This small program presents different algorithms that procedurally generate random levels for computer games. It was written during my thesis, a more detailed explanation of how the algorithms work can be found there. Controls:
SPACE - generate new level
S - choose scatter algorithm
R - choose Rogue algorithm
B - choose BSP algorithm
C - choose cave generation with cellular automata
V - choose alternative cave generation with drunken walk
Scatter: tries to place rooms with random size and position, rejects rooms that intersect with others and creates a new one instead; very inefficient
Rogue: generates level like the game 'Rogue'; divides the map in a grid and connects the grid cells, generates rooms or corridors in cells
BSP: binary space partitioning: divides the map vertically or horizontally in two submaps and keeps doing that until submaps are room-sized. this creates a tree-structure. rooms are created in leaves of the tree
Cellular Automata: uses cellular automata to generate a cave; all tiles are randomly created as wall or room; cells iteratively change their state depending on the neighbours states
Drunken Walk: very simple cave generation by simulating drunken person digging around (randomly choosing a new direction each step)