Final project for CSC258 class taken in Fall 2020
A doodle jump game programmed comepletely in MIPs assembly language by Ng Bob Shoaun
- download Mars assembly simulator from
- clone project
- open doodlejump.s file using Mars
- configure bitmap display
- in mars go to Tools > Bitmap Display
- set Unit width and height to 16
- set Display width and height to 512
- set Base address for display to 0x10008000 ($gp)
- connect to MIPS
- configure keyboard input simulator
- in mars go to Tools > Keyboard and Display MMIO simulator
- connect to MIPS
- Run > Assemble, then Run > Go
- make sure cursor is focused on KEYBOARD section in the Keyboard and Display MMIO simulator
- enjoy!
- j - move left
- k - move right
- r - retry
- q - quit