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March 26th 2020, San Francisco |
Prior to the meeting, please add items for discussion here:
- Review Agenda [Ben]
- COVID-19
- Quarterly Board Meetings [Amanda]
- Committees [Amanda]
- Board Recruitment [Amanda]
- Performance evaluation recap [Will]
- Evaluation process and format [All]
- General has been doing! [Will]
Scribe: Ben Ward
- Amanda Guest, General Manager
- Ben Ward, Secretary, Technical Director
- Will Craven, President of the Board
- Tom Tierney
- Studio is closed
- No impact as yet on donations or dues. We’re on track with where we were last year.
- Noted in the feedback cycle that we need more people involved to help us scale.
- We’re falling behind on the strategic initiative to establish committees:
- Important as it creates a pipeline for future board members
- Important as it gets more people involved.
- If we shift the board schedule to quarterly meetings, but we’d expect the committees to meet monthly and send notes around to the board, and review committee goals/objectives at the board meetings.
- We should put a board member on each committee to kick start the process, reducing board meetings makes time.
- Next steps:
- With each committee, review goals for the committee chair and Amanda.
- Board votes to establish quarterly schedule in Q2.
- Board members to be allocated to committees to chair:
- Ben: Tech (already serving)
- Will: Marketing
- Tom: Fundraising
- Amanda: Board Oversight
- New job descriptions for each board member have been drafted. Will review and vote to ratify at the next meeting.
- Proposes to adjust the structure to reflect the reality of our roles: Amanda would assume the new title of “President”, Will would become “Chairperson” to split the conflicting aspects of the old President role.
- Amanda worked with Josef to create a board matrix, mapping members, roles, and skills.
- Recruitment job description put together.
- Shortlist created of possible candidates, approaches pending.
- Goal to get 2-3 new people on the board by end of 2020
- Will and Tom’s terms expire this year. There are no limits on the number of terms.
- All board members to take an action item to consider people they might nominate to the board.
- Amanda reviewed the current shortlist and outreach status for each.
- Will & Amanda met last week to deliver her annual report. Positive review.
- We have an open question on Amanda’s raise and how it fits with annual budgeting.
- Noted that this process felt cold/alienating, could have included more personal/less formal contact.
- Board were concerned at trying to find representative input and prioritised separating this process from personal friendships
- But, communications with Amanda were confusing, tonally cold.
- The process took too long to execute — especially after kick-off, such that progress was unclear.
- “Possibly the process was overly thorough.”
- Parts of the requests for self-feedback lacked clarity, and weren’t clarified during the process.
- Disappointing level of engagement from those asked to provide feedback.
- Goals of the process weren’t clearly enough laid out to start, nor clarified during the process.
- Need to consider how organizational goals and personal goals are captured for measurement.
- We lacked objective goals for this first review as none had previously been established.
What will we do next time:
- Have a kick-off conversation with Amanda to review the process.
- Amanda should have 2020 goals set by the end of April, which will then correspond to the review.
- Next review will correspond to setting the 2021 budget in Q4 2020 — so likely planning the process at the end of Q3.
- Salary-review wise: We need to be all educated in the budgeting process to ensure alignment over the method of calculating salary.
- We’ll consider alternative approaches for getting community feedback.
- Going ahead as planned, despite COVID-19: Fundraising will kick off on April 15th, run through May/June. Split the target into two stages, with a second round in August.
- Calling out how great the community has been under the pandemic situations. Keeping broadcasting, financial support to other DJs, and so on.
- All
- Review board job descriptions in advance of next month.
- Consider people to nominate to the board — suggestions due June 1st; email Amanda as you go.
- Amanda
- Have meetings with each committee lead to set goals.
- Set your own goals for review next month.
- Meet with Paul & Vicky about Google AdWords project
- Ben
- Share previous minutes with the board for ratification.
- Fixing shared access to the board drive.
- Check out KBOO’s minutes for comparison to ours.
- Meet with Amanda about tech committee goals.
- Tom
- Meet with Amanda about Fundraising committee goals.
- Watch for real estate opportunities.
- Will
- Meet with Amanda about Market & PR committee goals.
20:45 — Meeting adjourned.