This file contains feedback, ideas, and things to do next year for the electronics team, gathered after the 2024 french robotics cup ,
its purpose is to help the club to improve and guide newcomers with experience-driven suggestions and tips.
- Properly use git, i.e. hosting entire projects on github and pulling/pushing instead of just uploading/downloading zipped project files. Consider using
- Update club KiCad library
- Establish routines/procedures/checklist(s) for signing off on/ordering PCBs, possibly including use of github actions. Potential checklist
- Rounded corners on PCBs
- Use KiCad plugins
- If reusing/iterating on cards from 2024, everything in the anomaly file must be addressed
- Print PCBs on paper at 1:1 scale to verify footprints and check mechanical compliance.
- Write down the new golden rules to follow to avoid ruining components (such as moving components about while the board is powered, etc)
- Be more cautious during pcb design, add protective circuitry for sensitive and vital components such as MCP2551
- Establish a procedure to check a board's functions after having finished assembly (check solder connections, etc )
- Modify the architecture so that one can switch the robot off without switching the main processing board off. (raspberry pi)
- Add fans to create airflow and prevent overheating
- Pay more attention to raspberry pi's optimal power supply conditions and thermal dissipation
- Potentially offload calculations to a GPU or FPGA
- Schottky diodes to protect power supply reverse current surges
- Buy some new, improved, esthetically pleasing conformal coating for the boards
- Maintain changelogs of PCBs - textfile in project repo
- Clean/Re-organize electronics/PCB repo. Proposals:
- Move all old/unused cards into "archive" folder
- Moving forwards, keep all PCB projects in main PCB repo, with a "this year's current cards" repo containing links towards the associated repos, as well as aditional files relevant to the year (anomaly file, feedback file etc.)
- However, we can also consider keeping anomaly file in main PCB repo.
- Put checklist/design rules/routines in the main PCB repo, or keep it in the documentation, with a link towards the relevant page in the main PCB repo