- Load an image from the camera and save it to the local directory.
- Load an image from a file and resize it to a specific dimension.
- Load an image from the URL https://aibauchi.com.ng/logo.png and convert it to grayscale.
- Load the grayscale image from Day 3 and remove the image background.
- Draw a circle on the live camera feed in real-time.
- Annotate your username and the date on the lower-left corner of the CV camera frame and display it in real-time.
- Perform Blob analysis using the convexity feature on an image from 'images/day6.jpg'.
- Apply Canny edge detection to the live video feed from the camera.
- Perform image smoothing using OpenCV averaging.
- Implement the median blur operation using OpenCV.
- Apply Gaussian blur to an image using OpenCV.
- Implement a bilateral filter on an image using OpenCV.
- Utilize adaptive thresholding to create a pencil sketch effect on the live camera feed.
- Implement contour detection and shape identification on any image. Refer to OpenCV documentation for implementation details.
- Detect basic shapes like circles, rectangles, and triangles using contour properties and annotate them
- Create a program that allows the mouse to be used as a paintbrush on a frame from the camera feed. Refer to OpenCV documentation for implementation details.
- Implement live face detection using OpenCV.
- Refer to YouTube - OpenCV Face Detection tutorial for guidance.
- Implement facial recognition using only the
Python libraries. - Refer to MyGreatLearning - Face Recognition tutorial for guidance.
- Load and display the first 20 digits from the Keras Handwriting MNIST dataset.
- Include demo code to load the dataset.
from keras.datasets import mnist
# Load the MNIST dataset
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
# Display the first 20 images
# Add code snippet here
- Build a deep learning model with the architecture (32x64x128x32x10) using TensorFlow.
- Train the model on the MNIST dataset from Day 18 and save the model.
- Load the model built on Day 19 and perform hyperparameter tuning to improve the model's accuracy. Use grid search or random search techniques to find the best hyperparameters.