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Warped Table

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 18 revisions

 Warped Table is a common lvl.1 furniture object.
Can be sold for 16 pixels.
A table made from a giant flower. Or probably a giant flower that looks like a table.

Race descriptions: (Expand 8 items)
  • Alta: An almost natural-looking table, with the stand made from nivera vines, and the top from purple vein matter.
  • Apex: A large flower in form of a table. Or a table made of some living flower.
  • Avian: A creepy looking table.
  • Floran: Warpy table growss, twisssts. Only electrogirlsss can stop. Floran don't like but need to trusst.
  • Glitch: Cautious. It's not a table, it's some kind of a living being, maybe predatory.
  • Human: Is it a table, or is it a flower?
  • Hylotl: I don't think we can use this 'table' for purposes of the table.
  • Novakid: This table isn't going to attack me, is it?
Pickup Messages: (Expand 1 items)
  • Beware of the warped items you just accquired.  Warped is a form of wild growth found mainly on  alterash planets, that tends to spread uncontrollably and contaminate everything in its path.
    Warped things can be bioluminescent, but they also tend to be quite venomous too. I wouldn't recommend testing your luck.


Can be crafted:

Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 3 items)


Can be found as loot in:

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes:

Technical Information

Tags: common generic warped
Level: 1
Race: Generic
In-game ID: ct_warped_table
File path (GitHub link): /objects/biome/alterash/warped/decorative/ct_warped_table/ct_warped_table.object

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