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Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 20 revisions

 Tsay is a common lvl.1 food item.
Can be sold for 6 pixels.
A very sour, slightly bitter, sometimes sweet fruit. What a mix.
A well-balanced flavor great for soury products. For example, altas often substitute lemons with tsays in their lemonades and sodas as a more common and thus more affordable alterative.
As a unique sideffect, when properly cooked, tsay can acquire a savory, almost meaty taste, making it a great multipurpose ingredient in cooking.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: This adds a good accent to any tea I've tried so far, and isn't as bad in punches either, too bad most recipes don't include it by default.


Can be used to craft: (Expand 7 items)

Unlocks following blueprints/recipes on pickup:


Can be found as loot in: (Expand 6 items)

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes: (Expand 8 items)

Technical Information

Tags: common tsay
Level: 1
In-game ID: ct_tsay
File path (GitHub link): /items/generic/produce/ct_tsay.consumable

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