- Added null safety support
- Refactored code
- Added better textStyle support
- Removed onCodeFail, onCodeSuccess and added onChanged function.
- Upgraded to android embedding v2
- BREAKING CHANGE !!: (onCodeEntered) removed, replaced with onCodeFail/onCodeSuccess with correctPin, if you want the old behaviour just don't provide correctPin and onCodeFail will work the same as the old onCodeEntered
- new : onCodeSuccess is the callback if entered code matches (==) the correctPin
- new : onCodeFail is the callback if entered code doesnt matches (!=) the correctPin
- Fix miss typo in version code ,, makes pub get to fail
- Changed UI for pin boxes
- added backgroundColor (if not provided plugin will use theme of context color)
- added error text and it's style as optional parameter
- Added obscurePin parameter to make code * instead of number.
- Removed send again button, and added some more customization features.
- Minor bug fixes
- Added very first logics to the code.