BlueAXI4 is a Bluespec library for AXI4 communication. It provides a set of BSV primitives to write AXI4 compatible hardware, as well as a set of C primitives to write host code to interface with a simulator exposing an AXI4 interface.
The library provides code for the AXI4, AXI4Lite, and AXI4Stream interfaces.
typedef struct {
Bit#(id_) awid;
Bit#(addr_) awaddr;
AXI4_Len awlen;
AXI4_Size awsize;
AXI4_Burst awburst;
AXI4_Lock awlock;
AXI4_Cache awcache;
AXI4_Prot awprot;
AXI4_QoS awqos;
AXI4_Region awregion;
Bit#(user_) awuser;
} AXI4_AWFlit#(numeric type id_, numeric type addr_, numeric type user_)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
Bit#(data_) wdata;
Bit#(TDiv#(data_, 8)) wstrb;
Bool wlast;
Bit#(user_) wuser;
} AXI4_WFlit#(numeric type data_, numeric type user_) deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
Bit#(id_) bid;
AXI4_Resp bresp;
Bit#(user_) buser;
} AXI4_BFlit#(numeric type id_, numeric type user_) deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
Bit#(id_) arid;
Bit#(addr_) araddr;
AXI4_Len arlen;
AXI4_Size arsize;
AXI4_Burst arburst;
AXI4_Lock arlock;
AXI4_Cache arcache;
AXI4_Prot arprot;
AXI4_QoS arqos;
AXI4_Region arregion;
Bit#(user_) aruser;
} AXI4_ARFlit#(numeric type id_, numeric type addr_, numeric type user_)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
Bit#(id_) rid;
Bit#(data_) rdata;
AXI4_Resp rresp;
Bool rlast;
Bit#(user_) ruser;
} AXI4_RFlit#(numeric type id_, numeric type data_, numeric type user_)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
function AXI4_Master #(id_out, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
mapAXI4_Master_id ( function Bit #(id_out) fReq (Bit #(id_in) x)
, function Bit #(id_in) fRsp (Bit #(id_out) x)
, AXI4_Master #(id_in, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) m);
function AXI4_Master #(a, addr_out, c, d, e, f, g, h)
mapAXI4_Master_addr ( function Bit #(addr_out) fun (Bit #(addr_in) x)
, AXI4_Master #(a, addr_in, c, d, e, f, g, h) m);
function AXI4_Master #(a, b, c, d_, e_, f_, g_, h_)
mapAXI4_Master_user ( function Bit #(d_) fAW (Bit #(d) x)
, function Bit #(e_) fW (Bit #(e) x)
, function Bit #(f) fB (Bit #(f_) x)
, function Bit #(g_) fAR (Bit #(g) x)
, function Bit #(h) fR (Bit #(h_) x)
, AXI4_Master #(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) m);
function AXI4_Slave #(a, addr_in, c, d, e, f, g, h)
mapAXI4_Slave_addr ( function Bit #(addr_out) fun (Bit #(addr_in) x)
, AXI4_Slave #(a, addr_out, c, d, e, f, g, h) s);
function AXI4_Slave #(a, b, c, d_, e_, f_, g_, h_)
mapAXI4_Slave_user ( function Bit #(d) fAW (Bit #(d_) x)
, function Bit #(e) fW (Bit #(e_) x)
, function Bit #(f_) fB (Bit #(f) x)
, function Bit #(g) fAR (Bit #(g_) x)
, function Bit #(h_) fR (Bit #(h) x)
, AXI4_Slave #(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) s);
module change_AXI4_Master_Id #( // received parameters
parameter NumProxy #(nbEntries) proxyTableSz
, parameter NumProxy #(regsCntSz) proxyRegsCntSz
// received master port
, AXI4_Master #(t_id_a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) mstr_a )
// returned interface
(AXI4_Master #(t_id_b,b,c,d,e,f,g,h));
module change_AXI4_Slave_Id #( // received parameters
parameter NumProxy #(nbEntries) proxyTableSz
, parameter NumProxy #(regsCntSz) proxyRegsCntSz
// received master port
, AXI4_Slave #(t_id_a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) slv_a )
// returned interface
(AXI4_Slave #(t_id_b,b,c,d,e,f,g,h));
typedef struct {
Bit#(addr_) awaddr;
AXI4_Prot awprot;
Bit#(user_) awuser;
} AXI4Lite_AWFlit#(numeric type addr_, numeric type user_)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
Bit#(data_) wdata;
Bit#(TDiv#(data_, 8)) wstrb;
Bit#(user_) wuser;
} AXI4Lite_WFlit#(numeric type data_, numeric type user_)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
AXI4_Resp bresp;
Bit#(user_) buser;
} AXI4Lite_BFlit#(numeric type user_) deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
Bit#(addr_) araddr;
AXI4_Prot arprot;
Bit#(user_) aruser;
} AXI4Lite_ARFlit#(numeric type addr_, numeric type user_)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
Bit#(data_) rdata;
AXI4_Resp rresp;
Bit#(user_) ruser;
} AXI4Lite_RFlit#(numeric type data_, numeric type user_)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
typedef struct {
Bit #(data_) tdata;
Bit #(TDiv #(data_, 8)) tstrb;
Bit #(TDiv #(data_, 8)) tkeep;
Bool tlast;
Bit #(id_) tid;
Bit #(dest_) tdest;
Bit #(user_) tuser;
} AXI4Stream_Flit #( numeric type id_
, numeric type data_
, numeric type dest_
, numeric type user_)
deriving (Bits, FShow);