A bridge to connect IPFS to Arweave https://www.arweave.org/
Click on the image to enlarge it
- only couple of requests
- handles compression / extractions for you (optional)
- easy to integrated with almost anything (logging, monitoring etc.)
- no ipfs running in the background needed, no hooverd needed
Tested on ubuntu 19.04
- Choose an IPFS gateway to your liking (or create one yourself)
- If you use Ubuntu, get the binary file iab, if not you'll have to build/run it
- Copy the configuration.json file in the same directory (modify it to your liking)
- run ./iab
- API will run on http://localhost:5555
- If you want to use it on other platforms, either use the Dockerfile or build it yourself
example: /api/transfer
"duration": "1.145424997s",
"id": "Qq2IE63kxOaZp7laJapQqyu1PUPPktGoSSyKTLI9iP4",
"payload_bytes": 14
POST a raw json body containing
{ "ipfs_hash": "THE_IPFS_HASH", "use_compression": BOOLEAN, "tags": [ { "key": "key1", "value": "value1" },... ] }
- hash the IPFS hash
- use_compression if you want the file compressed before sending it to arweave. (zip is used)
- tags (optional) if you want to add your own tags. (Note: the IPFS-Add tag is added automatically)
"ipfs_hash": "Qmc5gCcjYypU7y28oCALwfSvxCBskLuPKWpK4qpterKC7z",
"use_compression": false,
"tags": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "key2",
"value": "value2"
- duration gives you the time it took to get it from IPFS and to upload it to Arweave
- id represents the arweave transaction id
- Attention The transaction is NOT mined yet. You can get the status of a transaction by calling the API below
(it's up to the user how often they pool for the transaction status)
"duration": "1.145424997s",
"id": "Qq2IE63kxOaZp7laJapQqyu1PUPPktGoSSyKTLI9iP4",
"payload_bytes": 14
checkout the Dockerfile
docker build -t iab:1.0 .
docker run -p 5555:5555 iab:1.0
if you want to build it you need go >= 1.12 in the root directory run:
go build -o YOUR_BINARY_NAME
for installing go check: https://golang.org/doc/install it should build & run without problems on macOS & Windows
"debug": true,
"nodeURL": "https://arweave.net",
"ipfsGateway": "https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/",
"walletFile": "/path_to_your_wallet/arweave-wallet.json",
"cleanup": true,
"server": {
"host": "",
"port": 5555
- debug runs with much more verbosity
- nodeURL how to connect to arweave
- ipfsGateway - your IPFS gateway. See below
- walletFile the json AR wallet file location
- cleanup deletes the files after they get retrieved. use false if you want to debug things
- server's ip/port: how to run this API service
about IPFS gateway:
- https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/
- https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/
- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/
What if you want to host your own gateway ?
make sure you crete an api that will just accept a ipfs hash after the "/"
used to check if the service is alive
returns your balance of AR Tokens
"ar": "0.9996836928",
"winston": "999683692828"
example: /api/check_tx_arweave?transaction_id=bnRQhVkook_lPv8uxuDRcj-wC5R2nfVps-2qA6-81WU
the transaction details or it's status (ex: pending)
example: /api/ipfs?hash=QmbRmU9vYwH9Hhn1eH1WEFVS9sugpGSdJrfqtuZ329EgZA
content of the file from IPFS
example: /api/arweave?transaction_id=GyrTvuUBK9AgVLGBA8SsOHkUYmWApNqvJtMjJZZIvbQ&decode=BOOLEAN&extract=true
content of the file from Arweave
- decoded (true or false) if you want it decoded or not
- extract (true or false) if you posted zipped, it will unzip it
"payload": "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",
"tags": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key2": "value2"
- decoded (true or false) if you want it decoded or not
- extract (true or false) if you posted zipped, it will unzip it
https://github.com/Dev43/arweave-go -> for the transaction signing & sending code
fell free to create an issue
- compression
- docker
- golang-ci yml
- awaiting your idea
This project has a few principle-based goals that guide its development:
Limit dependencies. Keep the package lightweight.
Pure Go. This means no cgo or other external/system dependencies. This package should be able to stand on its own and cross-compile easily to any platform -- and that includes its library dependencies.
Idiomatic Go. Keep interfaces small, variable names semantic, vet shows no errors, the linter (golangci lint) is generally quiet, etc.
Well-documented. Use comments prudently; explain why non-obvious code is necessary (and use tests to enforce it). Keep the docs updated, and have examples where helpful.
Keep it efficient. This often means keep it simple. Fast code is valuable.
Consensus. Contributions should ideally be approved by multiple reviewers before being merged. Generally, avoid merging multi-chunk changes that do not go through at least one or two iterations/reviews. Except for trivial changes, PRs are seldom ready to merge right away.
Have fun contributing. Coding is awesome!
I welcome contributions and appreciate your efforts! However, please open issues to discuss any changes before spending the time preparing a pull request. This will save time, reduce frustration, and help coordinate the work. Thank you!
IPFS Arweave Bridge is released under the MIT license.