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Nao Yuki theme


For the theme installation, all you need to do is clone the repository using this link, open it, and run the script.

git clone --depth 1 --no-single-branch

Automatic installation

If you want everything to be installed with just one command, simply paste this:

git clone --depth 1 --no-single-branch && cd dotfiles && ./

Warning: You need to pay attention during the installation process as you will be prompted for superuser permissions and installation confirmations.

Manual installation

If you want to install the theme manually, you need to install these dependencies:

sudo pacman -S lsd bat bspwm sxhkd picom btop kitty rofi dunst feh pulsemixer mpv xclip gifsicle mplayer ranger firefox thunar papirus-icon-theme zsh playerctl viewnior maim inetutils zsh-autosuggestions

Dependencies from AUR

yay -S betterlockscreen xwinwrap-git zsh-syntax-highlighting eww-git

Move the corresponding files to their place.

cp -rf ./config/* $HOME/.config/
cp -rf ./.zshrc $HOME/
cp -rf ./.p10k.zsh $HOME/
cp -rf ./cache/* $HOME/.cache/

Install the fonts folder; they are necessary for the eww to function.

sudo cp -rf ./usr/share/* /usr/share/

Finally, apply this command to update the fonts.

sudo fc-cache -fv

Move the and files to your /usr/bin folder.

sudo cp -rf ./ /usr/bin/
sudo cp -rf ./ /usr/bin/

If you want to have a better terminal experience, install Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k.

yay -S --noconfirm zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Special thanks to