PGM - Portable Graymap
PBM - Portable Bitmap
Magic Number - Magic numbers are the first few bytes of a file that are unique to a particular file type. These unique bits are referred to as magic numbers, also sometimes referred to as a file signature. These bytes can be used by the system to “differentiate between and recognize different files” without a file extension.
Different Magic Numbers:
Magic Number | File Type | Extension | Type |
P1 | Portable Bitmap | PBM | ASCII |
P2 | Portable Graymap | PGM | ASCII |
P3 | Portable Pixmap | PPM | ASCII |
P4 | Portable Bitmap | PBM | Binary |
P5 | Portable Graymap | PGM | Binary |
P6 | Portable Pixmap | PPM | Binary |
Only P1, P2 magic numbers are used
Noise Reduction:: (For noise reduction we use structuring element/kernel/window of different sizes.)
- Average/Mean Filter
- Median Filter
Mean Filter - Superimpose the kernel on the image. Value at the center of the kernel is avg of the kernel.
- Example: for 3x3 kernel - image[i][j] =(kernel[i-1][j-1]+kernel[i-1][j]+kernel[i-1][j+1]+kernel[i][j-1]+kernel[i][j]+kernel[i][j+1]+kernel[i+1][j-1]+kernel[i+1][j]+kernel[i+1][j+1])/9
Median Filter - Superimpose the kernel on the image. Value at center of kernel is median of the kernel. We sort kernel elements & take median of them.
- Example: image[i][j] = median(kernel[i-1][j-1], kernel[i-1][j], kernel[i-1][j+1], kernel[i][j-1], kernel[i][j], kernel[i][j+1], kernel[i+1][j-1], kernel[i+1][j], kernel[i+1][j+1])
Binarization - Process of converting a multi-tone image into a two-tone image. Compute the threshold value of the multi-tone image using Otsu's Thresholding Algorithm. If value of a particular pixel is less than the threshold then we make it background(value = 1) and otherwise make that pixel foreground(value = 0).
Otsu's Algorithm::
- step-1: Histogram of the image
- step-2: Compute Between-Class Variance
- step-3: Find the Threshold value
Threshold Value - Pixel value for which b/w class variance is maximum.
Connected Components - 2 pixels are said to be connected if their pixel values are same and they are N4 or N8 neighbor of each other.
Morphological Operations - Morphological operations are mathematical operations applied on binary images for analysis and processing.
- Basic Types -
- Dilation
- Erosion
- Composed Types -
- Opening = erosion -> dilation
- Closing = dilation -> erosion
- Basic Types -
Line Detection - Detect where each line starts and ends.
Horizontal Projection Profile - Sum of all pixels within a row.