The US-elections repository is of my works only, for my own fun. Credit is given to the sources via this readme file, not in the source code to prevent clutter. My main research question was not related to Polls and show popularity in that way, but rather to gauge the popularity of each candidate in a given state.
The following is analyzed in the several folders: Interactive Google Trends (geographic + time-dimension): Who is more popular on Google: Biden or Trump? Note: I want to add user input to make it more interactive. US elections (two interesting swing states): will Trump or Biden win in Arizona and/or Michigan? Predictive: I added data (by hand) from the CNN map for each county, connected to the total votes counted. Note: I want to find a way to import data direclty from the CNN map. For now I will set up a query to import it directly from a CSV file.
Sources: 20-9-2020 05-11-2020