Auto generated from the source code.
Float3 worldPos()
Returns world position of the currently calculated block.
Float3 worldPos(ComponentNode node)
Returns position of the provided component node in global world coordinates (only usable in structure generation).
Float3 worldPos(Float3 localPos)
Transforms world component-local position to world position.
Float select(Bool cond, Float thn, Float els)
Float2 select(Bool cond, Float2 thn, Float2 els)
Float3 select(Bool cond, Float3 thn, Float3 els)
Bool select(Bool cond, Bool thn, Bool els)
Block select(Bool cond, Block thn, Block els)
Rule select(Bool cond, Rule thn, Rule els)
ComponentNode select(Bool cond, ComponentNode thn, ComponentNode els)
If cond
is true
, returns thn
, else returns els
Float2 float2(Float x, Float y)
Float2 float2(Float v)
Constructs a 2-dimensional vector.
Float3 float3(Float x, Float y, Float z)
Float3 float3(Float2 xy, Float z)
Float3 float3(Float v)
Constructs a 3-dimensional vector.
Float x(Float2 vec)
Float x(Float3 vec)
Returns the x
component of a vector.
Float y(Float2 vec)
Float y(Float3 vec)
Returns the y
component of a vector.
Float z(Float3 vec)
Returns the z
component of a vector.
Float2 xy(Float3 vec)
Returns the x
and y
components of a vector.
Float2 normalize(Float2 v)
Float3 normalize(Float3 v)
Returns the vector normalized.
Float length(Float2 v)
Float length(Float3 v)
Returns euclidean length of a vector.
Float lengthExp(Float2 v, Float exp)
Float lengthExp(Float3 v, Float exp)
Returns length of a vector with the dimensional exponent being exp
(1 = manhattan, 2 = euclidean).
Float manhattanLength(Float2 v)
Float manhattanLength(Float3 v)
Returns manhattan length of a vector.
Float distance(Float2 vec1, Float2 vec2)
Float distance(Float3 vec1, Float3 vec2)
Returns euclidean distance between two vectors.
Float manhattanDistance(Float2 vec1, Float2 vec2)
Float manhattanDistance(Float3 vec1, Float3 vec2)
Returns manhattan distance between two vectors.
Float distanceTo(Float3 targetWorldPos)
Float distanceTo(Float2 targetWorldPos)
Returns distance from the current block to targetWorldPos
(in world coordinates).
Float distanceTo(ComponentNode node)
Returns distance from the current block to the provided component node.
Float distanceTo2D(Float3 targetWorldPos)
Returns distance from the current block to targetWorldPos
(in world coordinates). Only considers X and Y coordinates.
Float distanceToLine(Float3 p, Float3 a, Float3 b)
Returns distance of the point p
to a line defined by points a
and b
Float sampleOffset(Float variable, Float3 offset)
Float2 sampleOffset(Float2 variable, Float3 offset)
Float3 sampleOffset(Float3 variable, Float3 offset)
Bool sampleOffset(Bool variable, Float3 offset)
Block sampleOffset(Block variable, Float3 offset)
Rule sampleOffset(Rule variable, Float3 offset)
ComponentNode sampleOffset(ComponentNode variable, Float3 offset)
Returns value of variable
sampled on a world position of (worldPos() + offset
Float sampleAt(Float variable, Float3 worldPos)
Float2 sampleAt(Float2 variable, Float3 worldPos)
Float3 sampleAt(Float3 variable, Float3 worldPos)
Bool sampleAt(Bool variable, Float3 worldPos)
Block sampleAt(Block variable, Float3 worldPos)
Rule sampleAt(Rule variable, Float3 worldPos)
ComponentNode sampleAt(ComponentNode variable, Float3 worldPos)
Float sampleAt(Float variable, Float2 worldPos)
Float2 sampleAt(Float2 variable, Float2 worldPos)
Float3 sampleAt(Float3 variable, Float2 worldPos)
Bool sampleAt(Bool variable, Float2 worldPos)
Block sampleAt(Block variable, Float2 worldPos)
Rule sampleAt(Rule variable, Float2 worldPos)
ComponentNode sampleAt(ComponentNode variable, Float2 worldPos)
Returns value of variable
sampled on the given world position. The position doesn't have to be constant.
Float sampleAt(Float variable, ComponentNode node)
Float2 sampleAt(Float2 variable, ComponentNode node)
Float3 sampleAt(Float3 variable, ComponentNode node)
Bool sampleAt(Bool variable, ComponentNode node)
Block sampleAt(Block variable, ComponentNode node)
Rule sampleAt(Rule variable, ComponentNode node)
ComponentNode sampleAt(ComponentNode variable, ComponentNode node)
Returns value of variable
sampled on position of the given node.
Float2 sampleGradient2D(Float value, Float dist)
Returns 2D gradient of value
, calculated as float2(val[x + dist] - val[x - dist], val[y + dist] - val[y - dist]) / (1 + dist * 2)
Float sampleAvg2D(Float value, Float dist)
Float2 sampleAvg2D(Float2 value, Float dist)
Float3 sampleAvg2D(Float3 value, Float dist)
Samples at offsets (0,0), (dist,0), (-dist,0), (0,dist) and (0,-dist) and returns the average.`
Float biomeParam_nearest(Float var)
Float2 biomeParam_nearest(Float2 var)
Float3 biomeParam_nearest(Float3 var)
Bool biomeParam_nearest(Bool var)
Block biomeParam_nearest(Block var)
Rule biomeParam_nearest(Rule var)
ComponentNode biomeParam_nearest(ComponentNode var)
This function cannot be used in the WOGLAC language. There is a special syntax construct for biome params.
Returns value of variable $var of the nearest biome.
Float biomeParam_nearestSet(Float var)
Float2 biomeParam_nearestSet(Float2 var)
Float3 biomeParam_nearestSet(Float3 var)
Bool biomeParam_nearestSet(Bool var)
Block biomeParam_nearestSet(Block var)
Rule biomeParam_nearestSet(Rule var)
ComponentNode biomeParam_nearestSet(ComponentNode var)
This function cannot be used in the WOGLAC language. There is a special syntax construct for biome params.
Returns value of variable $var of the nearest biome that has the variable set.
Float biomeParam_weighted(Float var, Float exp)
Float2 biomeParam_weighted(Float2 var, Float exp)
Float3 biomeParam_weighted(Float3 var, Float exp)
This function cannot be used in the WOGLAC language. There is a special syntax construct for biome params.
Returns value of variable $var weighted across surrounding biomes. The $exp adjusts exponent for the individual weights (1 = linear interpolation).
Block spawn2D(Rule entryRule, Float maxRadius, Float seed, Float spawnZ, Bool spawnCondition)
Creates a structure procgen pass and returns generated blocks (block.undefined on places where nothing was generated to differentiate from generated block.air). Structures can expand up to maxRadius
chunks from the entry chunk. For each (x, y, spawnZ
) point in space, the entryRule
is expanded if spawnCondition
is true
Float3 localPos(Float3 worldPos)
Transforms world position to component-local position.
Float3 localPos()
Returns component-local position.
Float localSeed()
Returns component-local seed.
Float randC(Float seed)
Returns random value in range [0,1], constant everywhere.
Float randL(Float seed)
Returns random value in range [0,1], constant everywhere. Incorporates local seed of the currently generated structure (works similarly to randC(localSeed() + seed)
Float randPC(Float seed)
Returns random value in range [0,1], different for each chunk.
Float rand2D(Float seed)
Returns random value in range [0,1], different for every column.
Float rand3D(Float seed)
Returns random value in range [0,1], different for every block.
Float valueNoisePC(Float scale, Float seed, Float nodeValue)
Linearly interpolates between values at node points that are determined by nodeValue
. $scale has to be a whole number >= 1 or things might not work properly.
Float valueNoise2D(Float scale, Float seed, Float nodeValue)
Linearly interpolates between values at node points that are determined by nodeValue
. $scale has to be a whole number >= 1 or things might not work properly.
Float perlin2D(Float scale, Float seed)
Returns 2D Perlin noise value in range [-1,1]. $scale has to be a whole number >= 1 or things might not work properly.
Float perlin3D(Float scale, Float seed)
Returns 3D Perlin noise value in range [-1,1]. $scale has to be a whole number >= 1 or things might not work properly.
Float voronoi2D(Float scale, Float seed, Float resultType, Float metricExponent)
Returns 2D Voronoi-diagram based value. Use metricExponent = 2
for standard euclidean metric
-> distance to the edge (2ndDist-1stDist)resultType=1
-> distance to the nearest point (1stDist)resultType=2
-> 1stDist / 2ndDist
$scale has to be a whole number >= 1 or things might not work properly.
Float voronoi2DColored(Float scale, Float seed, Float resultType, Float metricExponent, Float coloring)
Same as voronoi2D, except each node now accepts coloring
; there are no edges between nodes of the same color. For that to work, there are special resultType
-> weighted distance from centerresultType=11
-> nearest point coloringresultType=12
-> weighted distance from border
$scale has to be a whole number >= 1 or things might not work properly.
Bool poissonDisc2DBool(Float seed, Float radius)
Spreads points pseudorandomly on the 2D plane. Each point has a radius
(2D dimensionality) that can be between 1 and 16. Distance of any two points is not less than sum of their radii. Returns true if there is a point on the current position or false if there isn't.
Float osimplex2D(Float scale, Float seed)
Returns 2D OpenSimplex 2 noise value in range [-1,1]. Implemented using FastNoise2 lib.
Float osimplex3D(Float scale, Float seed)
Returns 3D OpenSimplex 2 noise value in range [-1,1]. Implemented using FastNoise2 lib.
Float minPC(Float val)
Returns minimum value of val
across the entire chunk. Expects val
to have 2D
Float maxPC(Float val)
Returns maximum value of val
across the entire chunk. Expects val
to have 2D
Float min(Float a, Float b)
Float2 min(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Float3 min(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Returns minimum of the two values.
Float max(Float a, Float b)
Float2 max(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Float3 max(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Returns maximum of the two values.
Float smoothMin(Float a, Float b, Float k)
Returns smoothed minimum of the two values with smoothing radius k
Float smoothMax(Float a, Float b, Float k)
Returns smoothed maximum of the two values with smoothing radius `k .
Float clamp(Float v, Float min, Float max)
Float2 clamp(Float2 v, Float2 min, Float2 max)
Float3 clamp(Float3 v, Float3 min, Float3 max)
Returns value v
limited to bounds [min–max
Float clamp01(Float v)
Float2 clamp01(Float2 v)
Float3 clamp01(Float3 v)
Returns value v
limited to bounds [0-1].
Float mix(Float a, Float b, Float p)
Float2 mix(Float2 a, Float2 b, Float2 p)
Float3 mix(Float3 a, Float3 b, Float3 p)
Returns a * (1 - p) + b * p
Float abs(Float v)
Float2 abs(Float2 v)
Float3 abs(Float3 v)
Returns absolute value of the parameter
Float floor(Float v)
Float2 floor(Float2 v)
Float3 floor(Float3 v)
Returns absolute value of the parameter
Float ceil(Float v)
Float2 ceil(Float2 v)
Float3 ceil(Float3 v)
Returns absolute value of the parameter
Float round(Float v)
Float2 round(Float2 v)
Float3 round(Float3 v)
Returns absolute value of the parameter
Float fract(Float v)
Float2 fract(Float2 v)
Float3 fract(Float3 v)
Returns fractional part of the number x - trunc(x)
Float ffract(Float v)
Float2 ffract(Float2 v)
Float3 ffract(Float3 v)
Returns fractional part of the number x - floor(x)
Float pow(Float v, Float e)
Returns power of v
to the exponent e
Float sin(Float x)
Returns sin(x)
, x
is in radians.
Float cos(Float x)
Returns cos(x)
, x
is in radians.
Float inverse(Float a)
Float2 inverse(Float2 a)
Float3 inverse(Float3 a)
Returns negative value of the argument (-a
Float add(Float a, Float b)
Float2 add(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Float2 add(Float2 a, Float b)
Float3 add(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Float3 add(Float3 a, Float b)
Returns negative value of the argument (-a
Float sub(Float a, Float b)
Float2 sub(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Float2 sub(Float2 a, Float b)
Float3 sub(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Float3 sub(Float3 a, Float b)
Returns negative value of the argument (-a
Float mult(Float a, Float b)
Float2 mult(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Float2 mult(Float2 a, Float b)
Float3 mult(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Float3 mult(Float3 a, Float b)
Returns negative value of the argument (-a
Float div(Float a, Float b)
Float2 div(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Float2 div(Float2 a, Float b)
Float3 div(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Float3 div(Float3 a, Float b)
Returns negative value of the argument (-a
Float mod(Float a, Float b)
Float2 mod(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Float2 mod(Float2 a, Float b)
Float3 mod(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Float3 mod(Float3 a, Float b)
Floating point modulo (C++ fmod)
Bool logOr(Bool a, Bool b)
Floating point modulo (C++ fmod)
Bool logAnd(Bool a, Bool b)
Floating point modulo (C++ fmod)
Bool logNot(Bool a)
Floating point modulo (C++ fmod)
Bool bool(Block a)
Converts to bool (returns true
if the block is not block.undefined
, even with air.)
Bool compEq(Float a, Float b)
Bool compEq(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Bool compEq(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Bool compEq(Bool a, Bool b)
Bool compEq(Block a, Block b)
Bool compEq(Rule a, Rule b)
Bool compEq(ComponentNode a, ComponentNode b)
Bool compEq(Float2 a, Float b)
Bool compEq(Float3 a, Float b)
Converts to bool (returns true
if the block is not block.undefined
, even with air.)
Bool compNeq(Float a, Float b)
Bool compNeq(Float2 a, Float2 b)
Bool compNeq(Float3 a, Float3 b)
Bool compNeq(Bool a, Bool b)
Bool compNeq(Block a, Block b)
Bool compNeq(Rule a, Rule b)
Bool compNeq(ComponentNode a, ComponentNode b)
Bool compNeq(Float2 a, Float b)
Bool compNeq(Float3 a, Float b)
Converts to bool (returns true
if the block is not block.undefined
, even with air.)
Bool compLt(Float a, Float b)
Converts to bool (returns true
if the block is not block.undefined
, even with air.)
Bool compGt(Float a, Float b)
Converts to bool (returns true
if the block is not block.undefined
, even with air.)
Bool compLeq(Float a, Float b)
Converts to bool (returns true
if the block is not block.undefined
, even with air.)
Bool compGeq(Float a, Float b)
Converts to bool (returns true
if the block is not block.undefined
, even with air.)