supervisor computer: localization, control, and vehicle interface
perception computer: sensor interface, perception, and planning
- dbw: subscribe control command
- dbw_read: subscribe control command; read CAN bus data, convert to ROS2 topic
- joy_control: subscribe joystick input and publish contorl command
- Dbw: define control command
- [PGNs]: vehicle CAN bus data msg
- vectornav: gnss-ins-imu driver
- vectornav_msgs: gnss-ins-imu msg
- pid: control vehicle speed only
- pp_pid: pure pursuit for steering control, pid for speed control
- track_log: log x,y,heading data from imu, convert to .csv file
- path_visual: visualize track
default joystick input frequency at 20Hz:
ros2 run joy joy_node
set joystick input frequency as 40Hz:
ros2 run joy joy_node --ros-args -p autorepeat_rate:=40.0
control the vehicle only:
ros2 run dbw dbw
control the vehicle and read CAN bus data:
ros2 run dbw dbw_read
launch with modified configuratuion file:
ros2 launch vectornav
ros2 run joy joy_node
ros2 run joy_control joy_control
ros2 run dbw dbw
ros2 launch joy_control
ros2 launch vectornav
ros2 run dbw dbw
ros2 run gps_nav pp_pid
ros2 launch vectornav
ros2 run gps_nav track_log