- Dependency installation
- Key generation
- Database migration
- Database seeding
- Logging
- Running the application
Dependencies are tracked through composer, to install them run:
composer install
To generate encryption and signature keys, run the commands below:
chmod +x key_gen
Provided you've filled in the neccessary information in the .env file (an example is found in .env.example) run the following command:
./vendor/bin/phinx migrate
If you wish to seed the database with random data for testing purposes run the following command:
./vendor/bin/phinx seed:run -s UserSeeder -s JournalSeeder -s ImageSeeder
Logging functionality is handled using the MongoDB database server. A local or MongoDB Atlas instance is required for normal operation. Supply the connection string in the .env file.
Configure your favourite web server to point to the index.php file found in the public directory, a .htaccess file is provided for the Apache Web Server. If you wish to run the built in php development server for testing purposes run:
php -S <IP_ADDRESS>:<TCP_PORT> -t public/