This is a project to recreate a simple version of the Carleton graduate studies admission system,, for the course SYSC 4806.
This link takes you to the production site, which will be stable but not always up to date
This link takes you to the staging site, which is more up to date, but may occasionally be down. This site will be merged into the production site every couple days.
Eric Bedard
Madelyn Krasnay
Luke Newton
Cameron Rushton
Kevin Sun
The project is broken up into weekly sprints, each with their own Kanban board. These can be viewed on the repository's "Projects" tab, here:
The project is completed for the grading purposes of SYSC4806 as of April 3, 2020. There may be future updates by group members for additional functionality.
To run the application locally, follow the steps on the getting started page of the project wiki
The system has three different roles for different system views: these are student, prof, and admin Each role has one userAccount in the database to show that it works. The details for logging in are below:
password: wB2G4GDz2D
password: 3HwRTrYQsc
password: jU4wAx3r4j