It's everyone's favourite little first project to figure out how to represent oligosaccharides using some kind of object model. There are implementations of this library in all the big languages, so why not one more.
We hope to hit the current (latest) generations of browsers and JS environments. There's no big focus on backwards compatibility, and since we want this library to remain relatively modern for a pretty long time, we won't hobble it with bad design to accomodate the older browsers.
npm start
Go to http://localhost:8080/demo/
DEBUG='glycanjs:*:*' ./scripts/ test/test-whatever.js
PORT=9876 node ./node_modules/.bin/karma start --single-run
- Methods to mark up residues on sugars that are supported by a reaction - what to do when the negative rules enforce a competition dynamic? I.e. Gal -> Gal except when GlcGal, but another reaction can do Glc -> GalGal = Gal[Glc]Gal ? (non-terminal)... Do we do the trimming thing again? Test without negative - tag residues, and then test the negative containing ones, ignoring the first round?
- Support for WebWorkers