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TheDahv edited this page Apr 12, 2011 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Beer && Code Seattle wiki! We will use this to collect ideas, issues, specs (maybe), and all things related to the development of the Beer && Code Seattle site.

Why make a web site?

  • The site should EXPLAIN what Beer && Code is
  • The site should ORGANIZE by detailing when and where each event occurs
  • The site should INSPIRE people to share and collaborate on projects
  • The site should EXCITE people about the idea (ie, it should look cool)

Who can contribute to this?

Any Seattle Beer && Coder. There are only a couple contributors to the project right now, but feel free to fork it and submit a pull request and we can talk from there.

Where does communication happen?

We have a Google Group set up for email and longer discussions. You can also join us on IRC at #BeerAndCodeSeattle

Links deemed useful:

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