Edit Calculated Field** window, double-click the required parameter in the **Fields** section.
+![Edit Calculated Field - Reference a Dashboard Parameter](../../../../images/wdd-parameters-calculated-field126509.png)
+Click **Save** to save the created calculated fields. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the calculated field values are changed according to the specified expression.
+>For more information on calculated fields in Web Dashboard, refer to the following article: [Calculated Fields](../../provide-data/calculated-fields.md).
+## Window Calculations
+You can use dashboard parameters in [window calculations](../../data-analysis/calculations.md). This allows you to apply specific computations to measure values depending on the current parameter value.
+To reference the dashboard parameter value in an expression, create or edit a window calculation. In the invoked **Expression Editor** window, double-click the required parameter from the **Fields** section.
+![Expression Editor - Window Calculation with Parameters](../../../../images/wdd-parameters-window-calculations126562.png)
+Click **OK** to save the created window calculation. Now, when you change the dashboard parameter value, the calculation values are changed according to the specified expression.
+>For more information on window calculations in Web Dashboard, refer to the following article: [Window Calculations](../../data-analysis/calculations.md).
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index f0af394b6f..86b3dee5df 100644
--- a/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/requesting-parameter-values.md
+++ b/dashboard-for-web/articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/requesting-parameter-values.md
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
-title: Requesting Parameter Values
+title: Specify Dashboard Parameter Values
author: Natalia Kazakova
legacyId: 117554
-# Requesting Parameter Values
-The Web Dashboard provides a built-in **Dashboard Parameters** dialog, which provides the capability to change dashboard parameter values. This dialog is created automatically, depending on the parameter type and visibility settings.
+# Specify Dashboard Parameter Values
+The Web Dashboard control includes a built-in **Dashboard Parameters** dialog, which allows users to change dashboard parameter values. This dialog is created automatically depending on the parameter settings. Select the **Visible** check box in the [parameter settings](creating-parameters.md#parameter-settings) to display the parameter in the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog.
-To invoke the Dashboard Parameters dialog in the Web Dashboard, click the **Parameters** button (the ![Parameters_ParametersButtonWin_Title](../../../../images/img21814.png) icon) in the [dashboard title](../../dashboard-layout/dashboard-title.md).
-Select the required parameter values in the Dashboard Parameters dialog and click the **Submit** button to apply the changes. To restore the default values, click the **Reset** button.
\ No newline at end of file
+To invoke the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog in the Web Dashboard, click the **Parameters** button in the dashboard title. Change the parameter values in the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog and click the **Submit** button to apply the changes.
+The following image shows how to invoke the **Dashboard Parameters** dialog and change the parameter value:
+![|Parameters Dialog](../../../../images/dashboard-parameters-web.gif)
+To reset changes to the default values, click the **Reset** button.
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--- a/dashboard-for-web/toc.yml
+++ b/dashboard-for-web/toc.yml
@@ -311,11 +311,13 @@ items:
- name: Dashboard Parameters
href: articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters.md
- - name: Creating Parameters
- href: articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/creating-parameters.md
- - name: Passing Parameter Values
+ - name: Create Dashboard Parameters
+ href: articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/creating-parameters.md
+ - name: Create Cascading Parameters
+ href: articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/create-cascading-parameters.md
+ - name: Reference Dashboard Parameters
href: articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/passing-parameter-values.md
- - name: Requesting Parameter Values
+ - name: Specify Parameter Values
href: articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/dashboard-parameters/requesting-parameter-values.md
- name: Expression Constants, Operators, and Functions
href: articles/web-dashboard-designer-mode/data-analysis/expression-constants-operators-and-functions.md