If developing an application that supports iOS and Android, make sure you installed the NuGet package into your PCL project and Client projects.
Here is an example on how to launch the login to the LinkedIn Client:
This method returns a LinkedInResponse which contains the basic profile of the user that was authenticated as a raw Json on it's Data Property, this response class has the following structure:
public class LinkedInResponse<T>
public T Data { get; set; }
public LinkedInActionStatus Status { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
Here is an example on how to logout of the LinkedIn Client:
You have a public method available that allows you to get extra information you might need from the user profile, just send a list of strings with the fields you require. (List of available fields)
List<string> fieldsList = new List<string> { "first-name", "last-name", "email-address", "picture-url" };
await LinkedInClientManager.GetUserProfile(fields);
catch (LinkedInClientBaseException exception)
- ActiveToken (Signed In user Token)
- TokenExpirationDate (Signed In user Token Expiration Date)
All async methods also trigger events:
Login event:
// Available Events
event EventHandler<LinkedInClientResultEventArgs<string>> OnLogin;
event EventHandler<LinkedInClientResultEventArgs<string>> OnGetUserProfile;
event EventHandler<LinkedInClientErrorEventArgs> OnError;
CrossLinkedInClient.Current.OnLogin += (s,a)=>
switch (a.Status)
case LinkedInActionStatus.Completed:
//Logged in succesfully
// Indicates the Sign in process couldn't complete it's process correctly
// Indicates an error with the API has occured.
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