The Recipe API Backend allows performing following operation. Equipped with state of art Spring caching
for faster responses and 🔐 Stateless REST JWT based Bearer token
authentication support with containerization suport with 🐳 Dockerfile
- Create Recipe
- Edit created recipe
- Delete created recipes
- Retrieve all recipes with pagination support
- Retrieve recipe with detailed instruction
- Create User
- Login with user details
- Validations for recipe creation and update are assumed as
- recipeName should be at least 5 characters
- cuisine, course and instructionText should be at least 3 characters
- serves,prepTime,cookingTime and instructionNumber should always be non-zero positive number
- name,unit and quantity of ingredient should be not empty
- Validations for users
- username and password should be at least 8 characters long.
- Only the user who created recipe can edit,update or delete the recipe
- Java 8
- Spring-Boot
- In-Memory Database H2
- Maven
- Git bash
- Checkout the code / Download from git repo()
- checkout : open git bash and run command
git clone
- Option 1: Maven way of running
- open command prompt(cmd) or terminal on Mac
- navigate to the project folder
- run command
mvn clean install
- once its successfully build run command
mvn spring-boot: run
- Option 2: Docker way of running
- Open terminal and run
- Open terminal and run
Now application is up and running on http://localhost:8080
- Open the URL in your browser : http://localhost:8080
- User will see a swagger page with all the defined specs of the service.
- There will have 2 Tags you can see.
- Endpoint 1:
POST /users/signup
- Allows creation of user
- Endpoint 2:
POST /users/signin
- Allows user to login
- On providing correct credential in request the response provides Bearer token in header which can be used for calling further API
- All the below endpoints are secured with stateless JWT authentication.
- All request to below Endpoints should contain custom header
with value containingBearer {JWT}
- Endpoint 1:
POST /recipe/create
- Allows creation of recipes with above-mentioned validations
- Endpoint 2:
GET /recipe/{recipeId}
- Response contains detailed recipe with all instructions and ingredients as part of recipe
- Endpoint 3:
PUT /recipe/{recipeId}
- Allows update of existing recipe with above-mentioned validations
- Only the creator user can Update recipe
- Endpoint 4:
DELETE /recipe/{recipeId}
- Allows deletion of recipe created previously
- Only the creator user can delete recipe
- Endpoint 5:
GET /recipe/
- Gets all the recipes with pagination support with default page size 0
####Running application
- Run application using
mvn spring-boot: run
orjava -jar /target/recipe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080
- under
tab you can create user or use already created user to authenticate - to create user use
endpoint - to Use default user for application use below JSON object for
- It will return response header
with JWT token - Copy the value in
header - On top left corner click on Authorize button and enter copied value
Now you should be able to call all the APIs without needing to specify authorization
header manually