This repo provides a description for setting up a ready-to-use private network that is designed to be easily integrated with any business application and Substrate-based blockchain to handle the in-app assets transfers between the application and its users, even facilitating peer-to-peer transfers users.
This turn-key network intends to abstract the implementation complexity for businesses, as well as providing a ready-made package to optimize for a higher level of security, privacy, and performance, and to serve as a template or base-implementation of a highly customizable and performant enterprise-specific blockchain network. It presents a significant step towards easier adoption of blockchain technology for all who are part of the greater Web3 FoundationSubstrate ecosystem.
Cere's Substrate-based private networks will feature:
- A set of turn-key substrate-based packaging and tools that simplify the customization, configuration, testing, and deployment of such a blockchain network.
- Pre-built solutions to create/assign/transfer derivative assets in business to consumer use cases.
- Pre-configured and optimized for feeless transactions and performance.
- Creation of custom derivative assets and automate the transfer to/from user wallets to app wallets by any/app brand.
- Optimization of batch user onboarding and transaction processing for higher throughput situations needed for consumer apps/sites.
Next to that, Cere’s custodial wallets and Decentralized Data Clouds (DDCs) are designed to work in conjunction with this Network.
This repo aims to be beneficial to applications & developers who are looking to easily adopt value adding blockchain technology in a turnkey manner.
How does this technology benefit application developers?
- By facilitating Identity abstraction. Check this link out.
- By storing the data for each user in their individual ledger
- By assigning / distributing in-app assets via blockchain technology. Check this link out.
Option 1. Set up the Cere Private Network Node using docker run
docker run -d --name NAME_OF_YOUR_NODE -p 9944:9944 --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/node-template cerebellumnetwork/turnkey-private-blockchain-network --dev --ws-external
Option 2. Set up the Cere Private Network Node from docker-compose
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Up and run node using script:
docker-compose up -d node
- Create Smart Contract artifacts
- Upload artifacts to the Network
- Deploy Smart Contract to the Network
Create a new wallet for the application. In order to do this, you can use this tutorial. Save the wallet JSON ABI and passphrase for further steps.
Option 1: Test key functionalities by using the built-in standard tool.
Run Polkadot UI with the command:
docker run --rm -it --name polkadot-ui -e WS_URL=ws://localhost:9944 -p 81:80 jacogr/polkadot-js-apps:latest
Use Testing Key Functionalities guide to test manually.
Option 2: Test key functionalities by using a programmatic approach.
Once you created an application wallet, use these test scripts to create the user's wallet programmatically and transfer tokens to it.