This changelog references the relevant changes done between versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
- User permission could only be revoked if the first role matches with the inner array.
- Added purge outdated invitation and remember password tokens use cases.
- Added
method inside UserRepository. - Rewrite the UserUrlGenerator simplifying the interface and added plain implementation strategy.
- Upgraded PHP-CS Fixer.
- [Travis CI] Dropped support for HHVM and added for PHP 7.1.
- Introduced hacks to prevent Doctrine's bug with nullable embeddables.
- Fixed bug related with invitation token acceptance.
- Added user of id query handler.
- UserOfRememberPasswordToken and UserOfInvitationToken query handlers now checks if the token is expired.
- Reset password expire after 1 hour by default for security reasons.
- Invitation tokens expire after 1 week by default for security reasons.
- Split
. - Changed sanity check in UserRole constructor to only allow strings.