diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8c35d0b..32648d0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ dist-ssr
# Editor directories and files
diff --git a/.vscode/react.code-snippets b/.vscode/react.code-snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df5c6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/react.code-snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ // hanzi-chai.github.io workspace snippets.
+ // Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and description.
+ "template of react component file": {
+ "scope": "javascriptreact,typescriptreact",
+ "prefix": "tmplcomp",
+ "body": [
+ "import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer } from 'react'",
+ "import * as A from 'antd'",
+ "import * as atoms from '~/atoms'",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "//#region $TM_FILENAME_BASE default component",
+ "export interface ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Props {",
+ " $1",
+ "}",
+ "export default function ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}(props: ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Props) {",
+ " $0",
+ " return (<>",
+ " ",
+ " >)",
+ "}",
+ "//#endregion",
+ ],
+ "description": "template of react component",
+ "isFileTemplate": true,
+ },
+ "template of component": {
+ "scope": "javascriptreact,typescriptreact",
+ "prefix": "comp",
+ "body": [
+ "//#region ${1:YourComponent} component",
+ "interface ${1:YourComponent}Props {",
+ " $2",
+ "}",
+ "",
+ "function ${1:YourComponent}(props: ${1:YourComponent}Props) {",
+ " $0",
+ " return (<>",
+ " ",
+ " >)",
+ "}",
+ "//#endregion",
+ "",
+ ],
+ },
+ "import antd components": {
+ "scope": "javascriptreact,typescriptreact",
+ "prefix": "impantd",
+ "body": "import * as A from 'antd'",
+ "description": "import * as A from 'antd'",
+ },
+ "import atoms": {
+ "scope": "javascriptreact,typescriptreact,javascript,typescript",
+ "prefix": "impatoms",
+ "body": "import * as atoms from '~/atoms'",
+ "description": "import atoms from '~/atoms'",
+ },
diff --git a/examples/bxm.yaml b/examples/bxm.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bdf0cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/bxm.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: bxm
+ name: 表形码
+ author: 陈爱文
+ version: '1.0'
+ description: 汉字表形符号和字素分类编码法
+ classifier:
+ 圈: 4
+ 捺: 5
+ 平捺: 5
+ 横捺: 5
+ 挑捺: 5
+ 弯钩: 6
+ 横钩: 6
+ 横撇: 6
+ 横折: 6
+ 横折钩: 6
+ 撇钩: 6
+ 横折提: 6
+ 横斜钩: 6
+ 横折折: 7
+ 横折弯: 7
+ 横折弯钩: 7
+ 横折折折钩: 8
+ 横撇弯钩: 8
+ 横折折撇: 8
+ 横折折折: 8
+ 竖提: 9
+ 竖折: 9
+ 竖弯: 9
+ 竖弯钩: 9
+ 撇点: 9
+ 撇折: 9
+ 斜钩: 9
+ 竖折撇: 10
+ 竖折折钩: 10
+ 竖折折: 10
+ degenerator:
+ no_cross: true
+ feature:
+ 提: 横
+ 捺: 点
+ selector:
+ - 结构完整
+ - 根少优先
+ - 全符笔顺
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 非形近根
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ 无:
+ - '1'
+ - 尢
+ 戌:
+ - 戈
+ - '3'
+ - '1'
+ 戍:
+ - 戈
+ - '3'
+ - '4'
+ 兀:
+ - '1'
+ - 儿
+ 辛:
+ - 亠
+ - 䒑
+ - 十
+ 亚:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue408"
+ - '1'
+ 产:
+ - 亠
+ - 丷
+ - 厂
+ 佥:
+ - "\ue43d"
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue42d"
+ - '1'
+ 天:
+ - '1'
+ - 大
+ 勿:
+ - 勹
+ - "\ue41e"
+ 州:
+ - "\ue089"
+ - "\ue446"
+ - "\ue001"
+ 豙:
+ - 亠
+ - 丷
+ - 豕
+ "\ue0a8":
+ - 冂
+ - "\ue001"
+ 卞:
+ - '4'
+ - 下
+ 余:
+ - "\ue43d"
+ - '1'
+ - 朩
+ 互:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue440"
+ - '1'
+ 农:
+ - "\uf000"
+ - "\ue438"
+ 衣:
+ - 亠
+ - "\uf038"
+ - "\ue438"
+ "\ue02c":
+ - 土
+ - 丷
+ "\ue01a":
+ - "\ue057"
+ - '3'
+ "\ue01e":
+ - "\ue057"
+ - '4'
+ - '3'
+ "\ue0b7":
+ - "\uf038"
+ - "\ue438"
+ 隺:
+ - "\uf000"
+ - '2'
+ - "\ue428"
+ 㒸:
+ - 丷
+ - 豕
+ strong:
+ - '1'
+ - 二
+ - "\ue40f"
+ customizeCorners: {}
+ alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+ mapping_type: 1
+ grouping:
+ 首字母-ê: 首字母-e
+ "\ue452": 十
+ "\ue401": 力
+ "\ue0f1": 肀
+ "\ue102": 王
+ "\ue443": "\ue068"
+ "\ue44b": 禾
+ 于: 干
+ "\ue413": 十
+ "\uf037": 帀
+ "\ue0d1": 夫
+ "\ue822": 北
+ mapping:
+ '1': h
+ '2': i
+ '3': j
+ '4': d
+ '5': 'n'
+ '6': z
+ '7': z
+ '8': w
+ '9': l
+ '10': l
+ 丁: t
+ 土: 'y'
+ 二: g
+ 工: i
+ 走: e
+ 耂: j
+ 王: i
+ 三: g
+ 丰: f
+ 耒: m
+ "\ue064": r
+ 耳: b
+ 扌: f
+ 艹: h
+ 十: x
+ 廿: h
+ 甘: b
+ 木: m
+ 酉: s
+ "\ue052": c
+ 車: f
+ 覀: s
+ 石: p
+ 大: r
+ 厂: j
+ 不: t
+ 豕: q
+ 龙: w
+ 匚: c
+ 七: l
+ 牙: r
+ 车: l
+ 弋: s
+ 戈: s
+ 虫: c
+ "\ue018": l
+ 卜: l
+ 止: 'y'
+ 虍: j
+ 口: o
+ 囗: q
+ 足: e
+ 日: b
+ 刂: g
+ 田: q
+ 由: 'y'
+ 甲: t
+ 申: f
+ 非: x
+ 小: g
+ 目: b
+ 冂: 'n'
+ 巾: e
+ 山: e
+ 且: b
+ 见: w
+ 贝: r
+ 骨: 'n'
+ 罒: q
+ 皿: q
+ "\ue09e": k
+ "\ue078": v
+ 牛: f
+ 手: f
+ 气: k
+ 毛: l
+ 禾: u
+ 攵: a
+ 亻: v
+ 川: g
+ 片: k
+ 身: r
+ 臼: u
+ 鬼: w
+ 八: g
+ 人: v
+ 入: v
+ 彳: v
+ 乂: x
+ 食: k
+ 金: z
+ 彡: g
+ 丘: o
+ 爪: j
+ 瓜: j
+ 舟: 'n'
+ 豸: q
+ 月: 'n'
+ 几: w
+ 犭: q
+ 九: x
+ 丸: x
+ 鱼: u
+ 儿: w
+ 夕: d
+ 勹: h
+ 鸟: s
+ 乌: s
+ 匕: l
+ 言: i
+ 疒: j
+ 冫: d
+ 广: j
+ 鹿: j
+ 丬: k
+ 门: 'n'
+ 忄: l
+ 丷: g
+ 䒑: k
+ 羊: 'y'
+ 火: r
+ 氵: d
+ "\ue42d": g
+ 辶: z
+ 宀: 'n'
+ 礻: t
+ 衤: t
+ 心: u
+ 马: s
+ 尸: p
+ 尹: p
+ 彐: e
+ 又: a
+ 皮: a
+ 阝: p
+ 刀: h
+ 习: e
+ 力: x
+ 也: l
+ 子: z
+ 己: l
+ 已: l
+ 巳: l
+ 弓: w
+ 纟: w
+ 巛: g
+ 母: q
+ 厶: u
+ 女: a
+ 巴: l
+ "\ue0a6": s
+ "\ue41e": g
+ 了: w
+ "\ue024": j
+ "\ue002": f
+ 饣: k
+ "\ue000": i
+ 龶: 'y'
+ 夊: a
+ "\ue034": a
+ 瓦: a
+ "\ue070": q
+ "\ue0d2": 'n'
+ 㠯: b
+ "\ue414": b
+ "\ue415": s
+ 禹: c
+ 禺: c
+ 匸: c
+ 灬: d
+ "\ue447": x
+ "\ue01b": e
+ 肀: f
+ "\ue06d": t
+ 龷: s
+ 长: k
+ 镸: f
+ 中: f
+ "\ue075": f
+ 书: f
+ 韦: f
+ "\ue440": o
+ "\ue0a7": u
+ 及: a
+ 龴: z
+ "\ue434": z
+ 癶: x
+ 夂: a
+ "\ue0b8": b
+ "\ue419": b
+ 曰: b
+ 臣: c
+ "\ue0d5": c
+ "\ue0b4": e
+ 巨: c
+ "\ue08e": c
+ "\ue057": c
+ "\ue083": d
+ "\ue09b": x
+ "\ue088": g
+ "\ue00d": g
+ "\ue432": e
+ 䶹: e
+ 屮: e
+ "\ue0de": e
+ "\uf000": e
+ "\ue026": e
+ 牜: f
+ "\ue029": f
+ 㐄: f
+ "\ue411": f
+ 事: f
+ "\ue410": f
+ "\ue003": f
+ "\uf003": f
+ 巿: f
+ 串: f
+ "\uf006": f
+ 聿: f
+ "\uf007": f
+ "\ue048": f
+ "\ue412": f
+ "\ue0f8": f
+ "\ue089": g
+ "\ue446": g
+ "\ue03e": g
+ "\ue073": g
+ "\ue044": g
+ "\ue001": g
+ "\ue077": g
+ "\ue07f": g
+ 巜: g
+ "\ue0e2": g
+ "\ue0e3": g
+ 匁: e
+ "\ue050": h
+ 廾: h
+ 卅: h
+ 世: h
+ 册: h
+ "\ue0fb": h
+ "\ue11a": h
+ 乃: h
+ "\ue020": h
+ "\ue0bc": h
+ "\ue423": h
+ "\ue427": h
+ 正: i
+ 五: i
+ "\ue0df": i
+ "\ue085": i
+ 重: i
+ 垂: i
+ 讠: i
+ 亠: i
+ "\uf008": i
+ 主: i
+ "\ue428": i
+ "\ue451": 'y'
+ 爫: j
+ "\uf009": j
+ "\ue838": j
+ "\ue014": k
+ "\ue07c": k
+ 丌: k
+ "\ue448": g
+ "\ue422": k
+ "\ue0c8": l
+ "\ue02a": 'n'
+ 东: l
+ 乐: l
+ "\ue05c": l
+ "\ue079": l
+ 乜: l
+ 㔾: l
+ "\ue0a3": p
+ 朩: m
+ 屯: l
+ 电: l
+ "\ue0ec": l
+ "\ue011": l
+ "\ue051": l
+ 本: m
+ 朿: m
+ 果: m
+ 柬: m
+ 秉: m
+ 未: m
+ "\ue421": x
+ 冖: 'n'
+ 内: 'n'
+ 禸: 'n'
+ 丹: 'n'
+ 两: 'n'
+ 冉: 'n'
+ "\uf00b": 'n'
+ 凸: o
+ 凹: o
+ 囬: q
+ 卩: p
+ "\ue0b2": p
+ 廴: z
+ "\ue031": p
+ "\uf00c": p
+ "\ue06b": p
+ "\ue420": q
+ 乑: q
+ "\ue0a9": q
+ 豖: q
+ "\uf00f": q
+ "\uf011": q
+ "\ue0be": q
+ 毋: q
+ "\uf012": q
+ 囙: q
+ 丈: r
+ 史: r
+ 吏: r
+ 夷: r
+ 夬: r
+ 夫: r
+ 央: r
+ 曳: s
+ 臾: r
+ "\ue047": r
+ 矛: r
+ 西: s
+ "\ue03f": s
+ 戋: s
+ "\ue0da": s
+ 我: s
+ "\ue417": s
+ "\ue0a5": s
+ "\ue053": s
+ "\ue007": z
+ "\ue009": z
+ 丂: s
+ "\ue004": s
+ 专: s
+ 井: s
+ 曲: s
+ 开: s
+ "\ue0f4": s
+ "\ue066": s
+ 弗: s
+ 丅: t
+ 干: t
+ 帀: t
+ 下: t
+ "\ue008": t
+ "\uf013": t
+ "\ue05a": t
+ "\ue0eb": t
+ 弔: t
+ 丆: t
+ "\ue039": t
+ "\uf014": t
+ "\ue0ee": t
+ "\uf015": t
+ "\ue016": 'y'
+ "\ue042": 'y'
+ "\ue093": 'y'
+ 丩: u
+ 必: u
+ "\ue43d": v
+ "\uf017": v
+ "\ue0d6": w
+ 尢: w
+ "\ue100": w
+ 旡: w
+ 冘: w
+ 北: x
+ 幺: w
+ "\ue023": w
+ "\ue42f": x
+ 兆: x
+ 夗: x
+ "\ue408": x
+ "\ue863": x
+ "\ue42c": x
+ "\ue42b": x
+ "\ue985": x
+ "\uf018": x
+ "\uf019": x
+ 士: 'y'
+ 上: 'y'
+ "\ue0c1": 'y'
+ "\ue0f9": 'y'
+ "\ue0dd": 'y'
+ "\uf01a": 'y'
+ 钅: z
+ 孑: z
+ 孓: z
+ "\uf01c": z
+ "\ue0c6": e
+ "\ue131": c
+ "\ue8b9": e
+ "\ue125": e
+ 丯: f
+ "\ue15b": f
+ 帇: f
+ "\ue0fa": f
+ "\ue12f": f
+ "\uf01f": f
+ "\uf01e": f
+ 亊: f
+ "\ue442": g
+ 卌: h
+ "\ue112": h
+ 丗: h
+ "\ue076": h
+ 冊: h
+ 円: 'n'
+ 䍏: 'n'
+ "\uf020": h
+ "\ue124": h
+ 刄: h
+ 㐁: i
+ 飠: k
+ "\ue162": k
+ "\ue16f": k
+ "\ue14e": k
+ 爿: k
+ "\ue10c": l
+ "\uebc0": l
+ "\ue127": l
+ 黽: l
+ "\ue06f": l
+ 東: m
+ 束: m
+ "\ue130": m
+ "\ue12e": m
+ "\ue04c": h
+ 乗: m
+ 冄: 'n'
+ 冎: 'n'
+ "\ue105": 'n'
+ "\ue060": 'n'
+ "\ueaef": 'n'
+ "\ue8b2": o
+ "\ue09c": o
+ 亞: o
+ "\uf025": o
+ 卪: p
+ "\ue10e": p
+ 囧: q
+ "\ue0e7": r
+ "\ue068": x
+ "\ue043": r
+ "\ue449": r
+ 夨: r
+ "\uf026": r
+ 㬰: r
+ "\uf027": r
+ "\uf028": f
+ "\ue103": s
+ 㦮: s
+ 馬: s
+ 鳥: s
+ 烏: s
+ 亐: s
+ "\ue157": s
+ "\ue0d7": s
+ 襾: s
+ 亜: s
+ "\uf029": s
+ "\ue0f0": s
+ 糹: w
+ "\ue04e": x
+ 門: x
+ 鬥: x
+ "\uf02d": x
+ "\uf02e": x
+ "\uf02f": x
+ "\uf032": x
+ 臦: x
+ "\uf033": x
+ 戼: x
+ 丱: x
+ "\uf034": x
+ "\uf035": x
+ 卝: x
+ 丫: 'y'
+ "\ue030": 'y'
+ "\ue0e8": 'y'
+ 甴: 'y'
+ "\ue035": 'y'
+ "\ue114": 'y'
+ "\ue15a": 'y'
+ "\ue139": 'y'
+ "\uf036": z
+ 首字母-a: a
+ 首字母-b: b
+ 首字母-c: c
+ 首字母-d: d
+ 首字母-e: e
+ 首字母-f: f
+ 首字母-g: g
+ 首字母-h: h
+ 首字母-j: j
+ 首字母-k: k
+ 首字母-l: l
+ 首字母-m: m
+ 首字母-n: 'n'
+ 首字母-o: o
+ 首字母-p: p
+ 首字母-q: q
+ 首字母-r: r
+ 首字母-s: s
+ 首字母-t: t
+ 首字母-w: w
+ 首字母-x: x
+ 首字母-y: 'y'
+ 首字母-z: z
+ 凵: u
+ 末: m
+ 里: i
+ "\ue42e": x
+ 尨: w
+ "\ue117": f
+ "\uf038": j
+ "\ue438": k
+ max_length: 4
+ auto_select_length: 4
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: c0
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ next: c1
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ next: c2
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 笔画, rootIndex: 2, strokeIndex: 1}
+ next: s5
+ s5:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 首字母}
+ next: null
+ s6:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ next: null
+ s7:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 首字母}
+ next: null
+ s8:
+ object: {type: 笔画, rootIndex: 1, strokeIndex: 1}
+ next: c3
+ s14:
+ object: {type: 笔画, rootIndex: 1, strokeIndex: 2}
+ next: s17
+ s15:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: s16
+ s16:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 首字母}
+ next: null
+ s17:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 首字母}
+ next: null
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s2
+ negative: s8
+ c1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s3
+ negative: s4
+ c2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 4}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s6
+ negative: s7
+ c3:
+ object: {type: 笔画, rootIndex: 1, strokeIndex: 2}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s14
+ negative: s15
+ repertoire:
+ "\uf000":
+ unicode: 61440
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 冘, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 冘二
+ "\uf003":
+ unicode: 61443
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue036", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 姊字边二
+ "\uf006":
+ unicode: 61446
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 疌, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 疌无人
+ "\uf007":
+ unicode: 61447
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 甫, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 甫无丶
+ "\uf008":
+ unicode: 61448
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 永, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 永二
+ "\uf009":
+ unicode: 61449
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 氏, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 氏二
+ "\uf00a":
+ unicode: 61450
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue07e", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 旅下角后二
+ "\uf00b":
+ unicode: 61451
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue00c", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 冒字头二
+ "\uf00c":
+ unicode: 61452
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 艮, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 艮四
+ "\uf00f":
+ unicode: 61455
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue0e9", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 象下四
+ "\uf010":
+ unicode: 61456
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: []
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 象下后四
+ "\uf011":
+ unicode: 61457
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue0e9", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 象下后五
+ "\uf012":
+ unicode: 61458
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue069", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 卑六无丿
+ "\uf013":
+ unicode: 61459
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 疋, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 疋无人
+ "\uf014":
+ unicode: 61460
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 斥, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 斥下
+ "\uf015":
+ unicode: 61461
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue03a", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 定字底三
+ "\uf017":
+ unicode: 61463
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue03a", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 定字底人
+ "\uf018":
+ unicode: 61464
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 肃, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 肃下
+ "\uf019":
+ unicode: 61465
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue0d0", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 雨四点
+ "\uf01b":
+ unicode: 61467
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: []
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 承中
+ "\uf01c":
+ unicode: 61468
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 承, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 承中
+ "\uf01e":
+ unicode: 61470
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue12f", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 挿字边无丿
+ "\uf01f":
+ unicode: 61471
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue132", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 揷字边无丿
+ "\uf020":
+ unicode: 61472
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue158", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 5}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 飛字底四
+ "\uf021":
+ unicode: 61473
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 一, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 亀无头
+ "\uf024":
+ unicode: 61476
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 一, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 壺无士
+ "\uf025":
+ unicode: 61477
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [冖, "\ue137"]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 壺无士
+ "\uf026":
+ unicode: 61478
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 㑒, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 㑒无人
+ "\uf027":
+ unicode: 61479
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue104", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}, {feature: reference, index: 9}, {feature: reference, index: 10}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 漢字边下
+ "\uf028":
+ unicode: 61480
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue150", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}, {feature: reference, index: 9}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 㵮下角下
+ "\uf029":
+ unicode: 61481
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [冖, "\ue136"]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 壷无士
+ "\uf02a":
+ unicode: 61482
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 一, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 州二
+ "\uf02c":
+ unicode: 61484
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: []
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 鳏下角四点
+ "\uf02d":
+ unicode: 61485
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue0d9", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 鳏下角无竖
+ "\uf02e":
+ unicode: 61486
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue16d", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 畱字头无横
+ "\uf02f":
+ unicode: 61487
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue10a", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 淵字边无横
+ "\uf032":
+ unicode: 61490
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿰, operandList: [刀, "\ue107"]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 齊字无丫
+ "\uf033":
+ unicode: 61491
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 丣, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 丣无横
+ "\uf034":
+ unicode: 61492
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue120", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 虛字底无横
+ "\uf035":
+ unicode: 61493
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue129", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 斲字旁无横
+ "\uf036":
+ unicode: 61494
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 之, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 之下
+ "\uf037":
+ unicode: 61495
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue0d0", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 雨字头无四点
+ "\uf038":
+ unicode: 61496
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue0b7", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 衣省二
+ glyph_customization:
+ "\uea02":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue42b", 幺]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue995":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [北, 口]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue9ab":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue863", 白]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ character_set: gb2312
diff --git a/examples/easy.yaml b/examples/easy.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..260e336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/easy.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1483 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: easy
+ name: 易码
+ version: '1.0'
+ author: 小泥巴
+ description: 形码单字四二顶
+ repertoire:
+ :
+ unicode: 61443
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ name: 㗊上
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs:
+ - type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList:
+ - 口
+ - 口
+ ambiguous: false
+ :
+ unicode: 61440
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ name: 其字头无横
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs:
+ - type: derived_component
+ source:
+ strokes:
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 0
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 1
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 2
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 3
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 4
+ ambiguous: false
+ :
+ unicode: 61442
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ name: 囱字框省
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs:
+ - type: derived_component
+ source:
+ strokes:
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 0
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 1
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 2
+ ambiguous: false
+ :
+ unicode: 61441
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ name: 乑省
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs:
+ - type: derived_component
+ source: 乑
+ strokes:
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 1
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 2
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 3
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 4
+ - feature: reference
+ index: 5
+ ambiguous: false
+ :
+ unicode: 61444
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ name: 㗊下
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs:
+ - type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList:
+ - 口
+ - 口
+ ambiguous: false
+ 䒤:
+ unicode: 17572
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ name: null
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs:
+ - type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 艹
+ - 日
+ ambiguous: false
+ glyph_customization:
+ 胤:
+ type: compound
+ tags:
+ - 横向包夹
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList:
+ - 儿
+ -
+ order:
+ - index: 0
+ strokes: 1
+ - index: 1
+ strokes: 0
+ - index: 0
+ strokes: 1
+ 蕞:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 䒤
+ - 取
+ 亓:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 一
+ - 丌
+ 兽:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ -
+ -
+ 克:
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes:
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 8
+ - 17
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 84
+ - feature: 竖
+ start:
+ - 50
+ - 4
+ curveList:
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 30
+ - feature: 竖
+ start:
+ - 21
+ - 34
+ curveList:
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 24
+ - feature: 横折
+ start:
+ - 21
+ - 34
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 58
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 24
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 21
+ - 58
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 58
+ - feature: 撇
+ start:
+ - 38
+ - 58
+ curveList:
+ - command: c
+ parameterList:
+ - 0
+ - 6
+ - 0
+ - 26
+ - -30
+ - 35
+ - feature: 竖弯钩
+ start:
+ - 61
+ - 58
+ curveList:
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 35
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 32
+ 囱:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList:
+ -
+ - 夂
+ - 一
+ 古:
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes:
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 10
+ - 40
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 80
+ - feature: 竖
+ start:
+ - 50
+ - 15
+ curveList:
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 45
+ - feature: 竖
+ start:
+ - 30
+ - 60
+ curveList:
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 30
+ - feature: 横折
+ start:
+ - 30
+ - 60
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 40
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 30
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 30
+ - 90
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 40
+ 囟:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList:
+ -
+ - 乂
+ - 一
+ 隺:
+ type: compound
+ tags:
+ - 笔画搭挂
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList:
+ - 冖
+ - 隹
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList:
+ - 吅
+ - 口
+ 兕:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ -
+ - 兀
+ 衮:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList:
+ - 六
+ - 厶
+ -
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿺
+ operandList:
+ -
+ -
+ 草:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 䒤
+ - 十
+ 熏:
+ type: compound
+ tags:
+ - 中竖截断
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 千
+ - 黑
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿲
+ operandList:
+ -
+ - 矢
+ - 匕
+ 昊:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 旦
+ - 大
+ 舍:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 亼
+ - 古
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList:
+ -
+ - 水
+ 丢:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 壬
+ - 厶
+ :
+ type: compound
+ tags:
+ - 横向包夹
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList:
+ -
+ - 米
+ order:
+ - index: 0
+ strokes: 1
+ - index: 1
+ strokes: 0
+ - index: 0
+ strokes: 0
+ 丝:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList:
+ - 纟
+ - 纟
+ 哀:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ -
+ -
+ 司:
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes:
+ - feature: 横折钩
+ start:
+ - 12
+ - 11
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 71
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 83
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 15
+ - 30
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 57
+ - feature: 竖
+ start:
+ - 18
+ - 49
+ curveList:
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 25
+ - feature: 横折
+ start:
+ - 18
+ - 49
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 38
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 25
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 18
+ - 74
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 38
+ 兵:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ -
+ -
+ 菖:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 䒤
+ - 日
+ :
+ type: compound
+ tags:
+ - 笔画搭挂
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList:
+ - 鱼
+ - 人
+ 㝵:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 旦
+ - 寸
+ 蔓:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 䒤
+ -
+ 直:
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes:
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 9
+ - 16
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 82
+ - feature: 竖
+ start:
+ - 50
+ - 4
+ curveList:
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 26
+ - feature: 竖
+ start:
+ - 23
+ - 30
+ curveList:
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 60
+ - feature: 横折
+ start:
+ - 23
+ - 30
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 54
+ - command: v
+ parameterList:
+ - 60
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 23
+ - 45
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 54
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 23
+ - 60
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 54
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 23
+ - 74
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 54
+ - feature: 横
+ start:
+ - 6
+ - 90
+ curveList:
+ - command: h
+ parameterList:
+ - 88
+ 葛:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 䒤
+ - 匃
+ 堇:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 革
+ - 二
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList:
+ - 十
+ - 从
+ - 冖
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList:
+ -
+ - 米
+ - 一
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ -
+ - 冖
+ 㐫:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿶
+ operandList:
+ - 凵
+ - 文
+ order:
+ - index: 1
+ strokes: 0
+ - index: 0
+ strokes: 0
+ 元:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 一
+ - 兀
+ 㗊:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ -
+ -
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList:
+ - 囗
+ -
+ 莫:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 䒤
+ - 大
+ 舆:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ -
+ -
+ 章:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 音
+ - 十
+ :
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList:
+ - 䒑
+ - 八
+ 爽:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList:
+ - 大
+ - 㸚
+ tags:
+ - 兴字底
+ - 赢字框
+ - 微字框
+ - 同字心
+ - 戈部截断
+ classifier:
+ 横折钩: 7
+ 斜钩: 6
+ 横斜钩: 6
+ 横折弯钩: 6
+ 竖弯钩: 6
+ 竖折: 6
+ 横折: 5
+ degenerator:
+ feature:
+ 捺: 点
+ 提: 横
+ selector:
+ - 根少优先
+ - 连续笔顺
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ :
+ - 䒑
+ - 夫
+ 末:
+ - '1'
+ - 木
+ 直:
+ - 十
+ -
+ - '1'
+ 丈:
+ - '1'
+ - 乂
+ 甩:
+ -
+ - 二
+ - '6'
+ 卅:
+ - '1'
+ - 川
+ 州:
+ -
+ - 川
+ 重:
+ - '3'
+ - 車
+ - '1'
+ 孑:
+ - 了
+ - '1'
+ 尹:
+ -
+ - '3'
+ 夹:
+ - '1'
+ - 丷
+ - 大
+ 巿:
+ - '1'
+ - 巾
+ :
+ - 口
+ - '1'
+ :
+ - '3'
+ - 止
+ 㒸:
+ - 丷
+ - 豕
+ 果:
+ - 日
+ - 木
+ :
+ - 肀
+ -
+ 垂:
+ - 千
+ - 艹
+ - 二
+ :
+ - 大
+ - 丷
+ 余:
+ - 亼
+ - 朩
+ :
+ - 日
+ - 十
+ 事:
+ -
+ - 肀
+ 主:
+ - '4'
+ - 王
+ 佥:
+ - 亼
+ -
+ - '1'
+ 隶:
+ -
+ - 氺
+ 产:
+ -
+ - 厂
+ 朿:
+ - 木
+ - 冂
+ 今:
+ - 亽
+ - '5'
+ alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
+ mapping_type: 1
+ mapping:
+ : i
+ 弓: a
+ 宀: t
+ 火: o
+ 夕: d
+ 皿: b
+ 非: g
+ 扌: m
+ 羊: j
+ : h
+ '33': e
+ 冉: d
+ 衣: r
+ 刂: b
+ 力: p
+ 革: x
+ 曲: m
+ 夂: o
+ 癶: f
+ 儿: e
+ 虎: x
+ : n
+ 豆: n
+ 走: k
+ 豕: m
+ 攴: l
+ 亻: j
+ 古: d
+ 戊: i
+ 足: a
+ 疒: r
+ 不: i
+ 丷: i
+ 幺: y
+ 阝: k
+ 彐: g
+ 也: d
+ 㐄: e
+ 石: d
+ 金: u
+ 兼: x
+ '34': w
+ 麻: l
+ : z
+ 耒: y
+ 面: l
+ '42': u
+ 糸: v
+ 井: u
+ 冖: l
+ '12': f
+ 上: e
+ 衤: d
+ '21': h
+ 彑: c
+ 疋: j
+ 马: d
+ 巾: x
+ 乡: f
+ '54': x
+ 䒤: z
+ 㔾: o
+ 囗: e
+ 辛: u
+ 隹: e
+ 廿: l
+ 田: y
+ 酉: r
+ 己: u
+ 用: p
+ 日: r
+ 子: w
+ 业: e
+ 弋: k
+ 贝: n
+ : a
+ 人: l
+ : x
+ 纟: i
+ 民: y
+ 攵: h
+ : p
+ 彡: h
+ 矢: l
+ 丂: z
+ '52': v
+ 亼: g
+ 耂: h
+ 戈: d
+ 文: o
+ '23': k
+ 瓜: a
+ 旦: k
+ 丁: o
+ 匕: g
+ 穴: b
+ 韦: z
+ 欠: y
+ 巴: c
+ 皮: m
+ 身: l
+ 竹: n
+ 丰: a
+ 高: d
+ 禺: x
+ 二: j
+ '43': i
+ 辰: y
+ 甘: i
+ 丬: y
+ 甲: g
+ 吅: u
+ : n
+ 厂: q
+ 亦: r
+ 页: j
+ 又: h
+ 屮: g
+ '32': r
+ 歺: a
+ 山: c
+ 亠: x
+ 音: t
+ 龙: w
+ 寸: k
+ 尸: q
+ 缶: t
+ 户: t
+ 谷: i
+ '53': c
+ 耳: s
+ 广: w
+ 象: r
+ 乃: a
+ 鸟: x
+ 止: o
+ 骨: x
+ 壬: x
+ 见: w
+ '51': b
+ 里: z
+ 言: w
+ 彳: x
+ 因: f
+ 心: z
+ 片: u
+ 亍: h
+ 鬼: i
+ 木: p
+ '25': m
+ 殳: d
+ 亥: a
+ 夫: n
+ 艹: b
+ 毛: q
+ : n
+ 匚: b
+ 瓦: u
+ 之: c
+ : k
+ 乂: o
+ 乍: c
+ 氵: h
+ '11': g
+ 牛: f
+ '44': o
+ 未: c
+ 黾: g
+ 可: i
+ '14': s
+ 牙: m
+ 豸: k
+ 无: k
+ 巳: b
+ 艮: m
+ 鼠: e
+ 㡀: z
+ '24': l
+ 辶: a
+ 生: o
+ 申: j
+ 尤: l
+ 手: k
+ 舌: y
+ 句: n
+ 兀: j
+ 忄: z
+ 冫: q
+ 甫: n
+ 爪: b
+ 西: g
+ 亡: t
+ 卜: h
+ 聿: f
+ 勹: k
+ 水: j
+ '13': d
+ 卩: x
+ 卯: f
+ 丑: x
+ 了: k
+ 由: v
+ 龹: g
+ 示: e
+ 气: u
+ 立: z
+ '31': t
+ 长: j
+ 五: a
+ 予: t
+ : d
+ 犬: x
+ : p
+ 七: c
+ 丩: a
+ 且: q
+ 禾: n
+ : o
+ 雨: y
+ 云: f
+ : c
+ 口: s
+ 米: l
+ 入: i
+ 母: z
+ 千: e
+ 至: l
+ 壴: u
+ '15': a
+ 虫: o
+ 厶: k
+ 戋: z
+ 川: w
+ 冂: x
+ : s
+ : k
+ 卵: k
+ 六: z
+ 十: w
+ 讠: v
+ 歹: w
+ : z
+ 舟: t
+ 白: d
+ 王: g
+ '55': n
+ 土: c
+ '2': jj
+ 髟: z
+ 斤: o
+ 车: a
+ 大: u
+ 四: a
+ 刀: n
+ 而: o
+ 臼: i
+ 束: r
+ '5': vv
+ 臣: q
+ 自: n
+ : v
+ 三: n
+ 月: l
+ 八: t
+ '1': ff
+ 鬲: q
+ 丆: y
+ 羽: a
+ : v
+ 食: f
+ 鱼: o
+ 鹿: b
+ 女: y
+ '35': q
+ '45': p
+ 小: u
+ 几: u
+ 方: c
+ 干: m
+ : j
+ 黑: k
+ '22': j
+ '3': ee
+ 工: u
+ : l
+ 尚: q
+ 九: w
+ 兔: i
+ '4': ii
+ 门: v
+ 齿: p
+ 目: e
+ : n
+ '41': y
+ grouping:
+ '6': '5'
+ : 刀
+ '57': '55'
+ : 匚
+ : 虫
+ : 彐
+ : 手
+ 镸: 长
+ : 兔
+ : 辛
+ 䒑: 丷
+ '46': '45'
+ '60': '52'
+ 爫: 爪
+ 虍: 虎
+ '36': '35'
+ : 冂
+ : 聿
+ '7': '5'
+ : 臣
+ 乌: 鸟
+ '75': '55'
+ 覀: 西
+ : 月
+ '72': '52'
+ :
+ : 艹
+ '66': '55'
+ : 禾
+ : 卩
+ '76': '55'
+ : 疋
+ : 甘
+ '71': '51'
+ : 艮
+ 旡: 无
+ : 日
+ : 夂
+ : 十
+ : 羊
+ :
+ 习: 羽
+ : 冂
+ : 屮
+ : 力
+ : 歺
+ : 手
+ : 雨
+ : 甘
+ '62': '52'
+ '65': '55'
+ : 羊
+ : 亦
+ : 竹
+ '20': '22'
+ 巜: 川
+ : 戋
+ '16': '15'
+ : 八
+ : 卜
+ '37': '35'
+ 丌: 兀
+ 已: 己
+ : 㐄
+ : 缶
+ 龸: 尚
+ : 聿
+ : 衣
+ '64': '54'
+ 朩: 木
+ : 米
+ '10': '12'
+ : 卯
+ :
+ : 羊
+ : 冫
+ : 小
+ 車: 车
+ : 戊
+ : 小
+ '50': '52'
+ : 匕
+ : 月
+ 丸: 九
+ : 片
+ : 尚
+ 巛: 川
+ : 丂
+ 钅: 金
+ 灬: 火
+ : 立
+ : 儿
+ : 几
+ : 斤
+ 戉: 戊
+ : 日
+ 士: 土
+ : 十
+ : 片
+ : 水
+ '77': '55'
+ : 川
+ : 八
+ : 七
+ :
+ : 乃
+ 龷: 廿
+ : 彐
+ : 小
+ : 云
+ : 厂
+ :
+ '61': '51'
+ : 水
+ : 手
+ : 立
+ : 竹
+ 犭: 犬
+ : 用
+ : 火
+ : 母
+ : 亡
+ '67': '55'
+ : 冂
+ : 尸
+ : 小
+ : 丬
+ :
+ : 月
+ : 高
+ : 屮
+ : 乃
+ : 人
+ 曰: 日
+ : 手
+ : 鸟
+ 亽: 亼
+ 饣: 食
+ : 匕
+ : 车
+ : 匚
+ : 小
+ 凵: 冂
+ : 又
+ 肀: 聿
+ :
+ : 彡
+ 爿: 片
+ : 七
+ : 尸
+ '70': '52'
+ : 水
+ 龶: 丰
+ : 足
+ 礻: 示
+ '17': '15'
+ 龵: 手
+ '74': '54'
+ '27': '25'
+ : 冫
+ '47': '45'
+ : 井
+ 龰: 疋
+ : 衣
+ : 匕
+ '56': '55'
+ 罒: 四
+ : 衣
+ '30': '33'
+ : 屮
+ '63': '53'
+ 牜: 牛
+ : 亻
+ : 鼠
+ 廾: 艹
+ 㠯: 吅
+ 廴: 辶
+ : 高
+ : 亦
+ '26': '25'
+ 毋: 母
+ : 丰
+ '73': '53'
+ : 牛
+ 尢: 尤
+ 戶: 户
+ : 皮
+ 氺: 水
+ : 豕
+ '40': '43'
+ : 高
+ :
+ :
+ : 臼
+ :
+ :
+ 龴: 厶
+ max_length: 3
+ select_keys:
+ - ';'
+ - '_'
+ auto_select_length: 2
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object:
+ type: 字根
+ rootIndex: 1
+ index: 0
+ next: c0
+ s2:
+ object:
+ type: 字根
+ rootIndex: 2
+ index: 0
+ next: c1
+ s3:
+ object:
+ type: 二笔
+ rootIndex: 1
+ strokeIndex: 1
+ index: 0
+ next: s6
+ s4:
+ object:
+ type: 二笔
+ rootIndex: 2
+ strokeIndex: 1
+ index: 0
+ next: null
+ s5:
+ object:
+ type: 字根
+ rootIndex: -1
+ index: 0
+ next: null
+ s6:
+ object:
+ type: 笔画
+ rootIndex: 1
+ strokeIndex: -1
+ index: 1
+ next: null
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object:
+ type: 字根
+ rootIndex: 2
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s2
+ negative: s3
+ c1:
+ object:
+ type: 字根
+ rootIndex: 3
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s5
+ negative: s4
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes:
+ - { prefix: 2 }
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaAbBa
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCa
+ - length_in_range:
+ - 4
+ - 20
+ formula: AaBaZa
+ objective:
+ characters_short:
+ tiers:
+ - top: 3000
+ duplication: 4.0
+ levels: []
+ duplication: 200.0
+ key_distribution: 2.0
+ new_key_equivalence_modified: 0.01
+ new_pair_equivalence: 0.01
+ levels:
+ - length: 2
+ frequency: -2.0
+ constraints:
+ elements:
+ - element: '11'
+ keys:
+ - 'g'
+ - element: '12'
+ keys:
+ - 'f'
+ - element: '13'
+ keys:
+ - 'd'
+ - element: '14'
+ keys:
+ - 's'
+ - element: '15'
+ keys:
+ - 'a'
+ - element: '21'
+ keys:
+ - 'h'
+ - element: '22'
+ keys:
+ - 'j'
+ - element: '23'
+ keys:
+ - 'k'
+ - element: '24'
+ keys:
+ - 'l'
+ - element: '25'
+ keys:
+ - 'm'
+ - element: '31'
+ keys:
+ - 't'
+ - element: '32'
+ keys:
+ - 'r'
+ - element: '33'
+ keys:
+ - 'e'
+ - element: '34'
+ keys:
+ - 'w'
+ - element: '35'
+ keys:
+ - 'q'
+ - element: '41'
+ keys:
+ - 'y'
+ - element: '42'
+ keys:
+ - 'u'
+ - element: '43'
+ keys:
+ - 'i'
+ - element: '44'
+ keys:
+ - 'o'
+ - element: '45'
+ keys:
+ - 'p'
+ - element: '51'
+ keys:
+ - 'b'
+ - element: '52'
+ keys:
+ - 'v'
+ - element: '53'
+ keys:
+ - 'c'
+ - element: '54'
+ keys:
+ - 'x'
+ - element: '55'
+ keys:
+ - 'n'
+ - element: '1'
+ keys:
+ - 'f'
+ - element: '2'
+ keys:
+ - 'j'
+ - element: '3'
+ keys:
+ - 'e'
+ - element: '4'
+ keys:
+ - 'i'
+ - element: '5'
+ keys:
+ - 'v'
+ indices:
+ - index: 1
+ element_indices:
+ - element: 白
+ index: 0
+ keys:
+ - 'd'
+ - element: 勹
+ index: 0
+ keys:
+ - 's'
+ - 'd'
+ - 'f'
+ - 'k'
+ - 'j'
+ - 'l'
+ - 'e'
+ - 'r'
+ - 'i'
+ - 'o'
+ - 'u'
+ - element: 不
+ index: 0
+ keys:
+ - 'e'
+ - 'r'
+ - 'u'
+ - 'i'
+ - 'o'
+ - 's'
+ - 'd'
+ - 'f'
+ - 'j'
+ - 'k'
+ - 'l'
+ - element: 口
+ index: 0
+ keys:
+ - 'e'
+ - 'r'
+ - 'u'
+ - 'i'
+ - 'o'
+ - 's'
+ - 'd'
+ - 'f'
+ - 'j'
+ - 'k'
+ - 'l'
+ metaheuristic:
+ algorithm: SimulatedAnnealing
+ parameters:
+ t_max: 1.0
+ t_min: 0.00001
+ steps: 100000000
+ report_after: 0.75
+ search_method:
+ random_move: 0.9
+ random_swap: 0.09
+ random_full_key_swap: 0.01
diff --git a/examples/flypy.yaml b/examples/flypy.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a26ccb0..0000000
--- a/examples/flypy.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
- mapping_type: 1
- grouping: {}
- mapping:
- zh: v
- ch: i
- sh: u
- 零: o
- iu: q
- ei: w
- uan: r
- van: r
- ue: t
- ve: t
- un: "y"
- vn: "y"
- uo: o
- ie: p
- ong: s
- iong: s
- ai: d
- en: f
- eng: g
- ang: h
- an: j
- uai: k
- ing: k
- iang: l
- uang: l
- ou: z
- ia: x
- ua: x
- ao: c
- ui: v
- in: b
- iao: "n"
- ian: m
diff --git a/examples/huma.yaml b/examples/huma.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbba218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/huma.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: huma
+ name: 虎码
+ author: ID;Peace B
+ version: '2024.06.17'
+ description: 26 键、大字集、低重码、拥有舒适手感的高性能中文输入方案
+ classifier:
+ 横折弯钩: 6
+ degenerator:
+ feature:
+ 提: 横
+ 捺: 点
+ no_cross: false
+ selector:
+ - 结构完整
+ - 根少优先
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 全符笔顺
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ 丈:
+ - '1'
+ - 乂
+ 严:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue408"
+ - 厂
+ "\ue02c":
+ - 土
+ - 丷
+ 主:
+ - '4'
+ - 王
+ 亓:
+ - 二
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ 产:
+ - "\ue054"
+ - 厂
+ 壬:
+ - '3'
+ - 士
+ 我:
+ - '3'
+ - 扌
+ - 戈
+ 龹:
+ - 丷
+ - 夫
+ 果:
+ - 田
+ - 木
+ 禺:
+ - 田
+ - "\ue005"
+ "\ue082":
+ - 大
+ - 丷
+ "\ue067":
+ - 丷
+ - 囗
+ - "\ue03e"
+ 凹:
+ - "\ue060"
+ - '1'
+ "\ue0eb":
+ - 田
+ - 十
+ 勿:
+ - 勹
+ - "\ue41e"
+ "\ue00f":
+ - 牛
+ - 巾
+ 垂:
+ - 千
+ - 艹
+ - 士
+ "\ue048":
+ - 肀
+ - "\ue08c"
+ "\ue052":
+ - 十
+ - 田
+ - "\ue04d"
+ 重:
+ - 千
+ - 里
+ 戋:
+ - '1'
+ - 戈
+ "\ue053":
+ - 耳
+ - 戈
+ "\ue08a":
+ - 禾
+ - 戈
+ 甩:
+ - 用
+ - '5'
+ customizeCorners: {}
+ alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
+ grouping:
+ "\ue003": 丰
+ 龶: 丰
+ "\ue021": 缶
+ 爿: 片
+ 丬: 片
+ "\ue012": 片
+ "\ue0e1": 片
+ "\ue0e0": 片
+ "\ue0c2": 舌
+ 㐅: 乂
+ "\ue431": 彐
+ "\ue432": 彐
+ 彑: 彐
+ "\ue0b4": 彐
+ "\ue40c": "\ue057"
+ "\ue8d9": 卯
+ 肀: 聿
+ "\ue06d": 聿
+ "\ue06e": 聿
+ "\ue00a": 云
+ "\uf000": 聿
+ "\ue0c1": 虫
+ "\ue42f": 火
+ "\ue430": 火
+ "\ue408": 火
+ "\ue42e": 火
+ 灬: 火
+ "\ue031": 尸
+ "\ue06b": 尸
+ 旡: 无
+ 朩: 木
+ "\ue41e": 彡
+ 冎: 骨
+ 礻: 示
+ 亾: 亡
+ 歺: 歹
+ "\ue098": 歹
+ "\ue0ac": 高
+ "\ue006": 高
+ "\ue804": 高
+ "\ue093": 羊
+ "\ue042": 羊
+ "\ue016": 羊
+ 芈: 羊
+ 丷: 八
+ "\ue446": 八
+ 䒑: 八
+ "\ue450": 八
+ 癶: 八
+ "\ue09b": 八
+ "\ue948": 谷
+ 夊: 夂
+ 攴: 攵
+ 忄: 心
+ "\ue051": 心
+ "\ue055": 册
+ "\ue44d": 册
+ "\ue01c": 艮
+ "\ue054": 立
+ 纟: 糸
+ 亽: 亼
+ 侖: 仑
+ 亻: 人
+ "\ue420": 豕
+ 氵: 水
+ "\ue42d": 水
+ "\ue8e2": 水
+ 氺: 水
+ "\ue059": 水
+ "\ue0d9": 水
+ 龴: 厶
+ "\ue04d": 厶
+ 毌: 毋
+ 廾: 艹
+ 丌: 艹
+ 艸: 艹
+ 龷: 廿
+ "\ue050": 卅
+ 戶: 户
+ 凵: 冂
+ "\ue02a": 冂
+ "\ue060": 冂
+ 犭: 犬
+ "\ue007": 匚
+ "\ue009": 匚
+ "\ue068": 十
+ "\ue413": 十
+ "\ue0ad": 戊
+ 戉: 戊
+ "\ue0c9": 辛
+ "\ue43d": 人
+ "\ue448": 川
+ "\ue07f": 川
+ 巛: 川
+ 巜: 川
+ "\ue0d6": 几
+ 曰: 日
+ "\ue00c": 日
+ "\ue070": 日
+ 尢: 尤
+ 镸: 长
+ "\ue001": 刀
+ 刂: 刀
+ "\ue044": 刀
+ "\ue0e3": 刀
+ "\ue427": 刀
+ "\ue089": 刀
+ "\ue0de": 刀
+ "\ue424": 儿
+ "\ue03f": 戈
+ "\ue421": 臼
+ "\ue0d8": 米
+ "\ue959": 鼠
+ "\ue0c6": 足
+ "\ue0d5": 臣
+ "\uf001": 井
+ 耂: 老
+ "\ue099": 目
+ 牜: 牛
+ "\ue029": 牛
+ 饣: 食
+ "\ue416": 七
+ "\ue09e": 竹
+ "\ue014": 竹
+ "\ue434": 又
+ 䶹: 屮
+ "\ue04e": 屮
+ "\ue092": 屮
+ "\ue437": 止
+ "\ue073": 止
+ 龰: 止
+ "\ue401": 力
+ "\ue0c3": 尚
+ 龸: 尚
+ 讠: 言
+ "\ue04a": 弗
+ "\ue036": 弗
+ 衤: 衣
+ "\ue0b7": 衣
+ "\ue422": 衣
+ "\ue07e": 衣
+ "\ue400": 斤
+ "\ue03a": 疋
+ "\ue091": 疋
+ "\ue0d0": 雨
+ "\ue08c": 用
+ 扌: 手
+ 龵: 手
+ "\uf002": 手
+ "\ue002": 手
+ "\ue410": 手
+ "\ue011": 匕
+ "\ue079": 匕
+ "\ue44f": 匕
+ "\ue411": 㐄
+ "\ue05d": 乃
+ "\ue005": 禸
+ 覀: 西
+ "\ue0d2": 月
+ "\ue988": 月
+ "\ue034": 月
+ "\ue083": 月
+ "\ue088": 冫
+ "\ue00d": 冫
+ 亍: 彳
+ 冖: 宀
+ "\ue010": 兔
+ 頁: 页
+ "\ue024": 厂
+ "\ue0bc": "\ue020"
+ "\ue423": "\ue020"
+ "\ue40e": 禾
+ "\ue0da": 鸟
+ 爫: 爪
+ "\ue018": 卜
+ "\ue0c8": 车
+ 車: 车
+ 罒: 四
+ "\ue03e": 小
+ "\ue06c": 小
+ "\ue442": 小
+ "\ue096": 甘
+ 虍: 虎
+ 钅: 金
+ "\ue0cf": 金
+ "\ue0b2": 卩
+ 㔾: 卩
+ 㐆: 身
+ "\ue44b": 禾
+ "\ue80a": 衣
+ "\ue43a": 土
+ "\ue04c": 木
+ "\ue043": 大
+ "\ue98e": 页
+ "\uf004": 水
+ "\ue9f0": 鱼
+ "\ue838": 鹿
+ "\ue451": 止
+ "\ue102": 王
+ "\ue439": 冂
+ mapping:
+ '1': fi
+ '2': gs
+ '3': tp
+ '4': id
+ '5': ae
+ '6': ai
+ 疒: ab
+ 丁: ad
+ 丰: af
+ 缶: af
+ 鬼: ag
+ 六: al
+ 耒: al
+ 门: am
+ 皿: am
+ 片: ap
+ 舌: as
+ 未: aw
+ 弓: bg
+ 乂: bi
+ 彐: bj
+ "\ue057": bk
+ 卵: bl
+ 卯: bm
+ 面: bm
+ 女: bn
+ 氏: bs
+ 聿: bv
+ 云: by
+ 不: cb
+ 虫: cc
+ 飞: cf
+ 古: cg
+ 火: ch
+ 支: ci
+ 及: cj
+ 尸: cs
+ 业: cy
+ 口: dk
+ 里: dl
+ 民: dm
+ 黾: dm
+ 无: du
+ 由: dy
+ 干: eg
+ 见: ej
+ 木: em
+ 欠: eq
+ 彡: es
+ "\ue078": et
+ 穴: ex
+ 也: ey
+ 㡀: fb
+ 辰: fc
+ 骨: fg
+ 且: fq
+ 示: fs
+ 亡: fw
+ 歹: gd
+ 高: gg
+ 句: gj
+ 士: gs
+ 土: gt
+ 韦: gw
+ 羊: gy
+ 八: hb
+ 夫: hf
+ 谷: hg
+ 子: hi
+ 夂: hi
+ 攵: hp
+ 壴: hu
+ 心: hx
+ 册: ic
+ 艮: ig
+ 丩: ij
+ 立: il
+ 舟: io
+ 糸: is
+ 予: iv
+ 乡: ix
+ 幺: iy
+ 斗: jd
+ 亼: ji
+ 仑: jl
+ 人: jr
+ 豕: js
+ 入: ju
+ 寸: kc
+ 亥: kh
+ 㠯: ki
+ 九: kj
+ 母: km
+ 水: ks
+ 厶: ks
+ 毋: ku
+ 艹: lc
+ 齿: lc
+ 而: le
+ 方: lf
+ 廿: ln
+ 千: lq
+ 生: ls
+ 卅: ls
+ 夕: lx
+ 卌: lx
+ 牙: ly
+ 巴: mb
+ 大: md
+ 二: me
+ 光: mg
+ 户: mh
+ 豸: mi
+ 冂: mk
+ 两: ml
+ 犬: mq
+ 石: ms
+ 甫: nf
+ 鬲: ng
+ 黄: nh
+ 勹: nk
+ 匚: nk
+ 马: nm
+ 十: ns
+ 戊: nu
+ 王: nw
+ 辛: nx
+ 贝: ob
+ 川: oc
+ 自: oi
+ 几: oj
+ 日: or
+ 矢: os
+ 尤: oy
+ 长: pc
+ 刀: pd
+ 儿: pe
+ 戈: pg
+ 黑: ph
+ 弋: pi
+ 臼: pj
+ 米: pm
+ 鼠: ps
+ 足: pu
+ 行: px
+ 走: pz
+ 臣: qc
+ 耳: qe
+ 井: qj
+ 老: ql
+ 目: qm
+ 牛: qn
+ 齐: qq
+ 食: qs
+ 田: qt
+ 非: rf
+ 之: ri
+ 巾: rj
+ 囗: rk
+ 了: rl
+ 皮: rp
+ 七: rq
+ 殳: rs
+ 竹: ru
+ 瓦: rw
+ 又: ry
+ 屮: sc
+ 各: sg
+ 止: si
+ 甲: sj
+ 力: sl
+ 尚: ss
+ 言: sy
+ 阝: te
+ 弗: tf
+ 革: tg
+ 衣: ti
+ 斤: tj
+ 龙: tl
+ 疋: ts
+ 三: ts
+ 雨: tv
+ 用: ty
+ 白: ub
+ 辶: uc
+ 工: ug
+ 隹: ui
+ 手: us
+ 廴: uy
+ 匕: vb
+ 已: vi
+ 己: vj
+ 㐄: vk
+ 毛: vm
+ 乃: vn
+ 气: vq
+ 禸: vr
+ 山: vs
+ 巳: vs
+ 文: vw
+ 西: vx
+ 月: vy
+ 乍: wa
+ 冫: wb
+ 彳: wc
+ 宀: wg
+ 龟: wg
+ 兔: wt
+ 五: wu
+ 鱼: wv
+ 象: wx
+ 页: wy
+ 厂: xc
+ "\ue020": xd
+ 广: xg
+ 禾: xh
+ 鹿: xl
+ 鸟: xn
+ 束: xs
+ 乌: xu
+ 音: xy
+ 爪: ya
+ 卜: yb
+ 车: yc
+ 瓜: yg
+ 至: yi
+ 曲: yq
+ 四: ys
+ 小: yx
+ 酉: yy
+ 豆: zd
+ 甘: zg
+ 虎: zh
+ 金: zj
+ 卩: zj
+ 可: zk
+ 麻: zm
+ 身: zs
+ 亠: zt
+ 羽: zv
+ 习: zx
+ mapping_type: 2
+ max_length: 4
+ select_keys:
+ - _
+ - ;
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ index: 0
+ next: c0
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ index: 0
+ next: c1
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ index: 1
+ next: null
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ index: 1
+ next: null
+ s5:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ index: 0
+ next: c2
+ s6:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ index: 0
+ next: null
+ s7:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ index: 1
+ next: null
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s2
+ negative: s3
+ c1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s5
+ negative: s4
+ c2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 4}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s6
+ negative: s7
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes: [{prefix: 1}, {prefix: 2, count: 1}, {prefix: 3, count: 1}]
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaAbBaBb
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCaCb
+ - length_in_range: [4, 10]
+ formula: AaBaCaZa
+ character_set: gb2312
+ repertoire:
+ "\uf000":
+ unicode: 61440
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 事, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 事字底
+ "\uf001":
+ unicode: 61441
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue415", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 寒字腰无横
+ "\uf002":
+ unicode: 61442
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue075", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 段字旁无横
+ "\uf004":
+ unicode: 61444
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 乑, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 乑无撇
+ glyph_customization:
+ 丝:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [纟, 纟]
+ 具:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [兴字底]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue099", "\ue450"]
+ 兰:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [丷, 三]
+ tags: []
+ 兴:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [兴字底]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue42d", "\ue450"]
+ 兵:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue400", "\ue450"]
+ 其:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue096", "\ue450"]
+ 典:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [兴字底]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue44d", "\ue450"]
+ 卿:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [卯, "\ue01c"]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 3}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue022":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf001", "\ue450"]
+ 章:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [音, 十]
+ 熏:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [千, 黑]
+ "\ue0a5":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [戈部截断]
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: ["\ue81f", 戈]
+ "\ue9d0":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue0e3", 米]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 隺:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [冖, 隹]
+ tags: [笔画搭挂]
+ 真:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [十, "\ue099", "\ue450"]
+ 胤:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [儿, "\ue99d"]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 舆:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [兴字底]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue867", "\ue450"]
+ 龠:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [侖, "\ue0e4"]
+ 孑:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [了, 一]
+ tags:
+ - 衣框
+ - 行框
diff --git a/examples/jdh.yaml b/examples/jdh.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c13e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/jdh.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: jdh
+ name: 简单鹤
+ author: 简单男孩
+ version: '5.0'
+ description: 方案不简单做给谁看呢
+ repertoire:
+ "\uf000":
+ unicode: 61440
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ name: 禺字底
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 禺, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ "\uf001":
+ unicode: 61441
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ name: 草头
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [艹, 日]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ glyph_customization:
+ 黄:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [龷, 更]
+ 高:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: ["\ue804", 口]
+ 尚:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [龸, 口]
+ "\ue9f0":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [鱼, 大]
+ 兵:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: ["\ue400", "\ue450"]
+ "\ue824":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [彳, "\ue849"]
+ 命:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [合, 卩]
+ 夌:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [土, "\ue989"]
+ 丝:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [纟, 纟]
+ 隺:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [笔画搭挂]
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [冖, 隹]
+ "\ue068":
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes: [{feature: 横, start: [8, 18], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [85]}]}, {feature: 撇, start: [45, 4], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [-8, 26, -22, 42, -39, 56]}]}]
+ 莫:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf001", 大]
+ 㝵:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [旦, 寸]
+ 章:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [音, 十]
+ "\ue9ab":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿲
+ operandList: ["\ue057", 白, "\ue009"]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 0}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 2, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue00f":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [牛, 巾]
+ 重:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [千, 里]
+ 熏:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [千, 黑]
+ tags:
+ - 赢字框
+ - 辩字框
+ - 玨框
+ degenerator:
+ feature:
+ 提: 横
+ 捺: 点
+ no_cross: false
+ selector:
+ - 结构完整
+ - 连续笔顺
+ - 根少优先
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ 击:
+ - 土
+ - 山
+ 出:
+ - 山
+ - 山
+ 必:
+ - 心
+ - '3'
+ 疌:
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - 人
+ 耂:
+ - 土
+ - '3'
+ "\ue0d3":
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '2'
+ - '2'
+ - 二
+ - '1'
+ 兆:
+ - 儿
+ - '4'
+ - '1'
+ - '3'
+ - '4'
+ 非:
+ - '2'
+ - 三
+ - '2'
+ - 三
+ 兰:
+ - 丷
+ - 三
+ "\ue03a":
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - 人
+ 聿:
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ 丘:
+ - '3'
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ 垂:
+ - 千
+ - 艹
+ - 士
+ 疋:
+ - '5'
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - 人
+ "\ue043":
+ - 大
+ 开:
+ - 二
+ - '3'
+ - '2'
+ 曲:
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - 艹
+ - '1'
+ "\ue419":
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ - 三
+ "\ue0fb":
+ - 勿
+ - '4'
+ 头:
+ - '4'
+ - '4'
+ - 大
+ 亍:
+ - 二
+ - '2'
+ "\ue44b":
+ - 千
+ - 八
+ 赤:
+ - 十
+ - 丁
+ - '3'
+ - 八
+ 生:
+ - "\ue078"
+ - 土
+ 束:
+ - '1'
+ - 口
+ - '2'
+ - 八
+ 天:
+ - 二
+ - 人
+ "\ue42e":
+ - '3'
+ - '2'
+ - 八
+ 上:
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '1'
+ "\ue070":
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ 羌:
+ - 丷
+ - 三
+ - 儿
+ 秉:
+ - 千
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - 八
+ 龰:
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - 人
+ "\ue446":
+ - 八
+ "\ue085":
+ - 千
+ - 囗
+ - 丷
+ - 二
+ 禾:
+ - 千
+ - 八
+ "\ue103":
+ - 戈
+ - '3'
+ - '3'
+ 鹤韵:
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^[aeo](.)\d$
+ to: $1
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^.*?([aeiouv].*|m|ng?)\d$
+ to: $1
+ 鹤声:
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^([mn]g?\d)$
+ to: o$1
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^([bpmfdtnlgkhjqxzcsrywaoe]h?|^).+$
+ to: $1
+ alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+ mapping_type: 1
+ mapping:
+ 鹤声-a: a
+ 鹤声-b: b
+ 鹤声-c: c
+ 鹤声-ch: i
+ 鹤声-d: d
+ 鹤声-e: e
+ 鹤声-f: f
+ 鹤声-g: g
+ 鹤声-h: h
+ 鹤声-j: j
+ 鹤声-k: k
+ 鹤声-l: l
+ 鹤声-m: m
+ 鹤声-n: 'n'
+ 鹤声-o: o
+ 鹤声-p: p
+ 鹤声-q: q
+ 鹤声-r: r
+ 鹤声-s: s
+ 鹤声-sh: u
+ 鹤声-t: t
+ 鹤声-w: w
+ 鹤声-x: x
+ 鹤声-y: 'y'
+ 鹤声-z: z
+ 鹤声-zh: v
+ 鹤韵-a: a
+ 鹤韵-ai: d
+ 鹤韵-an: j
+ 鹤韵-ang: h
+ 鹤韵-ao: c
+ 鹤韵-e: e
+ 鹤韵-ei: w
+ 鹤韵-en: f
+ 鹤韵-eng: g
+ 鹤韵-i: i
+ 鹤韵-ia: x
+ 鹤韵-ian: m
+ 鹤韵-iang: l
+ 鹤韵-iao: 'n'
+ 鹤韵-ie: p
+ 鹤韵-in: b
+ 鹤韵-ing: k
+ 鹤韵-iong: s
+ 鹤韵-iu: q
+ 鹤韵-m: m
+ 鹤韵-n: 'n'
+ 鹤韵-ng: g
+ 鹤韵-o: o
+ 鹤韵-ong: s
+ 鹤韵-ou: z
+ 鹤韵-r: r
+ 鹤韵-u: u
+ 鹤韵-ua: x
+ 鹤韵-uai: k
+ 鹤韵-uan: r
+ 鹤韵-uang: l
+ 鹤韵-ue: t
+ 鹤韵-ui: v
+ 鹤韵-un: 'y'
+ 鹤韵-uo: o
+ 鹤韵-v: v
+ 鹤韵-ve: t
+ '1': d
+ '2': p
+ '3': u
+ '4': h
+ '5': r
+ "\ue09e": 'n'
+ "\ue0bc": g
+ "\ue42d": h
+ 八: f
+ 巴: t
+ 贝: m
+ 匕: a
+ 灬: 'n'
+ 冫: f
+ 艹: z
+ 册: j
+ 车: t
+ 彳: h
+ 虫: f
+ 辶: q
+ 寸: k
+ 大: x
+ 刀: i
+ 电: e
+ 丁: j
+ 儿: k
+ 而: b
+ 二: u
+ 方: f
+ 付: w
+ 干: s
+ 戈: a
+ 工: p
+ 骨: c
+ 广: r
+ 鬼: s
+ 火: t
+ 几: i
+ 彐: s
+ 卩: b
+ 巾: 'y'
+ 钅: d
+ 冂: o
+ 臼: s
+ 口: o
+ 力: u
+ 厉: e
+ 立: b
+ 麻: d
+ 马: z
+ 米: l
+ 宀: i
+ 皿: a
+ 木: w
+ 目: s
+ 疒: m
+ 廿: v
+ 鸟: c
+ 牛: b
+ 女: 'y'
+ 气: s
+ 丬: l
+ 犭: b
+ 人: e
+ 亻: x
+ 日: v
+ 山: p
+ 尸: q
+ 十: s
+ 石: t
+ 手: o
+ 扌: j
+ 水: o
+ 氵: k
+ 厶: p
+ 纟: e
+ 田: w
+ 土: g
+ 王: a
+ 囗: 'n'
+ 未: e
+ 文: j
+ 五: g
+ 勿: i
+ 夕: f
+ 西: p
+ 习: d
+ 小: i
+ 忄: 'n'
+ 讠: c
+ 衤: h
+ 衣: k
+ 又: l
+ 鱼: q
+ 雨: 'y'
+ 月: l
+ 止: r
+ 舟: t
+ 子: a
+ 足: g
+ 㐅: 'y'
+ grouping:
+ "\ue03e": "\ue42d"
+ 自: 目
+ "\ue43f": 匕
+ 走: 辶
+ "\ue0c8": 车
+ 牜: 牛
+ 三: 二
+ "\ue0d0": 雨
+ 巳: 巴
+ 音: 讠
+ 言: 讠
+ 末: 未
+ "\ue012": 丬
+ 厂: 广
+ "\ue029": 牛
+ 礻: 衤
+ 心: 忄
+ 冖: 宀
+ 龴: 厶
+ 氺: 水
+ 犬: 犭
+ "\ue437": 止
+ 阝: 卩
+ 㔾: 巴
+ 死: 夕
+ "\ue0ed": 鬼
+ 朩: 木
+ 乂: 㐅
+ 门: 冂
+ 攵: 文
+ 曰: 日
+ 歹: 夕
+ 爫: "\ue42d"
+ "\ue432": 彐
+ "\ue011": 匕
+ 甘: 廿
+ 可: 丁
+ 夂: 文
+ 少: 小
+ "\ue078": 人
+ "\ue0d6": 几
+ "\ue020": "\ue0bc"
+ "\ue055": 册
+ "\ue0c6": 足
+ 戋: 戈
+ 丷: 八
+ "\ue0b2": 卩
+ 白: 臼
+ "\ue050": 艹
+ "\ue0d2": 月
+ "\ue43a": 土
+ 龵: 手
+ 已: 巴
+ 己: 巴
+ "\ue43d": 人
+ 千: 干
+ 刂: 刀
+ 廴: 辶
+ 亠: 宀
+ 士: 土
+ 弋: 戈
+ 竹: "\ue09e"
+ "\ue00c": 日
+ "\ue043": 大
+ "\ue05a": 王
+ 龶: 王
+ 丰: 王
+ "\ue079": 匕
+ "\ue02a": 冂
+ 句: 勿
+ "\ue068": 十
+ 七: 匕
+ "\ue416": 匕
+ "\ue03f": 戈
+ 朱: 未
+ 失: 未
+ 夫: 未
+ 丝: 纟
+ "\ue051": 小
+ 釆: "\ue42d"
+ "\ue414": 廿
+ 罒: 皿
+ "\ue06c": 小
+ 覀: 西
+ max_length: 4
+ select_keys:
+ - _
+ - ;
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes:
+ - { prefix: 3 }
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 鹤声}
+ next: s2
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 鹤韵}
+ next: s3
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: s4
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ next: null
+ conditions: {}
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaAbBaBb
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCaCb
+ - length_in_range: [4, 10]
+ formula: AaBaCaDa
+ objective:
+ characters_full:
+ tiers: [{top: 5458, duplication: 100}]
+ duplication: 200
+ pair_equivalence: 11.4514
+ levels: []
+ characters_short:
+ tiers: [{top: 1500, levels: [{length: 3, frequency: -35.89}]}, {top: 5458, duplication: 1}]
+ duplication: 200
+ pair_equivalence: 11.4514
+ levels: []
+ constraints:
+ elements:
+ - {element: 鹤声-a}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-a}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ai}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-an}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ang}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ao}
+ - {element: 鹤声-b}
+ - {element: 鹤声-c}
+ - {element: 鹤声-ch}
+ - {element: 鹤声-d}
+ - {element: 鹤声-e}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-e}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ei}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-en}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-eng}
+ - {element: 鹤声-f}
+ - {element: 鹤声-g}
+ - {element: 鹤声-h}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-i}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ia}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ian}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-iang}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-iao}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ie}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-in}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ing}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-iong}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-iu}
+ - {element: 鹤声-j}
+ - {element: 鹤声-k}
+ - {element: 鹤声-l}
+ - {element: 鹤声-m}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-m}
+ - {element: 鹤声-n}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-n}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ng}
+ - {element: 鹤声-o}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-o}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ong}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ou}
+ - {element: 鹤声-p}
+ - {element: 鹤声-q}
+ - {element: 鹤声-r}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-r}
+ - {element: 鹤声-s}
+ - {element: 鹤声-sh}
+ - {element: 鹤声-t}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-u}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ua}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-uai}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-uan}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-uang}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ue}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ui}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-un}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-uo}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-v}
+ - {element: 鹤韵-ve}
+ - {element: 鹤声-w}
+ - {element: 鹤声-x}
+ - {element: 鹤声-y}
+ - {element: 鹤声-z}
+ - {element: 鹤声-zh}
+ indices: []
+ element_indices: []
+ metaheuristic:
+ algorithm: SimulatedAnnealing
+ parameters:
+ t_max: 0.003
+ t_min: 0.000001
+ steps: 99999
+ report_after: 0.1
diff --git a/examples/mswb.yaml b/examples/mswb.yaml
index 6fc0e57..bbcebbf 100644
--- a/examples/mswb.yaml
+++ b/examples/mswb.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-version: "0.1"
+version: '0.1'
source: mswb
name: 米十五笔
- version: 2023.05.30
author: 李明
+ version: '2023.05.30'
description: http://xukt.ysepan.com/
diff --git a/examples/snow.yaml b/examples/snow.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd579c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/snow.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: snow
+ name: 冰雪四拼
+ author: 谭淞宸
+ version: '1.0'
+ description: 带调拼音词顶功
+ classifier: {}
+ selector:
+ - 全符笔顺
+ - 取大优先
+ alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
+ grouping:
+ 补码-补: 声调-5
+ 韵头-零: 韵头-e
+ mapping:
+ '1': e
+ '2': i
+ '3': u
+ '4': o
+ '5': a
+ 声调-1: i
+ 声调-2: e
+ 声调-3: u
+ 声调-4: a
+ 声调-5: o
+ 声母四分-零撮: k
+ 声母四分-零合: s
+ 声母四分-零开: r
+ 声母四分-零齐: f
+ 声母四分-b: b
+ 声母四分-c: c
+ 声母四分-ch: 'y'
+ 声母四分-d: d
+ 声母四分-f: f
+ 声母四分-g: g
+ 声母四分-h: h
+ 声母四分-j: j
+ 声母四分-k: k
+ 声母四分-l: l
+ 声母四分-m: m
+ 声母四分-n: 'n'
+ 声母四分-p: p
+ 声母四分-q: q
+ 声母四分-r: r
+ 声母四分-s: s
+ 声母四分-sh: v
+ 声母四分-t: t
+ 声母四分-x: x
+ 声母四分-z: z
+ 声母四分-zh: w
+ 韵头-a: a
+ 韵头-e: e
+ 韵头-er: i
+ 韵头-i: i
+ 韵头-ia: u
+ 韵头-ie: e
+ 韵头-io: o
+ 韵头-o: o
+ 韵头-ü: a
+ 韵头-u: u
+ 韵头-üa: o
+ 韵头-ua: i
+ 韵头-üe: o
+ 韵头-ue: u
+ 韵头-uo: o
+ 韵尾-i: i
+ 韵尾-m: a
+ 韵尾-n: o
+ 韵尾-ng: e
+ 韵尾-u: u
+ max_length: 6
+ auto_select_pattern: ([aeiou]$|[a-z]{4,})
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes: [{prefix: 1}, {prefix: 2}, {prefix: 3}]
+ - length_equal: 2
+ schemes: [{prefix: 2}, {prefix: 3}, {prefix: 4}, {prefix: 5}]
+ - length_equal: 3
+ schemes: [{prefix: 3}, {prefix: 4}, {prefix: 5}]
+ - length_equal: 4
+ schemes: [{prefix: 4}, {prefix: 5}]
+ - length_equal: 5
+ schemes: [{prefix: 5}]
+ - length_in_range: [6, 10]
+ schemes: [{prefix: 6}]
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaBaBbBcAbAc
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCaCbCcAb
+ - length_equal: 4
+ formula: AaBaCaDaDbDc
+ - length_equal: 5
+ formula: AaBaCaDaEaEb
+ - length_in_range: [6, 10]
+ formula: AaBaCaDaEaFa
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 声母四分}
+ next: s2
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 韵头}
+ next: s3
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 韵尾}
+ next: s4
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 声调}
+ next: c0
+ s5:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 补码}
+ next: null
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 韵尾}
+ operator: 是
+ value: 韵尾-零
+ positive: s5
+ negative: null
+ 声母四分:
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^[nm]g\d$
+ to: 零开
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^([bpmfdtnlgkhjqxzcsr]h?|yu?|[aoew]).+$
+ to: $1
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^w$
+ to: 零合
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^y$
+ to: 零齐
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^yu$
+ to: 零撮
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^[aoe]$
+ to: 零开
+ 韵头:
+ - type: xform
+ from: ((?<=[jqx])u|yu|v)
+ to: ü
+ - type: xform
+ from: yi?
+ to: i
+ - type: xform
+ from: wu?
+ to: u
+ - type: xform
+ from: iu
+ to: iou
+ - type: xform
+ from: u([in])
+ to: ue$1
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^.*?([aeiouü].*|m|ng?)\d$
+ to: $1
+ - type: xform
+ from: ao
+ to: au
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^(?=[mn])
+ to: 零
+ - type: xform
+ from: (.+)[iunm]g?$
+ to: $1
+ 韵尾:
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^([jqxy])u
+ to: $1v
+ - type: xform
+ from: ao
+ to: au
+ - type: xform
+ from: yi?
+ to: i
+ - type: xform
+ from: wu?
+ to: u
+ - type: xform
+ from: iu
+ to: iou
+ - type: xform
+ from: u([in])
+ to: ue$1
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^.*?([aeiouv].*|m|ng?)\d$
+ to: $1
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^(?=[mn])
+ to: 零
+ - type: xform
+ to: $1
+ from: ^.+?([iunm]|ng)?$
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^$
+ to: 零
+ 补码:
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^.+$
+ to: 补
+ objective:
+ characters_short:
+ duplication: 10
+ levels: [{length: 2, frequency: 0}, {length: 3, frequency: 0}]
+ tiers:
+ - top: 1000
+ levels: [{length: 2, frequency: -1}]
+ - top: 3000
+ levels: [{length: 4, frequency: 1}]
+ duplication: 10
+ - top: 5000
+ duplication: 10
+ - levels: [{length: 3, frequency: -3}]
+ words_short:
+ duplication: 10
+ levels: [{length: 3, frequency: 0}, {length: 4, frequency: 0}, {length: 5, frequency: 0}]
+ tiers:
+ - top: 1000
+ levels: [{length: 4, frequency: 1}]
+ - levels: [{length: 3, frequency: 0}, {length: 4, frequency: 0}, {length: 5, frequency: 0}]
+ metaheuristic:
+ algorithm: SimulatedAnnealing
+ parameters:
+ t_max: 1
+ t_min: 0.000001
+ steps: 100000
+ constraints:
+ elements:
+ - {element: '1'}
+ - {element: '2'}
+ - {element: '3'}
+ - {element: '4'}
+ - {element: '5'}
+ - {element: 声母四分-b}
+ - {element: 声母四分-p}
+ - {element: 声母四分-m}
+ - {element: 声母四分-f}
+ - {element: 声母四分-d}
+ - {element: 声母四分-t}
+ - {element: 声母四分-n}
+ - {element: 声母四分-l}
+ - {element: 声母四分-g}
+ - {element: 声母四分-k}
+ - {element: 声母四分-h}
+ - {element: 声母四分-j}
+ - {element: 声母四分-q}
+ - {element: 声母四分-x}
+ - {element: 声母四分-z}
+ - {element: 声母四分-c}
+ - {element: 声母四分-s}
+ - {element: 声母四分-r}
+ - {element: 声母四分-zh}
+ - {element: 声母四分-ch}
+ - {element: 声母四分-sh}
+ - {element: 韵头-a}
+ - {element: 韵头-e}
+ - {element: 韵头-i}
+ - {element: 韵头-o}
+ - {element: 韵头-u}
+ - {element: 韵头-er, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 韵头-ia, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 韵头-ie, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 韵头-io, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 韵头-ua, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 韵头-ue}
+ - {element: 韵头-uo}
+ - {element: 韵头-ü, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 韵头-üa, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 韵头-üe, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 韵尾-i}
+ - {element: 韵尾-u}
+ - {element: 韵尾-n}
+ - {element: 韵尾-ng}
+ - {element: 韵尾-m}
+ - {element: 声调-1, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 声调-2, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 声调-3, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 声调-4, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 声调-5, keys: [a, e, i, o, u]}
+ - {element: 声母四分-零合, keys: [b, p, m, t, 'n', g, k, h, q, x, z, s, r]}
+ - {element: 声母四分-零开, keys: [b, p, m, t, 'n', g, k, h, q, x, z, s, r]}
+ - {element: 声母四分-零齐}
+ - {element: 声母四分-零撮, keys: [b, p, m, t, 'n', g, k, h, q, x, z, s, r]}
diff --git a/examples/xuma.yaml b/examples/xuma.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d9faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/xuma.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1231 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: xuma
+ name: 徐码
+ author: 徐国银
+ version: 2023.01.15
+ description: 简繁通打输入法
+ classifier:
+ 竖钩: 5
+ 横捺: 5
+ 竖提: 6
+ 竖折: 6
+ 竖弯: 6
+ 竖弯钩: 6
+ 竖折撇: 6
+ 竖折折钩: 6
+ 竖折折: 6
+ 撇点: 6
+ 撇折: 6
+ 斜钩: 6
+ 横折弯钩: 7
+ 横斜钩: 7
+ degenerator:
+ feature:
+ 提: 横
+ 捺: 点
+ no_cross: false
+ selector:
+ - 根少优先
+ - 全符笔顺
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 少弱字根
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ 戋:
+ - '1'
+ - 戈
+ 我:
+ - '3'
+ - 扌
+ - 戈
+ 凸:
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ 束:
+ - "\ue04c"
+ - 口
+ "\ue072":
+ - 十
+ - 口
+ - 冖
+ 少:
+ - "\ue442"
+ - '3'
+ 兔:
+ - "\ue0bc"
+ - 口
+ - "\ue424"
+ - '4'
+ "\ue0eb":
+ - 日
+ - 十
+ 尨:
+ - 尤
+ - 彡
+ 㦮:
+ - 二
+ - 戈
+ 㐁:
+ - '1'
+ - 囗
+ - 人
+ 为:
+ - "\ue00d"
+ - "\ue401"
+ 及:
+ - "\ue441"
+ - '4'
+ "\ue0b4":
+ - 匸
+ - '1'
+ "\ue111":
+ - 䒑
+ - 未
+ 业:
+ - "\ue001"
+ - 䒑
+ "\ue415":
+ - '1'
+ - 龷
+ "\ue022":
+ - '1'
+ - 龷
+ - 八
+ "\ue064":
+ - 三
+ - 人
+ 柬:
+ - "\ue04c"
+ - 囗
+ - 丷
+ 冉:
+ - 冂
+ - 土
+ "\ue02b":
+ - "\ue06b"
+ - 二
+ 卑:
+ - 白
+ - 千
+ 隺:
+ - 冖
+ - 隹
+ "\ue130":
+ - 十
+ - 儿
+ 亚:
+ - "\uf006"
+ - 䒑
+ "\ue052":
+ - 車
+ - '4'
+ 主:
+ - '4'
+ - 王
+ 並:
+ - 䒑
+ - "\ue001"
+ - 䒑
+ 乑:
+ - 亻
+ - "\ue077"
+ - "\ue088"
+ "\ue048":
+ - "\ue431"
+ - "\ue0d2"
+ - '2'
+ 耒:
+ - '1'
+ - 未
+ 两:
+ - '1'
+ - 冂
+ - 人
+ - 人
+ "\ue035":
+ - 十
+ - "\ue431"
+ 万:
+ - 丆
+ - '5'
+ 严:
+ - "\uf006"
+ - 䒑
+ - '3'
+ 卫:
+ - "\ue0b2"
+ - '1'
+ 来:
+ - '1'
+ - 米
+ "\ue082":
+ - 大
+ - 丷
+ "\ue013":
+ - 丷
+ - "\ue410"
+ 囙:
+ - 囗
+ - "\ue009"
+ "\ue01e":
+ - "\ue057"
+ - "\ue089"
+ "\ue0d5":
+ - 匸
+ - '2'
+ - 口
+ - '2'
+ "\ue0b8":
+ - 口
+ - '1'
+ 㐆:
+ - "\ue024"
+ - 彐
+ - '5'
+ "\ue129":
+ - '6'
+ - "\ue009"
+ - "\ue137"
+ "\ue10e":
+ - 彐
+ - '3'
+ "\ue0e2":
+ - '6'
+ - "\ue447"
+ - '6'
+ - '6'
+ "\ue108":
+ - 二
+ - 儿
+ 亜:
+ - 二
+ - 口
+ - "\ue001"
+ "\ue136":
+ - 口
+ - "\ue001"
+ - '1'
+ 丼:
+ - 廾
+ - 亠
+ "\ue121":
+ - '6'
+ - "\ue00d"
+ 囬:
+ - 囗
+ - "\ue001"
+ - 二
+ "\ue0cd":
+ - 刀
+ - 二
+ 夬:
+ - '5'
+ - 大
+ "\ue00b":
+ - 䒑
+ - "\ue0d1"
+ "\ue086":
+ - 二
+ - 夂
+ weak:
+ - "\ue410"
+ - "\ue039"
+ customizeCorners: {}
+ alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
+ grouping:
+ "\ue042": 羊
+ "\ue025": 亦
+ "\ue0a3": 巳
+ "\ue0ec": 电
+ "\ue0e0": 片
+ "\ue0e1": 爿
+ "\ue441": 乃
+ "\ue004": 丂
+ "\ue416": 七
+ "\ue059": 水
+ 氺: 水
+ "\ue039": 干
+ "\ue0dc": 鹿
+ "\ue0da": 鸟
+ "\ue079": 匕
+ "\ue011": 匕
+ "\ue0d6": 几
+ "\ue0b2": 卩
+ "\ue012": 丬
+ "\ue417": 七
+ "\ue442": 小
+ "\ue43d": 人
+ "\ue451": 止
+ "\ue0d2": 月
+ "\ue102": 王
+ "\ue444": 厶
+ "\ue0c8": 车
+ "\ue404": 亻
+ "\ue44b": 禾
+ "\ue0bd": 尸
+ "\ue14c": 电
+ "\ue14e": 爿
+ 䶹: 屮
+ "\ue069": 鬼
+ "\ue41f": 月
+ "\ue419": 且
+ "\ue0c9": 辛
+ "\ue003": 丰
+ "\uf006": 丌
+ 覀: 西
+ "\ue0d7": 鳥
+ "\ue11e": 千
+ "\uf00a": 片
+ "\uf00b": 爿
+ "\ue10b": 月
+ "\ue157": 馬
+ "\uf00c": 米
+ "\ue424": 儿
+ "\ue80a": 衣
+ 龵: 手
+ "\ue153": 虍
+ "\ue07e": "\ue0b7"
+ "\ue159": 烏
+ "\ue44f": 厶
+ "\uf005": 丱
+ "\ue06b": 尸
+ "\ue007": "\ue009"
+ 㐄: "\ue411"
+ 匸: 匚
+ "\ue418": 匚
+ "\ue019": 飠
+ "\ue432": "\ue431"
+ 彐: "\ue431"
+ "\ue055": 冊
+ "\ue410": "\ue002"
+ "\ue106": "\ue0b7"
+ "\ue11c": 臣
+ "\ue020": "\ue0bc"
+ "\ue423": "\ue0bc"
+ 冖: "\ue0bc"
+ "\ue427": "\ue0bc"
+ "\uf008": 夕
+ "\ue838": 鹿
+ "\ue452": 十
+ "\ue0e3": 八
+ "\ue0ba": 八
+ "\ue446": 八
+ "\ue088": 八
+ "\ue02d": "\ue028"
+ "\ue421": "\ue028"
+ "\ue413": 朩
+ "\ue04d": 丄
+ "\ue014": "\ue078"
+ "\ue029": "\ue078"
+ 糹: 糸
+ 丩: 丱
+ 凵: 屮
+ "\ue02a": 勹
+ "\ue831": 勹
+ "\uebbd": 勹
+ "\ue09b": "\ue083"
+ "\uf004": "\ue083"
+ "\ue41e": "\ue077"
+ "\uebc2": "\ue077"
+ "\ue16e": "\ue0e8"
+ "\ue01f": 龴
+ "\ue434": 龴
+ 廾: 艹
+ 卝: 艹
+ 卅: 艹
+ "\ue050": 艹
+ 卌: 艹
+ "\ue443": "\ue068"
+ "\ue0d1": 夫
+ "\ue00c": 曰
+ "\ue070": 曰
+ "\ue07c": "\ue018"
+ "\ue10c": "\ue018"
+ "\ue41a": "\ue001"
+ "\ue448": "\ue42d"
+ 䒑: 丷
+ "\ue440": "\ue405"
+ "\ue023": 巜
+ "\ue439": 冂
+ "\ue14f": 爫
+ "\uf01b": 乂
+ mapping:
+ '1': gu
+ '2': ku
+ '3': pu
+ '4': wu
+ '5': bu
+ '6': cu
+ '7': bi
+ 亠: yu
+ 木: iv
+ 來: il
+ 㔾: bu
+ 卩: ae
+ 言: yv
+ 马: am
+ 尸: dv
+ 弓: dg
+ 韋: dw
+ 皮: dp
+ 又: do
+ 癶: du
+ 女: cv
+ 冂: mu
+ 贝: mb
+ 雨: jy
+ 彳: sr
+ 彡: ss
+ 讠: zy
+ 白: ub
+ 爿: ap
+ 臼: uj
+ 鬼: ug
+ 戶: rh
+ 片: tp
+ 申: ks
+ 由: ky
+ 电: kd
+ 車: jc
+ 丰: if
+ 至: fz
+ 隹: tw
+ 亻: tv
+ 風: qf
+ 几: qj
+ 母: cm
+ 殳: qs
+ 尤: jo
+ 手: rs
+ 扌: fv
+ 未: iw
+ 末: im
+ 气: pq
+ 乃: an
+ 廴: bd
+ 十: eu
+ 黑: mh
+ 艮: bg
+ 户: zh
+ 匚: ff
+ 丂: ek
+ 牙: fy
+ 犬: jq
+ 犭: vq
+ 臣: fe
+ 土: jv
+ 耂: ju
+ 士: ju
+ 龶: eu
+ 走: jz
+ 冫: xs
+ 宀: wv
+ 穴: wx
+ 小: cx
+ 火: xv
+ 灬: xh
+ 丁: ed
+ 示: fs
+ 上: ls
+ 丄: ou
+ 丅: ju
+ 王: ev
+ 日: kv
+ 曰: ku
+ 早: kz
+ 古: jg
+ 目: nv
+ 且: nq
+ 見: nj
+ 貝: nb
+ 缶: pf
+ 矢: pi
+ 纟: cj
+ 了: bl
+ 子: bz
+ 予: by
+ 寸: ic
+ 八: tu
+ 入: vr
+ 食: vs
+ 弋: fi
+ 戈: fg
+ 戊: fw
+ 立: yl
+ 辛: yx
+ 三: is
+ 巛: cc
+ 巜: cu
+ 川: tc
+ 耳: he
+ 丌: hj
+ 兀: gw
+ 口: ov
+ 鸟: sn
+ 乌: sw
+ 豸: vz
+ 刀: dd
+ 刂: ld
+ 禾: rv
+ 毛: rm
+ 千: rq
+ 壬: rr
+ 夭: ry
+ 麻: wm
+ 疒: wb
+ 广: wg
+ 鹿: wl
+ 辰: gn
+ 干: eg
+ 甫: ef
+ 厶: ai
+ 幺: ay
+ 匕: vi
+ 长: pc
+ 水: as
+ 氵: zv
+ 糸: av
+ 辶: zd
+ 之: zz
+ 大: fd
+ 夫: jf
+ 巴: db
+ 已: di
+ 己: dj
+ 巳: ds
+ 也: be
+ 乜: bu
+ 钅: pj
+ 工: ig
+ 酉: ey
+ 牛: pn
+ 齒: lc
+ 止: lz
+ 生: ps
+ 西: ex
+ 虫: lv
+ 丷: xu
+ 米: xm
+ 丬: xu
+ 羊: xy
+ 自: tz
+ 身: ts
+ 心: rx
+ 忄: uv
+ 人: uu
+ 僉: uq
+ 骨: ng
+ 冎: nu
+ 九: rj
+ 瓦: hw
+ 乂: ti
+ 力: cl
+ 用: sy
+ 面: gm
+ 而: ge
+ 革: hg
+ 世: hs
+ 艹: hv
+ 文: yw
+ 方: yu
+ 亥: yh
+ 亦: yi
+ 门: zm
+ 豕: gs
+ 金: vv
+ 非: lf
+ 其: hq
+ 巾: mj
+ 山: mv
+ 卜: lb
+ 鹵: ll
+ 瓜: rg
+ 爪: rz
+ 皿: mm
+ 罒: mw
+ 舟: ro
+ 髟: eb
+ 長: ez
+ 镸: ec
+ 习: ci
+ 丆: gu
+ 厂: gc
+ 石: gv
+ 不: gb
+ 甲: kj
+ 田: kt
+ 禺: ko
+ 魚: qv
+ 屮: au
+ 勹: su
+ 囗: nw
+ 月: sv
+ 七: fq
+ 车: fc
+ 欠: qq
+ 饣: qi
+ 鱼: qy
+ 夕: qx
+ 衤: wi
+ 阝: bv
+ "\ue068": hu
+ "\ue001": lu
+ "\ue0cb": ud
+ 馬: em
+ 烏: uw
+ 鳥: un
+ 鬥: nd
+ 門: nm
+ 黽: om
+ 飛: bf
+ 丱: au
+ "\ue083": su
+ "\ue0c6": oz
+ "\ue028": uu
+ "\ue411": fu
+ "\ue002": fu
+ "\ue09e": pv
+ "\ue08d": fu
+ 龷: hu
+ 龰: lu
+ "\ue018": lu
+ "\ue42d": zu
+ "\ue07f": vu
+ 儿: ve
+ 凡: qa
+ "\ue0bc": qu
+ 礻: ws
+ 衣: wy
+ 二: ee
+ 爫: vu
+ "\ue0b7": ru
+ 㐅: ti
+ "\ue137": nu
+ "\ue00d": zu
+ 朩: iu
+ 㗊: oj
+ "\ue078": pu
+ "\ue420": ru
+ 羽: cy
+ 爾: je
+ "\ue024": ru
+ 歹: gd
+ 頁: gy
+ 矛: bm
+ "\ue03e": nu
+ 夂: vu
+ 攵: pp
+ 虍: lh
+ "\ue073": nu
+ 音: yn
+ 鼠: us
+ "\ue04c": iv
+ "\uebc0": om
+ 牜: pn
+ "\ue077": su
+ "\ue0e6": su
+ "\ue08c": sy
+ "\ue031": du
+ "\ue0e8": du
+ 龴: du
+ "\ue009": du
+ "\ue0d0": jy
+ 攴: lp
+ "\ue447": xh
+ "\ue089": xu
+ "\ue406": cu
+ "\ue401": cl
+ "\ue14d": cx
+ "\ue405": cu
+ 飠: vs
+ "\ue057": vu
+ "\ue431": bu
+ "\ue060": mu
+ 冊: mu
+ 行: sx
+ 比: vb
+ "\ue043": fd
+ 鼻: tb
+ "\ue839": vb
+ "\uf00f": uv
+ "\ue449": fd
+ "\ue40c": vu
+ 父: tf
+ mapping_type: 2
+ max_length: 4
+ select_keys:
+ - _
+ - ;
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ index: 0
+ next: c0
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ next: c1
+ index: 0
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ index: 1
+ next: null
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -2}
+ next: s5
+ index: 0
+ s5:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ next: null
+ index: 0
+ s6:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ next: s7
+ index: 0
+ s7:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: null
+ index: 1
+ s8:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ next: c4
+ index: 1
+ s9:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: null
+ index: 1
+ s10:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ next: c5
+ index: 0
+ s11:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ next: null
+ index: 1
+ s12:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: null
+ index: 1
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s2
+ negative: s3
+ c1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 4}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: c3
+ negative: c2
+ c2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s10
+ negative: s8
+ c3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ operator: 编码匹配
+ positive: s4
+ negative: s6
+ value: .[uv]
+ c4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ operator: 编码匹配
+ positive: null
+ negative: s9
+ value: .[uv]
+ c5:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ operator: 编码匹配
+ positive: s11
+ negative: s12
+ value: .[uv]
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes: [{prefix: 1}, {prefix: 2, count: 1}, {prefix: 3, count: 1}]
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaAbBaBb
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCaCb
+ - length_in_range: [4, 10]
+ formula: AaBaCaZa
+ glyph_customization:
+ 重:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [丿, 車, 一]
+ 熏:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [千, 黑]
+ 克:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [古, 儿]
+ 孑:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [了, 一]
+ 丢:
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes: [{feature: 平撇, start: [86, 7], curveList: [{command: z, parameterList: [-20, 4, -39, 6, -74, 7]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [15, 33], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [70]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [50, 12], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [42]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [6, 54], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [88]}]}, {feature: 撇折, start: [42, 54], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [-7, 14, -16, 26, -26, 34]}, {command: h, parameterList: [69]}]}, {feature: 点, start: [68, 66], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [7, 8, 13, 15, 20, 28]}]}]
+ 丧:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: "\ue08d"
+ strokes: [{feature: 横, start: [10, 20], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [78]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [50, 5], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [45]}]}, {feature: 点, start: [25, 35], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [3, 4, 7, 10, 10, 15]}]}, {feature: 撇, start: [75, 35], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [-2, 4, -6, 11, -10, 15]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [6, 50], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [86]}]}, {feature: 竖提, start: [20, 50], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [40]}, {command: h, parameterList: [20]}]}, {feature: 平撇, start: [85, 58], curveList: [{command: z, parameterList: [-10, 10, -20, 15, -23, 15]}]}, {feature: 捺, start: [47, 50], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [7, 18, 19, 29, 48, 40]}]}]
+ 堇:
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes: [{feature: 横, start: [6, 14], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [88]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [29, 5], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [22]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [71, 5], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [22]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [29, 27], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [42]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [19, 38], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [14]}]}, {feature: 横折, start: [19, 38], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [62]}, {command: v, parameterList: [14]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [19, 52], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [62]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [14, 64], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [72]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [17, 77], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [66]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [50, 27], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [63]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [7, 90], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [86]}]}]
+ 㐫:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿶
+ operandList: [凵, 文]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 兕:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue060", 兀]
+ 命:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿸
+ operandList: [合, 卩]
+ 匹:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿺
+ operandList: [兀, "\ue09d"]
+ 容:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [穴, "\ue43d", 口]
+ "\ue9d0":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: ["\ue0e3", 米]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 胤:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [儿, "\ue99d"]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 龠:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf003", "\ue055"]
+ 為:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [丶, "\uebbd"]
+ "\ue8ea":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿲
+ operandList: ["\ue421", "\ue004", 丄]
+ "\ue156":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [立, 戈]
+ "\ue134":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue093", 氺]
+ 抇:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [扌, 日]
+ 黃:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [艹, 二, "\ue982"]
+ 龜:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [丿, "\uebc0"]
+ "\ueb0e":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [二, 业]
+ "\ue824":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿵
+ operandList: ["\uebc2", 一]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 6}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue872":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿹
+ operandList: ["\ue873", 一]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 5}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 痲:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [冫, 麻]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 痳:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [冫, 麻]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 佱:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: ["\ue43d", 二, 止]
+ "\uea95":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [龷, 冂, 山]
+ "\ue9f9":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue82b", 一]
+ 喪:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uebc3", "\ue08d"]
+ 㱏:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [二, 止]
+ "\ue9a0":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf00e", "\ue055"]
+ 䘮:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uebc6", "\ue08d"]
+ 㝐:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [穴, 厶]
+ 㸃:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿺
+ operandList: [黑, 占]
+ "\ueb1c":
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 乍
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: 横, start: [21, 94], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [71]}]}]
+ 㧉:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [扌, 气]
+ 交:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [亠, 父]
+ 童:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [音, 土]
+ "\ue9a5":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿲
+ operandList: [冂, "\ue00d", 冂]
+ "\ue835":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: ["\ue009", 古]
+ 麗:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [丽, 鹿]
+ 昌:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [日, 曰]
+ 丝:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: ["\ue023", 纟]
+ "\ue9ae":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [古, 口]
+ 旮:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [九, 曰]
+ 舞:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf010", "\uf012"]
+ 器:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [纵向包夹]
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [㗊, 犬]
+ 嚣:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [㗊, 页]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 6}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 嚚:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [㗊, 臣]
+ "\ue9be":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [比, 矢]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 2}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 㐮:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue80a", "\uf017"]
+ 肅:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: ["\ue431", 十, "\uf016"]
+ 㕚:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [又, "\ue00d"]
+ 㣇:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf018", 巾]
+ 晉:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf01a", 日]
+ 書:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue114", 曰]
+ "\ue94f":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [屮, 王]
+ "\uea8b":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue427", 又]
+ "\ue94b":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [口, "\ue427"]
+ "\uea98":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [一, "\ue9a5"]
+ "\ue133":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [丿, 凡]
+ 囂:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [㗊, 頁]
+ tags:
+ - 行框
+ - 衣框
+ - 微字框
+ - 纵向包夹
+ - 戈部截断
+ repertoire:
+ "\uf003":
+ unicode: 61443
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [亼, "\ue0e4"]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 龠字头
+ "\uf004":
+ unicode: 61444
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 亙, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 亙无二
+ "\uf005":
+ unicode: 61445
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue120", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 虛字底无横
+ "\uf006":
+ unicode: 61446
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 亚, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 亚三
+ "\uf007":
+ unicode: 61447
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue112", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 5}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 帶字头无横
+ "\uf008":
+ unicode: 61448
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue123", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 宐字底无横
+ "\uf009":
+ unicode: 61449
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue115", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 華字心
+ "\uf00a":
+ unicode: 61450
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue10a", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 6}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 淵字边左
+ "\uf00b":
+ unicode: 61451
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue10a", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 淵字边右
+ "\uf00c":
+ unicode: 61452
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 粛, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}, {feature: reference, index: 9}, {feature: reference, index: 10}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 粛字心
+ "\uf00d":
+ unicode: 61453
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue12e", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 枾字边心
+ "\uf00e":
+ unicode: 61454
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [亼, 吅]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 㵸字旁头
+ "\uf00f":
+ unicode: 61455
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 㣺, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 㣺无丶
+ "\uf010":
+ unicode: 61456
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue0b1", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 6}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 舞字头无横
+ "\uf012":
+ unicode: 61458
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿰, operandList: [歹, 㐄]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 歹㐄
+ "\uf016":
+ unicode: 61462
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue10a", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 淵字边无一
+ "\uf017":
+ unicode: 61463
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [八, "\ue415"]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 㐮心
+ "\uf018":
+ unicode: 61464
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿳, operandList: ["\ue440", 丆, 丿]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 㣇上
+ "\uf01a":
+ unicode: 61466
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿴, operandList: [二, 厸]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 晉上
+ "\uf01b":
+ unicode: 61467
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 匁, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 匁字心
+ character_set: extended
+ objective: {}
+ metaheuristic:
+ algorithm: SimulatedAnnealing
+ constraints:
+ elements: []
+ indices: []
+ element_indices: []
diff --git a/examples/yima.yaml b/examples/yima.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 952544a..0000000
--- a/examples/yima.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- max_length: 3
- sources:
- s0: { object: null, next: s1 }
- s1: { object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: 1 }, index: 0, next: c0 }
- s2: { object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: 2 }, index: 0, next: c1 }
- s3: { object: { type: 二笔, rootIndex: 1, strokeIndex: 1 }, next: s4 }
- s4: { object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: 1 }, index: 1, next: null }
- s5: { object: { type: 二笔, rootIndex: 2, strokeIndex: 1 }, next: s7 }
- s6: { object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: 3 }, index: 0, next: c2 }
- s7: { object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: 2 }, index: 1, next: null }
- s8: { object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: -1 }, index: 0, next: null }
- s9: { object: { type: 二笔, rootIndex: 3, strokeIndex: 1 }, next: null }
- conditions:
- c0:
- object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: 2 }
- operator: 存在
- positive: s2
- negative: s3
- c1:
- object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: 3 }
- operator: 存在
- positive: s6
- negative: s5
- c2:
- object: { type: 字根, rootIndex: 4 }
- operator: 存在
- positive: s8
- negative: s9
diff --git a/examples/yustar.yaml b/examples/yustar.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f86688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/yustar.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: yustar
+ name: 宇浩·星陈
+ author: 朱宇浩
+ version: '3.5.0'
+ description: 全汉字字形输入・繁简通打
+ classifier:
+ 竖钩: 5
+ 横捺: 5
+ 竖提: 6
+ 竖折: 6
+ 竖弯: 6
+ 竖弯钩: 6
+ 竖折撇: 6
+ 竖折折钩: 6
+ 竖折折: 6
+ 撇点: 6
+ 撇折: 6
+ 斜钩: 6
+ degenerator:
+ feature:
+ 提: 横
+ 捺: 点
+ no_cross: false
+ selector:
+ - 根少优先
+ - 结构完整
+ - 连续笔顺
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 少弱字根
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ 戋:
+ - '1'
+ - 戈
+ 我:
+ - '3'
+ - 扌
+ - 戈
+ "\ue08a":
+ - 禾
+ - 戈
+ 凸:
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ "\ue053":
+ - 耳
+ - 戈
+ 隺:
+ - 冖
+ - 隹
+ 两:
+ - '1'
+ - 冂
+ - 人
+ - 人
+ 尨:
+ - 尤
+ - 彡
+ 垂:
+ - 千
+ - 龷
+ - '1'
+ 柬:
+ - "\ue04c"
+ - 囗
+ - 丷
+ 禹:
+ - '3'
+ - 口
+ - 冂
+ - "\ue04d"
+ "\ue0a6":
+ - "\ue431"
+ - "\ue001"
+ - 八
+ 丙:
+ - '1'
+ - 冂
+ - 人
+ 卞:
+ - '4'
+ - 下
+ 主:
+ - '4'
+ - 王
+ 再:
+ - '1'
+ - 冂
+ - "\ue43a"
+ 乑:
+ - 亻
+ - "\ue077"
+ - "\ue088"
+ "\ue066":
+ - 卄
+ - 日
+ "\ue034":
+ - 夕
+ - '4'
+ 堇:
+ - 革
+ - 二
+ 亙:
+ - '1'
+ - "\uf004"
+ - '1'
+ "\ue139":
+ - 二
+ - '5'
+ - 口
+ - 丄
+ 曲:
+ - "\ue439"
+ - 龷
+ 㦮:
+ - 二
+ - 戈
+ 亜:
+ - "\uf006"
+ - 口
+ - '1'
+ 严:
+ - '1'
+ - 业
+ - '3'
+ 夨:
+ - '6'
+ - 大
+ 甴:
+ - 囗
+ - 丄
+ "\ue168":
+ - 丅
+ - "\ue424"
+ 丼:
+ - 廾
+ - 亠
+ "\ue121":
+ - '6'
+ - "\ue00d"
+ "\ue136":
+ - 口
+ - "\ue001"
+ - '1'
+ weak:
+ - "\ue410"
+ - "\ue039"
+ - "\ue042"
+ alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
+ grouping:
+ "\ue089": 丷
+ 䒑: 丷
+ "\ue044": 丷
+ "\ue042": 羊
+ "\ue093": 羊
+ "\ue083": 月
+ "\ue09b": 月
+ "\ue02a": 勹
+ "\ue427": 勹
+ "\ue04e": 屮
+ "\ue440": 彑
+ "\ue405": 彑
+ "\ue025": 亦
+ "\ue834": 亡
+ "\ue420": 豕
+ 爫: 爪
+ "\ue018": 卜
+ "\ue07c": 卜
+ "\ue41a": "\ue001"
+ "\ue03e": 小
+ "\ue073": 小
+ "\ue0c3": 尚
+ "\ue0a3": 巳
+ "\ue0c6": 足
+ 牜: 牛
+ "\ue029": 牛
+ 朩: 木
+ "\ue04c": 木
+ "\ue002": 㐄
+ "\ue410": 㐄
+ "\ue0ac": 高
+ "\ue804": 高
+ "\ue006": 高
+ "\ue415": 艹
+ 龷: 艹
+ 廾: 艹
+ 卝: 艹
+ 卄: 艹
+ "\ue0ec": 电
+ "\ue421": 臼
+ "\ue028": 向
+ "\ue02d": 向
+ "\ue400": 斤
+ "\ue024": 斤
+ "\ue0e0": 片
+ "\ue0e1": 爿
+ "\ue07e": "\ue0b7"
+ "\ue09e": 竹
+ "\ue014": 竹
+ "\ue078": 竹
+ "\ue441": 乃
+ "\ue004": 丂
+ "\ue04d": 丄
+ "\ue0e3": 八
+ "\ue413": 寸
+ "\ue8d9": 卯
+ "\ue08e": 卯
+ "\ue01a": 卯
+ "\ue057": 卯
+ "\ue40c": 卯
+ "\ue023": 纟
+ "\ue020": 冖
+ "\ue0bc": 冖
+ "\ue423": 冖
+ "\ue416": 七
+ "\ue988": 冂
+ "\ue060": 冂
+ "\ue077": 彡
+ "\ue41e": 彡
+ "\ue0e6": 彡
+ 龴: 又
+ "\ue01f": 又
+ "\ue434": 又
+ "\ue031": 尸
+ "\ue06b": 尸
+ "\ue0b4": 彐
+ "\ue0e8": 韋
+ "\ue059": 水
+ 氺: 水
+ "\ue0d9": 水
+ "\ue039": 干
+ "\ue0dc": 鹿
+ "\ue08d": 辰
+ "\ue0da": 鸟
+ "\ue00d": 二
+ "\ue088": 二
+ "\ue079": 匕
+ "\ue011": 匕
+ "\ue0d6": 几
+ "\ue424": 儿
+ "\ue0b2": 卩
+ "\ue07f": 儿
+ "\ue012": 丬
+ "\ue417": 七
+ "\ue442": 小
+ "\ue087": 八
+ "\ue43d": 人
+ "\ue451": 止
+ "\ue401": 力
+ "\ue406": 母
+ "\ue043": 大
+ "\ue449": 大
+ "\ue050": 卅
+ "\ue431": 彐
+ "\ue432": 彐
+ "\ue070": 日
+ "\ue0d2": 月
+ "\ue102": 王
+ "\ue43a": 土
+ "\ue411": 㐄
+ "\ue439": 冂
+ "\ue0d0": 雨
+ "\ue448": 氵
+ "\ue42d": 氵
+ "\ue046": 氵
+ "\ue444": 厶
+ "\ue0c2": 舌
+ "\ue0ba": 八
+ "\ue052": 車
+ "\ue446": 八
+ 礻: 示
+ "\ue0c8": 车
+ "\ue106": "\ue0b7"
+ "\ue0d5": 臣
+ "\ue404": 亻
+ "\ue08c": 用
+ "\ue44b": 禾
+ "\ue0bd": 尸
+ "\ue14c": 电
+ "\ue14e": 爿
+ "\ue14d": 小
+ "\ue0d1": 夫
+ 攵: 夊
+ "\ue418": 匚
+ 䶹: 屮
+ "\ue069": 鬼
+ "\ue41f": 月
+ "\ue419": 且
+ "\ue452": 十
+ "\ue443": "\ue068"
+ "\ue0c9": 辛
+ "\ue0d8": 乂
+ "\ue838": 鹿
+ "\uf000": 高
+ "\uf003": 合
+ "\ue003": 丰
+ "\uf004": 月
+ "\uf005": 丩
+ 丱: 丩
+ "\ue137": 八
+ "\ue129": 八
+ "\uf006": 丌
+ "\ue130": 木
+ 冊: "\ue055"
+ 襾: 西
+ 覀: 西
+ 龰: 止
+ "\ue0d7": 鳥
+ 卌: 卅
+ "\uf007": 卅
+ "\uf008": 夕
+ "\ue16e": 韋
+ "\ue131": 臣
+ "\ue11c": 臣
+ "\ue154": 艹
+ "\uebbd": "\ue831"
+ "\ue11e": 千
+ 尙: 尚
+ "\uf00a": 片
+ "\uf00b": 爿
+ "\ue10c": 卜
+ "\ue10b": 月
+ 飠: 食
+ "\ue019": 食
+ "\ue157": 馬
+ "\uebc0": 黽
+ "\uf00c": 米
+ "\uebc2": 彳
+ "\ue873": 士
+ "\uf00d": 㐄
+ "\ue125": 彐
+ "\uf00e": 合
+ "\ue153": 虎
+ 虍: 虎
+ "\uf00f": 忄
+ mapping:
+ '1': fi
+ '2': us
+ '3': gp
+ '4': kd
+ '5': yi
+ '6': ei
+ 高: ag
+ 亠: at
+ 木: am
+ 來: al
+ 㔾: aj
+ 卩: aj
+ 言: by
+ 马: bm
+ 尸: bs
+ 弓: bg
+ 韋: bw
+ 皮: bp
+ 又: bo
+ 癶: bo
+ 彐: bj
+ 肀: bj
+ 丑: bc
+ 隶: bd
+ 女: cn
+ 冂: ck
+ 见: cj
+ 贝: cb
+ 雨: cv
+ 彳: cc
+ 彡: cp
+ 讠: dy
+ 白: db
+ 爿: dq
+ 臼: di
+ 鬼: dg
+ 甶: dg
+ 向: dx
+ 戶: dh
+ 斤: dj
+ 片: dp
+ 申: ds
+ 由: do
+ 电: dd
+ 車: dc
+ 叀: dc
+ 丰: df
+ 至: dz
+ 隹: eh
+ 亻: er
+ 風: ef
+ 几: ej
+ 母: em
+ 彑: em
+ 殳: es
+ 尤: fo
+ 尢: fo
+ 手: fs
+ 龵: fs
+ 扌: fs
+ 未: fw
+ 末: fm
+ 竹: gz
+ 气: gq
+ 乃: gn
+ 廴: gy
+ 十: gi
+ 黑: gh
+ 艮: gg
+ 户: hh
+ 戸: hh
+ 匚: hf
+ 丂: hk
+ 牙: ha
+ 犬: hq
+ 犭: hq
+ 臣: hc
+ 土: ht
+ 耂: ht
+ 士: hs
+ 龶: hs
+ 走: hz
+ 壴: hz
+ 亍: ic
+ 二: ir
+ 冫: ir
+ 宀: im
+ 穴: ix
+ 尚: is
+ 龸: is
+ 小: iv
+ 火: ih
+ 灬: ib
+ 丁: jd
+ 示: js
+ 上: jv
+ 丄: jv
+ 下: jx
+ 丅: jx
+ 王: jw
+ 日: jr
+ 曰: jy
+ 早: jz
+ 古: jg
+ 目: jm
+ 且: jq
+ 見: jj
+ 貝: jb
+ 缶: jf
+ 矢: ji
+ 卯: km
+ 纟: kj
+ 了: ke
+ 子: kz
+ 予: kv
+ 寸: kc
+ 八: ka
+ 入: kr
+ 食: ks
+ 弋: ki
+ 戈: kg
+ 戊: kw
+ 立: kl
+ 辛: kx
+ 三: la
+ 巛: lc
+ 巜: lc
+ 川: lc
+ 耳: le
+ 丌: lj
+ 兀: lw
+ 舌: ls
+ 口: lv
+ 鸟: mn
+ 乌: mw
+ 豸: mz
+ 刀: md
+ 刂: md
+ 禾: mh
+ 毛: mm
+ 千: mq
+ 壬: mr
+ 夭: my
+ 麻: ma
+ 疒: mb
+ 广: mg
+ 鹿: ml
+ 辰: mc
+ 干: ng
+ 甫: nf
+ 厶: na
+ 幺: na
+ 匕: nb
+ 长: nc
+ 水: ns
+ 氵: ns
+ 糸: os
+ 糹: os
+ 辶: oc
+ 之: oz
+ 大: od
+ 夫: of
+ 巴: ob
+ 已: oi
+ 己: oj
+ 巳: os
+ 也: oe
+ 乜: om
+ 钅: oj
+ 工: pg
+ 酉: py
+ 牛: pn
+ 齒: pc
+ 止: pi
+ 足: pz
+ 生: ps
+ 西: px
+ 虫: qc
+ 丷: qk
+ 米: qm
+ 丬: qq
+ 羊: qy
+ 自: qi
+ 身: qs
+ 心: ri
+ 忄: rx
+ 人: re
+ 合: rh
+ 僉: rq
+ 骨: rg
+ 咼: rk
+ 冎: rk
+ 九: rj
+ 瓦: rw
+ 乂: si
+ 力: sl
+ 用: sy
+ 面: sm
+ 而: sr
+ 革: sg
+ 世: si
+ 艹: so
+ 卅: ss
+ 文: te
+ 方: tf
+ 亥: th
+ 亦: ti
+ 门: tm
+ 豕: ts
+ 夊: tu
+ 亡: tw
+ 金: tj
+ 业: ue
+ 非: uf
+ 其: uq
+ 巾: uj
+ 山: us
+ 卜: ub
+ 虎: uh
+ 鹵: ul
+ 瓜: ug
+ 爪: uz
+ 皿: um
+ 罒: uw
+ 舟: uo
+ 髟: ub
+ 長: uc
+ 镸: uc
+ 习: vx
+ 丆: vh
+ 厂: vh
+ 石: vs
+ 不: vu
+ 甲: vj
+ 里: vl
+ 田: vt
+ 禺: vv
+ 魚: vv
+ 儿: wr
+ 屮: wc
+ 丩: wj
+ 凵: wk
+ 勹: wb
+ 囗: ww
+ 月: wy
+ 七: xi
+ 车: xj
+ 冖: xm
+ 欠: xq
+ 饣: xs
+ 鱼: xv
+ 夕: xx
+ 衤: xy
+ 阝: yf
+ "\ue068": ez
+ "\ue001": us
+ 㐄: ak
+ "\ue0b7": gy
+ "\ue0e2": ls
+ "\ue007": bo
+ "\ue009": bo
+ "\ue064": od
+ "\ue055": ce
+ "\ue0cb": dd
+ 馬: wm
+ 烏: dw
+ 鳥: dn
+ 鬥: du
+ 門: dm
+ 黽: dm
+ 飛: yf
+ "\ue831": gw
+ "\ue14f": uz
+ mapping_type: 2
+ max_length: 4
+ select_keys:
+ - _
+ - ;
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ index: 0
+ next: c0
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ index: 0
+ next: c1
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ index: 1
+ next: s6
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ index: 1
+ next: s9
+ s5:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ index: 0
+ next: c2
+ s6:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ index: 1
+ next: null
+ s7:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ index: 0
+ next: null
+ s8:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ index: 1
+ next: null
+ s9:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ index: 1
+ next: null
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s2
+ negative: s3
+ c1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s5
+ negative: s4
+ c2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 4}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s7
+ negative: s8
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes: [{prefix: 1}, {prefix: 2, count: 1}, {prefix: 3, count: 1}]
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaAbBaBb
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCaCb
+ - length_in_range: [4, 10]
+ formula: AaBaCaZa
+ glyph_customization:
+ 重:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [千, 里]
+ 熏:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [千, 黑]
+ 卵:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿲
+ operandList: [卯, 丶, 丶]
+ 克:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [古, 儿]
+ 孑:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [了, 一]
+ 丢:
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes: [{feature: 平撇, start: [86, 7], curveList: [{command: z, parameterList: [-20, 4, -39, 6, -74, 7]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [15, 33], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [70]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [50, 12], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [42]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [6, 54], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [88]}]}, {feature: 撇折, start: [42, 54], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [-7, 14, -16, 26, -26, 34]}, {command: h, parameterList: [69]}]}, {feature: 点, start: [68, 66], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [7, 8, 13, 15, 20, 28]}]}]
+ 丧:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: "\ue08d"
+ strokes: [{feature: 横, start: [10, 20], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [78]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [50, 5], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [45]}]}, {feature: 点, start: [25, 35], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [3, 4, 7, 10, 10, 15]}]}, {feature: 撇, start: [75, 35], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [-2, 4, -6, 11, -10, 15]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [6, 50], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [86]}]}, {feature: 竖提, start: [20, 50], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [40]}, {command: h, parameterList: [20]}]}, {feature: 平撇, start: [85, 58], curveList: [{command: z, parameterList: [-10, 10, -20, 15, -23, 15]}]}, {feature: 捺, start: [47, 50], curveList: [{command: c, parameterList: [7, 18, 19, 29, 48, 40]}]}]
+ 堇:
+ type: basic_component
+ strokes: [{feature: 横, start: [6, 14], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [88]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [29, 5], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [22]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [71, 5], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [22]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [29, 27], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [42]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [19, 38], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [14]}]}, {feature: 横折, start: [19, 38], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [62]}, {command: v, parameterList: [14]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [19, 52], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [62]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [14, 64], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [72]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [17, 77], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [66]}]}, {feature: 竖, start: [50, 27], curveList: [{command: v, parameterList: [63]}]}, {feature: 横, start: [7, 90], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [86]}]}]
+ 㐫:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿶
+ operandList: [凵, 文]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 衰:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: ["\ue006", 一, "\ue0b7"]
+ 亓:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 丌
+ strokes: [{feature: 横, start: [18, 5], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [64]}]}, {feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]
+ 元:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 兀
+ strokes: [{feature: 横, start: [20, 10], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [60]}]}, {feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]
+ 兕:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue060", 兀]
+ 命:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿸
+ operandList: [合, 卩]
+ 哀:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue006", "\ue0b7"]
+ 匹:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿺
+ operandList: [兀, "\ue09d"]
+ 容:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [穴, "\ue43d", 口]
+ 襄:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf000", "\ue0b9"]
+ "\ue9d0":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: ["\ue0e3", 米]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 胤:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [儿, "\ue99d"]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 龠:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf003", "\ue055"]
+ 衷:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: ["\ue006", 丨, "\ue0b7"]
+ 為:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [丶, "\uebbd"]
+ "\ue8ea":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿲
+ operandList: ["\ue421", "\ue004", 丄]
+ "\ue156":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [立, 戈]
+ "\ue134":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [中竖截断]
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue093", 氺]
+ 抇:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [扌, 日]
+ 黃:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [艹, 二, "\ue982"]
+ 龜:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [丿, "\uebc0"]
+ "\ueb0e":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [二, 业]
+ "\ue824":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿵
+ operandList: ["\uebc2", 一]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 6}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue872":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿹
+ operandList: ["\ue873", 一]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 5}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 痲:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [冫, 麻]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 痳:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [冫, 麻]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 佱:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: ["\ue43d", 二, 止]
+ "\uea95":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [龷, 冂, 山]
+ "\ue9f9":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue82b", 一]
+ 喪:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uebc3", "\ue08d"]
+ 㱏:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [二, 止]
+ "\ue9a0":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf00e", "\ue055"]
+ 䘮:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uebc6", "\ue08d"]
+ 㝐:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [穴, 厶]
+ 㸃:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿺
+ operandList: [黑, 占]
+ "\ueb1c":
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 乍
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: 横, start: [21, 94], curveList: [{command: h, parameterList: [71]}]}]
+ 㧉:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [扌, 气]
+ tags:
+ - 赢字框
+ - 彀字框
+ - 微字框
+ repertoire:
+ "\uf000":
+ unicode: 61440
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [亠, 吅]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 襄字头
+ "\uf003":
+ unicode: 61443
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [亼, "\ue0e4"]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 龠字头
+ "\uf004":
+ unicode: 61444
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 亙, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 亙无二
+ "\uf005":
+ unicode: 61445
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue120", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 虛字底无横
+ "\uf006":
+ unicode: 61446
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 亚, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 亚三
+ "\uf007":
+ unicode: 61447
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue112", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 5}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 帶字头无横
+ "\uf008":
+ unicode: 61448
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue123", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 宐字底无横
+ "\uf009":
+ unicode: 61449
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue115", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 華字心
+ "\uf00a":
+ unicode: 61450
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue10a", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 6}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 淵字边左
+ "\uf00b":
+ unicode: 61451
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue10a", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 淵字边右
+ "\uf00c":
+ unicode: 61452
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 粛, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 7}, {feature: reference, index: 8}, {feature: reference, index: 9}, {feature: reference, index: 10}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 粛字心
+ "\uf00d":
+ unicode: 61453
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue12e", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 枾字边心
+ "\uf00e":
+ unicode: 61454
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [亼, 吅]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 㵸字旁头
+ "\uf00f":
+ unicode: 61455
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 㣺, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 㣺无丶
+ character_set: extended
diff --git a/examples/zhangma.yaml b/examples/zhangma.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f0629f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/zhangma.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: zhangma
+ name: 张码
+ author: 张建平
+ version: '7.0'
+ description: 形义码元编码输入法
+ classifier:
+ 竖钩: 6
+ 圈: 7
+ degenerator:
+ no_cross: false
+ feature:
+ 捺: 点
+ selector:
+ - 根少优先
+ - 结构完整
+ - 连续笔顺
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ 丈:
+ - '1'
+ - 乂
+ 下:
+ - '1'
+ - 卜
+ 丌:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ 丐:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue018"
+ - '5'
+ 兀:
+ - '1'
+ - 儿
+ 再:
+ - '1'
+ - 冂
+ - "\ue43a"
+ 末:
+ - '1'
+ - 木
+ 束:
+ - "\ue04c"
+ - 口
+ "\ue0cf":
+ - 王
+ - 丷
+ 金:
+ - "\ue43d"
+ - 王
+ - 丷
+ 卡:
+ - "\ue018"
+ - '1'
+ - 卜
+ 里:
+ - 日
+ - "\ue43a"
+ 天:
+ - '1'
+ - 大
+ 禹:
+ - '3'
+ - 口
+ - 冂
+ - "\ue04d"
+ "\ue02c":
+ - 土
+ - 丷
+ "\ue0a4":
+ - 䒑
+ - '2'
+ "\ue035":
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue431"
+ - '2'
+ "\ue067":
+ - 丷
+ - "\ue070"
+ - 丷
+ 凸:
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ 凹:
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ "\ue066":
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue439"
+ - 龷
+ "\ue064":
+ - 三
+ - 人
+ "\ue052":
+ - '1'
+ - 日
+ - "\ue04d"
+ 牜:
+ - "\ue05b"
+ - '2'
+ 㡀:
+ - 丷
+ - 冂
+ - "\ue442"
+ 州:
+ - '4'
+ - '3'
+ - '4'
+ - '2'
+ "\ue053":
+ - 耳
+ - 戈
+ 瓦:
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ - '5'
+ - '4'
+ "\ue08a":
+ - 禾
+ - 戈
+ 曲:
+ - "\ue439"
+ - 龷
+ "\ue083":
+ - "\ue423"
+ - "\ue00d"
+ 囬:
+ - 囗
+ - "\ue001"
+ - 二
+ 万:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue427"
+ serializer: zhangma
+ alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
+ grouping:
+ '7': 二
+ 勹: 勺
+ "\ue020": 勺
+ "\ue423": 勺
+ "\ue427": 勺
+ "\ue042": 羊
+ "\ue02e": 疒
+ "\ue055": 皿
+ "\ue069": "\ue02d"
+ 爫: 爪
+ "\ue42d": 爪
+ "\ue046": 爪
+ 覀: 西
+ 氏: 虍
+ "\ue077": 彳
+ "\ue41e": 彳
+ "\ue0e3": 儿
+ "\ue0ba": 儿
+ "\ue0d6": 门
+ 卩: 阝
+ "\ue0b2": 阝
+ "\ue40f": "\ue029"
+ "\ue404": 亻
+ "\ue024": 亻
+ 丷: 䒑
+ 㔾: 巳
+ 氺: 水
+ "\ue42b": 水
+ "\ue442": 小
+ "\ue03e": 小
+ "\ue0d9": 小
+ "\ue431": 彐
+ "\ue07d": 彐
+ "\ue42f": 灬
+ "\ue430": 灬
+ "\ue42e": 灬
+ "\ue0e2": 雨
+ "\ue006": 酉
+ "\ue437": 止
+ 龰: 止
+ "\ue03a": 止
+ "\ue451": 止
+ 辶: 之
+ 龴: 廴
+ 夂: 廴
+ "\ue004": 五
+ 丂: 五
+ 弋: 戈
+ 寸: 戈
+ "\ue03f": 戈
+ "\ue435": 马
+ 罒: 四
+ "\ue436": 四
+ 穴: 大
+ 龸: 大
+ 长: 镸
+ "\ue800": 田
+ "\ue070": 三
+ 韦: 王
+ 龶: 王
+ 衤: 示
+ "\ue0ae": 瓜
+ 干: 土
+ "\ue039": 土
+ "\ue418": "\ue07c"
+ 卜: "\ue018"
+ "\ue0da": 鸟
+ 支: 十
+ "\ue068": 十
+ "\ue09e": 竹
+ "\ue421": 臼
+ "\ue079": 七
+ 匕: 七
+ "\ue011": 七
+ "\ue001": 刂
+ 癶: 八
+ "\ue09b": 八
+ 礻: 饣
+ "\ue44f": 厶
+ "\ue04d": 厶
+ "\ue43d": 人
+ 亽: 人
+ "\uf000": 人
+ 车: 車
+ "\ue0c8": 車
+ "\ue405": 母
+ "\ue406": 母
+ "\ue419": 母
+ "\ue023": 纟
+ 彑: 纟
+ 㠯: 目
+ 囗: 目
+ "\ue44b": 禾
+ "\ue40e": 禾
+ 东: 禾
+ "\ue05c": 禾
+ 心: 匚
+ "\ue051": 匚
+ 吂: 可
+ 艮: 曰
+ "\ue01c": 曰
+ 忄: 巛
+ 也: 勿
+ "\ue439": 冂
+ "\ue02a": 冂
+ 丆: 厂
+ "\ue0c1": 虫
+ "\ue422": "\ue088"
+ "\ue441": 乃
+ "\ue0f6": "\ue0fc"
+ 了: "\ue0fc"
+ 丬: "\ue012"
+ 乂: 叉
+ "\ue434": 叉
+ "\ue00d": 冫
+ 廾: 冫
+ 龷: 冫
+ 又: 刀
+ "\ue177": "\ue012"
+ "\ue178": 七
+ "\ue0d0": 雨
+ "\ue838": 鹿
+ "\ue445": 小
+ "\ue42c": 水
+ "\uf001": 鸟
+ "\ue43a": 土
+ "\ue043": 大
+ "\ue449": 大
+ "\ue43f": 七
+ "\ue401": 力
+ "\ue04c": 木
+ 朩: 木
+ "\ue17b": "\ue012"
+ "\ue17c": "\ue012"
+ "\ue0d2": 月
+ "\ue402": "\ue012"
+ "\ue102": 王
+ "\ue17d": 三
+ "\ue443": 十
+ "\ue452": 十
+ "\ue179": "\ue0fc"
+ "\uf002": "\ue088"
+ "\ue446": 八
+ "\ue05b": "\ue029"
+ "\ue14f": 爪
+ "\uf003": 厂
+ "\ue438": "\ue088"
+ "\uf004": 三
+ "\uf005": 戈
+ "\uf006": 丩
+ "\ue868": 巾
+ mapping:
+ '1': g
+ '2': j
+ '3': e
+ '4': o
+ '5': z
+ '6': 'n'
+ '11': g
+ '12': f
+ '13': d
+ '14': s
+ '15': a
+ '21': h
+ '22': j
+ '23': k
+ '24': l
+ '25': m
+ '31': t
+ '32': r
+ '33': e
+ '34': w
+ '35': q
+ '41': 'y'
+ '42': u
+ '43': i
+ '44': o
+ '45': p
+ '51': b
+ '52': v
+ '53': c
+ '54': x
+ '55': z
+ '61': 'n'
+ 米: q
+ "\ue0ce": q
+ "\ue057": q
+ 勺: q
+ 我: q
+ 月: q
+ 羊: q
+ 力: w
+ 疒: w
+ 夭: w
+ 贝: w
+ 皿: w
+ 几: w
+ 鱼: w
+ "\ue02d": w
+ 子: e
+ 广: e
+ 犭: e
+ 彡: e
+ "\ue07f": e
+ 爪: e
+ 巾: e
+ 年: e
+ 西: r
+ 虍: r
+ 彳: r
+ 儿: r
+ 门: r
+ 阝: r
+ "\ue029": r
+ 乐: t
+ 亻: t
+ 乑: t
+ 丅: t
+ "\ue078": t
+ 古: 'y'
+ 钅: 'y'
+ 亠: 'y'
+ "\ue081": 'y'
+ 己: 'y'
+ 习: 'y'
+ 白: u
+ 木: u
+ 䒑: u
+ 吅: u
+ "\ue009": u
+ 巳: u
+ 水: i
+ 氵: i
+ 小: i
+ "\ue0e4": i
+ 彐: i
+ 巴: i
+ 方: o
+ 火: o
+ 灬: o
+ 雨: o
+ 酉: o
+ 甲: o
+ 民: p
+ 止: p
+ 之: p
+ 廴: p
+ 鬼: p
+ 石: a
+ 五: a
+ 弓: a
+ 耂: a
+ 戈: a
+ 麻: a
+ 马: s
+ 四: s
+ 大: s
+ "\ue08f": s
+ 镸: s
+ 田: s
+ 舟: d
+ 三: d
+ 王: d
+ "\ue080": d
+ 示: d
+ 瓜: d
+ 士: f
+ 二: f
+ 土: f
+ "\ue07c": f
+ 夕: f
+ 言: g
+ 讠: g
+ "\ue018": g
+ 歹: g
+ 鸟: h
+ 十: h
+ 竹: h
+ 丄: h
+ 臼: h
+ 由: j
+ 七: j
+ 艹: j
+ 廿: j
+ 凵: j
+ 刂: j
+ 旲: j
+ 光: k
+ 八: k
+ "\ue050": k
+ 甘: k
+ 山: k
+ 饣: k
+ 厶: k
+ 女: l
+ 九: l
+ 人: l
+ "\ue428": l
+ 早: l
+ 車: l
+ 立: z
+ 母: z
+ 纟: z
+ 身: x
+ 目: x
+ 禾: x
+ 匚: x
+ 可: x
+ 日: c
+ 曰: c
+ "\ue031": c
+ 巛: c
+ 勿: c
+ 口: v
+ 尸: v
+ 犬: v
+ 巜: v
+ 耳: b
+ 冂: b
+ 厂: b
+ 虫: b
+ "\ue088": b
+ 乃: b
+ 且: 'n'
+ 扌: 'n'
+ 冖: 'n'
+ "\ue0d8": 'n'
+ "\ue0fc": 'n'
+ "\ue012": 'n'
+ 叉: 'n'
+ 工: m
+ "\ue0c6": m
+ 宀: m
+ 业: m
+ 冫: m
+ 刀: m
+ "\ue175": l
+ "\ue174": i
+ 鹿: t
+ "\ue17a": 'y'
+ 六: h
+ "\ue176": v
+ 丩: 'n'
+ max_length: 4
+ auto_select_length: 4
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes: [{prefix: 1}, {prefix: 2}, {prefix: 3}]
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaAbBaBb
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCaCb
+ - length_in_range: [4, 10]
+ formula: AaBaCaZa
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: c0
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ next: c1
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ next: c5
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ next: null
+ s5:
+ object: {type: 固定, key: t}
+ next: s7
+ s6:
+ object: {type: 特殊, subtype: 张码补码}
+ next: c6
+ s7:
+ object: {type: 固定, key: 'y'}
+ next: null
+ s8:
+ object: {type: 特殊, subtype: 张码补码}
+ next: s10
+ s9:
+ object: {type: 特殊, subtype: 张码补码}
+ next: s11
+ s10:
+ object: {type: 固定, key: t}
+ next: null
+ s11:
+ object: {type: 固定, key: 'n'}
+ next: c4
+ s12:
+ object: {type: 固定, key: p}
+ next: null
+ s13:
+ object: {type: 特殊, subtype: 张码补码}
+ next: null
+ s14:
+ object: {type: 固定, key: 'n'}
+ next: null
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s2
+ negative: c2
+ c1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s3
+ negative: s6
+ c2:
+ object: {type: 汉字}
+ operator: 匹配
+ value: '[一二三四五六七八九]'
+ positive: s5
+ negative: c3
+ c3:
+ object: {type: 汉字}
+ operator: 匹配
+ positive: s8
+ negative: s9
+ value: '[言士舟马石鸟由光女乐西子力米古白水方民耳口日身立且工]'
+ c4:
+ object: {type: 汉字}
+ operator: 匹配
+ positive: s12
+ negative: null
+ value: '[丌丨丬丶丿亠亻冂冖冫凵刂勹匚卩厶囗夂宀屮巛廴廾彐彡忄扌攴攵氵灬犭疋疒礻糸纟艹衤讠辶钅阝饣虍彳]'
+ c5:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 4}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s4
+ negative: s13
+ c6:
+ object: {type: 特殊, subtype: 张码准码元}
+ operator: 是
+ positive: s14
+ negative: null
+ value: '1'
+ character_set: gb2312
+ repertoire:
+ "\uf000":
+ unicode: 61440
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: compound, operator: ⿱, operandList: [宀, "\ue415"]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 寒字头无八
+ "\uf001":
+ unicode: 61441
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 乌, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 乌省
+ "\uf002":
+ unicode: 61442
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue0b7", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 衣省无丿
+ "\uf003":
+ unicode: 61443
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 豕, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 豕二
+ "\uf004":
+ unicode: 61444
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: "\ue075", strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 段字旁无段二
+ "\uf005":
+ unicode: 61445
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 戋, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 戋无一
+ "\uf006":
+ unicode: 61446
+ tygf: 0
+ gb2312: false
+ gf0014_id: null
+ readings: []
+ glyphs: [{type: derived_component, source: 爿, strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]}]
+ ambiguous: false
+ name: 爿二
+ glyph_customization:
+ "\ue03c":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uf000", 八]
+ 兆:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue42b", 儿]
+ 儿:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: [丿, 乚]
+ 川:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: ["\ue0e3", 丨]
+ 气:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue40f", "\ue122"]
+ "\uea02":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue42b", 幺]
+ 乃:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: "\ue441"
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]
+ 衰:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: ["\ue006", 一, "\ue0b7"]
+ 后:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [同字心]
+ operator: ⿸
+ operandList: ["\ue024", "\ue800"]
+ 容:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [穴, "\ue43d", 口]
+ 合:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue43d", "\ue800"]
+ 哀:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue006", "\ue0b7"]
+ 以:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: ["\ue44f", 人]
+ 非:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: ["\ue07d", "\ue080"]
+ "\ue01e":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue01a", 丶]
+ 衮:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [六, 厶, "\ue0b7"]
+ "\ue84f":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [二, 古]
+ "\ue886":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue40f", 巾]
+ 衷:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: ["\ue006", 丨, "\ue0b7"]
+ 乙:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: "\ue065"
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}]
+ 鼍:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [嘼, 电]
+ "\ue819":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uebc6", 冖]
+ 麥:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [龶, 夂]
+ "\ue90f":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue867", 一]
+ 万:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 万
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]
+ "\ue427":
+ type: derived_component
+ source: "\ue427"
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 0}]
+ 方:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 方
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]
+ 弋:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 弋
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 1}]
+ 戈:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 戈
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]
+ 戊:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 戊
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]
+ 戌:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 戌
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]
+ 戍:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 戍
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]
+ 成:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 成
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]
+ 戋:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 戋
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]
+ 我:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 我
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 6}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 5}]
+ "\ue05f":
+ type: derived_component
+ source: "\ue05f"
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]
+ 戉:
+ type: derived_component
+ source: 戉
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 4}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 3}]
+ "\ue950":
+ type: derived_component
+ source: "\ue950"
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 2}, {feature: reference, index: 5}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 4}]
+ "\ue074":
+ type: derived_component
+ source: "\ue074"
+ strokes: [{feature: reference, index: 0}, {feature: reference, index: 1}, {feature: reference, index: 3}, {feature: reference, index: 2}]
diff --git a/examples/zhengma.yaml b/examples/zhengma.yaml
index 01b69e2..025d70c 100644
--- a/examples/zhengma.yaml
+++ b/examples/zhengma.yaml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-version: "0.1"
+version: '0.1'
source: zhengma
name: 郑码
author: 郑易里
- version: 0.1.0
- description: 从模板创建
+ version: '1.0'
+ description: 形码四码定长
斜钩: 6
@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ analysis:
竖折折钩: 8
竖折折: 8
- feature: {提: 横, 捺: 点}
- nocross: false
+ feature:
+ 提: 横
+ 捺: 点
+ no_cross: false
- 结构完整
- 根少优先
@@ -38,15 +40,34 @@ analysis:
- 非形近根
- 取大优先
- 我: [手, 戈]
- 曲: [日, "\ue001"]
- 五: [工, '5']
- 里: [日, 土]
- 兆: ["\ue997", 儿]
- 井: [二, "\ue0e3"]
- 夫: [二, 人]
- 孑: [了, '1']
- 及: ['6', '3', '4']
+ 我:
+ - 手
+ - 戈
+ 曲:
+ - 日
+ - "\ue001"
+ 五:
+ - 工
+ - '5'
+ 里:
+ - 日
+ - 土
+ 兆:
+ - "\ue997"
+ - 儿
+ 井:
+ - 二
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ 夫:
+ - 二
+ - 人
+ 孑:
+ - 了
+ - '1'
+ 及:
+ - '6'
+ - '3'
+ - '4'
- '1'
- 二
@@ -168,7 +189,6 @@ form:
"\ue042": 羊
"\ue00b": 羊
灬: 火
- "\ue997": 氵
之: 辶
定: 宀
"\ue007": 马
@@ -194,7 +214,6 @@ form:
"\ue0e2": 巛
丩: 凵
屮: 凵
- "\ue065": 凵
爿: 凵
"\ue0e1": 凵
"\ue0be": 母
@@ -238,6 +257,8 @@ form:
"\ue02a": 冂
"\ue442": 小
"\ue411": 牛
+ 䶹: 凵
+ "\ue42b": 氵
'1': a
'2': i
diff --git a/examples/zhenma.yaml b/examples/zhenma.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..079d649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/zhenma.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: zhenma
+ name: 真码
+ author: 命
+ version: 2023.04.15
+ description: 以最小记忆量获得最大确定性的 25 键全码单字输入法
+ classifier:
+ 斜钩: 8
+ 横折提: 6
+ 横折折: 6
+ 横折弯: 6
+ 横折折折钩: 6
+ 横折钩: 6
+ 横撇弯钩: 6
+ 横折折撇: 6
+ 横折折折: 6
+ 横折弯钩: 7
+ 横斜钩: 7
+ 竖提: 8
+ 竖折: 8
+ 竖弯: 8
+ 竖弯钩: 8
+ 撇点: 8
+ 撇折: 8
+ 竖折撇: 8
+ 竖折折钩: 8
+ 竖折折: 8
+ degenerator:
+ feature:
+ 提: 横
+ 捺: 点
+ no_cross: false
+ selector:
+ - 结构完整
+ - 根少优先
+ - 连续笔顺
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ 丈:
+ - '1'
+ - 㐅
+ 丌:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ 主:
+ - '4'
+ - 王
+ 事:
+ - '1'
+ - 口
+ - "\ue431"
+ - '2'
+ 亍:
+ - 二
+ - '2'
+ 互:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue440"
+ - '1'
+ 产:
+ - "\ue054"
+ - 厂
+ 元:
+ - 二
+ - 儿
+ 兆:
+ - "\ue42b"
+ - 儿
+ 凸:
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ 凹:
+ - '2'
+ - '6'
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ 卅:
+ - '1'
+ - 川
+ 发:
+ - '8'
+ - '3'
+ - 又
+ - '4'
+ 垂:
+ - '3'
+ - 十
+ - 龷
+ - '1'
+ 夷:
+ - '1'
+ - 弓
+ - 人
+ 夹:
+ - '1'
+ - 丷
+ - 大
+ 屯:
+ - '1'
+ - 凵
+ - '8'
+ 我:
+ - 手
+ - 戈
+ 曲:
+ - 冂
+ - 龷
+ 末:
+ - '1'
+ - 木
+ 甩:
+ - "\ue02a"
+ - 二
+ - '8'
+ 禹:
+ - '3'
+ - 口
+ - 冂
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '4'
+ 禺:
+ - 日
+ - 冂
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '4'
+ 芈:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue001"
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue002"
+ 里:
+ - 日
+ - "\ue43a"
+ 重:
+ - '3'
+ - '1'
+ - 日
+ - "\ue43a"
+ "\ue082":
+ - 大
+ - 丷
+ "\ue035":
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue431"
+ - '2'
+ "\ue00e":
+ - '5'
+ - 氺
+ "\ue01e":
+ - "\ue057"
+ - 丷
+ 两:
+ - '1'
+ - 冂
+ - 人
+ - 人
+ "\ue066":
+ - '1'
+ - 冂
+ - 龷
+ "\ue072":
+ - '1'
+ - 囗
+ - '2'
+ - 冖
+ "\ue053":
+ - 耳
+ - 戈
+ 秉:
+ - '3'
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue431"
+ - "\ue445"
+ 夫:
+ - 二
+ - 人
+ "\ue085":
+ - '3'
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue436"
+ - "\ue43a"
+ 㡀:
+ - 丷
+ - 冂
+ - "\ue442"
+ 囬:
+ - 囗
+ - "\ue001"
+ - 二
+ 井:
+ - 二
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ "\ue0b3":
+ - 二
+ - "\ue420"
+ serializer: zhenma
+ alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklxcvbnm
+ grouping:
+ '2': 虫
+ '4': 言
+ '5': 马
+ '6': 了
+ "\ue0bc": "\ue020"
+ 㐅: 乂
+ "\ue400": 斤
+ "\ue416": 七
+ "\ue43d": 人
+ "\ue441": 乃
+ "\ue445": 小
+ "\ue417": 七
+ "\ue0a3": 巳
+ "\ue420": 豕
+ "\ue43a": 土
+ "\ue424": 儿
+ "\ue0d2": 月
+ "\ue079": 匕
+ "\ue0d6": 几
+ "\ue0d0": 雨
+ "\ue013": 半
+ "\ue446": 八
+ "\ue0c8": 车
+ "\ue42f": "\ue42e"
+ "\ue0c2": 舌
+ "\ue102": 王
+ "\ue0da": 鸟
+ "\ue912": 余
+ 饣: 食
+ 飠: 食
+ 釆: 采
+ 彳: 行
+ "\ue02d": 鬼
+ "\ue069": 鬼
+ "\ue421": 臼
+ "\ue026": 臼
+ "\ue028": 自
+ "\ue078": 午
+ 夂: 攵
+ "\ue021": 缶
+ 龵: 手
+ "\ue054": 立
+ "\ue0b6": 䒑
+ "\ue0a4": 䒑
+ "\ue030": 䒑
+ "\ue016": 半
+ "\ue442": 小
+ "\ue051": 小
+ "\ue06c": 小
+ 灬: 火
+ 肩: 户
+ 戋: 戈
+ 㦮: 戈
+ "\ue03f": 戈
+ 豖: 豕
+ 覀: 西
+ 丗: 廿
+ 龷: 廿
+ "\ue415": 甘
+ 龶: 丰
+ "\ue003": 丰
+ 長: 长
+ 镸: 长
+ 髟: 长
+ "\ue018": 卜
+ "\ue07c": 卜
+ 巜: 巛
+ "\ue0a7": 乡
+ 毌: 母
+ "\ue405": 母
+ 刂: "\ue001"
+ "\ue044": "\ue001"
+ 冉: 用
+ "\ue419": 且
+ 罒: 四
+ "\ue03e": 小
+ "\ue09e": 竹
+ "\ue002": 工
+ "\ue410": 工
+ "\ue402": 小
+ "\ue44b": 禾
+ "\ue08c": 用
+ 牜: 牛
+ "\ue0c9": 辛
+ "\ue012": 丬
+ "\ue838": 鹿
+ 䶹: 凵
+ 屮: 凵
+ "\ue822": 北
+ "\ue052": 甫
+ 朩: 木
+ "\ue0af": 臼
+ "\ue423": "\ue020"
+ "\ue422": "\ue0b7"
+ "\ue08e": "\ue057"
+ "\ue40c": "\ue057"
+ "\ue07e": "\ue0b7"
+ 勺: 夕
+ "\ue09b": 夕
+ "\ue083": 夕
+ 钅: 金
+ "\ue41e": 犭
+ 彡: 犭
+ "\ue024": 犭
+ 亻: 川
+ "\ue0e3": 川
+ "\ue07f": 川
+ "\ue404": 川
+ "\ue029": 告
+ "\ue40f": 告
+ 㐄: 告
+ "\ue411": 告
+ 讠: 言
+ 亠: 言
+ "\ue0dc": 鹿
+ "\ue093": 羊
+ "\ue042": 羊
+ "\ue00b": 羊
+ 冫: 疒
+ 丷: 疒
+ "\ue089": 疒
+ 龹: 半
+ "\ue00d": 疒
+ "\ue088": 疒
+ "\ue42d": 氵
+ "\ue448": 氵
+ "\ue059": 水
+ 乑: 水
+ 氺: 水
+ "\ue0d9": 水
+ "\ue0c3": 龸
+ 党: 龸
+ "\ue42b": 忄
+ "\ue447": 忄
+ 辶: 之
+ 宀: 定
+ "\ue0d5": 臣
+ 匚: 臣
+ "\ue418": 臣
+ 戊: 戈
+ 車: 车
+ 厂: 石
+ 丆: 石
+ "\ue068": 石
+ "\ue443": 石
+ 尢: 尤
+ 兀: 尤
+ 廾: 艹
+ "\ue050": 艹
+ "\ue0aa": 廿
+ "\ue413": 扌
+ 士: 土
+ 龰: 止
+ "\ue451": 止
+ 齒: 齿
+ 糹: 纟
+ 糸: 纟
+ 丩: 凵
+ 丱: 凵
+ "\ue0e2": 巛
+ "\ue427": 力
+ 阝: 了
+ 卩: 了
+ "\ue0b2": 了
+ 㔾: 了
+ 廴: 了
+ 馬: 马
+ "\ue009": 马
+ "\ue007": 马
+ "\ue0e8": 马
+ "\ue06b": 马
+ 彐: 录
+ "\ue431": 录
+ "\ue01c": 艮
+ "\ue031": 尸
+ 龴: 又
+ 癶: 又
+ 囗: 因
+ 員: 员
+ 曰: 日
+ "\ue070": 日
+ 皿: 四
+ "\ue0a9": 四
+ "\ue436": 四
+ 冂: 目
+ "\ue439": 目
+ 冈: 目
+ "\ue02a": 目
+ mapping:
+ '1': k
+ '3': t
+ '7': cg
+ '8': x
+ 丁: kl
+ 七: ag
+ 乂: wy
+ 三: hg
+ 卜: lg
+ 不: sl
+ 与: kx
+ 丑: vf
+ 刀: co
+ 专: jv
+ 且: mh
+ 廿: fk
+ 斤: ek
+ 人: wg
+ 业: nu
+ 小: iw
+ 水: io
+ 王: h
+ 厶: xy
+ 北: ux
+ 山: mx
+ 土: j
+ 䒑: uk
+ 十: fg
+ 丬: ul
+ 口: b
+ 丰: hl
+ 九: qt
+ 二: jg
+ 八: w
+ 乃: cp
+ 之: p
+ 乌: qo
+ 大: sy
+ 巾: ml
+ 禾: td
+ 也: cl
+ 习: cu
+ 乡: xt
+ 田: nb
+ 力: ct
+ 石: s
+ 舌: tm
+ 欠: qw
+ 爫: w
+ 子: ck
+ 扌: g
+ 辛: yf
+ 甫: du
+ 氵: i
+ 母: xu
+ 日: 'n'
+ 方: yc
+ 者: jn
+ 干: fl
+ 又: vy
+ 米: ud
+ 夕: qy
+ 冖: pp
+ 了: c
+ 予: vc
+ 止: ll
+ 匕: x
+ 亡: ya
+ 几: mg
+ 立: yu
+ 亼: wk
+ 寸: gy
+ 工: jl
+ 弋: ay
+ 令: wp
+ 门: up
+ 月: q
+ 午: tk
+ 牛: tl
+ 壬: tj
+ 弓: vx
+ 凵: xl
+ 勹: q
+ 殳: mv
+ 心: pu
+ 犬: su
+ 戈: at
+ 木: d
+ 尤: sx
+ 火: ow
+ 韦: jc
+ 车: af
+ 牙: al
+ 儿: qg
+ 长: ha
+ 文: yg
+ 尸: vt
+ 女: xk
+ 白: rn
+ 古: fb
+ 半: uj
+ 四: mn
+ 由: 'no'
+ 司: cb
+ 㠯: v
+ 甘: fj
+ 皮: vv
+ 示: ji
+ 余: wt
+ 句: qb
+ 尔: qi
+ 用: mj
+ 包: qv
+ 各: tb
+ 耂: jt
+ 合: wb
+ 羊: uh
+ 耳: hd
+ 艮: vq
+ 广: ys
+ 至: aj
+ 歹: kq
+ 聿: vl
+ 而: sm
+ 舟: eu
+ 贝: mw
+ 矢: ts
+ 辰: sj
+ 兑: uq
+ 手: tg
+ 犭: e
+ 告: tj
+ 巴: vn
+ 良: yv
+ 巛: xg
+ 目: m
+ 言: 'y'
+ 非: nf
+ 虍: la
+ 門: up
+ 出: mm
+ 其: fh
+ 隹: rl
+ 攵: tw
+ 穴: pw
+ 青: hq
+ 臼: rj
+ 采: wd
+ 页: sw
+ 艹: f
+ 户: pv
+ 虫: l
+ 音: yn
+ 酉: dk
+ 疋: vl
+ 貝: mw
+ 鬼: rb
+ 羽: cc
+ 兼: uw
+ 缶: tm
+ 豕: se
+ 骨: mp
+ 頁: sw
+ 巳: vp
+ 番: wn
+ 黽: px
+ 雨: do
+ 臣: a
+ 鹿: yx
+ 龍: st
+ 黑: mo
+ 毛: ta
+ 马: v
+ 金: w
+ 己: vk
+ 气: tc
+ 衤: pu
+ 录: vh
+ 生: th
+ 自: rm
+ 员: bm
+ 革: ff
+ 身: rh
+ 甲: np
+ 川: r
+ 南: fu
+ 龙: st
+ 瓜: ex
+ 因: bg
+ 西: dg
+ 行: eg
+ 纟: x
+ 角: qm
+ 走: jw
+ 齿: lw
+ 定: pg
+ 食: wv
+ 烏: qo
+ 爪: ei
+ 忄: o
+ 豸: we
+ 疒: u
+ 鳥: qx
+ 已: vo
+ 片: rv
+ 礻: py
+ 耒: hi
+ 鸟: qx
+ 鬥: up
+ "\ue950": fa
+ "\ue05f": hc
+ "\ue064": hw
+ "\ue001": ng
+ "\ue057": q
+ "\ue0b7": q
+ "\ue425": q
+ "\ue020": qv
+ "\ue0a2": vj
+ "\ue984": wi
+ "\ue42e": wr
+ "\ue011": x
+ "\ue06a": yv
+ "\ue440": xv
+ "\ue046": ik
+ 竹: t
+ 龸: ip
+ mapping_type: 2
+ max_length: 4
+ select_keys:
+ - _
+ - ;
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: c0
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ next: c1
+ index: 0
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ next: null
+ index: 0
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ next: null
+ index: 1
+ s5:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ next: c3
+ index: 0
+ s6:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ next: null
+ index: 0
+ s7:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ next: null
+ index: 1
+ s8:
+ object: {type: 固定, key: i}
+ next: null
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s2
+ negative: c4
+ c1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: c2
+ negative: s4
+ c2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ operator: 编码匹配
+ positive: s3
+ negative: s5
+ value: ^[a-z]{2}$
+ c3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 4}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s6
+ negative: s7
+ c4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ operator: 编码匹配
+ positive: c5
+ negative: null
+ value: ^[a-z]$
+ c5:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ operator: 匹配
+ positive: null
+ negative: s8
+ value: '[月土八了1]'
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes: [{prefix: 1}, {prefix: 2, count: 1}, {prefix: 3, count: 1}]
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaAbBaBb
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCaCb
+ - length_in_range: [4, 10]
+ formula: AaBaCaZa
+ character_set: gb2312
+ glyph_customization:
+ 兰:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [丷, 三]
+ tags: []
+ 章:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [音, 十]
+ "\ue9d0":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue0e3", 米]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\uea02":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue42b", 幺]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue0a5":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [戈部截断]
+ operator: ⿰
+ operandList: ["\ue81f", 戈]
+ 刅:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue446", 刀]
+ 办:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue446", 力]
+ 容:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [穴, "\ue43d", 口]
+ 隺:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [冖, 隹]
+ tags: [笔画搭挂]
+ 胤:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [儿, "\ue99d"]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue9f0":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\ue425", 大]
+ "\ue819":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: ["\uebc6", 冖]
+ "\ue90f":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue0af", 车]
+ tags:
+ - 行框
diff --git a/examples/ziyuan.yaml b/examples/ziyuan.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa8dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ziyuan.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
+version: '0.1'
+source: ziyuan
+ name: 字源
+ author: 彭秀峰
+ version: '1.29'
+ description: 字源追求的是在易学、易用、优美的前提下综合数据跻身形码第一梯队。
+ classifier: {}
+ degenerator:
+ no_cross: false
+ feature:
+ 提: 横
+ 捺: 点
+ selector:
+ - 根少优先
+ - 能连不交
+ - 能散不连
+ - 结构完整
+ - 连续笔顺
+ - 取大优先
+ customize:
+ 与:
+ - 二
+ - '5'
+ 丌:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ 才:
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '3'
+ 丐:
+ - 下
+ - '5'
+ 卞:
+ - '4'
+ - 下
+ 毋:
+ - '5'
+ - '5'
+ - "\ue443"
+ "\ue034":
+ - 夕
+ - '4'
+ "\ue0bf":
+ - 匚
+ - '1'
+ "\ue0cd":
+ - '5'
+ - "\ue002"
+ "\ue123":
+ - 夕
+ - '1'
+ "\ue125":
+ - "\ue44a"
+ - '1'
+ 丱:
+ - '5'
+ - '3'
+ - "\ue018"
+ - '2'
+ 主:
+ - '4'
+ - 王
+ 丼:
+ - 二
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ - '4'
+ 乍:
+ - "\ue078"
+ - '2'
+ - 二
+ 冊:
+ - 冂
+ - 艹
+ 凸:
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ 凹:
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ "\ue15f":
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - 二
+ "\ue160":
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ - 二
+ 戉:
+ - '5'
+ - 戈
+ "\ue013":
+ - 丷
+ - "\ue002"
+ "\ue02b":
+ - "\ue009"
+ - '2'
+ - 二
+ "\ue0c1":
+ - 口
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ "\ue0fa":
+ - "\ue44a"
+ - 二
+ "\ue12a":
+ - '3'
+ - 䒑
+ - '3'
+ "\ue12e":
+ - "\ue002"
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ "\ue13d":
+ - 三
+ - 人
+ 㦮:
+ - 二
+ - 戈
+ 曲:
+ - 囗
+ - 艹
+ 襾:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue439"
+ - 凵
+ "\ue0d8":
+ - 乂
+ - '4'
+ - '4'
+ - '4'
+ - '4'
+ "\ue11c":
+ - "\ue009"
+ - '2'
+ - 匚
+ - '2'
+ "\ue120":
+ - '5'
+ - "\ue001"
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '1'
+ "\ue136":
+ - 口
+ - "\ue001"
+ - '1'
+ "\ue149":
+ - '5'
+ - 末
+ "\ue159":
+ - 亻
+ - "\ue009"
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ "\ue15e":
+ - 彐
+ - '2'
+ - 二
+ "\ue16a":
+ - "\ue439"
+ - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '5'
+ "\ue414":
+ - 艹
+ - 三
+ 丣:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ - 匚
+ - "\ue009"
+ 亜:
+ - "\ue800"
+ - "\ue001"
+ - '1'
+ 我:
+ - '3'
+ - 扌
+ - '5'
+ - '3'
+ - '4'
+ 釆:
+ - 禾
+ - 丷
+ "\ue066":
+ - 艹
+ - 日
+ "\ue0d7":
+ - 亻
+ - 彐
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ "\ue0dc":
+ - 广
+ - "\ue009"
+ - "\ue001"
+ "\ue0dd":
+ - 革
+ - 二
+ "\ue10c":
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ - 三
+ "\ue115":
+ - '1'
+ - 艹
+ - "\ue002"
+ "\ue137":
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ "\ue13b":
+ - "\ue800"
+ - '2'
+ - 人
+ 㑒:
+ - 亼
+ - 口
+ - 人
+ 卑:
+ - 白
+ - 千
+ 垂:
+ - 千
+ - 艹
+ - 二
+ "\ue0ad":
+ - "\ue14e"
+ - 戈
+ "\ue0b1":
+ - "\ue078"
+ - 艹
+ - "\ue001"
+ - '1'
+ "\ue139":
+ - "\ue002"
+ - '5'
+ - 囗
+ - '1'
+ 㒸:
+ - 丷
+ - 豕
+ 重:
+ - 千
+ - 日
+ - 二
+ "\ue053":
+ - 耳
+ - '5'
+ - '3'
+ - '4'
+ "\ue10a":
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ - '2'
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ - '5'
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ 畢:
+ - 甲
+ - 龷
+ - '1'
+ 隺:
+ - 冖
+ - 隹
+ 粛:
+ - "\ue431"
+ - 米
+ - "\ue0e3"
+ "\ue064":
+ - 三
+ - 人
+ 果:
+ - 日
+ - 木
+ "\ue086":
+ - 二
+ - 夂
+ 亙:
+ - '1'
+ - "\ue083"
+ - '1'
+ "\ue085":
+ - 千
+ - 囗
+ - 丷
+ - 二
+ "\ue129":
+ - 匚
+ - "\ue009"
+ - "\ue137"
+ alphabet: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
+ mapping_type: 1
+ grouping:
+ "\ue401": 力
+ "\ue432": 彐
+ "\ue431": 彐
+ 曰: 日
+ "\ue00c": 日
+ "\ue416": 七
+ "\ue011": 匕
+ "\ue443": "\ue068"
+ "\ue439": 冂
+ "\ue441": 乃
+ "\ue437": 止
+ "\ue0c6": 足
+ "\ue403": 勹
+ 氺: 水
+ "\ue42b": 水
+ "\ue42c": 水
+ 龵: 手
+ "\ue0d2": 月
+ "\ue08c": 用
+ "\ue44b": 禾
+ "\ue420": 豕
+ "\ue0d0": 雨
+ "\ue0c8": 车
+ "\ue0d6": 几
+ 朩: 木
+ "\ue012": 丬
+ 龰: 止
+ "\ue451": 止
+ 覀: 西
+ "\ue406": 口
+ "\ue449": 大
+ "\ue043": 大
+ "\ue452": 十
+ "\ue020": "\ue0bc"
+ "\ue43d": 人
+ "\ue838": 鹿
+ "\ue042": 羊
+ "\ue093": 羊
+ "\ue029": 牛
+ "\ue005": 禸
+ "\ue0da": 鸟
+ 爫: 爪
+ 䶹: 屮
+ "\ue09e": 竹
+ "\ue14e": 爿
+ "\ue106": 衣
+ "\ue0b7": 衣
+ 衤: 衣
+ "\ue422": 衣
+ 幺: 丝
+ 纟: 丝
+ 糸: 丝
+ "\ue0c3": 尚
+ "\ue03e": 尚
+ 饣: 食
+ "\ue423": "\ue0bc"
+ 亻: 人
+ 扌: 手
+ "\ue002": 手
+ "\ue079": 匕
+ "\ue839": 比
+ "\ue40c": "\ue057"
+ "\ue424": 儿
+ 忄: 心
+ "\ue051": 心
+ 㣺: 心
+ "\ue0b2": 卩
+ "\ue0d5": 臣
+ 囗: 口
+ 讠: 言
+ "\ue427": 勹
+ 钅: 金
+ 刂: 刀
+ 戋: 戈
+ 戌: 戊
+ "\ue04c": 木
+ 氵: 水
+ 灬: 火
+ "\ue430": "\ue42e"
+ "\ue42f": "\ue42e"
+ 礻: 示
+ 牜: 牛
+ 犭: 犬
+ "\ue054": 六
+ "\ue102": 王
+ 車: 车
+ "\ue80a": 衣
+ 叀: "\ue052"
+ 魚: 鱼
+ "\ue442": 小
+ 馬: 马
+ "\ue157": 马
+ 鳥: 鸟
+ "\ue0d7": 鸟
+ 糹: 丝
+ 飠: 食
+ "\ue019": 食
+ 門: 门
+ 貝: 贝
+ 齒: 齿
+ "\ue43a": 土
+ "\ue444": 厶
+ "\ue120": 业
+ "\ue0dc": 鹿
+ "\ue153": 虍
+ "\ue131": 臣
+ "\ue421": 臼
+ "\ue137": 业
+ "\ue17e": 儿
+ mapping:
+ '1': q
+ '2': l
+ '3': m
+ '4': v
+ '5': d
+ 气: 'n'
+ 刀: z
+ 力: o
+ 方: l
+ 马: w
+ 五: t
+ 亠: l
+ 山: i
+ "\ue018": v
+ 巾: 'y'
+ 彐: f
+ 八: i
+ 土: b
+ 士: b
+ 干: 'y'
+ 雨: 'n'
+ 田: b
+ 言: l
+ "\ue434": c
+ 龴: j
+ 厶: j
+ 鱼: q
+ 也: l
+ 月: m
+ 用: o
+ 文: l
+ 夕: 'n'
+ "\ue0bc": a
+ 日: 'n'
+ 宀: p
+ 冖: u
+ 㠯: i
+ 口: k
+ 尸: h
+ 毛: u
+ 小: i
+ 大: s
+ 彳: g
+ 车: g
+ 金: z
+ 人: s
+ 石: f
+ 丆: f
+ 米: o
+ 二: w
+ 工: d
+ "\ue0e3": i
+ "\ue001": j
+ 冫: 'n'
+ 丷: i
+ "\ue00d": 'n'
+ 王: f
+ 三: e
+ 龶: r
+ 四: r
+ 目: j
+ 罒: o
+ 广: h
+ 疒: h
+ 厂: h
+ 古: m
+ 弓: x
+ 贝: a
+ 且: t
+ "\ue419": t
+ 火: v
+ "\ue024": h
+ "\ue057": h
+ 禾: o
+ 丁: o
+ 九: o
+ 子: h
+ 了: h
+ 斤: x
+ 十: p
+ 廿: r
+ 艹: r
+ 廾: r
+ 龷: r
+ 丬: t
+ 䒑: g
+ 又: f
+ 立: g
+ 七: u
+ 匕: h
+ "\ue417": u
+ 弋: u
+ 戈: z
+ 之: g
+ 辶: g
+ 廴: g
+ 舟: g
+ 豸: w
+ 豕: w
+ 西: e
+ 彡: u
+ "\ue068": f
+ 心: j
+ 乂: r
+ 川: c
+ 门: p
+ 镸: u
+ 匚: i
+ 凵: i
+ "\ue009": i
+ "\ue007": i
+ 冂: u
+ "\ue02a": u
+ "\ue418": i
+ 虫: e
+ 寸: f
+ 水: c
+ "\ue42d": i
+ "\ue448": i
+ 皿: o
+ 手: d
+ 耳: j
+ 卩: j
+ 阝: i
+ 巳: j
+ 巴: w
+ 㔾: j
+ 勹: a
+ 女: a
+ 白: c
+ 臼: b
+ 乃: l
+ 止: g
+ 足: g
+ 几: x
+ 儿: h
+ "\ue07f": c
+ 木: x
+ "\ue42e": v
+ 卜: v
+ 首字母-o: o
+ "\ue446": i
+ 攵: f
+ 夂: f
+ 韵母-a: a
+ 韵母-i: i
+ 韵母-u: u
+ 韵母-e: e
+ 韵母-n: 'n'
+ 韵母-ê1: e
+ 韵母-ê2: e
+ 韵母-ê3: e
+ 韵母-ê4: e
+ 韵母-m: m
+ 韵母-v: v
+ 韵母-o: o
+ "\ue078": t
+ "\ue044": i
+ 乑: s
+ "\ue44a": i
+ 声母-b: b
+ 声母-c: c
+ 声母-d: d
+ 声母-f: f
+ 声母-g: g
+ 声母-h: h
+ 声母-j: j
+ 声母-k: k
+ 声母-l: l
+ 声母-m: m
+ 声母-n: 'n'
+ 声母-p: p
+ 声母-r: r
+ 声母-s: s
+ 声母-t: t
+ 声母-z: z
+ 尤: w
+ 虍: w
+ 鼠: w
+ 鹿: w
+ 牛: w
+ 羊: w
+ 彑: w
+ 禸: w
+ 鸟: e
+ 隹: e
+ 飞: e
+ 非: e
+ 爪: e
+ "\ue415": r
+ 屮: r
+ 竹: t
+ 个: t
+ "\ue014": t
+ 矢: t
+ 片: t
+ 爿: t
+ "\ue075": r
+ 屯: r
+ 业: r
+ 六: 'y'
+ 衣: 'y'
+ 㡀: 'y'
+ 勿: 'y'
+ 甲: 'y'
+ 丝: u
+ 乡: u
+ "\ue052": u
+ 专: u
+ 羽: u
+ 皮: u
+ 革: u
+ 尚: i
+ 丘: i
+ 食: o
+ 瓜: o
+ 豆: o
+ 壴: o
+ 耒: o
+ "\ue0eb": o
+ 瓦: o
+ 缶: o
+ 丸: o
+ 户: p
+ "\ue006": p
+ 穴: p
+ 母: a
+ 亼: s
+ 欠: s
+ 佥: s
+ 尹: f
+ 予: f
+ 正: g
+ "\ue073": g
+ 走: g
+ 亍: g
+ 屰: g
+ "\ue411": g
+ 癶: g
+ 比: h
+ 生: h
+ 兀: h
+ 自: j
+ 身: j
+ 己: j
+ 已: j
+ 臣: j
+ 牙: j
+ 齿: j
+ 骨: j
+ 头: j
+ 歹: j
+ 回: k
+ "\ue800": k
+ 丂: k
+ 亡: l
+ 亥: l
+ 吂: l
+ 而: l
+ 千: l
+ 万: l
+ 戊: z
+ 凡: x
+ 本: x
+ 末: x
+ 未: x
+ 林: x
+ 巛: c
+ 黑: v
+ 上: v
+ 下: v
+ 㐄: g
+ 示: v
+ 由: b
+ 甫: b
+ 早: 'n'
+ 旦: 'n'
+ 辰: 'n'
+ 云: 'n'
+ 天: 'n'
+ "\ue09b": m
+ "\ue083": m
+ 今: m
+ 首字母-a: a
+ 首字母-b: b
+ 首字母-c: c
+ 首字母-d: d
+ 首字母-e: e
+ 首字母-f: f
+ 首字母-g: g
+ 首字母-h: h
+ 首字母-j: j
+ 首字母-k: k
+ 首字母-l: l
+ 首字母-m: m
+ 首字母-n: 'n'
+ 首字母-p: p
+ 首字母-q: q
+ 首字母-r: r
+ 首字母-s: s
+ 首字母-t: t
+ 首字母-w: w
+ 首字母-x: x
+ 首字母-y: 'y'
+ 首字母-z: z
+ 首字母-ê: e
+ 二字母-a: a
+ 二字母-e: e
+ 二字母-g: g
+ 二字母-h: h
+ 二字母-i: i
+ 二字母-m: m
+ 二字母-n: 'n'
+ 二字母-o: o
+ 二字母-r: r
+ 二字母-u: u
+ 二字母-v: v
+ 三字母-a: a
+ 三字母-e: e
+ 三字母-g: g
+ 三字母-i: i
+ 三字母-n: 'n'
+ 三字母-o: o
+ 三字母-u: u
+ "\ue089": i
+ 少: i
+ 不: i
+ 耂: h
+ 犬: w
+ 其: t
+ max_length: 4
+ auto_select_length: 4
+ short_code:
+ - length_equal: 1
+ schemes: [{prefix: 1}, {prefix: 2}, {prefix: 3}]
+ rules:
+ - length_equal: 2
+ formula: AaAbBaBb
+ - length_equal: 3
+ formula: AaBaCaCb
+ - length_in_range: [4, 10]
+ formula: AaBaCaZa
+ sources:
+ s0:
+ object: null
+ next: s1
+ s1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 1}
+ next: c0
+ s2:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ next: c1
+ s3:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ next: c5
+ s4:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: -1}
+ next: null
+ s5:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 首字母}
+ next: s7
+ s6:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 首字母}
+ next: null
+ s7:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 二字母}
+ next: s8
+ s8:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 三字母}
+ next: null
+ s15:
+ object: {type: 字音, subtype: 首字母}
+ next: null
+ conditions:
+ c0:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 2}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s2
+ negative: s5
+ c1:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 3}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s3
+ negative: s6
+ c5:
+ object: {type: 字根, rootIndex: 4}
+ operator: 存在
+ positive: s4
+ negative: s15
+ character_set: extended
+ glyph_customization:
+ 面:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿵
+ operandList: [而, 三]
+ 丢:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [壬, 厶]
+ 令:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [今, 丶]
+ 畺:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [纵向包夹]
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [三, 畕]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 5}, {index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 堇:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿻
+ operandList: [革, 二]
+ 是:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [旦, 龰]
+ 舍:
+ type: compound
+ tags: []
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [亼, 古]
+ 囱:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue02d", 夕]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 3}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 㐫:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿶
+ operandList: [凵, 文]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 威:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿵
+ operandList: [戌, 女]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 3}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 容:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿳
+ operandList: [穴, 人, 口]
+ 㝵:
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿱
+ operandList: [旦, 寸]
+ "\uea02":
+ type: compound
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue42b", 幺]
+ order: [{index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ 胤:
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: [儿, "\ue99d"]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ "\ue9d0":
+ type: compound
+ tags: [横向包夹]
+ operator: ⿴
+ operandList: ["\ue0e3", 米]
+ order: [{index: 0, strokes: 1}, {index: 1, strokes: 0}, {index: 0, strokes: 0}]
+ tags:
+ - 衣框
+ - 同字心
+ repertoire: {}
+ 二字母:
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^.(.?).*\d$
+ to: $1
+ 三字母:
+ - type: xform
+ from: ^..?(.?).*\d$
+ to: $1
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index 0881ae6..f6b5171 100644
--- a/index.html
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@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
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index 0beea02..893bb5f 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,77 +1,88 @@
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@@ -10342,9 +13500,9 @@
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@@ -10375,6 +13533,16 @@
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"react": "^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0"
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+ }
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--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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- "version": "0.1.9",
+ "version": "0.1.14",
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"scripts": {
"start": "vite --mode CF",
- "fetch": "node scripts/fetchAssets.mjs",
+ "fetch": "tsx scripts/fetch.ts",
"publish": "bump --tag --commit --push",
- "build:BEX": "vite build --mode BEX && node scripts/makeBex.cjs",
+ "build:BEX": "vite build --mode BEX",
"build:PAGES": "vite build --mode PAGES",
"build:CF": "vite build --mode CF",
"build2": "npm run fetch && npm run build:PAGES",
@@ -22,70 +22,81 @@
"coverage": "vitest run --coverage"
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"@vitest/coverage-v8": "^1.6.0",
"@vitest/ui": "^1.6.0",
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"eslint": "^8.57.0",
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"eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.6.2",
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- "vite": "^5.2.11",
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"vitest": "^1.6.0"
@@ -129,7 +140,7 @@
"tsdoc/syntax": "warn",
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"hintConfig": {
diff --git a/postcss.config.js b/postcss.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aa7205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postcss.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export default {
+ plugins: {
+ tailwindcss: {},
+ autoprefixer: {},
+ },
diff --git a/scripts/analyze.ts b/scripts/analyze.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..902cda2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/analyze.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+import { readFileSync } from "fs";
+import { load } from "js-yaml";
+const estimate = (n: number, k: number) => (n * n) / (2 * k);
+const makeMap = (filename: string) => {
+ const content = readFileSync(filename, "utf-8").split("\n");
+ return new Map(
+ content.map((x) => {
+ const [char, analysis_str] = x.split("\t") as [string, string];
+ const analysis = analysis_str.split(" ");
+ while (analysis.length < 3) analysis.push("");
+ return [char, analysis] as [string, [string, string, string]];
+ }),
+ );
+const calculate = (
+ descendants: Map,
+ analysisMap: Map,
+) => {
+ let total = 0;
+ for (const [char, derivatives] of descendants) {
+ const analysis = analysisMap.get(char);
+ const derivAnalysis = [...derivatives]
+ .map((x) => analysisMap.get(x))
+ .filter((x) => x)
+ .map((x) => x!.join(" "));
+ if (!analysis) continue;
+ const subseqs = [[0], [1], [2], [0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2]];
+ let best = 0;
+ // find all subsequences
+ for (const subseq of subseqs) {
+ const hash = subseq.map((i) => analysis[i]).join(" ");
+ const score =
+ derivAnalysis.filter((x) => x.includes(hash)).length * subseq.length;
+ if (score > best) {
+ best = score;
+ }
+ }
+ total += best;
+ }
+ console.log(total);
+const analyze = (
+ analysisMap: Map,
+ map: Record,
+ alphabet: number,
+) => {
+ const simpMap: Record = {};
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(map)) {
+ for (const [index, char] of [...value].entries()) {
+ simpMap[index ? `${key}.${index}` : key] = char;
+ }
+ }
+ const map0 = new Map();
+ const map1 = new Map();
+ const map2 = new Map();
+ const codemap = new Map();
+ let dup1 = 0;
+ let dup2 = 0;
+ let dup3 = 0;
+ for (const [char, [a0, a1, a2]] of analysisMap) {
+ const hash = `${a0} ${a1} ${a2}`;
+ const hash01 = `${a0} ${a1} *`;
+ const hash02 = `${a0} * ${a2}`;
+ const hash12 = `* ${a1} ${a2}`;
+ const hash0 = `${a0} * *`;
+ const hash1 = `* ${a1} *`;
+ const hash2 = `* * ${a2}`;
+ const code = [a0, a1, a2].map((x) => simpMap[x] ?? "$").join("");
+ const prev = codemap.get(code) ?? [];
+ if (prev.length) {
+ const toCompare = prev[0]!;
+ const sameCount = [a0, a1, a2].filter(
+ (x, i) => x === toCompare[i],
+ ).length;
+ if (sameCount >= 2) {
+ dup1 += 1;
+ }
+ if (sameCount >= 1) {
+ dup2 += 1;
+ }
+ dup3 += 1;
+ }
+ codemap.set(code, prev.concat([[a0, a1, a2]]));
+ map0.set(hash, (map0.get(hash) ?? []).concat(char));
+ for (const partial of [hash01, hash02, hash12]) {
+ map1.set(partial, (map1.get(partial) ?? []).concat(char));
+ }
+ for (const partial of [hash0, hash1, hash2]) {
+ map2.set(partial, (map2.get(partial) ?? []).concat(char));
+ }
+ }
+ const dup0 = [...map0.values()]
+ .filter((x) => x.length > 1)
+ .reduce((a, b) => a + b.length - 1, 0);
+ const estdup1 = [...map1.values()]
+ .filter((x) => x.length > 1)
+ .reduce((a, b) => a + estimate(b.length, alphabet), 0);
+ const estdup2 = [...map2.values()]
+ .filter((x) => x.length > 1)
+ .reduce((a, b) => a + estimate(b.length, alphabet * alphabet), 0);
+ const estdup3 = estimate(analysisMap.size, alphabet * alphabet * alphabet);
+ console.log({ dup0, dup1, estdup1, dup2, estdup2, dup3, estdup3 });
+const yima_map = (load(readFileSync("examples/easy.yaml", "utf-8")) as any).form
+ .mapping;
+const yima_content = makeMap("public/cache/yima.txt");
+const grand_map = (
+ load(readFileSync("public/cache/grand.yaml", "utf-8")) as any
+const grand_content = makeMap("public/cache/grand.txt");
+// const c42_map = Object.fromEntries(
+// readFileSync("public/cache/keymap.dat", "utf-8")
+// .trim()
+// .split("\n")
+// .map((x) => x.split("\t").slice(0, 2) as [string, string]),
+// );
+const c42_content = makeMap("public/cache/c42.txt");
+// for (const char of "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") {
+// c42_map[char] = char;
+// }
+for (const char of yima_content.keys()) {
+ if (!c42_content.has(char)) {
+ yima_content.delete(char);
+ grand_content.delete(char);
+ }
+for (const char of c42_content.keys()) {
+ if (!yima_content.has(char)) {
+ c42_content.delete(char);
+ }
+console.log(yima_content.size, c42_content.size);
+analyze(yima_content, yima_map as Record, 26);
+analyze(grand_content, grand_map as Record, 26);
+// analyze(c42_content, c42_map, 27);
+const descendants = new Map(
+ readFileSync("public/cache/通用规范汉字一级分解.txt", "utf-8")
+ .split("\n")
+ .map((x) => x.split("\t") as [string, string]),
+calculate(descendants, yima_content);
+calculate(descendants, grand_content);
+calculate(descendants, c42_content);
diff --git a/scripts/convert.ts b/scripts/convert.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9589b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/convert.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
+const zhenma = readFileSync(
+ "/Users/tansongchen/Downloads/zhenma-raw.txt",
+ "utf-8",
+const entries: [string, string][] = [];
+for (const line of zhenma) {
+ const [key, ...rest] = line.split(" ");
+ rest.forEach((value) => {
+ entries.push([key!, value]);
+ });
+ "/Users/tansongchen/Downloads/zhenma.txt",
+ entries.map(([key, value]) => `${value}\t${key}`).join("\n"),
diff --git a/scripts/diff.ts b/scripts/diff.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc0aac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/diff.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
+import type { Compound, PrimitiveCharacter } from "~/lib";
+const repertoire = JSON.parse(
+ readFileSync("public/cache/repertoire.json", "utf-8"),
+) as PrimitiveCharacter[];
+const diff = [];
+for (const { unicode, gb2312, tygf } of repertoire) {
+ if (gb2312 && tygf === 0) {
+ diff.push(String.fromCodePoint(unicode));
+ }
+writeFileSync("public/cache/diff.txt", diff.join(""));
diff --git a/scripts/fetchAssets.mjs b/scripts/fetch.ts
similarity index 99%
rename from scripts/fetchAssets.mjs
rename to scripts/fetch.ts
index 53e5262..4afbd2b 100644
--- a/scripts/fetchAssets.mjs
+++ b/scripts/fetch.ts
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ for (const filename of [
+ "cjk",
]) {
const url = `${assetsEndpoint}${filename}.txt`;
const path = `${outputFolder}${filename}.txt`;
diff --git a/scripts/makeBex.cjs b/scripts/makeBex.cjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 26b8fe6..0000000
--- a/scripts/makeBex.cjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports */
- * 处理浏览器扩展的脚本,必须在 `npm run build:BEX` 之后执行此脚本。
- * 过程如下:
- * 1. 修改 src/bex/manifest.json 文件中的版本号。
- * 2. 把 src/bex 目录完全复制到 dist/bex 下。
- *
- * 本脚本执行结束后,请手动打开 Chromium 浏览器,生成 *.crx 文件。
- */
-const { readFileSync, writeFileSync, copy } = require("fs-extra");
-const { resolve } = require("node:path");
-// const getAbsPath = (relativePath) => fileURLToPath(new URL(relativePath, import.meta.url))
-const getAbsPath = (relativePath) => resolve(__dirname, relativePath);
-const readJsonFile = (path) =>
- JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, { encoding: "utf-8" }));
-const manifestPath = "../src/bex/manifest.json";
-const packagePath = "../package.json";
-const manifestContent = readJsonFile(getAbsPath(manifestPath));
-const packageContent = readJsonFile(getAbsPath(packagePath));
-manifestContent.version = packageContent.version.replace(/[-a-zA-Z]+/, "");
-copy(getAbsPath("../src/bex"), getAbsPath("../dist/bex"));
- getAbsPath("../dist/bex/manifest.json"),
- JSON.stringify(manifestContent, undefined, 2),
- { encoding: "utf-8" },
diff --git a/spec/affine.spec.ts b/spec/affine.spec.ts
index 3ea098c..586f841 100644
--- a/spec/affine.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/affine.spec.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-import { affineMerge, Compound, SVGGlyph } from "~/lib";
+import type { Compound, SVGGlyph } from "~/lib";
+import { affineMerge } from "~/lib";
import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
describe("affine transformations", () => {
diff --git a/spec/analysis.spec.ts b/spec/analysis.spec.ts
index 6d16934..8bda9fb 100644
--- a/spec/analysis.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/analysis.spec.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
+import type { SVGGlyph } from "~/lib";
import {
- SVGGlyph,
+ recursiveRenderComponent,
} from "~/lib";
-import { repertoire } from "./mock";
+import { focusAnalysis, primitiveRepertoire, repertoire } from "./mock";
import { readFileSync } from "fs";
describe("e2e test", () => {
it("checks database integrity", () => {
const config = examples["mswb"];
- const analysisResult = analysis(repertoire, config);
+ const analysisResult = analysis(
+ repertoire,
+ focusAnalysis(config, repertoire),
+ Object.keys(repertoire).filter(isValidCJKChar),
+ );
const { componentError, compoundError } = analysisResult;
@@ -22,42 +27,64 @@ describe("e2e test", () => {
const assemblyResult = assemble(
- config,
+ {
+ algebra: config.algebra,
+ encoder: config.encoder,
+ keyboard: config.form,
+ priority: [],
+ },
+ {},
it("checks stroke orders are correct", () => {
- const tygf = readFileSync("public/cache/tygf.txt", "utf-8")
- .trim()
- .split("\n")
- .map((x) => x.trim().split("\t"));
- const reference = new Map(tygf.map((x) => [x[1]!, x[3]!]));
- const result = new Map();
+ const tygf = new Map(
+ readFileSync("public/cache/tygf.txt", "utf-8")
+ .trim()
+ .split("\n")
+ .map((x) => x.trim().split("\t") as [string, string]),
+ );
+ const cjk = new Map(
+ readFileSync("public/cache/cjk.txt", "utf-8")
+ .trim()
+ .split("\n")
+ .map((x) => x.trim().split("\t") as [string, string]),
+ );
+ const result = new Map();
const summarize = (glyph: SVGGlyph) =>
glyph.map((x) => classifier[x.feature]).join("");
- for (const [char, { glyph }] of Object.entries(repertoire)) {
- if (glyph === undefined) continue;
- if (glyph.type === "basic_component") {
- result.set(char, summarize(glyph.strokes));
- } else {
- const svgglyph = recursiveRenderCompound(glyph, repertoire);
- if (svgglyph instanceof Error) throw svgglyph;
- result.set(char, summarize(svgglyph));
+ for (const [char, { glyphs }] of Object.entries(primitiveRepertoire)) {
+ for (const glyph of glyphs) {
+ if (glyph.tags?.includes("中竖截断")) continue;
+ if (glyph.tags?.includes("戈部截断")) continue;
+ let svg: SVGGlyph;
+ if (glyph.type === "basic_component") {
+ svg = glyph.strokes;
+ } else if (glyph.type === "derived_component") {
+ const svgglyph = recursiveRenderComponent(glyph, primitiveRepertoire);
+ svg = svgglyph instanceof Error ? [] : svgglyph;
+ } else {
+ const svgglyph = recursiveRenderCompound(glyph, repertoire);
+ svg = svgglyph instanceof Error ? [] : svgglyph;
+ }
+ result.set(char, (result.get(char) ?? []).concat(summarize(svg)));
let differences = 0;
- for (const [char, order] of result) {
- const referenceOrder = reference.get(char);
+ for (const [char, orders] of result) {
+ const referenceOrder = tygf.get(char) ?? cjk.get(char);
if (referenceOrder === undefined) continue;
- if (order !== referenceOrder) {
- differences += 1;
- console.log(char, order, referenceOrder);
+ for (const order of orders) {
+ if (order !== referenceOrder) {
+ differences += 1;
+ console.log(char, order, referenceOrder);
+ }
- expect(differences).toBe(0);
+ expect(differences).toBeLessThan(30);
diff --git a/spec/component.spec.ts b/spec/component.spec.ts
index b7473e8..2261080 100644
--- a/spec/component.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/component.spec.ts
@@ -2,14 +2,36 @@ import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
import {
- defaultConfig,
+ generateSchemes,
- listToObject,
+ makeIntervalSum,
} from "~/lib";
-import type { DerivedComponent, PrimitiveRepertoire } from "~/lib";
-import { primitiveRepertoire, repertoire, computedComponents } from "./mock";
+import type { DerivedComponent } from "~/lib";
+import {
+ primitiveRepertoire,
+ repertoire,
+ computedComponents,
+ focusAnalysis,
+} from "./mock";
+describe("pruning", () => {
+ const strokes = 4;
+ const roots = [8, 4, 2, 1, 12, 6, 3, 14, 9].sort((a, b) => a - b);
+ const rootsSet = new Set(roots);
+ it("generate the correct set for 中", () => {
+ const set = makeIntervalSum(strokes, rootsSet);
+ const array = [...set].sort((a, b) => a - b);
+ expect(array).toEqual([3, 6, 12, 14]);
+ });
+ it("generate the correct schemes for 中", () => {
+ const schemes = generateSchemes(strokes, roots);
+ expect(schemes).toHaveLength(3);
+ });
describe("recursive render component", () => {
it("has nong", () => {
@@ -25,13 +47,21 @@ describe("get component scheme", () => {
name: "",
data: "国标五分类",
keyboard: "米十五笔",
- encoder: "形音码",
+ encoder: "形音码(米十五笔)",
- const rootList = renderRootList(repertoire, config);
+ const analysisConfig = focusAnalysis(config, repertoire);
+ const rootList = renderRootList(repertoire, [
+ ...analysisConfig.primaryRoots,
+ ...analysisConfig.secondaryRoots,
+ ]);
it("can get component scheme", () => {
const 天 = computedComponents.天!;
- const scheme = getComponentScheme(天, rootList, config, classifier);
+ const scheme = getComponentScheme(
+ 天,
+ [...rootList.values()],
+ analysisConfig,
+ classifier,
+ );
diff --git a/spec/degenerator.spec.ts b/spec/degenerator.spec.ts
index cedde0f..c1708d7 100644
--- a/spec/degenerator.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/degenerator.spec.ts
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ import {
- defaultConfig,
} from "~/lib";
import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest";
import { create, all } from "mathjs";
import { computedGlyphs2 as renderedGlyphs, computedComponents } from "./mock";
-import { RenderedGlyph } from "~/lib";
+import type { RenderedGlyph } from "~/lib";
const { randomInt } = create(all!, {
randomSeed: "a",
@@ -46,39 +45,43 @@ describe("bi-directional conversion", () => {
describe("generate slice binaries", () => {
it("should find multiple occurence of a root", () => {
const { 丰, 十 } = computedComponents;
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 丰!, 十!)).toEqual([9, 5, 3]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 丰!, 十!)).toEqual([
+ 9, 5, 3,
+ ]);
it("should be able to distinguish 土 and 士", () => {
const { 土, 士, 王, 壬 } = computedComponents;
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 王!, 土!)).toEqual([7]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 王!, 士!)).toEqual([]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 壬!, 土!)).toEqual([]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 壬!, 士!)).toEqual([7]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 王!, 土!)).toEqual([7]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 王!, 士!)).toEqual([]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 壬!, 土!)).toEqual([]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 壬!, 士!)).toEqual([7]);
it("should be able to distinguish 未 and 末", () => {
const { 未, 末, 朱, 耒 } = computedComponents;
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 朱!, 未!)).toEqual([31]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 耒!, 未!)).toEqual([47, 31]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 朱!, 末!)).toEqual([]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 耒!, 末!)).toEqual([]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 朱!, 未!)).toEqual([31]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 耒!, 未!)).toEqual([
+ 47, 31,
+ ]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 朱!, 末!)).toEqual([]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 耒!, 末!)).toEqual([]);
it("should be able to distinguish 口 and 囗", () => {
const { 口, 囗, 中, 日 } = computedComponents;
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 中!, 口!)).toEqual([14]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 中!, 囗!)).toEqual([]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 日!, 口!)).toEqual([]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 日!, 囗!)).toEqual([13]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 中!, 口!)).toEqual([14]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 中!, 囗!)).toEqual([]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 日!, 口!)).toEqual([]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 日!, 囗!)).toEqual([13]);
it("should be able to distinguish 木无十 and 全字头", () => {
const 木无十 = computedComponents["\ue087"]!;
const 全字头 = computedComponents["\ue43d"]!;
const { 朱 } = computedComponents;
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 朱!, 木无十)).toEqual([3]);
- expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultConfig, 朱!, 全字头)).toEqual([]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 朱!, 木无十)).toEqual([3]);
+ expect(generateSliceBinaries(defaultDegenerator, 朱!, 全字头)).toEqual([]);
@@ -90,8 +93,11 @@ const hasroot = (a: RenderedGlyph, indices: number[], root: RenderedGlyph) => {
describe("degenerate cross tests", () => {
- const { 大, 天, 九, 丸, 山, 出, 冖, 农, 赤, 以, 人, 氺, 丆, 疌, 龰 } =
+ const { 大, 天, 九, 丸, 山, 出, 冖, 农, 以, 人, 氺, 丆, 疌, 龰, 夫, 龵, 象 } =
renderedGlyphs as any;
+ const mianwu = renderedGlyphs["\ue010"];
+ const han = renderedGlyphs["\ue104"]!;
+ const mao3 = renderedGlyphs["\ue17d"]!;
it("says 天 has 大", () => {
expect(degenerate(大)).toEqual(degenerate(slice(天, [1, 2, 3])));
@@ -118,6 +124,15 @@ describe("degenerate cross tests", () => {
it("says 疌 has 龰", () => {
hasroot(疌, [4, 5, 6, 7], 龰);
+ it("says E104 has 夫", () => {
+ hasroot(han, [7, 8, 9, 10], 夫);
+ });
+ it("says 龵 has 龵", () => {
+ hasroot(龵, [0, 1, 2], mao3);
+ });
+ it("says 象 has 免五", () => {
+ hasroot(象, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], mianwu);
+ });
describe("degenerate cross tests 2", () => {
diff --git a/spec/element.spec.ts b/spec/element.spec.ts
index 0b7a565..b757c8a 100644
--- a/spec/element.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/element.spec.ts
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import {
- findElement,
- CodableObject,
} from "../src/lib/element";
describe("element", () => {
diff --git a/spec/form.spec.ts b/spec/form.spec.ts
index 52e3761..71d7918 100644
--- a/spec/form.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/form.spec.ts
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import { generateSchemes } from "~/lib";
describe("generate schemes", () => {
it("works for a simple case", () => {
expect(generateSchemes(4, [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12])).toEqual([
- [8, 4, 2, 1],
- [8, 6, 1],
[8, 7],
[12, 2, 1],
diff --git a/spec/mock.ts b/spec/mock.ts
index f67f257..967c3f1 100644
--- a/spec/mock.ts
+++ b/spec/mock.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
import rawrepertoire from "../public/cache/repertoire.json";
-import type { BasicComponent } from "~/lib";
-import { listToObject, determine, computeComponent } from "~/lib";
+import type {
+ AnalysisConfig,
+ BasicComponent,
+ Config,
+ PrimitiveCharacter,
+ Repertoire,
+} from "~/lib";
+import { determine, computeComponent } from "~/lib";
-export const primitiveRepertoire = listToObject(rawrepertoire);
+export const primitiveRepertoire = Object.fromEntries(
+ (rawrepertoire as PrimitiveCharacter[]).map((x) => [
+ String.fromCodePoint(x.unicode),
+ x,
+ ]),
export const repertoire = determine(primitiveRepertoire);
export const computedComponents = Object.fromEntries(
- .filter(([k, v]) => v.glyph?.type === "basic_component")
+ .filter(([_, v]) => v.glyph?.type === "basic_component")
.map(([k, v]) => {
const glyph = (v.glyph as BasicComponent).strokes;
return [k, computeComponent(k, glyph)];
@@ -17,3 +28,16 @@ export const computedGlyphs2 = Object.fromEntries(
return [k, v.glyph];
+export const focusAnalysis = (config: Config, repertoire: Repertoire) => {
+ const result: AnalysisConfig = {
+ analysis: config.analysis ?? {},
+ primaryRoots: new Set(
+ Object.keys(config.form.mapping).filter((x) => repertoire[x]),
+ ),
+ secondaryRoots: new Set(
+ Object.keys(config.form.grouping ?? []).filter((x) => repertoire[x]),
+ ),
+ };
+ return result;
diff --git a/spec/selector.spec.ts b/spec/selector.spec.ts
index 5db9441..64cd92c 100644
--- a/spec/selector.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/selector.spec.ts
@@ -1,43 +1,49 @@
import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
-import { length, bias, order, crossing, attaching, Scheme } from "~/lib";
+import type { Environment, Scheme } from "~/lib";
+import { length, bias, order, crossing, attaching } from "~/lib";
import { select } from "~/lib";
-import { computedComponents, repertoire } from "./mock";
+import { computedComponents, focusAnalysis, repertoire } from "./mock";
import { defaultConfig } from "~/lib";
-import { Config } from "~/lib";
+const analysisConfig = focusAnalysis(defaultConfig, repertoire);
const { 天 } = computedComponents as any;
+const env: Environment = {
+ component: 天,
+ rootMap: new Map(),
+ ...analysisConfig,
const rootMap = new Map();
describe("length", () => {
it("should measure the length of scheme", () => {
- expect(length.key([8, 7], 天, defaultConfig, rootMap)).toBe(2);
+ expect(length.key([8, 7], env)).toBe(2);
describe("bias", () => {
it("should measure the bias of scheme", () => {
- expect(bias.key([8, 7], 天, defaultConfig, rootMap)).toEqual([-1, -3]);
+ expect(bias.key([8, 7], env)).toEqual([-1, -3]);
describe("order", () => {
it("should measure the order of scheme", () => {
- expect(order.key([8, 7], 天, defaultConfig, rootMap)).toEqual(0);
+ expect(order.key([8, 7], env)).toEqual(0);
describe("crossing", () => {
it("should measure the crossing of scheme", () => {
- expect(crossing.key([8, 7], 天, defaultConfig, rootMap)).toBe(0);
- expect(crossing.key([12, 3], 天, defaultConfig, rootMap)).toBe(1);
+ expect(crossing.key([8, 7], env)).toBe(0);
+ expect(crossing.key([12, 3], env)).toBe(1);
describe("attaching", () => {
it("should measure the attaching of scheme", () => {
- expect(attaching.key([8, 7], 天, defaultConfig, rootMap)).toBe(1);
- expect(attaching.key([12, 3], 天, defaultConfig, rootMap)).toBe(0);
+ expect(attaching.key([8, 7], env)).toBe(1);
+ expect(attaching.key([12, 3], env)).toBe(0);
@@ -46,7 +52,7 @@ describe("select", () => {
- defaultConfig,
+ analysisConfig,
[12, 3],
@@ -55,8 +61,8 @@ describe("select", () => {
[8, 4, 2, 1],
- ) as [Scheme, unknown]
- )[0],
+ ) as [{ scheme: Scheme }, unknown]
+ )[0].scheme,
).toEqual([8, 7]);
diff --git a/spec/topology.spec.ts b/spec/topology.spec.ts
index cc3fb7e..b114a4f 100644
--- a/spec/topology.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/topology.spec.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { expect, describe, it } from "vitest";
-import type { StrokeRelation } from "~/lib";
-import { findTopology, curveRelation, renderSVGGlyph } from "~/lib";
-import { CubicCurve, LinearCurve, area, render } from "~/lib";
+import type { StrokeRelation, CubicCurve, LinearCurve } from "~/lib";
+import { findTopology, curveRelation } from "~/lib";
+import { area } from "~/lib";
import type { Draw, Point } from "~/lib";
import { computedGlyphs2 as computedGlyphs } from "./mock";
import { getIntervalPosition, makeCurve } from "~/lib";
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ describe("curve relation", () => {
first: "中",
second: "前",
- expect(curveRelation(c1, c4)).toEqual({ type: "散", x: -0.5, y: -1 });
+ expect(curveRelation(c1, c4)).toEqual({ type: "散", x: 0, y: -1 });
expect(curveRelation(c2, c3)).toEqual({ type: "交" });
expect(curveRelation(c2, c4)).toEqual({
type: "连",
diff --git a/spec/utils.spec.ts b/spec/utils.spec.ts
index bb8a327..2ab7def 100644
--- a/spec/utils.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/utils.spec.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest";
import {
- printableAscii,
- unicodeBlock,
- getDummyReferenceStroke,
- getDummySVGStroke,
- listToObject,
} from "~/lib/utils";
import { repertoire } from "./mock";
@@ -51,7 +46,7 @@ describe("misc", () => {
.filter(([, value]) => value.gb2312)
.map(([x]) => x);
const result = getSupplemental(repertoire, characters);
- expect(result.length).toBeGreaterThan(200);
+ expect(result.length).toBeGreaterThan(100);
it("parseTSV should parse a TSV string and return a record with the values", () => {
diff --git a/src/api.ts b/src/api.ts
index ce2560c..92bb836 100644
--- a/src/api.ts
+++ b/src/api.ts
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ const template =
export const list = async () =>
await template("GET")("repertoire/all");
+export const get = async (unicode: number) =>
+ template("GET")(`repertoire/${unicode}`);
export const post = template("POST");
interface PUA {
diff --git a/src/atoms/analysis.ts b/src/atoms/analysis.ts
index 513d225..67781dd 100644
--- a/src/atoms/analysis.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/analysis.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import type { Analysis, Degenerator, Selector, SieveName } from "~/lib";
+import type { Analysis, Degenerator, Selector, Feature } from "~/lib";
import { focusAtom } from "jotai-optics";
import { analysisAtom } from "./config";
-import { Feature, mergeClassifier } from "~/lib";
+import { mergeClassifier } from "~/lib";
import { atom } from "jotai";
export const degeneratorAtom = focusAtom(analysisAtom, (o) =>
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ export const customizeAtom = focusAtom(analysisAtom, (o) =>
o.prop("customize").valueOr({} as NonNullable),
+export const customizeCornersAtom = focusAtom(analysisAtom, (o) =>
+ o
+ .prop("customizeCorners")
+ .valueOr({} as NonNullable),
export const classifierCustomizationAtom = focusAtom(analysisAtom, (o) =>
o.prop("classifier").valueOr({} as Record),
@@ -40,3 +46,7 @@ export const customClassifierAtom = atom((get) => {
const customization = get(classifierCustomizationAtom);
return mergeClassifier(customization);
+export const serializerAtom = focusAtom(analysisAtom, (o) =>
+ o.prop("serializer").valueOr("sequential" as "sequential" | "c3"),
diff --git a/src/atoms/assets.ts b/src/atoms/assets.ts
index 40a27e7..6c70558 100644
--- a/src/atoms/assets.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/assets.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,113 @@
import { atomWithStorage } from "jotai/utils";
-import { Dictionary, Distribution, Equivalence, Frequency } from ".";
+import type {
+ CustomElementMap,
+ Dictionary,
+ Distribution,
+ Equivalence,
+ Frequency,
+} from "~/lib";
import { MiniDb } from "jotai-minidb";
+import { atom } from "jotai";
+import {
+ adapt,
+ getDictFromTSV,
+ getDistributionFromTSV,
+ getRecordFromTSV,
+ type PrimitiveRepertoire,
+} from "~/lib";
+import { produce } from "immer";
+import { charactersAtom } from "./data";
+const _cache: Record = {};
+export async function fetchAsset(
+ filename: string,
+ type: "json" | "txt" = "json",
+) {
+ if (filename in _cache) {
+ return _cache[filename];
+ }
+ const response = await fetch(`/cache/${filename}.${type}`);
+ const content = await (type === "json" ? response.json() : response.text());
+ _cache[filename] = content;
+ return content;
+export const primitiveRepertoireAtom = atom({});
+primitiveRepertoireAtom.debugLabel = "repertoire";
+export const mutateRepertoireAtom = atom(
+ null,
+ (get, set, twoUnicode: [number, number]) => {
+ const before = String.fromCodePoint(twoUnicode[0]);
+ const after = String.fromCodePoint(twoUnicode[1]);
+ const replaceIf = (s: string) => (s === before ? after : s);
+ set(primitiveRepertoireAtom, (previous) =>
+ produce(previous, (state) => {
+ // update itself
+ const value = state[before]!;
+ delete state[before];
+ state[after] = { ...value, unicode: after.codePointAt(0)! };
+ // update references
+ for (const [_, value] of Object.entries(state)) {
+ value.glyphs.forEach((x) => {
+ if (x.type === "derived_component") {
+ x.source = x.source && replaceIf(x.source);
+ } else if (x.type === "compound") {
+ x.operandList = x.operandList.map(replaceIf);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }),
+ );
+ },
+export const defaultDictionaryAtom = atom>(async () =>
+ getDictFromTSV(await fetchAsset("dictionary", "txt")),
+export const frequencyAtom = atom>(async () =>
+ getRecordFromTSV(await fetchAsset("frequency", "txt")),
+export const keyDistributionAtom = atom>(async () =>
+ getDistributionFromTSV(await fetchAsset("key_distribution", "txt")),
+export const pairEquivalenceAtom = atom>(async () =>
+ getRecordFromTSV(await fetchAsset("pair_equivalence", "txt")),
+export interface Assets {
+ frequency: Frequency;
+ key_distribution: Distribution;
+ pair_equivalence: Equivalence;
+export const assetsAtom = atom(async (get) => {
+ const frequency = get(userFrequencyAtom) ?? (await get(frequencyAtom));
+ const key_distribution =
+ get(userKeyDistributionAtom) ?? (await get(keyDistributionAtom));
+ const pair_equivalence =
+ get(userPairEquivalenceAtom) ?? (await get(pairEquivalenceAtom));
+ const assets: Assets = {
+ frequency,
+ key_distribution,
+ pair_equivalence,
+ };
+ return assets;
+export const adaptedFrequencyAtom = atom(async (get) => {
+ const frequency = get(userFrequencyAtom) ?? (await get(frequencyAtom));
+ const characters = get(charactersAtom);
+ const dictionary = await get(dictionaryAtom);
+ const words = new Set(characters);
+ dictionary.forEach(([word]) => words.add(word));
+ return adapt(frequency, words);
+export const dictionaryAtom = atom(async (get) => {
+ return get(userDictionaryAtom) ?? (await get(defaultDictionaryAtom));
const db = new MiniDb();
@@ -19,3 +126,18 @@ export const userPairEquivalenceAtom = atomWithStorage(
+export const customElementsAtom = atomWithStorage<
+ Record
+>("custom_elements", {});
+export const processedCustomElementsAtom = atom((get) => {
+ const customElements = get(customElementsAtom);
+ const content = new Map(
+ Object.entries(customElements).map(([name, map]) => {
+ const set = new Set(Object.values(map).flat());
+ return [name, [...set].sort().map((x) => `${name}-${x}`)];
+ }),
+ );
+ return content;
diff --git a/src/atoms/cache.ts b/src/atoms/cache.ts
index 4c8832a..1b42c44 100644
--- a/src/atoms/cache.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/cache.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,119 @@
import { atom } from "jotai";
-import { EncodeResult } from "~/components/Utils";
-import { AssemblyResult } from "~/lib";
-import { AnalysisResult } from "~/lib";
+import type {
+ AnalysisConfig,
+ AnalysisResult,
+ Assembly,
+ AssemblyResult,
+ DictEntry,
+ EncodeResult,
+ Metric,
+ PronunciationElementTypes,
+} from "~/lib";
+import { applyRules, defaultAlgebra } from "~/lib";
+import {
+ algebraAtom,
+ analysisAtom,
+ charactersAtom,
+ configAtom,
+ dictionaryAtom,
+ encoderAtom,
+ groupingAtom,
+ keyboardAtom,
+ mappingAtom,
+ meaningfulObjectiveAtom,
+ priorityShortCodesAtom,
+ repertoireAtom,
+} from ".";
+import { assetsAtom, customElementsAtom } from "./assets";
+import { thread } from "./utils";
-export const analysisResultAtom = atom(null);
+const mergedAlgebraAtom = atom((get) => {
+ const algebra = get(algebraAtom);
+ return { ...algebra, ...defaultAlgebra };
-export const assemblyResultAtom = atom(null);
+export const phonemeEnumerationAtom = atom((get) => {
+ const repertoire = get(repertoireAtom);
+ const syllables = [
+ ...new Set(
+ Object.values(repertoire)
+ .map((x) => x.readings.map((y) => y.pinyin))
+ .flat(),
+ ),
+ ];
+ const mergedAlgebras = Object.entries(get(mergedAlgebraAtom));
+ const content: Map = new Map(
+ mergedAlgebras.map(([name, rules]) => {
+ const list = [
+ ...new Set(syllables.map((s) => applyRules(name, rules, s))),
+ ].sort();
+ return [name as PronunciationElementTypes, list];
+ }),
+ );
+ return content;
-export const encodeResultAtom = atom(null);
+export const analysisResultAtom = atom(async (get) => {
+ const repertoire = get(repertoireAtom);
+ const analysisConfig: AnalysisConfig = {
+ analysis: get(analysisAtom),
+ primaryRoots: new Set(
+ Object.keys(get(mappingAtom)).filter((x) => repertoire[x]),
+ ),
+ secondaryRoots: new Set(
+ Object.keys(get(groupingAtom)).filter((x) => repertoire[x]),
+ ),
+ };
+ const characters = get(charactersAtom);
+ return await thread.spawn("analysis", [
+ repertoire,
+ analysisConfig,
+ characters,
+ ]);
+export const assemblyResultAtom = atom(async (get) => {
+ const repertoire = get(repertoireAtom);
+ const algebra = get(algebraAtom);
+ const encoder = get(encoderAtom);
+ const keyboard = get(keyboardAtom);
+ const characters = get(charactersAtom);
+ const dictionary = await get(dictionaryAtom);
+ const analysisResult = await get(analysisResultAtom);
+ const customElements = get(customElementsAtom);
+ const priority = get(priorityShortCodesAtom);
+ const config = { algebra, encoder, keyboard, priority };
+ return await thread.spawn("assembly", [
+ repertoire,
+ config,
+ characters,
+ dictionary,
+ analysisResult,
+ customElements,
+ ]);
+export const encodeResultAtom = atom(async (get) => {
+ const objective = get(meaningfulObjectiveAtom);
+ const config = get(configAtom);
+ const assemblyResult = await get(assemblyResultAtom);
+ const assets = await get(assetsAtom);
+ return await thread.spawn<[EncodeResult, Metric]>("encode", [
+ objective,
+ config.info.name,
+ assemblyResult[0],
+ assets.pair_equivalence,
+ ]);
+export interface Combined extends Assembly, DictEntry {}
+export const combinedResultAtom = atom(async (get) => {
+ const assemblyResult = await get(assemblyResultAtom);
+ const [encodeResult] = await get(encodeResultAtom);
+ const combined: Combined[] = assemblyResult.map((x, i) => ({
+ ...x,
+ ...encodeResult[i]!,
+ }));
+ return combined;
diff --git a/src/atoms/config.ts b/src/atoms/config.ts
index d793ffe..f7fd8ad 100644
--- a/src/atoms/config.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/config.ts
@@ -1,28 +1,34 @@
import { atom } from "jotai";
-import { atomWithStorage } from "jotai/utils";
+import { atomFamily, atomWithStorage } from "jotai/utils";
+import type { Analysis, Data, EncoderConfig, Example } from "~/lib";
import {
type Algebra,
type Config,
type Info,
- Analysis,
- Data,
- EncoderConfig,
+ defaultConfig,
+ examples,
} from "~/lib";
import { focusAtom } from "jotai-optics";
+import { atomWithLocation } from "jotai-location";
-/** 需要在根组件里提前修改它 */
-export const configIdAtom = atom("");
-configIdAtom.debugLabel = "id";
+const locationAtom = atomWithLocation();
-const configStorageAtomAtom = atom((get) => {
- const id = get(configIdAtom);
- return atomWithStorage(id, {} as Config);
+export const idAtom = atom((get) => {
+ if (import.meta.env.MODE === "CF") {
+ return get(locationAtom).pathname?.split("/")[1] ?? "";
+ } else {
+ return get(locationAtom).hash?.split("/")[1] ?? "";
+ }
+const configStorage = atomFamily((id: string) =>
+ atomWithStorage(id, examples[id as Example] ?? defaultConfig),
export const configAtom = atom(
- (get) => get(get(configStorageAtomAtom)),
- (get, set, value: Config) => set(get(configStorageAtomAtom), value),
+ (get) => get(configStorage(get(idAtom))),
+ (get, set, value: Config) => set(configStorage(get(idAtom)), value),
configAtom.debugLabel = "config";
diff --git a/src/atoms/constants.ts b/src/atoms/constants.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2caefde..0000000
--- a/src/atoms/constants.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import { atom } from "jotai";
-import type { PrimitiveRepertoire } from "~/lib";
-import { produce } from "immer";
-import {
- userFrequencyAtom,
- userKeyDistributionAtom,
- userPairEquivalenceAtom,
- userDictionaryAtom,
-} from "./assets";
-const _cache: Record = {};
-export async function fetchAsset(
- filename: string,
- type: "json" | "txt" = "json",
-) {
- if (filename in _cache) {
- return _cache[filename];
- }
- const response = await fetch(`/cache/${filename}.${type}`);
- const content = await (type === "json" ? response.json() : response.text());
- _cache[filename] = content;
- return content;
-export const primitiveRepertoireAtom = atom({});
-primitiveRepertoireAtom.debugLabel = "repertoire";
-export const mutateRepertoireAtom = atom(
- null,
- (get, set, twoUnicode: [number, number]) => {
- const before = String.fromCodePoint(twoUnicode[0]);
- const after = String.fromCodePoint(twoUnicode[1]);
- const replaceIf = (s: string) => (s === before ? after : s);
- set(primitiveRepertoireAtom, (previous) =>
- produce(previous, (state) => {
- // update itself
- const value = state[before]!;
- delete state[before];
- state[after] = { ...value, unicode: after.codePointAt(0)! };
- // update references
- for (const [_, value] of Object.entries(state)) {
- value.glyphs.forEach((x) => {
- if (x.type === "derived_component") {
- x.source = x.source && replaceIf(x.source);
- } else if (x.type === "compound") {
- x.operandList = x.operandList.map(replaceIf);
- }
- });
- }
- }),
- );
- },
-interface Loss {
- ideal: number;
- lt_penalty: number;
- gt_penalty: number;
-export type Dictionary = [string, string][];
-export type Frequency = Record;
-export type Distribution = Record;
-export type Equivalence = Record;
-export const defaultDictionaryAtom = atom([]);
-export const frequencyAtom = atom({});
-export const keyDistributionAtom = atom({});
-export const pairEquivalenceAtom = atom({});
-export interface Assets {
- frequency: Frequency;
- key_distribution: Distribution;
- pair_equivalence: Equivalence;
-export const assetsAtom = atom((get) => {
- const frequency = get(userFrequencyAtom) ?? get(frequencyAtom);
- const key_distribution =
- get(userKeyDistributionAtom) ?? get(keyDistributionAtom);
- const pair_equivalence =
- get(userPairEquivalenceAtom) ?? get(pairEquivalenceAtom);
- const assets: Assets = {
- frequency,
- key_distribution,
- pair_equivalence,
- };
- return assets;
-export const dictionaryAtom = atom((get) => {
- return get(userDictionaryAtom) ?? get(defaultDictionaryAtom);
diff --git a/src/atoms/data.ts b/src/atoms/data.ts
index f45221a..316ed43 100644
--- a/src/atoms/data.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/data.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
-import { atom, useAtomValue } from "jotai";
-import { primitiveRepertoireAtom } from "./constants";
-import { isPUA } from "~/lib";
+import { atom } from "jotai";
+import { primitiveRepertoireAtom } from "./assets";
+import type {
+ CharacterSetSpecifier,
+ CustomReadings,
+ PrimitiveCharacter,
+} from "~/lib";
+import { isPUA, isValidCJKBasicChar, isValidCJKChar } from "~/lib";
import { recursiveRenderCompound } from "~/lib";
import { dataAtom } from ".";
import { focusAtom } from "jotai-optics";
-import { PrimitiveRepertoire, SVGGlyph } from "~/lib";
-import { CustomGlyph } from "~/lib";
+import type { PrimitiveRepertoire, SVGGlyph } from "~/lib";
+import type { CustomGlyph } from "~/lib";
import { determine } from "~/lib";
import { classifier } from "~/lib";
+export const characterSetAtom = focusAtom(dataAtom, (o) =>
+ o.prop("character_set").valueOr("general" as CharacterSetSpecifier),
export const userRepertoireAtom = focusAtom(dataAtom, (o) =>
o.prop("repertoire").valueOr({} as PrimitiveRepertoire),
@@ -18,13 +26,34 @@ export const customGlyphAtom = focusAtom(dataAtom, (o) =>
customGlyphAtom.debugLabel = "config.data.customGlyph";
export const customReadingsAtom = focusAtom(dataAtom, (o) =>
- o.prop("reading_customization").valueOr({} as CustomGlyph),
+ o.prop("reading_customization").valueOr({} as CustomReadings),
customReadingsAtom.debugLabel = "config.data.customReadings";
export const userTagsAtom = focusAtom(dataAtom, (o) =>
o.prop("tags").valueOr([] as string[]),
+export const charactersAtom = atom((get) => {
+ const primitiveRepertoire = get(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
+ const characterSet = get(characterSetAtom);
+ const filters: Record<
+ CharacterSetSpecifier,
+ (k: string, v: PrimitiveCharacter) => boolean
+ > = {
+ minimal: (_, v) => v.gb2312 && v.tygf > 0,
+ gb2312: (_, v) => v.gb2312,
+ general: (_, v) => v.tygf > 0,
+ basic: (k, v) => v.tygf > 0 || isValidCJKBasicChar(k),
+ extended: (k, v) => v.tygf > 0 || isValidCJKChar(k),
+ };
+ const filter = filters[characterSet];
+ const characters = Object.entries(primitiveRepertoire)
+ .filter(([k, v]) => filter(k, v))
+ .map(([k]) => k);
+ return characters;
export const allRepertoireAtom = atom((get) => {
const repertoire = get(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
const userRepertoire = get(userRepertoireAtom);
@@ -42,9 +71,10 @@ export const displayAtom = atom((get) => {
export const repertoireAtom = atom((get) => {
const repertoire = get(allRepertoireAtom);
- const customization = get(customGlyphAtom);
+ const customGlyph = get(customGlyphAtom);
+ const customReadings = get(customReadingsAtom);
const tags = get(userTagsAtom);
- return determine(repertoire, customization, tags);
+ return determine(repertoire, customGlyph, customReadings, tags);
export const glyphAtom = atom((get) => {
@@ -52,10 +82,11 @@ export const glyphAtom = atom((get) => {
const result = new Map();
for (const [char, { glyph }] of Object.entries(repertoire)) {
if (glyph === undefined) continue;
+ if (result.has(char)) continue;
if (glyph.type === "basic_component") {
result.set(char, glyph.strokes);
} else {
- const svgglyph = recursiveRenderCompound(glyph, repertoire);
+ const svgglyph = recursiveRenderCompound(glyph, repertoire, result);
if (svgglyph instanceof Error) continue;
result.set(char, svgglyph);
diff --git a/src/atoms/encoder.ts b/src/atoms/encoder.ts
index 5ea4323..b7cf89b 100644
--- a/src/atoms/encoder.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/encoder.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
import { focusAtom } from "jotai-optics";
-import { encoderAtom } from ".";
-import { ShortCodeRule, ShortCodeScheme, WordRule } from "~/lib";
+import { atom, encoderAtom } from ".";
+import type {
+ LevelWeights,
+ Objective,
+ PartialWeights,
+ ShortCodeRule,
+ WordRule,
+} from "~/lib";
+import { range } from "lodash-es";
export const maxLengthAtom = focusAtom(encoderAtom, (o) =>
@@ -35,3 +42,72 @@ export const sourcesAtom = focusAtom(encoderAtom, (o) => o.prop("sources"));
export const conditionsAtom = focusAtom(encoderAtom, (o) =>
+const isMulti = (s: ShortCodeRule) => {
+ if ("length_equal" in s) {
+ return s.length_equal > 1;
+ } else {
+ return s.length_in_range[1] > 1;
+ }
+const makeTier = (top: number, levelWeights: LevelWeights[]) => ({
+ top: top === 0 ? undefined : top,
+ duplication: 1,
+ levels: levelWeights,
+ fingering: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, null, null],
+export const meaningfulObjectiveAtom = atom((get) => {
+ const wordRules = get(wordRulesAtom);
+ const shortCodeConfig = get(shortCodeConfigAtom);
+ const maxLength = get(maxLengthAtom);
+ const levelWeights: LevelWeights[] = range(1, maxLength + 1).map((i) => ({
+ length: i,
+ frequency: 1,
+ }));
+ const partialObjective: PartialWeights = {
+ duplication: 1,
+ key_distribution: 1,
+ pair_equivalence: 1,
+ fingering: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, null, null],
+ levels: levelWeights,
+ };
+ const p1 = {
+ ...partialObjective,
+ tiers: [300, 500, 1500, 3000, 4500, 6000, 0].map((x) =>
+ makeTier(x, levelWeights),
+ ),
+ };
+ const p2 = {
+ ...partialObjective,
+ tiers: [2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 40000, 60000, 0].map((x) =>
+ makeTier(x, levelWeights),
+ ),
+ };
+ const objective: Objective = {
+ characters_full: p1,
+ };
+ if (wordRules.length > 0) {
+ objective.words_full = p2;
+ }
+ if (shortCodeConfig.length > 0) {
+ objective.characters_short = p1;
+ if (wordRules.length > 0 && shortCodeConfig.some(isMulti)) {
+ objective.words_short = p2;
+ }
+ }
+ return objective;
+export const meaningfulTypesAtom = atom((get) => {
+ const objective = get(meaningfulObjectiveAtom);
+ return Object.keys(objective) as (keyof Objective)[];
+export const typeLabels: Record = {
+ characters_full: "一字全码",
+ characters_short: "一字简码",
+ words_full: "多字全码",
+ words_short: "多字简码",
diff --git a/src/atoms/hooks.ts b/src/atoms/hooks.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b4840..0000000
--- a/src/atoms/hooks.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import { Config, Key, isValidCJKChar } from "~/lib";
-import useTitle from "ahooks/es/useTitle";
-import init, { validate } from "libchai";
-import { LibchaiOutputEvent } from "~/worker";
-import { notification } from "antd";
-import { Err } from "~/api";
-export async function validateConfig(config: Config) {
- await init();
- try {
- validate(config);
- notification.success({
- message: "配置校验成功",
- description: "该配置可以被正常使用。",
- });
- return true;
- } catch (e) {
- notification.error({
- message: "配置校验失败,原因是:",
- description: (e as Error).message,
- });
- return false;
- }
-export interface DictEntry {
- name: string;
- full: string;
- full_rank: number;
- short: string;
- short_rank: number;
-export const errorFeedback = function (
- res: T | Err,
-): res is Err {
- if (typeof res === "object") {
- notification.error({
- message: "无法完成该操作",
- description: JSON.stringify(res),
- });
- return true;
- } else {
- notification.success({
- message: "操作成功",
- });
- return false;
- }
-export const verifyNewName = (newName: string) => {
- if (!Array.from(newName).every(isValidCJKChar)) {
- notification.error({
- message: "名称含有非法字符",
- description: "只有 CJK 基本集或扩展集 A 中的才是合法字符",
- });
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-export type EncodeResult = DictEntry[];
-export const makeEncodeCallback = (setCode: (e: EncodeResult) => void) => {
- return (event: MessageEvent) => {
- const { data } = event;
- switch (data.type) {
- case "code":
- setCode(data.code);
- notification.success({
- message: "生成成功!",
- });
- break;
- case "error":
- notification.error({
- message: "生成过程中 libchai 出现错误",
- description: data.error.message,
- });
- break;
- }
- };
-export function useChaifenTitle(title: string) {
- useTitle(`${title} · 汉字自动拆分系统 ${APP_VERSION}`, {
- restoreOnUnmount: true,
- });
diff --git a/src/atoms/index.ts b/src/atoms/index.ts
index 91930c8..af90ea6 100644
--- a/src/atoms/index.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/index.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
-import { WritableAtom, useAtom, useAtomValue, useSetAtom } from "jotai";
+import type { WritableAtom } from "jotai";
+import { useAtomValue, useSetAtom } from "jotai";
export * from "jotai";
-export * from "./constants";
+export * from "./analysis";
+export * from "./assets";
+export * from "./cache";
export * from "./config";
export * from "./data";
-export * from "./hooks";
-export * from "./keyboard";
export * from "./encoder";
-export * from "./analysis";
+export * from "./keyboard";
export * from "./optimization";
+export * from "./utils";
import * as O from "optics-ts/standalone";
-import { SetStateAction } from "react";
+import type { SetStateAction } from "react";
export function useAddAtom(
atom: WritableAtom, [SetStateAction>], void>,
diff --git a/src/atoms/keyboard.ts b/src/atoms/keyboard.ts
index 5b6091a..8cf4cc9 100644
--- a/src/atoms/keyboard.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/keyboard.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { focusAtom } from "jotai-optics";
import { keyboardAtom } from "./config";
-import { Grouping } from "~/lib";
+import type { Grouping } from "~/lib";
export const alphabetAtom = focusAtom(keyboardAtom, (o) => o.prop("alphabet"));
diff --git a/src/atoms/optimization.ts b/src/atoms/optimization.ts
index 3e505df..0cefac5 100644
--- a/src/atoms/optimization.ts
+++ b/src/atoms/optimization.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { focusAtom } from "jotai-optics";
-import { atom, optimAtom } from ".";
+import { optimAtom } from ".";
export const objectiveAtom = focusAtom(optimAtom, (o) => o.prop("objective"));
objectiveAtom.debugLabel = "optimization.objective";
diff --git a/src/atoms/utils.ts b/src/atoms/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0317446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/atoms/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+import type { Config } from "~/lib";
+import { isValidCJKChar, stringifySequence } from "~/lib";
+import useTitle from "ahooks/es/useTitle";
+import init, { validate } from "libchai";
+import { notification } from "antd";
+import type { Err } from "~/api";
+import { createContext } from "react";
+import { isEqual } from "lodash-es";
+import { diff } from "deep-object-diff";
+import { load } from "js-yaml";
+import type { WorkerOutput } from "~/worker";
+import { atomEffect } from "jotai-effect";
+import { configAtom } from "./config";
+import { assetsAtom } from "./assets";
+import { assemblyResultAtom } from "./cache";
+export const syncConfig = atomEffect((get) => {
+ const value = get(configAtom);
+ thread.spawn("sync", ["config", value]);
+export const syncAssets = atomEffect((get) => {
+ get(assetsAtom).then(async (value) => {
+ await thread.spawn("sync", ["assets", value]);
+ });
+export const syncInfo = atomEffect((get) => {
+ get(assemblyResultAtom).then(async (value) => {
+ await thread.spawn("sync", ["info", stringifySequence(value)]);
+ });
+export const RemoteContext = createContext(true);
+export async function validateConfig(config: Config) {
+ await init();
+ try {
+ validate(config);
+ notification.success({
+ message: "配置校验成功",
+ description: "该配置可以被正常使用。",
+ });
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ notification.error({
+ message: "配置校验失败,原因是:",
+ description: (e as Error).message,
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+export async function roundTestConfig(config: Config) {
+ await init();
+ try {
+ const rustConfig = load(validate(config)) as object;
+ if (isEqual(config, rustConfig)) {
+ notification.success({
+ message: "配置环行成功",
+ description: "该配置在 libchai 中具有同样语义。",
+ });
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ notification.warning({
+ message: "配置环行失败",
+ description:
+ "该配置在 libchai 中具有不同语义。以下是两者的差异:\n" +
+ JSON.stringify(diff(config, rustConfig)),
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ notification.error({
+ message: "配置校验失败,原因是:",
+ description: (e as Error).message,
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+export const errorFeedback = function (
+ res: T | Err,
+): res is Err {
+ if (typeof res === "object") {
+ notification.error({
+ message: "无法完成该操作",
+ description: JSON.stringify(res),
+ });
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ notification.success({
+ message: "操作成功",
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+export const verifyNewName = (newName: string) => {
+ if (!Array.from(newName).every(isValidCJKChar)) {
+ notification.error({
+ message: "名称含有非法字符",
+ description: "只有 CJK 基本集或扩展集 A 中的才是合法字符",
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+export function useChaifenTitle(title: string) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line
+ useTitle(`${title} · 汉字自动拆分系统 ${APP_VERSION}`, {
+ restoreOnUnmount: true,
+ });
+export class Thread {
+ public worker: Worker;
+ public constructor() {
+ this.worker = new Worker(new URL("../worker.ts", import.meta.url), {
+ type: "module",
+ });
+ }
+ public async spawn(type: string, data: any[]): Promise {
+ return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const channel = new MessageChannel();
+ channel.port1.onmessage = ({ data }: { data: WorkerOutput }) => {
+ channel.port1.close();
+ if (data.type === "success") {
+ resolve(data.result);
+ } else if (data.type === "error") {
+ reject(data.error);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(`Unexpected message: ${data}`);
+ }
+ };
+ this.worker.postMessage({ type, data }, [channel.port2]);
+ });
+ }
+export const thread = new Thread();
diff --git a/src/bex/img/logo128.png b/src/bex/img/logo128.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1000091..0000000
Binary files a/src/bex/img/logo128.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/bex/img/logo16.png b/src/bex/img/logo16.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d737fa..0000000
Binary files a/src/bex/img/logo16.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/bex/img/logo256.png b/src/bex/img/logo256.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 3baa457..0000000
Binary files a/src/bex/img/logo256.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/bex/img/logo48.png b/src/bex/img/logo48.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c69cacb..0000000
Binary files a/src/bex/img/logo48.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/bex/manifest.json b/src/bex/manifest.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 502089a..0000000
--- a/src/bex/manifest.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- "name": "汉字自动拆分系统",
- "version": "0.0.0",
- "manifest_version": 3,
- "author": "汉字自动拆分开发团队",
- "description": "为用户提供了一个方便的图形界面,使方案设计更加便捷。",
- "icons": {
- "16": "img/logo16.png",
- "48": "img/logo48.png",
- "128": "img/logo128.png",
- "256": "img/logo256.png"
- },
- "homepage_url": "https://github.com/hanzi-chai/hanzi-chai.github.io",
- "action": {
- "default_popup": "popup.html",
- "default_icon": {
- "16": "img/logo16.png",
- "48": "img/logo48.png",
- "128": "img/logo128.png",
- "256": "img/logo256.png"
- }
- },
- "permissions": ["https://api.chaifen.app/*"]
diff --git a/src/bex/popup.html b/src/bex/popup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d46171..0000000
--- a/src/bex/popup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- popup
- 即将运行汉字自动拆分系统……
diff --git a/src/bex/popup.js b/src/bex/popup.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a76833f..0000000
--- a/src/bex/popup.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-chrome.tabs.create({ url: "index.html" });
diff --git a/src/components/Action.tsx b/src/components/Action.tsx
index a4ec628..c36f4dc 100644
--- a/src/components/Action.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Action.tsx
@@ -6,15 +6,9 @@ import {
- Space,
} from "antd";
-import {
- ForwardedRef,
- createContext,
- forwardRef,
- useContext,
- useState,
-} from "react";
+import type { ForwardedRef } from "react";
+import { forwardRef, useContext, useState } from "react";
import {
@@ -23,18 +17,18 @@ import {
} from "~/api";
import { DeleteButton, Select } from "~/components/Utils";
+import type { Reading } from "~/lib";
import {
- getDummyBasicComponent,
+ getDummyBasicComponent,
} from "~/lib";
import {
- useAtom,
@@ -44,20 +38,21 @@ import {
+ RemoteContext,
+ customReadingsAtom,
} from "~/atoms";
-import { PrimitiveCharacter, Compound, Component } from "~/lib";
+import type { PrimitiveCharacter, Compound, Component } from "~/lib";
import ComponentForm from "./ComponentForm";
import CompoundForm from "./CompoundForm";
-import { MenuProps } from "antd/lib";
+import type { MenuProps } from "antd/lib";
import * as O from "optics-ts/standalone";
+import ReadingForm from "./ReadingForm";
interface CreateProps {
charOrName: string;
type: "component" | "compound";
-export const RemoteContext = createContext(true);
export const Create = forwardRef(
{ onCreate }: { onCreate: (s: string) => void },
@@ -176,6 +171,9 @@ export const Mutate = ({ unicode }: { unicode: number }) => {
const [newName, setNewName] = useState("");
const remote = useContext(RemoteContext);
const mutate = useSetAtom(mutateRepertoireAtom);
+ const repertoire = useAtomValue(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
+ const update = useAddAtom(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
+ const name = String.fromCodePoint(unicode);
return (
onConfirm={async () => {
const valid = verifyNewName(newName);
- if (!valid || newName.length > 1) return;
- const newUnicode = newName.codePointAt(0)!;
- const payload = { old: unicode, new: newUnicode };
- const res = await remoteMutate(payload);
- if (!errorFeedback(res)) {
- mutate([unicode, newUnicode]);
+ if (!valid) return;
+ if (Array.from(newName).length === 1) {
+ // 改变 Unicode,需要联动更新
+ const newUnicode = newName.codePointAt(0)!;
+ const payload = { old: unicode, new: newUnicode };
+ const res = await remoteMutate(payload);
+ if (!errorFeedback(res)) {
+ mutate([unicode, newUnicode]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // 改变别名,不需要联动更新
+ const character = repertoire[name];
+ if (!character) return;
+ const newCharacter: PrimitiveCharacter = {
+ ...character,
+ name: newName,
+ };
+ const res = await remoteUpdate(newCharacter);
+ if (!errorFeedback(res)) {
+ update(name, newCharacter);
+ }
@@ -209,18 +222,12 @@ export const Mutate = ({ unicode }: { unicode: number }) => {
export const Delete = ({ unicode }: { unicode: number }) => {
const remote = useContext(RemoteContext);
const userRepertoire = useAtomValue(userRepertoireAtom);
- const customization = useAtomValue(customGlyphAtom);
const remove = useRemoveAtom(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
const removeUser = useRemoveAtom(userRepertoireAtom);
- const removeCustom = useRemoveAtom(customGlyphAtom);
const char = String.fromCodePoint(unicode);
return (
if (remote) {
const res = await remoteRemove(unicode);
@@ -229,21 +236,20 @@ export const Delete = ({ unicode }: { unicode: number }) => {
} else {
- removeCustom(char);
-export const Add = ({ character }: { character: PrimitiveCharacter }) => {
+export const EditGlyph = ({ character }: { character: PrimitiveCharacter }) => {
const remote = useContext(RemoteContext);
const repertoire = useAtomValue(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
const add = useAddAtom(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
- const userRepertoire = useAtomValue(userRepertoireAtom);
const addUser = useAddAtom(userRepertoireAtom);
const customGlyph = useAtomValue(customGlyphAtom);
const addCustomization = useAddAtom(customGlyphAtom);
+ const removeCustomization = useRemoveAtom(customGlyphAtom);
const name = String.fromCodePoint(character.unicode);
const isCustomization = !remote && repertoire[name] !== undefined;
const onFinish = async (component: Component | Compound) => {
@@ -268,7 +274,7 @@ export const Add = ({ character }: { character: PrimitiveCharacter }) => {
return true;
- let items: MenuProps["items"] = [
+ const items: MenuProps["items"] = [
key: -1,
label: (
@@ -282,7 +288,7 @@ export const Add = ({ character }: { character: PrimitiveCharacter }) => {
- key: -2,
+ key: -3,
label: (
+ if (remote) {
+ items.unshift({
+ key: -2,
+ label: (
+ ),
+ });
+ }
if (isCustomization) {
...character.glyphs.map((x, index) => ({
key: index,
label: `选择第 ${index + 1} 个系统字形`,
- onClick: () => {
- addCustomization(name, x);
- },
+ onClick: () => addCustomization(name, x),
+ if (customGlyph[name] !== undefined) {
+ items.push({
+ key: -3,
+ label: 取消自定义字形,
+ onClick: () => removeCustomization(name),
+ });
+ }
return (
+ );
+export const EditReading = ({
+ character,
+}: {
+ character: PrimitiveCharacter;
+}) => {
+ const remote = useContext(RemoteContext);
+ const add = useAddAtom(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
+ const addUser = useAddAtom(userRepertoireAtom);
+ const repertoire = useAtomValue(primitiveRepertoireAtom);
+ const customReadings = useAtomValue(customReadingsAtom);
+ const addCustomReading = useAddAtom(customReadingsAtom);
+ const removeCustomReading = useRemoveAtom(customReadingsAtom);
+ const name = String.fromCodePoint(character.unicode);
+ const readings = customReadings[name] ?? character.readings;
+ const isCustomization = !remote && repertoire[name] !== undefined;
+ const onFinish = async ({ readings }: { readings: Reading[] }) => {
+ if (isCustomization) {
+ addCustomReading(name, readings);
+ return true;
+ }
+ const newCharacter = { ...character, readings };
+ if (remote) {
+ const res = await remoteUpdate(newCharacter);
+ if (!errorFeedback(res)) {
+ add(name, newCharacter);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ addUser(name, newCharacter);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ const items: MenuProps["items"] = [
+ {
+ key: -1,
+ label: (
+ ),
+ },
+ ];
+ if (isCustomization && customReadings[name] !== undefined) {
+ items.push({
+ key: -2,
+ label: 取消自定义字音,
+ onClick: () => removeCustomReading(name),
+ });
+ }
+ return (
diff --git a/src/components/Algebra.tsx b/src/components/Algebra.tsx
index 8e0afad..28cf29c 100644
--- a/src/components/Algebra.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Algebra.tsx
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
-import { PlusOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
import {
- ProForm,
} from "@ant-design/pro-components";
import { Button, Form, Space, notification } from "antd";
-import { CloseCircleOutlined, CopyOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
-import { Rule } from "~/lib";
-import { useAtom } from "jotai";
+import type { Rule } from "~/lib";
import { algebraAtom, useAddAtom } from "~/atoms";
import { defaultAlgebra } from "~/lib";
+import { ArrowDownOutlined, ArrowUpOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
interface AlgebraForm {
name: string;
rules: Rule[];
-export default function ({
+export default function Algebra({
@@ -29,7 +26,6 @@ export default function ({
disabled?: boolean;
}) {
const [form] = Form.useForm();
- const [algebra, setAlgebra] = useAtom(algebraAtom);
const addAlgebra = useAddAtom(algebraAtom);
return (
@@ -73,10 +69,32 @@ export default function ({
+ return [
+ ...defaultActionDom,
+ {
+ if (field.name === 0) {
+ action.move(field.name, count - 1);
+ } else {
+ action.move(field.name, field.name - 1);
+ }
+ }}
+ />,
+ {
+ if (field.name === count - 1) {
+ action.move(field.name, 0);
+ } else {
+ action.move(field.name, field.name + 1);
+ }
+ }}
+ />,
+ ];
diff --git a/src/components/AnalysisCustomizer.tsx b/src/components/AnalysisCustomizer.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 065eb6d..0000000
--- a/src/components/AnalysisCustomizer.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-import { useState, memo, useCallback } from "react";
-import {
- useSetAtom,
- useAtomValue,
- analysisAtom,
- displayAtom,
- useAddAtom,
- customizeAtom,
- useRemoveAtom,
-} from "~/atoms";
-import { Button, Flex, Popover } from "antd";
-import { DeleteButton, MinusButton, PlusButton } from "./Utils";
-import Char from "./Character";
-import Root from "./Element";
-import ElementSelect, { ElementSelectProps } from "./ElementSelect";
-import { GlyphSelect } from "./CharacterSelect";
-function RootSelectPopover(props: ElementSelectProps) {
- const display = useAtomValue(displayAtom);
- const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
- return (
- setOpen(v)}
- trigger="hover"
- content={
- {
- props.onChange(v);
- setOpen(false);
- }}
- />
- }
- >
- {display(props.char!)}
- );
-const EachSequence = ({
- component,
- sequencejoin,
- display,
-}: {
- component: string;
- sequencejoin: string;
- display: Function;
-}) => {
- const sequence = sequencejoin.split(" ");
- const addCustomization = useAddAtom(customizeAtom);
- const removeCustomization = useRemoveAtom(customizeAtom);
- return (
- {display(component)}
- {sequence.map((x, i) => (
- addCustomization(
- component,
- sequence.map((y, j) => (i === j ? s : y)),
- )
- }
- />
- ))}
- addCustomization(component, sequence.concat("1"))}
- />
- addCustomization(component, sequence.slice(0, sequence.length - 1))
- }
- />
- removeCustomization(component)} />
- );
-const MemoEachSequence = memo(EachSequence);
-const AnalysisCustomizer = () => {
- const customize = useAtomValue(analysisAtom)?.customize ?? {};
- const display = useAtomValue(displayAtom);
- const [newCustomization, setNew] = useState(undefined);
- const addCustomization = useAddAtom(customizeAtom);
- return (
- {Object.entries(customize).map(([component, sequence]) => (
- ))}
- {
- return glyph.glyph?.type === "basic_component";
- }}
- />
- );
-export default AnalysisCustomizer;
diff --git a/src/components/CharacterQuery.tsx b/src/components/CharacterQuery.tsx
index 6d0f143..97745dd 100644
--- a/src/components/CharacterQuery.tsx
+++ b/src/components/CharacterQuery.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-import { Form, Input } from "antd";
-import { Operator, PrimitiveRepertoire, Repertoire, operators } from "~/lib";
+import { Form } from "antd";
+import type { CharacterFilter } from "~/lib";
+import { operators } from "~/lib";
import {
@@ -14,71 +15,14 @@ interface StrokeSearchProps {
setFilter: (s: CharacterFilter) => void;
-export const makeCharacterFilter =
- (
- input: CharacterFilter,
- repertoire: Repertoire | PrimitiveRepertoire,
- sequence: Map,
- ) =>
- (char: string) => {
- const character = repertoire[char];
- if (character === undefined) return false;
- const name = character.name ?? "";
- const seq = sequence.get(char) ?? "";
- const isNameMatched = (name + char).includes(input.name ?? "");
- const isSequenceMatched = seq.startsWith(input.sequence ?? "");
- const isUnicodeMatched =
- input.unicode === undefined || input.unicode === char.codePointAt(0);
- const isTagMatched =
- input.tag === undefined ||
- ("glyphs" in character &&
- character.glyphs.some((x) => x.tags?.includes(input.tag!))) ||
- ("glyph" in character && character.glyph?.tags?.includes(input.tag));
- const isOperatorMatched =
- input.operator === undefined ||
- ("glyphs" in character &&
- character.glyphs.some(
- (x) => "operator" in x && x.operator.includes(input.operator!),
- )) ||
- ("glyph" in character &&
- character.glyph?.type === "compound" &&
- character.glyph.operator.includes(input.operator));
- const isPartMatched =
- input.part === undefined ||
- ("glyphs" in character &&
- character.glyphs.some(
- (x) => "operandList" in x && x.operandList.includes(input.part!),
- )) ||
- ("glyph" in character &&
- character.glyph?.type === "compound" &&
- character.glyph.operandList.includes(input.part));
- return (
- isNameMatched &&
- isSequenceMatched &&
- isUnicodeMatched &&
- isTagMatched &&
- isOperatorMatched &&
- isPartMatched
- );
- };
-export interface CharacterFilter {
- name?: string;
- sequence?: string;
- unicode?: number;
- tag?: string;
- part?: string;
- operator?: Operator;
-export default function ({ setFilter }: StrokeSearchProps) {
+export default function CharacterQuery({ setFilter }: StrokeSearchProps) {
const tags = useAtomValue(tagsAtom);
return (
onValuesChange={async (_, values) => setFilter(values)}
- labelWidth="auto"
style={{ maxWidth: 1080 }}
+ autoFocusFirstInput={false}
diff --git a/src/components/CharacterSearch.tsx b/src/components/CharacterSearch.tsx
index 993bc7c..36fe413 100644
--- a/src/components/CharacterSearch.tsx
+++ b/src/components/CharacterSearch.tsx
@@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
import { Input } from "antd";
import SearchOutlined from "@ant-design/icons/SearchOutlined";
-import { Repertoire } from "~/lib";
interface StrokeSearchProps {
setSequence: (s: string) => void;
disabled?: boolean;
-export const makeFilter =
- (input: string, form: Repertoire, sequence: Map) =>
- (char: string) => {
- let name = form[char]?.name ?? "";
- let seq = sequence.get(char) ?? "";
- return (
- name.includes(input) || char.includes(input) || seq.startsWith(input)
- );
- };
-export default function ({ setSequence, disabled }: StrokeSearchProps) {
+export default function CharacterSearch({
+ setSequence,
+ disabled,
+}: StrokeSearchProps) {
return (
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ export const GlyphSelect = (props: ItemSelectProps & ProFormSelectProps) => {
useEffect(() => {
const initial = char ? [{ value: char, label: display(char) }] : [];
- }, [props.value]);
+ }, [props.value, char, display]);
const onSearch = (input: string) => {
if (input.length === 0) {
const allResults = sortedRepertoire
- .filter(props.customFilter ?? ((_) => true))
+ .filter(customFilter ?? (() => true))
.map(([x]) => ({
value: x,
label: display(x),
diff --git a/src/components/CharacterTable.tsx b/src/components/CharacterTable.tsx
index 62940bc..cc01fd5 100644
--- a/src/components/CharacterTable.tsx
+++ b/src/components/CharacterTable.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import React, { useContext, useRef, useState } from "react";
-import { isPUA, unicodeBlock } from "~/lib";
+import { useContext, useRef, useState } from "react";
+import { isPUA, makeCharacterFilter, unicodeBlock } from "~/lib";
import {
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import {
- Typography,
} from "antd";
import type { ColumnType, ColumnsType } from "antd/es/table";
import Table from "antd/es/table";
import {
+ RemoteContext,
@@ -25,33 +25,46 @@ import {
} from "~/atoms";
-import type { PrimitiveCharacter } from "~/lib";
+import type { CharacterFilter, PrimitiveCharacter, Reading } from "~/lib";
import {
- Add,
+ EditGlyph,
- RemoteContext,
+ EditReading,
} from "~/components/Action";
import ComponentForm from "./ComponentForm";
import CompoundForm from "./CompoundForm";
import { remoteUpdate } from "~/api";
-import { DeleteButton, PlusButton } from "./Utils";
-import Root from "./Element";
+import { DeleteButton } from "./Utils";
+import Element from "./Element";
import * as O from "optics-ts/standalone";
-import CharacterQuery, {
- CharacterFilter,
- makeCharacterFilter,
-} from "./CharacterQuery";
+import CharacterQuery from "./CharacterQuery";
import TagPicker from "./TagPicker";
import { findGlyphIndex } from "~/lib";
-import { TourProps } from "antd/lib";
+import type { TourProps } from "antd/lib";
import { QuestionCircleOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
type Column = ColumnType;
-const CharacterTable = () => {
+function ReadingList({ readings }: { readings: Reading[] }) {
+ return (
+ {readings.map((reading, index) => {
+ const core = {reading.pinyin};
+ if (readings.length === 1) return core;
+ return (
+ {core}
+ );
+ })}
+ );
+export default function CharacterTable() {
const allRepertoire = useAtomValue(allRepertoireAtom);
const userRepertoire = useAtomValue(userRepertoireAtom);
const addUser = useAddAtom(userRepertoireAtom);
@@ -130,17 +143,7 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
const readings: Column = {
title: "系统字音",
dataIndex: "readings",
- render: (_, record) => {
- return (
- {record.readings.map((reading, index) => {
- const core = {reading.pinyin};
- if (record.readings.length === 1) return core;
- return {core};
- })}
- );
- },
+ render: (_, record) => ,
width: 128,
@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
) : (
@@ -230,8 +233,17 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
return as.localeCompare(bs);
sortDirections: ["ascend", "descend"],
- filters: [{ text: "无字形", value: 1 }],
- onFilter: (_, record) => record.glyphs.length === 0,
+ };
+ const customReadingsColumn: Column = {
+ title: "自定义字音",
+ render: (_, character) => {
+ const maybeReadings =
+ customReadings[String.fromCodePoint(character.unicode)];
+ if (maybeReadings === undefined) return null;
+ return ;
+ },
+ width: 128,
const customGlyphColumn: Column = {
@@ -258,7 +270,7 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
) : (
@@ -271,12 +283,7 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
- width: 192,
- sorter: (a, b) => {
- const [as, bs] = [JSON.stringify(a.glyphs), JSON.stringify(b.glyphs)];
- return as.localeCompare(bs);
- },
- sortDirections: ["ascend", "descend"],
+ width: 128,
const ambiguous: Column = {
@@ -298,7 +305,8 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
key: "option",
render: (_, record) => (
@@ -358,6 +366,7 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
+ customReadingsColumn,
@@ -374,7 +383,7 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
- {}} ref={ref3} />
+ {}} ref={ref3} />
@@ -404,6 +413,4 @@ const CharacterTable = () => {
-export default CharacterTable;
diff --git a/src/components/Classifier.tsx b/src/components/Classifier.tsx
index d2d6e46..0a18c10 100644
--- a/src/components/Classifier.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Classifier.tsx
@@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ import {
- useSetAtom,
} from "~/atoms";
import { Button, Flex, Space, notification } from "antd";
-import Root from "~/components/Element";
+import Element from "~/components/Element";
import { DndContext, useDraggable, useDroppable } from "@dnd-kit/core";
import type { PropsWithChildren } from "react";
import { useState } from "react";
import { blue } from "@ant-design/colors";
-import { Feature } from "~/lib";
+import type { Feature } from "~/lib";
function Draggable({ name }: { name: string }) {
const { attributes, listeners, setNodeRef, transform } = useDraggable({
@@ -25,9 +24,9 @@ function Draggable({ name }: { name: string }) {
: undefined;
return (
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ const Droppable = ({ id, children }: PropsWithChildren<{ id: number }>) => {
-const Classifier = () => {
+export default function Classifier() {
const classifier = useAtomValue(customClassifierAtom);
const add = useAddAtom(classifierCustomizationAtom);
const [categories, setCategories] = useState(
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ const Classifier = () => {
{items.map(([x, v]) => (
- {x}
+ {x}
{v.map((s) => (
@@ -112,6 +111,4 @@ const Classifier = () => {
-export default Classifier;
diff --git a/src/components/ComponentForm.tsx b/src/components/ComponentForm.tsx
index df401cf..0b3f66e 100644
--- a/src/components/ComponentForm.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ComponentForm.tsx
@@ -1,38 +1,36 @@
-import {
- Button,
- Flex,
- Form,
- Dropdown,
- notification,
- FormListFieldData,
-} from "antd";
-import { EditorColumn, EditorRow, NumberInput } from "./Utils";
-import { MutableRefObject, ReactNode, useRef } from "react";
-import type { PrimitiveCharacter, Component, Character } from "~/lib";
+import type { FormListFieldData, MenuProps } from "antd";
+import { Button, Dropdown, Flex, Form } from "antd";
+import { EditorColumn, EditorRow } from "./Utils";
+import type { MutableRefObject, ReactNode } from "react";
+import { useRef } from "react";
+import type { Character, Component, SVGStroke } from "~/lib";
import type { Feature } from "~/lib";
import { getDummySVGStroke, schema } from "~/lib";
import { getDummyReferenceStroke, isComponent } from "~/lib";
import { allRepertoireAtom, useAtomValue } from "~/atoms";
import { GlyphSelect } from "./CharacterSelect";
+import type {
+ ProFormInstance,
+ ProFormListProps,
+} from "@ant-design/pro-components";
import {
- ModalForm,
+ ModalForm as _ModalForm,
- ProFormInstance,
- ProFormListProps,
} from "@ant-design/pro-components";
import styled from "styled-components";
import { CommonForm } from "./CompoundForm";
-import Root from "./Element";
+import Element from "./Element";
import { recursiveRenderComponent } from "~/lib";
import { Box, StrokesView } from "./GlyphView";
-import { BaseOptionType } from "antd/es/select";
+import type { BaseOptionType } from "antd/es/select";
+import { ArrowDownOutlined, ArrowUpOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
const Digit = ({ name }: { name: (string | number)[] }) => (
const InlineFlex = styled.div`
@@ -40,6 +38,25 @@ const InlineFlex = styled.div`
margin-right: 8px;
+const ModalForm = styled(_ModalForm)`
+ & .ant-pro-form-list-action {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ & .ant-pro-form-list-item {
+ justify-content: space-between !important;
+ align-items: center !important;
+ }
+ & .ant-form-item {
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ }
+ & .ant-pro-form-list > .ant-form-item {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
export const InlineRender = ({
@@ -72,10 +89,11 @@ const strokeOptions = Object.keys(schema).map((x) => ({
label: x,
const classifiedStrokeOptions: BaseOptionType[] = [
- { key: 0, label: "基本", children: strokeOptions.slice(0, 10) },
- { key: 1, label: "折类 I", children: strokeOptions.slice(10, 23) },
- { key: 2, label: "折类 II", children: strokeOptions.slice(23, 30) },
- { key: 4, label: "折类 III", children: strokeOptions.slice(30) },
+ { key: 0, label: "横竖", children: strokeOptions.slice(0, 4) },
+ { key: 1, label: "撇点", children: strokeOptions.slice(4, 11) },
+ { key: 2, label: "折类 I", children: strokeOptions.slice(11, 24) },
+ { key: 3, label: "折类 II", children: strokeOptions.slice(24, 31) },
+ { key: 4, label: "折类 III", children: strokeOptions.slice(31) },
const referenceOption: BaseOptionType = {
label: "引用笔画",
@@ -93,10 +111,9 @@ const StrokeForm = ({
}) => {
return (
- style={{ width: "96px" }}
@@ -129,13 +146,21 @@ const StrokeForm = ({
{({ feature }) =>
feature !== "reference" ? (
{({ command }) =>
command === "c" || command === "z" ? (
@@ -163,7 +188,7 @@ const StrokeForm = ({
-const ComponentForm = ({
+export default function ComponentForm({
@@ -179,14 +204,14 @@ const ComponentForm = ({
noButton?: boolean;
primary?: boolean;
readonly?: boolean;
-}) => {
+}) {
const repertoire = useAtomValue(allRepertoireAtom);
const trigger = noButton ? (
) : (
- {title}
+ {title}
- const isValidSource = ([name, _]: [string, Character]) => {
+ const isValidSource = ([name]: [string, Character]) => {
let component: Component | undefined =
if (component === undefined) return false;
@@ -214,8 +239,8 @@ const ComponentForm = ({
{(props) => {
const component = props as Component;
@@ -226,13 +251,21 @@ const ComponentForm = ({
return (
+ const projection = component.strokes.map((x, index) =>
+ x.feature === "reference" ? x : g[index]!,
+ );
+ formRef.current?.setFieldsValue({
+ strokes: projection,
+ });
+ }}
{({ type }) =>
@@ -256,25 +289,80 @@ const ComponentForm = ({
.length ?? 0
: 0;
return (
- {(meta, index) => {
- return (
+ <>
+ {
+ return [
+ ...defaultActionDom,
+ {
+ if (field.name === 0) {
+ action.move(field.name, count - 1);
+ } else {
+ action.move(field.name, field.name - 1);
+ }
+ }}
+ />,
+ {
+ if (field.name === count - 1) {
+ action.move(field.name, 0);
+ } else {
+ action.move(field.name, field.name + 1);
+ }
+ }}
+ />,
+ ];
+ }}
+ >
+ {(meta) => (
- );
- }}
+ )}
+ {
+ const newStroke = getDummySVGStroke(
+ item.key as Feature,
+ );
+ formRef.current?.setFieldValue(
+ "strokes",
+ formRef.current
+ ?.getFieldValue("strokes")
+ ?.concat(newStroke),
+ );
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ >
@@ -282,6 +370,4 @@ const ComponentForm = ({
-export default ComponentForm;
diff --git a/src/components/CompoundForm.tsx b/src/components/CompoundForm.tsx
index 067653e..eb14635 100644
--- a/src/components/CompoundForm.tsx
+++ b/src/components/CompoundForm.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { AutoComplete, Button, Flex, Form, Typography } from "antd";
+import { Button, Flex, Form } from "antd";
import type { Compound } from "~/lib";
import { operators } from "~/lib";
import { useWatch } from "antd/es/form/Form";
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import {
import { InlineRender, StaticList } from "./ComponentForm";
import { useAtomValue } from "jotai";
import { repertoireAtom, tagsAtom } from "~/atoms";
-import Root from "./Element";
+import Element from "./Element";
import { EditorColumn, EditorRow } from "./Utils";
import { Box, StrokesView } from "./GlyphView";
import { recursiveRenderCompound } from "~/lib";
@@ -32,33 +32,17 @@ export const CommonForm = () => {
- "标签"}
- >
- {(meta) => (
- ({ label: x, value: x }))}
- />
- )}
+ mode="tags"
+ options={tags.map((x) => ({ label: x, value: x }))}
+ />
-const CompoundForm = ({
+export default function CompoundForm({
@@ -72,14 +56,14 @@ const CompoundForm = ({
noButton?: boolean;
primary?: boolean;
readonly?: boolean;
-}) => {
+}) {
const repertoire = useAtomValue(repertoireAtom);
const [form] = Form.useForm();
const list: string[] = useWatch("operandList", form);
const trigger = noButton ? (
) : (
- {title}
+ {title}
return (
@@ -119,7 +103,7 @@ const CompoundForm = ({
const newLength = value === "⿲" || value === "⿳" ? 3 : 2;
const newList = list.concat("一").slice(0, newLength);
@@ -128,9 +112,9 @@ const CompoundForm = ({
options={operators.map((x) => ({ value: x, label: x }))}
style={{ width: "96px" }}
- >
- {(meta, i) => (
+ />
+ {(meta) => (
@@ -139,7 +123,7 @@ const CompoundForm = ({
+ options={[...Array(12).keys()].map((x) => ({
value: x,
label: x === 0 ? "取剩余全部" : `取 ${x} 笔`,
@@ -163,10 +147,17 @@ const CompoundForm = ({
-export default CompoundForm;
diff --git a/src/components/ConfigManager.tsx b/src/components/ConfigManager.tsx
index 4737af1..f6ab8e1 100644
--- a/src/components/ConfigManager.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ConfigManager.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { Button, Flex, notification } from "antd";
-import { configAtom, useAtom, validateConfig } from "~/atoms";
+import { Button, Flex } from "antd";
+import { configAtom, roundTestConfig, useAtom, validateConfig } from "~/atoms";
import { examples, exportYAML } from "~/lib";
export default function ConfigManager() {
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export default function ConfigManager() {
return (
diff --git a/src/components/Debugger.tsx b/src/components/Debugger.tsx
index 81ba034..c17fdee 100644
--- a/src/components/Debugger.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Debugger.tsx
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
-import {
- Button,
- Flex,
- Form,
- Radio,
- Space,
- Statistic,
- Switch,
- Table,
- Typography,
- notification,
-} from "antd";
+import { Flex, Form, Statistic, Switch, Table } from "antd";
+import type { ColumnsType } from "antd/es/table";
+import { useAtom, useAtomValue } from "jotai";
+import { atomWithStorage } from "jotai/utils";
+import { useMemo, useState } from "react";
+import { charactersAtom, configAtom, repertoireAtom } from "~/atoms";
+import { encodeResultAtom } from "~/atoms";
import { Select, Uploader } from "~/components/Utils";
+import type { DictEntry } from "~/lib";
+import { getSupplemental } from "~/lib";
-export default function () {
+interface DictEntryWithReference extends DictEntry {
+ reference: string[];
+ status: "correct" | "incorrect" | "unknown";
+ hash: string;
+export default function Debugger() {
+ const config = useAtomValue(configAtom);
+ const repertoire = useAtomValue(repertoireAtom);
+ const characters = useAtomValue(charactersAtom);
+ const [code] = useAtomValue(encodeResultAtom);
const referenceAtom = useMemo(
() =>
@@ -23,11 +30,11 @@ export default function () {
const [reference, setReference] = useAtom(referenceAtom);
- const [debug, setDebug] = useState(false);
+ const [incorrectOnly, setIncorrectOnly] = useState(false);
const filterOptions = ["成字部件", "非成字部件", "所有汉字"] as const;
const [filterOption, setFilterOption] = useState("所有汉字");
type FilterOption = (typeof filterOptions)[number];
- const supplemental = getSupplemental(repertoire, list);
+ const supplemental = getSupplemental(repertoire, characters);
const filterMap: Record boolean> = {
成字部件: (char) => repertoire[char]?.glyph?.type === "basic_component",
非成字部件: (char) => supplemental.includes(char),
@@ -38,28 +45,51 @@ export default function () {
let correct = 0;
let incorrect = 0;
let unknown = 0;
- if (debug && dataSource && mode === "character") {
- dataSource = dataSource.filter(({ item, full }) => {
- if (!filterFn(item)) return false;
- const codes = reference[item];
- if (codes === undefined) {
+ let dataSource: DictEntryWithReference[] = code
+ .filter((x) => [...x.name].length === 1 && filterFn(x.name))
+ .map((x) => {
+ const codes = reference[x.name] ?? [];
+ const hash = `${x.name}-${x.full}`;
+ let status: "correct" | "incorrect" | "unknown" = "unknown";
+ if (codes.length === 0) {
unknown += 1;
- return false;
- } else if (!codes.includes(full)) {
+ } else if (!codes.includes(x.full)) {
incorrect += 1;
- return true;
+ status = "incorrect";
} else {
correct += 1;
- return false;
+ status = "correct";
+ return { ...x, reference: codes, status, hash };
+ if (incorrectOnly) {
+ dataSource = dataSource.filter((x) => x.status === "incorrect");
+ const columns: ColumnsType = [
+ {
+ title: "字符",
+ dataIndex: "name",
+ key: "name",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "全码",
+ dataIndex: "full",
+ key: "full",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "参考全码",
+ dataIndex: "reference",
+ key: "reference",
+ render: (codes) => codes.join(", "),
+ },
+ ];
return (
+ .map((x) => x.trim().split("\t"));
for (const line of tsv) {
const [key, value] = line;
if (key !== undefined && value !== undefined) {
- ref[key] = [value];
+ ref[key] = (ref[key] ?? []).concat(value);
@@ -81,35 +111,42 @@ export default function () {
{reference !== undefined &&
- {debug && (
- )}
diff --git a/src/components/Degenerator.tsx b/src/components/Degenerator.tsx
index 27000ed..1cfbbc0 100644
--- a/src/components/Degenerator.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Degenerator.tsx
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-import { Button, Checkbox, Flex, Typography } from "antd";
+import { Button } from "antd";
+import { degeneratorAtom, useAtom } from "~/atoms";
+import type { Feature } from "~/lib";
+import { classifier } from "~/lib";
import {
- useAtomValue,
- useSetAtom,
- useAddAtom,
- degeneratorAtom,
- useRemoveAtom,
- degeneratorFeatureAtom,
- degeneratorNoCrossAtom,
-} from "~/atoms";
-import { DeleteButton, Select } from "./Utils";
-import { classifier, Feature } from "~/lib";
-import { useState } from "react";
+ ModalForm,
+ ProFormGroup,
+ ProFormList,
+ ProFormSelect,
+ ProFormSwitch,
+} from "@ant-design/pro-components";
-const Degenerator = () => {
- const degenerator = useAtomValue(degeneratorAtom);
- const addFeature = useAddAtom(degeneratorFeatureAtom);
- const removeFeature = useRemoveAtom(degeneratorFeatureAtom);
- const switchNoCross = useSetAtom(degeneratorNoCrossAtom);
- const [feature, setFeature] = useState("横");
+export default function Degenerator() {
+ const [degenerator, setDegenerator] = useAtom(degeneratorAtom);
+ const initialValue = {
+ no_cross: degenerator.no_cross,
+ feature: Object.entries(degenerator.feature ?? {}).map(([from, to]) => ({
+ from,
+ to,
+ })),
+ };
const options = Object.keys(classifier).map((feature) => ({
label: feature,
value: feature,
return (
- <>
- 字根认同
- {Object.entries(degenerator.feature ?? {}).map(([from, to]) => (
- 认为
- {from as Feature}
- 与
- ))}
- switchNoCross(e.target.checked)}
- >
- 相交不拆
- >
+ trigger={}
+ title="字根认同"
+ initialValues={initialValue}
+ layout="horizontal"
+ onFinish={async (values) => {
+ const acc = {} as Record;
+ values.feature.forEach(({ from, to }) => {
+ acc[from] = to;
+ });
+ setDegenerator({ no_cross: values.no_cross, feature: acc });
+ return true;
+ }}
+ >
-export default Degenerator;
diff --git a/src/components/DetailEditor.tsx b/src/components/DetailEditor.tsx
index db84830..acb7fb2 100644
--- a/src/components/DetailEditor.tsx
+++ b/src/components/DetailEditor.tsx
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-import { Panel, useReactFlow } from "reactflow";
-import type { ConditionData, SourceData } from "./graph";
+import { Panel } from "reactflow";
import styled from "styled-components";
import { Cascader, Flex, Form, Typography } from "antd";
-import type { CodableObject } from "~/lib";
+import type { CodableObject, Condition, Source, UnaryOp } from "~/lib";
import { parseList, defaultAlgebra, renderList } from "~/lib";
import { Select } from "./Utils";
-import type { Op, UnaryOp } from "~/lib";
-import { binaryOps, ops, unaryOps } from "~/lib";
+import { ops, unaryOps } from "~/lib";
import TextArea from "antd/es/input/TextArea";
import { useAtomValue, keyboardAtom, algebraAtom } from "~/atoms";
+import { customElementsAtom } from "~/atoms";
const Background = styled(Flex)`
width: 240px;
@@ -27,14 +26,20 @@ interface Option {
label: string;
children?: Option[];
-const DetailEditor = ({ selected }: { selected: string }) => {
- const { setNodes, getNodes, getNode } = useReactFlow<
- SourceData | ConditionData
- >();
- const nodes = getNodes();
- const { data } = getNode(selected)!;
+export default function DetailEditor({
+ selected,
+ data,
+ setData,
+}: {
+ selected: string;
+ data: Source | Condition | undefined;
+ setData: (data: Source | Condition) => void;
+}) {
const { alphabet } = useAtomValue(keyboardAtom);
const algebra = useAtomValue(algebraAtom);
+ const customElements = useAtomValue(customElementsAtom);
+ if (data === undefined) return null;
const genericIndices = [...Array(10).keys()]
.map((x) => [x + 1, -(x + 1)])
@@ -99,12 +104,29 @@ const DetailEditor = ({ selected }: { selected: string }) => {
label: v,
+ {
+ value: "自定义",
+ label: "自定义",
+ children: Object.keys(customElements).map((v) => ({
+ value: v,
+ label: v,
+ children: genericIndices.map((v) => {
+ return {
+ value: v,
+ label: `第 ${v.toString()} 元`,
+ };
+ }),
+ })),
+ },
+ {
+ value: "特殊",
+ label: "特殊",
+ children: [
+ { value: "张码补码", label: "张码补码" },
+ { value: "张码准码元", label: "张码准码元" },
+ ],
+ },
- const update = (data: SourceData | ConditionData) => {
- setNodes(
- nodes.map((node) => (node.id === selected ? { ...node, data } : node)),
- );
- };
return (
@@ -118,7 +140,7 @@ const DetailEditor = ({ selected }: { selected: string }) => {
onChange={(event) => {
const object = parseList(event) as CodableObject;
- update({ ...data, object });
+ setData({ ...data, object });
@@ -133,8 +155,8 @@ const DetailEditor = ({ selected }: { selected: string }) => {
onChange={(event) => {
event === -1
- ? update({ ...data, index: undefined })
- : update({ ...data, index: event });
+ ? setData({ ...data, index: undefined })
+ : setData({ ...data, index: event });
@@ -150,10 +172,10 @@ const DetailEditor = ({ selected }: { selected: string }) => {
value: v,
onChange={(event) => {
- if ((unaryOps as readonly Op[]).includes(event)) {
- update({ ...data, operator: event });
+ if (unaryOps.includes(event as UnaryOp)) {
+ setData({ ...data, operator: event as UnaryOp });
} else {
- update({
+ setData({
operator: event,
value: "",
@@ -169,7 +191,7 @@ const DetailEditor = ({ selected }: { selected: string }) => {
style={{ width: "128px" }}
onChange={(event) =>
- update({ ...data, value: event.target.value })
+ setData({ ...data, value: event.target.value })
@@ -179,6 +201,4 @@ const DetailEditor = ({ selected }: { selected: string }) => {
-export default DetailEditor;
diff --git a/src/components/Element.tsx b/src/components/Element.tsx
index f41c95c..1999fa2 100644
--- a/src/components/Element.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Element.tsx
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import styled from "styled-components";
import { Button } from "antd";
-const Root = styled(Button)`
+const Element = styled(Button)`
min-width: 32px;
padding: 0 8px;
height: 32px;
` as typeof Button;
-export default Root;
+export default Element;
diff --git a/src/components/ElementAdder.tsx b/src/components/ElementAdder.tsx
index 9511241..8b5cc29 100644
--- a/src/components/ElementAdder.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ElementAdder.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { useState } from "react";
-import { Select, Button, Flex } from "antd";
+import { Button, Flex } from "antd";
import {
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ import {
} from "~/atoms";
import ElementSelect from "./ElementSelect";
import KeySelect from "./KeySelect";
-import { Key, joinKeys } from "~/lib";
+import type { Key } from "~/lib";
+import { joinKeys } from "~/lib";
-const ElementAdder = ({ element }: { element?: string }) => {
+export default function ElementAdder({ element }: { element?: string }) {
const { alphabet, mapping_type, mapping } = useAtomValue(keyboardAtom);
const [main, setMain] = useState(Object.keys(mapping)[0]!);
const [keys, setKeys] = useState([alphabet[0]!, "", "", ""]);
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ const ElementAdder = ({ element }: { element?: string }) => {
-export default ElementAdder;
diff --git a/src/components/ElementPicker.tsx b/src/components/ElementPicker.tsx
index f7f6841..b4054ad 100644
--- a/src/components/ElementPicker.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ElementPicker.tsx
@@ -1,30 +1,20 @@
-import { Button, Flex, Tabs } from "antd";
+import { Button, Cascader, Flex, Popover, Typography } from "antd";
import { useState } from "react";
import ElementAdder from "./ElementAdder";
import ElementPool from "./ElementPool";
-import styled from "styled-components";
import {
- repertoireAtom,
+ processedCustomElementsAtom,
} from "~/atoms";
import Algebra from "./Algebra";
-import { PronunciationElementTypes, applyRules, defaultAlgebra } from "~/lib";
+import type { PronunciationElementTypes } from "~/lib";
import { operators } from "~/lib";
-interface ElementPickerProps {
- content: Map;
- editable?: boolean;
-const Wrapper = styled(Tabs)`
- & .ant-tabs-nav-wrap {
- transform: none !important;
- }
+import { phonemeEnumerationAtom } from "~/atoms";
+import QuestionCircleOutlined from "@ant-design/icons/QuestionCircleOutlined";
const AlgebraEditor = function ({
@@ -61,8 +51,34 @@ const AlgebraEditor = function ({
const shapeElementTypes = ["字根", "笔画", "二笔", "结构"] as const;
export type ShapeElementTypes = (typeof shapeElementTypes)[number];
-export const ShapeElementPicker = function () {
+interface Option {
+ value: string | number;
+ label: string;
+ children?: Option[];
+ disabled?: boolean;
+const pronunciationElementsDescription = (
+ -
+ 「声母」和「韵母」是按照《汉语拼音方案》中所规定的声母和韵母来切分一个音节,例如
+ yan 分析为零声母 + ian;
+ -
+ 「双拼声母」和「双拼韵母」是按照自然码等双拼方案中的习惯来切分一个音节,例如
+ yan 分析为 y + an;
+ - 「首字母」和「末字母」是二笔和形音码等方案中采取的元素类型;
+ - 您可利用拼写运算创造新的字音元素类型。
+type PrimaryTypes = "shape" | "pronunciation" | "custom";
+const useAllElements = () => {
const customizedClassifier = useAtomValue(customClassifierAtom);
+ const pronunciationElements = useAtomValue(phonemeEnumerationAtom);
+ const customElements = useAtomValue(processedCustomElementsAtom);
const sortedForm = useAtomValue(sortedRepertoireAtom);
const allStrokes = Array.from(new Set(Object.values(customizedClassifier)))
@@ -71,89 +87,82 @@ export const ShapeElementPicker = function () {
.map((x) => ["0"].concat(allStrokes).map((y) => x + y))
const allGlyph = sortedForm.map(([x]) => x);
- const content: Map = new Map([
+ const shapeElements: Map = new Map([
["字根", allGlyph],
["笔画", allStrokes],
["二笔", allErbi],
["结构", [...operators]],
- const [element, setElement] = useState(undefined);
- const [type, setType] = useState("字根");
- return (
- {
- return {
- label: name,
- key: name,
- children: (
- ),
- };
- })}
- onChange={(e) => {
- setType(e as ShapeElementTypes);
- }}
- />
- );
+ const elements: Record> = {
+ shape: shapeElements,
+ pronunciation: pronunciationElements,
+ custom: customElements,
+ };
+ return elements;
-export const PronElementPicker = function () {
- const characters = useAtomValue(repertoireAtom);
- const algebra = useAtomValue(algebraAtom);
+export default function ElementPicker() {
const [element, setElement] = useState(undefined);
- const [type, setType] = useState("声母");
- const syllables = [
- ...new Set(
- Object.values(characters)
- .map((x) => x.readings.map((y) => y.pinyin))
- .flat(),
- ),
+ const [types, setTypes] = useState<[string, string]>(["shape", "字根"]);
+ const elements = useAllElements();
+ const { shape, pronunciation, custom } = elements;
+ const [primary, secondary] = types;
+ const currentElements = elements[primary as PrimaryTypes].get(secondary)!;
+ const options: Option[] = [
+ {
+ value: "shape",
+ label: "字形",
+ children: [...shape.keys()].map((v) => ({
+ value: v,
+ label: v,
+ })),
+ },
+ {
+ value: "pronunciation",
+ label: "字音",
+ children: [...pronunciation.keys()].map((v) => ({
+ value: v,
+ label: v,
+ })),
+ },
+ {
+ value: "custom",
+ label: "自定义",
+ children: [...custom.keys()].map((v) => ({
+ value: v,
+ label: v,
+ })),
+ disabled: custom.size === 0,
+ },
- const mergedAlgebras = [
- ...Object.entries(defaultAlgebra),
- ...Object.entries(algebra),
- ];
- const content: Map = new Map(
- mergedAlgebras.map(([name, rules]) => {
- const list = [
- ...new Set(syllables.map((s) => applyRules(name, rules, s))),
- ].sort();
- return [name as PronunciationElementTypes, list];
- }),
- );
return (
- {
- return {
- label: name,
- key: name,
- children: (
- ),
- };
- })}
- onChange={(e) => {
- setType(e as PronunciationElementTypes);
- }}
+ 元素选择器
+ 元素类型:
+ setTypes(x as [string, string])}
+ options={options}
+ />
+ {primary === "pronunciation" && (
+ setTypes(["pronunciation", s])}
+ />
+ )}
diff --git a/src/components/ElementPool.tsx b/src/components/ElementPool.tsx
index c59f04e..e98ed1c 100644
--- a/src/components/ElementPool.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ElementPool.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-import { useState } from "react";
+import type { FC } from "react";
+import { memo, useState } from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
import Char from "./Character";
import { Button, Flex, Modal, Pagination, Popover, Typography } from "antd";
@@ -10,12 +11,13 @@ import {
} from "~/atoms";
-import { isPUA } from "~/lib";
+import { isPUA, makeFilter } from "~/lib";
import { StrokesView } from "./GlyphView";
-import StrokeSearch, { makeFilter } from "./CharacterSearch";
-import { ShapeElementTypes } from "./ElementPicker";
-import { PronunciationElementTypes } from "~/lib";
+import StrokeSearch from "./CharacterSearch";
+import type { ShapeElementTypes } from "./ElementPicker";
+import type { PronunciationElementTypes } from "~/lib";
import Classifier from "./Classifier";
+import { useDraggable } from "@dnd-kit/core";
const Content = styled(Flex)`
padding: 8px;
@@ -27,26 +29,27 @@ interface PoolProps {
element?: string;
setElement: (s: string | undefined) => void;
content: string[];
- name: ShapeElementTypes | PronunciationElementTypes;
+ name: ShapeElementTypes | PronunciationElementTypes | string;
-const Element = ({
- element: x,
- setElement,
- currentElement,
-}: {
+interface ElementProps {
element: string;
setElement: (s: string | undefined) => void;
currentElement?: string;
+const Element: FC = ({
+ element: x,
+ setElement,
+ currentElement,
}) => {
const keyboard = useAtomValue(keyboardAtom);
const { mapping, grouping } = keyboard;
- const determiedRepertoire = useAtomValue(repertoireAtom);
const glyphMap = useAtomValue(glyphAtom);
const type =
x === currentElement
? "primary"
- : mapping[x] || grouping[x]
+ : mapping[x] || grouping?.[x]
? "link"
: "default";
const display = useAtomValue(displayAtom);
@@ -64,7 +67,9 @@ const Element = ({
return (
@@ -74,20 +79,41 @@ const Element = ({
const MyPagination = styled(Pagination)``;
-const ElementPool = ({ element, setElement, content, name }: PoolProps) => {
+const DraggableElement = memo((props: ElementProps) => {
+ const { attributes, listeners, setNodeRef, transform } = useDraggable({
+ id: props.element,
+ });
+ const style = transform
+ ? {
+ transform: `translate3d(${transform.x}px, ${transform.y}px, 0)`,
+ }
+ : undefined;
+ return (
+ );
+export default function ElementPool({
+ element,
+ setElement,
+ content,
+ name,
+}: PoolProps) {
const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
const pageSize = 100;
const [sequence, setSequence] = useState("");
const sequenceMap = useAtomValue(sequenceAtom);
const determinedRepertoire = useAtomValue(repertoireAtom);
- const filtered =
- name === "字根"
- ? content.filter(
- (x) =>
- makeFilter(sequence, determinedRepertoire, sequenceMap)(x) &&
- (sequenceMap.get(x)?.length ?? 0) > 1,
- )
- : content;
+ const filter = makeFilter(sequence, determinedRepertoire, sequenceMap);
+ const filtered = name === "字根" ? content.filter(filter) : content;
const range = filtered.slice((page - 1) * pageSize, page * pageSize);
const [isOpen, setOpen] = useState(false);
return (
@@ -132,6 +158,4 @@ const ElementPool = ({ element, setElement, content, name }: PoolProps) => {
-export default ElementPool;
diff --git a/src/components/ElementSelect.tsx b/src/components/ElementSelect.tsx
index 97d6844..aa26271 100644
--- a/src/components/ElementSelect.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ElementSelect.tsx
@@ -6,22 +6,19 @@ import {
} from "~/atoms";
import { Select } from "./Utils";
+import type { SelectProps } from "antd";
+import type { ProFormSelectProps } from "@ant-design/pro-components";
-export interface ElementSelectProps {
- char?: string;
- onChange: (s: string) => void;
+interface ElementSelectProps extends SelectProps {
customFilter?: (s: string) => boolean;
excludeGrouped?: boolean;
onlyRootsAndStrokes?: boolean;
-export default function ElementSelect({
- char,
- onChange,
- customFilter,
- excludeGrouped,
- onlyRootsAndStrokes,
-}: ElementSelectProps) {
+export default function ElementSelect(
+ props: ElementSelectProps & ProFormSelectProps,
+) {
+ const { customFilter, excludeGrouped, onlyRootsAndStrokes, ...rest } = props;
const { mapping, grouping } = useAtomValue(keyboardAtom);
const sequenceMap = useAtomValue(sequenceAtom);
const repertoire = useAtomValue(repertoireAtom);
@@ -38,14 +35,13 @@ export default function ElementSelect({
const display = useAtomValue(displayAtom);
return (
diff --git a/src/components/Selector.tsx b/src/components/Selector.tsx
index 3fef8a6..3fb62ad 100644
--- a/src/components/Selector.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Selector.tsx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import { CSS } from "@dnd-kit/utilities";
import type { SieveName } from "~/lib";
import { useAtom, selectorAtom, useAppendAtom, useExcludeAtom } from "~/atoms";
-import { Button, Dropdown, Flex, Space, Typography } from "antd";
+import { Button, Dropdown, Flex, Typography } from "antd";
import MenuOutlined from "@ant-design/icons/MenuOutlined";
import PrioritizedRoots from "./PrioritizedRoots";
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ const SortableItem = ({
-const Selector = () => {
+export default function Selector() {
const sensors = useSensors(
useSensor(KeyboardSensor, {
@@ -96,6 +96,4 @@ const Selector = () => {
{selector.includes("少弱字根") && }
-export default Selector;
diff --git a/src/components/SequenceTable.tsx b/src/components/SequenceTable.tsx
index 92ef617..e027886 100644
--- a/src/components/SequenceTable.tsx
+++ b/src/components/SequenceTable.tsx
@@ -1,38 +1,18 @@
-import { useState } from "react";
-import { Alert, Button, Flex, Input, Space } from "antd";
+import { Button, Flex, Input, Space } from "antd";
import {
- configAtom,
- repertoireAtom,
- useAtom,
- dictionaryAtom,
- useSetAtom,
- makeEncodeCallback,
- DictEntry,
+ combinedResultAtom,
} from "~/atoms";
-import type { Assembly, IndexedElement } from "~/lib";
-import {
- assemble,
- getPriorityMap,
- stringifySequence,
- summarize,
- analysis,
-} from "~/lib";
-import { exportTSV, makeWorker, renderIndexed, renderSuperScript } from "~/lib";
-import {
- analysisResultAtom,
- assemblyResultAtom,
- encodeResultAtom,
-} from "~/atoms/cache";
-import PrimitiveDuplicationAnalyzer, {
- analyzePrimitiveDuplication,
- defaultAnalyzer,
-} from "~/components/PrimitiveDuplicationAnalyzer";
-import { ProColumns, ProTable } from "@ant-design/pro-components";
+import type { DictEntry, IndexedElement } from "~/lib";
+import { getPriorityMap, summarize } from "~/lib";
+import { exportTSV, renderIndexed, renderSuperScript } from "~/lib";
+import { assemblyResultAtom, encodeResultAtom } from "~/atoms";
+import type { ProColumns } from "@ant-design/pro-components";
+import { ProTable } from "@ant-design/pro-components";
import ProrityShortCodeSelector from "./ProrityShortCodeSelector";
interface MainEntry {
@@ -47,41 +27,8 @@ interface MainEntry {
[n: number]: IndexedElement;
-const RecomputeAssembly = () => {
- const repertoire = useAtomValue(repertoireAtom);
- const config = useAtomValue(configAtom);
- const characters = Object.entries(repertoire)
- .filter(([, v]) => v.tygf > 0)
- .map(([x]) => x);
- const [analysisResult, setAnalysisResult] = useAtom(analysisResultAtom);
- const [assemblyResult, setAssemblyResult] = useAtom(assemblyResultAtom);
- const dictionary = useAtomValue(dictionaryAtom);
- return (
- {
- let result = analysisResult;
- if (result === null) {
- result = analysis(repertoire, config);
- setAnalysisResult(result);
- }
- let assembled = assemble(
- repertoire,
- config,
- characters,
- dictionary,
- result,
- );
- setAssemblyResult(assembled);
- }}
- >
- 更新拆分表
- );
const ExportAssembly = () => {
- const assemblyResult = useAtomValue(assemblyResultAtom) ?? [];
+ const assemblyResult = useAtomValue(assemblyResultAtom);
const priorityShortCodes = useAtomValue(priorityShortCodesAtom);
const priorityMap = getPriorityMap(priorityShortCodes);
return (
@@ -98,49 +45,28 @@ const ExportAssembly = () => {
const hash = `${object}-${pinyin_list.join(",")}`;
const level = priorityMap.get(hash);
if (level !== undefined) {
- tsv.push([
- object,
- summary,
- String(importance ?? 100),
- String(level),
- ]);
+ tsv.push([object, summary, String(importance), String(level)]);
} else {
- tsv.push([object, summary, String(importance ?? 100)]);
+ tsv.push([object, summary, String(importance)]);
exportTSV(tsv, "elements.txt");
- 导出拆分表
- );
-const RecomputeCode = () => {
- const config = useAtomValue(configAtom);
- const assemblyResult = useAtomValue(assemblyResultAtom);
- const assets = useAtomValue(assetsAtom);
- const setCode = useSetAtom(encodeResultAtom);
- return (
- {
- const info = stringifySequence(assemblyResult!, config);
- const data = { config, info, assets };
- const worker = makeWorker();
- worker.onmessage = makeEncodeCallback(setCode);
- worker.postMessage({ type: "encode", data });
- }}
- >
- 更新码表
+ 导出元素序列表
const ExportCode = () => {
- const code = useAtomValue(encodeResultAtom);
- const flatten = (x: DictEntry) => [x.name, x.full, x.short];
+ const [code] = useAtomValue(encodeResultAtom);
+ const flatten = (x: DictEntry) => [
+ x.name,
+ x.full,
+ x.full_rank.toString(),
+ x.short,
+ x.short_rank.toString(),
+ ];
return (
=> ({
new RegExp(value as string).test(record[dataIndex]),
-export interface Combined extends Assembly, DictEntry {}
export default function SequenceTable() {
const display = useAtomValue(displayAtom);
- const assemblyResult = useAtomValue(assemblyResultAtom) ?? [];
- const lost: string[] = [];
const max_length = useAtomValue(maxLengthAtom);
const assets = useAtomValue(assetsAtom);
const frequencyMap = assets.frequency;
- const encodeResult = useAtomValue(encodeResultAtom) ?? [];
- const combinedResult: Combined[] = assemblyResult.map((x, i) => ({
- ...x,
- ...encodeResult[i]!,
- }));
+ const combinedResult = useAtomValue(combinedResultAtom);
- const [analyzer, setAnalyzer] = useState(defaultAnalyzer);
- const [selections, filtered] = analyzePrimitiveDuplication(
- analyzer,
- frequencyMap,
- combinedResult,
+ const dataSource = combinedResult.map(
+ ({ name, sequence, importance, ...rest }) => {
+ const frequency = Math.round(
+ ((frequencyMap[name] ?? 0) * importance) / 100,
+ );
+ const key = `${name}-${summarize(sequence)}`;
+ const entry: MainEntry = {
+ key,
+ frequency,
+ name,
+ ...rest,
+ };
+ for (const [i, element] of sequence.entries()) {
+ entry[i] = element;
+ }
+ return entry;
+ },
- const toShow = analyzer.filter ? filtered : combinedResult;
- const dataSource = toShow.map(({ name, sequence, importance, ...rest }) => {
- const frequency = Math.round(
- ((frequencyMap[name] ?? 0) * (importance ?? 100)) / 100,
- );
- const key = `${name}-${summarize(sequence)}`;
- const entry: MainEntry = {
- key,
- frequency,
- name,
- ...rest,
- };
- for (const [i, element] of sequence.entries()) {
- entry[i] = element;
- }
- return entry;
- });
dataSource.sort((a, b) => b.frequency - a.frequency);
const hash = (record: MainEntry) => {
@@ -349,42 +261,18 @@ export default function SequenceTable() {
- const toolbar = [
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ];
+ const toolbar = [, ];
return (
- <>
- {lost.length ? (
- ) : null}
- {assemblyResult.length > 0 && (
- )}
- virtual
- scroll={{ y: 1080 }}
- columns={columns}
- dataSource={dataSource}
- pagination={false}
- search={false}
- defaultSize="small"
- toolBarRender={() => toolbar}
- />
- >
+ virtual
+ scroll={{ y: 1080 }}
+ columns={columns}
+ dataSource={dataSource}
+ pagination={false}
+ search={false}
+ defaultSize="small"
+ toolBarRender={() => toolbar}
+ />
diff --git a/src/components/ShortCodeRules.tsx b/src/components/ShortCodeRules.tsx
index 8245a5a..6f8c185 100644
--- a/src/components/ShortCodeRules.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ShortCodeRules.tsx
@@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
-import { Button, Cascader, Flex, Form } from "antd";
-import { DeleteButton, Select } from "./Utils";
-import { Config, ShortCodeRule, wordLengthArray } from "~/lib";
-import { useListAtom } from "~/atoms";
-import { shortCodeConfigAtom } from "~/atoms/encoder";
+import { Button, Flex, Form } from "antd";
+import type { ShortCodeRule } from "~/lib";
+import { wordLengthArray } from "~/lib";
+import { useAtom } from "~/atoms";
+import { shortCodeConfigAtom } from "~/atoms";
+import {
+ ModalForm,
+ ProFormCascader,
+ ProFormDependency,
+ ProFormDigit,
+ ProFormGroup,
+ ProFormList,
+ ProFormSelect,
+} from "@ant-design/pro-components";
const defaultRules: ShortCodeRule[] = [
@@ -20,119 +29,83 @@ const defaultRules: ShortCodeRule[] = [
export default function ShortCodeRules() {
- const [shortCodeConfig, appendRule, excludeRule, modifyRule] =
- useListAtom(shortCodeConfigAtom);
+ const [shortCodeConfig, setShortCodeConfig] = useAtom(shortCodeConfigAtom);
+ const wordLengthArray2D = wordLengthArray
+ .slice(0, wordLengthArray.length - 1)
+ .map((x) => ({
+ ...x,
+ children: wordLengthArray.filter((y) => y.value > x.value),
+ }));
+ const [form] = Form.useForm<{ short_code: ShortCodeRule[] }>();
return (
- <>
- {shortCodeConfig.map((rule, ruleIndex) => {
- const schemes = rule.schemes;
- return (
- {"length_equal" in rule ? (
- ) : (
- ({
- ...x,
- children: wordLengthArray.filter(
- (y) => y.value > x.value,
- ),
- }))}
- onChange={(value) => {
- modifyRule(ruleIndex, {
- ...rule,
- length_in_range: value as [number, number],
- });
- }}
- />
- )}
- modifyRule(ruleIndex, {
- ...rule,
- schemes: schemes.concat({ prefix: 1, count: 1 }),
- })
- }
- >
- 添加出简方式
- excludeRule(ruleIndex)}>删除规则
- {schemes.map((scheme, schemeIndex) => {
- return (
- modifyRule(ruleIndex, {
- ...rule,
- schemes: schemes.filter((x, i) => i !== schemeIndex),
- })
- }
- />
- );
- })}
- );
- })}
+ 配置简码规则}
+ initialValues={{ short_code: shortCodeConfig }}
+ onFinish={async (values) => {
+ setShortCodeConfig(values.short_code);
+ return true;
+ }}
+ form={form}
+ >
+ {({ length_equal, length_in_range }) => {
+ if (length_equal)
+ return (
+ );
+ if (length_in_range)
+ return (
+ );
+ }}
- appendRule(defaultRules[0]!)}>添加规则
- appendRule(defaultRules[1]!)}>
+ {
+ const newValue = form
+ .getFieldValue("short_code")
+ .concat(defaultRules[0]!);
+ form.setFieldValue("short_code", newValue);
+ }}
+ >
+ 添加规则
+ {
+ const newValue = form
+ .getFieldValue("short_code")
+ .concat(defaultRules[1]!);
+ form.setFieldValue("short_code", newValue);
+ }}
+ >
- >
diff --git a/src/components/SingleRules.tsx b/src/components/SingleRules.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a61a9d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/SingleRules.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
+import type { Connection, Node, Edge } from "reactflow";
+import ReactFlow, {
+ useNodesState,
+ useEdgesState,
+ useReactFlow,
+ Background,
+ BackgroundVariant,
+ Controls,
+ addEdge,
+ ReactFlowProvider,
+} from "reactflow";
+import { useAtom, sourcesAtom, conditionsAtom } from "~/atoms";
+import "reactflow/dist/style.css";
+import { SourceNode, ConditionNode } from "./Node";
+import type { Condition, Source } from "~/lib";
+import type { SourceData, ConditionData } from "./graph";
+import {
+ makeSourceNode,
+ makeConditionNode,
+ getLayoutedElements,
+ makeEdge,
+ CacheContext,
+} from "./graph";
+import DetailEditor from "./DetailEditor";
+import { Button, Modal } from "antd";
+const initializeGraph = (
+ sources: Record,
+ conditions: Record,
+) => {
+ const sourceNodes = Object.entries(sources).map(([id, data]) =>
+ makeSourceNode(data, id),
+ );
+ const conditionNodes = Object.entries(conditions).map(([id, data]) =>
+ makeConditionNode(data, id),
+ );
+ const initialNodes: Node[] = [...sourceNodes, ...conditionNodes];
+ const initialEdges: Edge[] = [];
+ for (const [id, { next }] of Object.entries(sources)) {
+ next && initialEdges.push(makeEdge(id, next));
+ }
+ for (const [id, { positive, negative }] of Object.entries(conditions)) {
+ positive && initialEdges.push(makeEdge(id, positive, "positive"));
+ negative && initialEdges.push(makeEdge(id, negative, "negative"));
+ }
+ const [layoutNodes, layoutEdges] = getLayoutedElements(
+ initialNodes,
+ initialEdges,
+ );
+ return [layoutNodes, layoutEdges] as const;
+function EncoderGraph({
+ open,
+ setOpen,
+}: {
+ open: boolean;
+ setOpen: (open: boolean) => void;
+}) {
+ const { fitView } = useReactFlow();
+ const [sources, setSources] = useAtom(sourcesAtom);
+ const [conditions, setConditions] = useAtom(conditionsAtom);
+ const [cachedSources, setCachedSources] = useState(sources);
+ const [cachedConditions, setCachedConditions] = useState(conditions);
+ const [initialNodes, initialEdges] = initializeGraph(
+ cachedSources,
+ cachedConditions,
+ );
+ const [nodes, setNodes, onNodesChange] = useNodesState<
+ SourceData | ConditionData
+ >(initialNodes);
+ const [edges, setEdges, onEdgesChange] = useEdgesState(initialEdges);
+ const nodeTypes = useMemo(
+ () => ({ source: SourceNode, condition: ConditionNode }),
+ [],
+ );
+ const [selected, setSelected] = useState(undefined);
+ const onSelectionChange = useCallback(({ nodes }: { nodes: Node[] }) => {
+ nodes[0] && setSelected(nodes[0].id);
+ }, []);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const [reinitNodes, reinitEdges] = initializeGraph(
+ cachedSources,
+ cachedConditions,
+ );
+ setNodes(reinitNodes);
+ setEdges(reinitEdges);
+ }, [cachedSources, cachedConditions, setNodes, setEdges]);
+ const context = useMemo(
+ () => ({
+ sources: cachedSources,
+ setSources: setCachedSources,
+ conditions: cachedConditions,
+ setConditions: setCachedConditions,
+ selected,
+ setSelected,
+ }),
+ [
+ cachedSources,
+ setCachedSources,
+ cachedConditions,
+ setCachedConditions,
+ selected,
+ setSelected,
+ ],
+ );
+ return (
+ setOpen(false)}
+ onOk={() => {
+ setSources(cachedSources);
+ setConditions(cachedConditions);
+ setOpen(false);
+ }}
+ width={1080}
+ >
+ setSelected(undefined)}
+ nodeDragThreshold={10000}
+ fitView
+ >
+ {selected && (
+ {
+ if ("operator" in data) {
+ setCachedConditions({
+ ...cachedConditions,
+ [selected]: data,
+ });
+ } else {
+ setCachedSources({ ...cachedSources, [selected]: data });
+ }
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
+ );
+export default function SingleRules() {
+ const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
+ return (
+ setOpen(true)}>配置一字词规则
+ );
diff --git a/src/components/SolverForm.tsx b/src/components/SolverForm.tsx
index 56090e4..6b29a31 100644
--- a/src/components/SolverForm.tsx
+++ b/src/components/SolverForm.tsx
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
+import type { ProFormInstance } from "@ant-design/pro-components";
import {
- ProFormInstance,
} from "@ant-design/pro-components";
import { Form, Switch } from "antd";
import { useRef } from "react";
import { metaheuristicAtom, useAtom } from "~/atoms";
-import { Solver } from "~/lib";
+import type { Solver } from "~/lib";
export default function SolverForm() {
const [metaheuristic, setMetaheuristic] = useAtom(metaheuristicAtom);
@@ -25,119 +25,113 @@ export default function SolverForm() {
random_full_key_swap: 0.01,
return (
- <>
- title="求解算法"
- formRef={formRef}
- initialValues={metaheuristic}
- onFinish={async (values) => setMetaheuristic(values)}
- layout="horizontal"
- onValuesChange={(_, values) => setMetaheuristic(values)}
- submitter={false}
- >
- {({ parameters }) => (
- {
- formRef?.current?.setFieldValue(
- "parameters",
- value ? undefined : defaultParams,
- );
- formRef?.current?.setFieldValue(
- "runtime",
- value ? 10 : undefined,
- );
- formRef?.current?.submit();
- }}
- />
- )}
+ title="求解算法"
+ formRef={formRef}
+ initialValues={metaheuristic}
+ onFinish={async (values) => setMetaheuristic(values)}
+ layout="horizontal"
+ onValuesChange={(_, values) => setMetaheuristic(values)}
+ submitter={false}
+ >
- {({ parameters }) =>
- parameters === undefined ? (
+ {({ parameters }) => (
+ {
+ formRef?.current?.setFieldValue(
+ "parameters",
+ value ? undefined : defaultParams,
+ );
+ formRef?.current?.setFieldValue(
+ "runtime",
+ value ? 10 : undefined,
+ );
+ formRef?.current?.submit();
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
+ {({ parameters }) =>
+ parameters === undefined ? (
+ ) : (
- ) : (
+ )
+ }
+ {({ search_method }) => (
+ <>
+ {
+ formRef?.current?.setFieldValue(
+ "search_method",
+ value ? undefined : defaultSerachMethod,
+ );
+ formRef?.current?.submit();
+ }}
+ />
+ {search_method !== undefined ? (
- )
- }
- {({ search_method }) => (
- <>
- {
- formRef?.current?.setFieldValue(
- "search_method",
- value ? undefined : defaultSerachMethod,
- );
- formRef?.current?.submit();
- }}
- />
- {search_method !== undefined ? (
- ) : null}
- >
- )}
- >
+ ) : null}
+ >
+ )}
diff --git a/src/components/Starter.tsx b/src/components/Starter.tsx
index e91250c..4223c96 100644
--- a/src/components/Starter.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Starter.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-import { Button, Form, Input, Modal, Select } from "antd";
-import { useState } from "react";
+import { Button } from "antd";
import type { StarterType } from "~/lib";
import {
@@ -10,76 +9,53 @@ import {
import type { Updater } from "use-immer";
import type { Config } from "~/lib";
import { nanoid } from "nanoid";
+import {
+ ModalForm,
+ ProFormSelect,
+ ProFormText,
+} from "@ant-design/pro-components";
-const Starter = ({
+export default function Starter({
}: {
setConfigs: Updater>;
-}) => {
- const [modal, setModal] = useState(false);
+}) {
const required = [{ required: true }];
+ const makeOptions = (types: readonly string[]) =>
+ types.map((x) => ({ value: x, label: x }));
return (
- <>
- setModal(true)}>
- 新建
- 确定
- }
- onCancel={() => setModal(false)}
- >
- name="name" label="方案名称" rules={required}>
- name="data"
- label="笔画分类预设"
- rules={required}
- >
- name="keyboard"
- label="键盘布局预设"
- rules={required}
- >
- name="encoder"
- label="编码规则预设"
- rules={required}
- >
- >
+ layout="horizontal"
+ trigger={新建}
+ title="方案模板"
+ onFinish={async (values) => {
+ const config = createConfig(values);
+ setConfigs((configs) => {
+ configs[nanoid(9)] = config;
+ return undefined;
+ });
+ return true;
+ }}
+ >
-export default Starter;
diff --git a/src/components/TagPicker.tsx b/src/components/TagPicker.tsx
index 1622929..3bdb6c9 100644
--- a/src/components/TagPicker.tsx
+++ b/src/components/TagPicker.tsx
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { useAtom } from "jotai";
import { forwardRef } from "react";
import { tagsAtom, userTagsAtom } from "~/atoms";
-const TagPicker = forwardRef((_, ref) => {
+const TagPicker = forwardRef(() => {
const [tags] = useAtom(tagsAtom);
const [userTags, setUserTags] = useAtom(userTagsAtom);
diff --git a/src/components/Utils.tsx b/src/components/Utils.tsx
index 9d4b300..b92f5b7 100644
--- a/src/components/Utils.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Utils.tsx
@@ -2,33 +2,17 @@ import type { ColProps, RowProps } from "antd";
import {
- Flex,
- Space,
Select as _Select,
} from "antd";
import styled from "styled-components";
-import {
- getRecordFromTSV,
- getDictFromTSV,
- getDistributionFromTSV,
-} from "~/lib";
-import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import type { MouseEventHandler } from "react";
import DeleteOutlined from "@ant-design/icons/DeleteOutlined";
import PlusOutlined from "@ant-design/icons/PlusOutlined";
import MinusOutlined from "@ant-design/icons/MinusOutlined";
-import Root from "./Element";
-import {
- defaultDictionaryAtom,
- fetchAsset,
- frequencyAtom,
- keyDistributionAtom,
- pairEquivalenceAtom,
-} from "~/atoms";
-import { useSetAtom } from "jotai";
const ScrollableRow = styled(Row)`
height: 100%;
@@ -63,10 +47,12 @@ export const Select = styled(_Select)`
export const Uploader = ({
+ disabled,
}: {
action: (s: string) => void;
+ disabled?: boolean;
text?: string;
type?: "yaml" | "json" | "txt";
}) => {
@@ -90,12 +76,15 @@ export const Uploader = ({
- {text || "导入"}
+ {text || "导入"}
-type Click = { onClick: () => void; disabled?: boolean };
+interface Click {
+ onClick: MouseEventHandler;
+ disabled?: boolean;
export const PlusButton = ({ onClick }: Click) => {
return (
@@ -131,48 +120,3 @@ export const DeleteButton = ({ onClick, disabled }: Click) => {
-export const KeyList = ({
- keys,
- setKeys,
- allKeys,
-}: {
- keys: string[];
- setKeys: (s: string[]) => void;
- allKeys: string[];
-}) => {
- const [currentKey, setCurrentKey] = useState(allKeys[0]!);
- return (
- {keys.map((x, index) => (
- {x}
- ))}
- setKeys(keys.concat(currentKey))} />
- );
-export function LoadAssets() {
- const setF = useSetAtom(frequencyAtom);
- const setW = useSetAtom(defaultDictionaryAtom);
- const setKE = useSetAtom(keyDistributionAtom);
- const setPE = useSetAtom(pairEquivalenceAtom);
- fetchAsset("frequency", "txt").then((x) => setF(getRecordFromTSV(x)));
- fetchAsset("dictionary", "txt").then((x) => setW(getDictFromTSV(x)));
- fetchAsset("key_distribution", "txt").then((x) =>
- setKE(getDistributionFromTSV(x)),
- );
- fetchAsset("pair_equivalence", "txt").then((x) => setPE(getRecordFromTSV(x)));
- return null;
diff --git a/src/components/WordRules.tsx b/src/components/WordRules.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 17da3aa..0000000
--- a/src/components/WordRules.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-import { Flex, Select, Form, Cascader, Input, Space, Button } from "antd";
-import { useListAtom, wordRulesAtom } from "~/atoms";
-import { DeleteButton } from "./Utils";
-import { Config, wordLengthArray } from "~/lib";
-const defaultRules: NonNullable = [
- { length_equal: 2, formula: "AaAbBaBb" },
- { length_equal: 3, formula: "AaBaCaCb" },
- { length_in_range: [4, 10], formula: "AaBaCaZa" },
-export default function WordRules() {
- const [wordRules, appendRule, excludeRule, modifyRule] =
- useListAtom(wordRulesAtom);
- return (
- {wordRules.map((rule, index) => {
- return (
- {"length_equal" in rule ? (
- ) : (
- ({
- ...x,
- children: wordLengthArray.filter(
- (y) => y.value > x.value,
- ),
- }))}
- onChange={(value) => {
- modifyRule(index, {
- ...rule,
- length_in_range: value as [number, number],
- });
- }}
- />
- )}
- modifyRule(index, { ...rule, formula: e.target.value })
- }
- />
- excludeRule(index)} />
- );
- })}
- appendRule(defaultRules[0]!)}>添加规则
- appendRule(defaultRules[2]!)}>
- 添加规则(范围)
- );
diff --git a/src/components/changelog/ChangelogDrawer.tsx b/src/components/changelog/ChangelogDrawer.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37bc601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/changelog/ChangelogDrawer.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer } from "react";
+import * as A from "antd";
+import * as atoms from "~/atoms";
+//#region ChangelogDrawer default component
+export interface ChangelogDrawerProps {}
+export default function ChangelogDrawer(props: ChangelogDrawerProps) {
+ const Content = React.lazy(() => import("./changelog.mdx"));
+ const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
+ return (
+ <>
+ setOpen(true)}>
+ 更新历史
+ setOpen(false)}
+ closable
+ destroyOnClose
+ placement="right"
+ open={open}
+ >
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/src/components/changelog/changelog.mdx b/src/components/changelog/changelog.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..793f0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/changelog/changelog.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## v0.1.13
+1. 支持加载三键、四键当量模型
+2. 支持差指法的分级数量统计
+## v0.1.12
+1. 所有计算操作自动化,减少人机交互
+2. 在编码页面实时计算基本的测评数据
+3. 增加码表层面的统计功能(序列表层面的为「统计一」,码表层面的为「统计二」)
+## v0.1.11
+1. 修复 libchai 不支持固定键位的 bug
+2. 修复 libchai 在网页上计算 7 码以上方案的溢出问题
+3. 增强了序列表层面的分析功能
+4. 用户体验优化
+## v0.1.10
+1. 支持设置词间速度当量和差指法的权重
+2. 支持自定义字音
diff --git a/src/components/charts.css b/src/components/charts.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5f4a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/charts.css
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.g2-tooltip-list-item-value {
+ white-space: normal !important;
+ text-overflow: inherit !important;
diff --git a/src/components/export/charts.ts b/src/components/export/charts.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..905d6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/export/charts.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/** 请异步import此模块 */
+export { Column, Heatmap } from "@ant-design/charts";
diff --git a/src/components/export/s2react.ts b/src/components/export/s2react.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7050ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/export/s2react.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/** 异步引入 */
+export { SheetComponent } from "@antv/s2-react";
diff --git a/src/components/graph.ts b/src/components/graph.ts
index eff3b98..4e70870 100644
--- a/src/components/graph.ts
+++ b/src/components/graph.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
import type { Edge, Node } from "reactflow";
import type { BinaryCondition, Condition, Source, UnaryCondition } from "~/lib";
-import { add, sum } from "mathjs";
+import { add, sum } from "../lib/mathjs";
+import { createContext } from "react";
+export const CacheContext = createContext<{
+ sources: Record;
+ setSources: (sources: Record) => void;
+ conditions: Record;
+ setConditions: (conditions: Record) => void;
+ selected: string | undefined;
+ setSelected: (selected: string | undefined) => void;
+}>({} as any);
export type SourceData = Omit