June 27th 2019, San Francisco
Prior to the meeting, please add items for discussion here:
- Review Agenda
- Committee Updates
- Tech
- Content
- Others
- Mush Report
- Board Profiles
- Fundraising/Summer Sustainer Update
- Action Items for Next Month
Scribe: Ben Ward
Convene as Best Frequencies, Inc. Board of Directors
- Ben Ward
- Amanda Guest
- Tom Tierney
- Guest: Forrest Guest
- Reviewed annual finances w/ Forrest (treasurer.)
- Events are currently costs. Should we consider ways in the future to tie specific fundraising to events: e.g. dedicated fundraiser for Bestie Bash
- Or, would love for the event to be free (paid for somehow), with possibility of dedicating the events to raise for another cause.
- We’re half way through.
- Moving from Marina Lawn to Ferry Lawn.
- Ferry Lawn hosts successful movie night, will cross-promote.
- Bar breaking even; not significant income to BFF as hoped.
- Expect to come out of this about flat — which wasn’t the plan but not a disaster.
- Some investment in equipment — can reuse for Bestie Bashes, back-up, etc.
- Volunteers
- Reasonable participation from DJs
- Lots of people want to be on committees
- Few people want to run committees
- Pretty dependent on Amanda to kick off each of these things.
- Throwin’ Bo’s
- Discovered us through Bestie Bash
- Interested in doing a show
- Might be able to help promote shows
- Will meet with them; then convene committee
- Tech
- Haven’t convened committee yet.
- Working on website hosting
- Reviewing analytics & alerting platform for site reliability
- We’re not hitting the goal
- Short lead time, not many people participating
- New DJs are killing it!
- Still confident that if everyone participated we could hit the goal — every DJ needs < 1 bestie.
- We need a development director to scale up
- Next time (without Will in absentia) we’ll try to nail down more specifically our roles, try and take an action item each month.
- Establish standard reporting for each member/committee.
- Tom
- Set up event sponsor meetings
- Will follow up with accountants w/r/t/ treasurer position.
- Help Rome set up underwriting efforts
- Ben
- Convene the tech committee
- Amanda
- Research and reach out regarding committee structures for review next board meeting.
- Sync with our pro bono consultant who helped with the strategic plan and figure out next specs.
- Focus on the development director position. Could we hire someone on a contract?
- Will
- Plan the agenda for next month
20:38 — Meeting adjourned.