This is a NestJS application designed to manage various aspects of a library system. The application includes features such as user management, book management, and loan management. The application is built with a modular architecture to ensure scalability and maintainability.
- User Management: Create, update, and delete user profiles.
- Book Management: Add, update, and remove books from the catalog.
- Author Management: Add, update and remove authors from the catalog
- Loan Management: Manage book loans, including creating, updating, and tracking loan status.
- Role-Based Access Control: Secure endpoints based on user roles.
- Authentication: JWT-based authentication and refresh token handling.
You can explore the API using Swagger UI. Here's how to access the API documentation:
- Swagger UI: Visit Swagger UI to view and interact with API endpoints.
Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following variables. Don't forget to replace the placeholders with your actual data.
# Database
## Token
ACCESS_KEY_EXPIRATION_TIME={your_access_key_expiration_time} // e.x 15m
npm run migration:run