(./)mvnw.cmd clean install
java -Xmx1G -jar target\TestTaskJob-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar big-data.csv
The algorithm was created for grouping large data (over 100,000 rows) - memory consumption limit 1 GB
- "12.1";"2";""
- "1";"2";""
- "3";"2";""
- "4";"6";"";"2";""
- "4";"3";"2"
- "";"";"2"
Group 1
- "12.1";"2";""
- "3";"2";""
Group 2
- "4";"6";"";"2";""
- "4";"3";"2"
- "";"";"2"
Duplicate values are removed, matching only non-empty strings.
- Group 1 - common "2" in the first and second line
- Group 2 - common "4" in the first and second line and "2" in the second and third line