Hi there! My name is Trevor Olsen, I'm a student pursuing a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University. I am passionate about flight simulators and creating life-like hardware replicas of popular aircraft.
If you love looking at Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (and who doesn't!) you might enjoy taking a stroll down my portfolio.
I'm proficient in Fusion 360, SolidWorks, MATLAB, EasyEDA, DaVinci Resolve, Inkscape, MobiFlight, Lua Scripting (interacting with Flight Sim), Python, and G-Code. I have a variety of projects anywhere from school, professional, or personal. You can contact me at CaptainBobSim@gmail.com
- 🔭 I’m currently working on a life-size, fully functional Cessna 172 Simulator Setup
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University
- ⚡ Fun fact: There are 140 miles of wiring inside a Boeing 747. That's like walking 140 miles once, or one mile 140 times!