"Stranger Dimensions" is a 2D puzzle-platformer where players navigate and link the vibrant Vita with the desolate Void. Solve unique puzzles where actions in one world affect the other, and restore the balance disrupted by the fractured Relic of Union.
Clone the repository to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Unity 2022.3.18f1 (or newer)
- Visual Studio 2022 (or newer)
Open the project in Unity by navigating to the cloned repository folder.
- Use arrow keys to move the characters(A,D).
- Press 'Space' to jump or double jump.
- Press 'X' to switch between worlds.
- Press 'Q' to sync character to different worlds.
- Solve puzzles to collect items and progress through levels.
- Unity - The game engine used
- Visual Studio - IDE for scripting